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1、175个事半功倍的方法介绍Want to get things done faster so you can accomplish more of your long-term goals? Okay. Wed all like that to happen. But the question we finally have to ask is, “How can I do that get more things done in less time?This book is loaded with ideas. But to get more done in less time, we ha

2、ve to make choices and remember it is your life were talking about. Now, dont expect smoke and mirrors here. And dont look to magically pull a few extra hours for your day out of thin air. Nope, theres no magic formula. But, between the front and back covers of this book youll find 175 really, reall

3、y good suggestions that will help you get things done fasterand usually better.Notice, too this book cuts to the chase: No flowery prose. No unnecessary charts or diagrams. Just good, common sense suggestions that will help you make conscious decisions to increase your quality of life. Search for th

4、at nugget of wisdom that will give you 10, 20, or 30 extra minutes a day. Then find anotherand anotherand another.You may also want to try this approach: Select one or two of the tips each week. Describe the tip briefly with your staff at your team meeting and ask for everyone to try this weeks tip.

5、 Every environment is different, but chances are that some will stick with your team and result in exponential time savings for all involved.Before you know it, youre back in control actually achieving those goals youve set for yourself.What better time to get started than the present? Like today!Re

6、memberthe meter is ticking!你是否需要更快的做完事情这样你就可以完成更多的长期目标?好的。我们都希望会发生这样的事情。但是我们不得不问这样一个问题“我该如何来做,如何用更少的时间完成更多的事情呢?”这本书充满了方法。但是要事半功倍,我们必需做出选择并且要记住我们现在谈论的是你自己的生活。不要期望在这里可以找到幻像,也不要期望无中生有的你每天会多出几个小时。不,这里没有神奇的定律。但是,在这本书里面你会找到175个非常非常好的建议,这些建议会帮助你将事情做的更快通常也会更好。同时请注意这本书没有如下的修饰:华丽的散文 、不必要的图表很好,常识性的建议会帮助你进行有意识的

7、决策而提高你的生活质量。寻找天然的智慧将帮助你每天得到额外的10、20或者30分钟。然后你会发现更多、更多你也许也会想这么尝试:每一个星期选择一个或者两个技巧。在你的团队会议上向每个人简单的描述一下这个诀窍然后要求每个人这一个星期都去尝试这个诀窍。每一个环境都是不同的,但是极有可能是你的团队会坚持使用某个诀窍并且为你们所有的人额外的时间。在你知道之前,你需要回答你的控制之下实际达成了你为你自己设定的目标。还有比现在更合适的时间来让我们开始吗?就是今天!记住,万里之行始于足下!一、Getting StartedOn The Right Foot“Nothing is so fatiguing a

8、s the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.” William James1It always helps to know where your time is going. So, keep track of how you spend your time for two weeks. Sound dull? Boring, maybe? So cut it down to a couple of days. Surprise! Most of your log will show youre investing your time in

9、people or things not really important to you or your goals. 开始 从正确的脚步开始“没有那一件事情比牵挂着一件无法完成的任务更劳累的” William James1知道你的时间花在哪里永远都是很有用的。所以记录一下你是如何使用两周时间的。听起来是不是很无趣?也许是令人厌烦的。所以将它分成几段时间。好惊奇!你的记录将显示你的大部分时间都花在对你来说不是最重要的目标上面。Smilebox: 我曾经给出过一个在线时间追溯的Web2.0网站Tick的链结,大家或许可以尝试一下2Focus, focus, focus on STARTING t

10、asks rather than finishing them. The greatest challenge is taking the first step and getting started. (Ah yes doesnt that feel good?)2专注、再专注,专注于开始一项任务比完成他们更重要。最重要的挑战就是开始第一步。(是不是感觉很好?)3Every day something unexpected is going to happen. Count on it! So, set aside some “Oops time!” Dont let these emerg

11、encies disrupt the rest of your day. Plan for them, act on them and then get back to work. 每天都会有不可预料的事情发生。算上它,所以预留一点“机动时间”!不要让这些紧急事件来打乱你的生活。计划他们,完成他们然后马上回来先前的工作上。4Think on paper. Writing things down minimizes confusion and stress. Write down your goals, to-do lists, and even the problems that youre

12、working on. Youll find putting things on paper usually clarifies the situation. Committing things to memory can be a waste of brain power, not to mention a poor storage device as well.4把思考用纸记录下来。把事情写下来可以使你的困惑和压力减小到最小。写下你的目标,待执行清单,甚或你正在解决的问题。你会发现将事情写在纸上将澄清现在的状况。把所有的事情存在脑子里是对大脑的一种浪费,更不要说是一个很糟糕的记忆装置了。5

13、Categorize your To Do list into A, B, and C priorities. “A” priorities are the activities that are critical for your success. “B” priorities are important but not critical. “C” priorities would be nice to do if you get the time. Begin with your “A” priorities and work your way to the “nice to do” it

14、ems.将你的待完成任务清单分成A,B和C三个优先级。A代表对于你的成功很关键的活动,B则表示很重要但是还不够关键的活动,C表示如果你有时间完成则很不错的事情。从A开始最后到最好完成的事情。6Heres a suggestion that will help everyone: create a “talk” file for your boss, subordinates, peers and even your customers. Unless it is a real emergency, wait until you have at least two items in the fi

15、le before calling that person with your questions.这里有一个对每一个人都很有帮助的建议:为你的老板、同事甚或你的客户准备一个“谈话”文件。除非非常紧急,等到你的文件里至少有两个问题的时候再打电话给你有问题的那个人。7Get a spiral-bound notebook, date it, and keep all your notes in the book for future reference. Quit writing on loose papers or sticky notes that tend to get lost. 准备一

16、个螺旋订装的笔记本,并且保持把你所有的备注情况记在上面作为以后的参考。不要把这些内容记在很容易丢失的单页的纸上或者N次贴上。8Try something new. Read (really) the instruction manual that came with your electronic organizer. Even better, try the manufacturers web site to find new software updates and releases that may further your productivity. Bet you will find

17、 several time management tools you havent used. Let the organizer do the work so you can spend less time organizing yourself.尝试一下新鲜事物。仔细阅读你的电子记事本所附带的操作指导。如果可以的话,尝试着去软件生产商的网站看看是否有新的软件更新发布,它将提升你的工作效率。你总会发现几个你从没有使用过的时间管理工具。让你的记事本做更多的工作这样你自己就可以在整理方面少做一些工作了。9Use only one time management system. Whether y

18、ou choose an electronic or paper system, one consistent system will eliminate much wasted time spent searching for information至少使用一个时间管理系统。不管你是使用电子的还是纸质的,一个持续使用的系统将会在搜寻信息方面减少很多时间的浪费。10Abracadabra! Take a speed-reading course. You could already be a lot further along in this book!胡言乱语!参加一个速读课程。你也许已经远

19、远超过现在读这本书的进度了。11How about all those passwords? Tough to remember? Simplify your passwords and have a logical, easy to remember reason for selecting each. Trying to remember a password is frustrating and a total waste of time. You may want to select passwords that can be typed on the keyboard with on

20、e hand so your other hand is free.那些密码怎么样?强行的记住?简化你的密码并且用一个有逻辑的、容易记忆的办法来选择每一个密码。试图记住一个密码是无效的并且很浪费时间。你应该试图选择一个你可以用一只手输入的密码,这样你的另一只手就空下来了。12Take a Saturday and devote two hours to reorganizing yourself. Take a fresh look at how you are organized and look for opportunities to improve. You will probably

21、 discover several areas where you can eliminate some personal time wasters simply by becoming a little better organized.利用周六的两个小时来组织一下你自己。看一下最近你是怎么样的然后看看有没有提升的机会。你也许将会发现几个你可以只要更好的组织一下就可以减少个人时间浪费的地方。一三。Create a “quiet time” for planning. Let everyone know your closed door means “do not disturb” unles

22、s there is an emergencyor someone in your family calls.为作计划专门留一个“安静时间”。让每一个人都知道这个时候不用去打扰你除非有什么紧急的情况或者有你家里人的电话。14Throw things away! Yes, even those ticket stubs from the last football game. Ask yourself, “What is the worst thing that could happen if I throw this away?” Most of the time, you can live

23、with your answer, so start filling that wastebasket!把没用的东西都扔掉!即使是你上次看足球留下了的票。问一下你自己“如果我把这个东西扔了,最糟糕的事情是什么?”在大多数情况下你都知道你都不会有大问题,所以马上开始打算填满你的垃圾桶吧!一五Date stamp (ker-chunk) every item that hits your desk. This will help you decide when to file or throw away the paper.在你桌子上的所有文件都盖上一个日期戳。这对你决定什么时候把这些纸张是归档还

24、是扔掉有帮助。16If you get heartburn from throwing paper away, create a drawer or file to store your stuff for 90 days. If you have not used it within 90 days, you can safely throw those “keepers” away.如果你对扔掉你的那些纸张感觉很头痛,那么你就找一个专门的文件夹来存放这些这些东西并90天。如果你在90天之内没用用到,那你就可以把他们扔掉了。17Still not comfortable even after

25、 the 90 days? Then find the “office pack rat” and become their new best friend. Someone around the office has a copy of every memo and report from the past 10 years. Love that person but throw your trash away. 如果在90天处理仍然感觉不舒服?那么就去找一个办公室的搜集专家并且成为他们的好朋友。办公室里总有些人即使一张备忘录和报告也会保存10年。喜欢这些人吧但是要把你的垃圾处理掉。一八Tr

26、ust me on this, too! Most of all filed materials over a year old are never needed again. Archive the files and get them out of your way. If possible handle the paper only once and avoid the “Ill just put it here for now” habit.也请你相信我!大部分一年以上的文件也不再被需要再被使用到了。把这些文件归档然后拿开。如果可能的话把这些东西一次性处理掉以避免“我只是把这些东西暂时

27、放在这里”的习惯。19The key to paper management KEEP IT MOVING! (Now, how simple can we get?) Move the paper to your out basket, your file, your “to read” folder or to your trash. Dont let paper just sit.对于文件管理的关键在于让它处于运动状态!(现在,我们是多么的简单?)把你的文件移动到文件栏里、你的文档中、你的待阅读文件夹中或者垃圾箱中。但是不要让他们只是躺在那里。20Wait! Do these three

28、 things before you leave the office: (1) clear your desk, (2) plan tomorrows activities and (3) enter your next days to-do list in your organizer. Then go home. Planning the next day before you leave reduces stress and allows you to enjoy your time away from the office.等等!在你离开办公室之前完成三件事情:(1)清洁你的桌面,(

29、2)计划明天的活动和(3)输入你的第二天的待完成事情清单。然后你可以回家了。在离开之前规划好第二天的事情可以减轻你的压力使得你可以在离开办公室后更好的享受你的自由时间。二、Your Work SpaceHome Sweet HomeWhats mans best friend (besides the dog)? The wastebasket! Business Week你的工作空间甜蜜的家男人最好的朋友是谁(除了狗之外)?废纸篓商业周刊21Okay, listen up! Clear your deskNOW! Despite what some people believe, a clu

30、ttered desk does not indicate genius. Au contraire! It signals confusion and creates stress. Even mini-clutter will grow and eventually fill every inch. Keep your desk clear of everything except your project du jour and your family picture.好,请注意一下!把你的工作桌整理干净现在!不管是否如何某些人所相信的那样,一个杂乱的桌子决不意味着后面有一个天才。相反,

31、它发出了混乱的信号并且制造了压力。即使只是稍微的一点杂乱也会逐渐的加剧最后占领每一寸地方。所以保持你桌面的干净除了你的工作和你家人的照片。22Get rid of that paper! Shuffling and reshuffling paper from pile to pile or file to file wastes time and keeps you from focusing on what needs to get done. Find a gigantic wastebasket and fill it up. The larger the wastebasket, t

32、he more you will use it. Throwing things away then becomes an art. Enjoy! 把那些纸处理掉!从一堆移到到另一堆或者从一个文件移到另一个文件只会浪费时间并且让你一直看着哪些需要去做。找一个尽可能大的废纸篓并且把这些纸全部扔进去。废纸篓越大,你可以用的就越多。如何扔掉这些东西将成为一个艺术。享受它吧!23Files should not be an obstacle course. Put your most often reviewed files at the front of the cabinet. Here is a

33、 test to see if your current filing system works. Within two minutes, can you retrieve any paper you need? Go. If you failed the test you are wasting time searching through your files.文件不应该成为超越障碍训练场。把你经常需要使用的文件放在抽屉口。有一个测试可以用来检测你现在的归档系统是否运行良好。在两分钟之内,你是否可以找到任何你想要找到的纸?如果不可以那么说明你在文件夹里面寻找而浪费了时间。24Never c

34、lear off your desk by randomly throwing things in a drawer. Gotcha! You will eventually have to go through that drawer. Instead, create a logical system for storing these items in your desk. 不要为了整理你的桌子而随便把东西扔进抽屉里。我明白了!你将最终需要检查你每一个抽屉。实际上,你应该创建一个有逻辑的存储系统来放置你的东西。25A picture or two on your desk is proba

35、bly not distracting, but limit pictures to a special few. The more pictures on your desk, the more distractions and interruptions you invite.如果只是一张或者两张照片在你的桌子上还不怎么会影响你,但是把照片数量限制在一个尽可能少的范围内。你桌上的照片越多,干扰和影响你的因素就越多。26Organize your desktop! If you are right-handed, make sure the phone is located on the l

36、eft side of your desk. You want to keep the right side of the desk (and your right hand) free to take notes. Just the opposite for lefties.组织一下你的工作桌!如果你习惯使用右手,那么确保你的电话被放在你的左手边。你需要空出你桌子的右边来做笔记。对左撇子则相反。Right-handed people should place the calculator on the right side of their desk. Ditto the above for

37、 southpaws, the proud but under-represented!习惯右手的人应该把计算器放在你的右边。左撇子的人则相反。27Avoid glass desktops. They glare and are hard to keep clean. You dont need to spend valuable time wiping off fingerprints.尽量避免使用玻璃桌子。它们比较耀眼并且很难保持干净。你不需要用很多有价值的时光来擦除手指印。28If a report comes across your desk that you cant use, no

38、tify the sender and ask to be deleted from distribution. The key question to ask is, “Would I pay for this report if I had to?” If not, get rid of it. 如果你桌上有一份你用不到的报告,请提醒发放这份报告的人把你从收件清单中删除掉。关键的问题在于“我是否必需偿还这份文件”,如果不是的话则马上处理掉。29If you only use a few lines of a report, ask for a reformat, if possible.

39、Four pages when you need four lines just doesnt make sense does it? 如果你只是需要用到一份报告里面的几行,如果有可能的话则要一个简化版。你只需要四行内容,却需要拥有四张纸没什么意义不是吗?三、“If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it.” Olin Miller“如果你想让一件很简单的事情变得很难完成,那么就尽量拖延着不要去做。”Olin MillerThe Work Environment: Color Y

40、our WorldProductive工作环境:美化你的世界生产率30Now hear this! Never say “yes” without considering the time investment you are committing. Having the courage to say “no” to requests that are inappropriate or unnecessary could be your most effective time management tool! 现在再来看看这个!不要在没有对你的承诺仔细考虑一下时间投资之前就说“是”。对不是很合

41、适或者不是必需的要求有勇气去说“不”实际上是你最有效的时间管理工具。31Take the time to understand the role of every department in your organization. This time invested up front will eliminate your “panic” when someone has an urgent request outside your department.花点时间去了解你们企业里面每个部门所担当的角色。这点时间的投资会减少当你接到其它部门的紧急请求的时候惊慌失措的时间。33Copy the w

42、orld every time you send a memo? But, realistically, does “the world” really care? When writing a memo or sending an e-mail, only distribute to the people who really need to know the information. Some of “the world” feels obligated to respond and then everyones time is wasted. 每次你发一份备忘的时候是否每个人都会收到?但

43、是事实上每个人都会关心吗?当写一份备忘或者发送一份邮件的时候,请仅仅发给确实需要的人。有些人会觉得他有义务需要回复他收到的每个消息这样大家的时间都被浪费了。34Want to get your written point across fast? Limit your sentences to fifteen words. 你想写得更快一点?请你每个句子都不要超过一五个词。(备注:这条好像对中文不是很适用)35Are you really listening! Every time you say, “But I thought you said,” you might as well be

44、saying, “I wasted all this time doing the wrong thing.” Listen, clarify, and make sure you understand the task before going forward. It is a good time investment for both parties.你确认你真正听明白了!每一次你说“我以为你说的是”的时候,你实际上是在说“我浪费了很多的时间在做错一件事情”。在开始执行你的任务之前,请听好,澄清并且确保你真正理解无误。这对双方来说都是划算的时间投资。36Is it your job to

45、pick up every ball that someone drops? Avoid this label at all costs! Think about it!你的工作就是处理别人的烂摊子?不要被人这么以为。好好想清楚。37Dont try to solve other peoples problems. You may be empathetic to their situation, but if you spend your time solving their problems, Surprise! Their next problem will become yours,

46、too! The best thing you can do is help others learn how to solve their own problems.不要试图解决别人的问题。你也许可以理解别人的出境,但是不要用自己的时间去解决别人的问题。如果这样的话,下次那个问题也是属于你的。你能做的就是帮助别人去学习怎么解决他们自己的问题。四、InterruptionsThe Office Plague “Got a minute? never means just one minute. Before you answer, always ask, Whats this about?”

47、Alec Mackenzie打断办公室的苦恼“你有一分钟吗”从不意味着只需要一分钟。在你回答之前需要先问一下“是关于什么事情的?” Alec Mackenzie38“Hey, you got a minute?” Thats a question, not a demand. Dont get angry with the interrupter if you answered, “Sure!” to their question. General rule: If you cannot eliminate the interruption, make the interruption as

48、short as possible. “嗨,你有一分钟吗?”这是一个问题而不是命令。如果你对这个问题回答“当然”的时候,就不要因为被打断而生气。一般规则:如果你不难避免被打断那么就尽量使这个中断越短越好。39When people arrive to interrupt, meet them at the door and talk outside your office. Letting them in may add minutes to the interruption. 当有人要过来打扰的时候,尽量在办公室的门外接待他们进行交谈。把他们让进办公室会躲增加几分钟的时间。40Stand up! When someone shows up unannounced, keep standing until you decide if yo


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