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1、辅音爆破音,元音,i: i e : a: : u: u,ai ei i auu i u,单元音,双元音,辅音:按照声带振动方式分类,p t k f s t ts tr h,b d g v z d dz dr r l j w,清辅音,浊辅音,(声带不震动,只送气),(声带震动,不送气),按照发音方法分类,爆破音: p b t d k g摩擦音:f v s z h r 破擦音:t d ts dz tr dr 鼻音: m n 半元音: j w边音: l,发音器官图,一、整装待发:爆破音,辅音 p辅音 b辅音 t辅音 d辅音 k 辅音 g,1、辅音 p,ay put sip cup open 支付 放

2、 吮吸 杯子 开发音方法:紧闭双唇,阻止气流流出然后突然分开双唇,气流冲出口腔,同时发出爆破的声音3.发音时声带不震动,p,1、辅音 p,单词精读练习:pocket口袋space空间pay支付Spain西班牙paper纸spark火花,s 后面的发音变化,s,p,t,k,sport speak,- b,star stop,sky skin,- d,- g,1、辅音 p,短语速读练习:paint a picture画一幅画a pretty present一件漂亮的礼物a piece of paper一张纸pay the bill付账单a very expensive purse一个很贵的钱包,1

3、、辅音 p,绕口令口腔肌肉练习:Peters plane is plainly painted.Peter的飞机画得很简单清楚。Peter is paid plenty to paint planes.Peter画飞机赚了很多钱。,2、辅音 b,club tube garbage lab rabbit 俱乐部 管子 垃圾 实验室 兔子发音方法:先将双唇紧闭,憋住气然后分开双唇,气流冲出口腔,同时发出爆破的声音3.是浊辅音,发音时送气力量稍弱,声带震动,b,2、辅音 b,单词精读练习:bus公共汽车boat船box盒子build建造bird鸟beach沙滩,2、辅音 b,短语速读练习:black

4、 and blue青一块紫一块bread and butter黄油面包as blind as a bat瞎得厉害Beauty and the Beast美女与野兽,3、辅音 t,tell night ticket turtle ten 告诉 晚上 票子 海龟 十发音方法:舌尖先紧贴上齿龈,憋住气然后舌尖迅速下降,使气流冲出口腔,从而形成爆破音,但不震动声带,t,3、辅音 t,单词精读练习:table桌子time时间light光 telephone电话water水tool 工具,3、辅音 t,句子一口气快读练习:Ted is taller than Tom.Ted比Tom高。Not at all

5、.没什么。Lets have a rest. 让我们休息一下。,3、辅音 t,绕口令口腔肌肉练习:Two ticket takers took a taxi.两个有票子的人坐了出租车。,4、辅音 d,dog deep card bed bird 狗 深的 卡片 床 鸟发音方法:舌尖紧贴上齿龈,憋住气舌尖迅速下降,使气流冲出口腔3.送气的力量较弱,声带震动,d,4、辅音 d,单词精读练习:day日子under在下面dark黑暗的 red红的good好的 mind介意,4、辅音 d,短语速读练习:a different idea一个不同的想法a cold day寒冷的一天cry aloud sud

6、denly突然大声喊a good child一个好孩子,5、辅音 k,key desk card cup cold 钥匙 桌子 卡片 杯子 寒冷的发音方法:舌后部隆起,紧贴软腭,憋住气舌后部迅速降低,使气流冲出口腔发音时声带不震动,k,5、辅音 k,常见字母及发音组合:k: like, keepch: chemistry, headache 喜欢, 保持 化学,头痛c: cat, comecc: account, accuse 猫, 来 账户, 指责,控告ck: cock, sick公鸡, 生病的,5、辅音 k,单词精读练习:occur发生ski滑雪cool凉爽的kite风筝lock锁sky天

7、空school学校knock敲,5、辅音 k,短语速读练习:a colorful picture一张色彩丰富的画take care当心a black desk一张黑色的书桌look at the kite看这只风筝a cute clock一只可爱的钟,5、辅音 k,句子一口气快读练习:Care killed a cat.I like chocolate. 我喜欢巧克力。Practice makes perfect.He was killed in a car accident. 他死于车祸。,忧能伤身。,熟能生巧。,5、辅音 k,绕口令口腔肌肉练习:Keep clean socks in a

8、clean sock stack.把干净的短袜放在干净的短袜堆里。Keep clean stockings in a clean stocking stack.把干净的长袜放在干净的长袜堆里。,6、辅音 g,leg glass gate goose again 腿 玻璃 门 鹅 再,又发音方法:先将舌后部隆起,紧贴软腭,憋住气舌后部迅速降低,使气流冲出口腔3.发音时,声带震动,g,6、辅音 g,常见字母及发音组合:g: game, girl 游戏, 女孩gg: egg, luggage鸡蛋, 行李,6、辅音 g,单词精读练习:guide指引guess猜guest客人go去beg乞求guy家伙,

9、伙计good好的get得到dog狗great伟大的,6、辅音 g,短语速读练习:forget the exam忘记那个考试a great gun 一把好枪get angry with a guy生一个家伙的气green grass绿色的草as good as gold,(小孩)很乖,6、辅音 g,句子一口气快读练习:He has gone to the school gate.他已经去校门了。A good beginning makes a good ending.He gazed at the fat goose with a gun.他拿着枪,盯着那只肥鹅。,善始才能善终。,-ErIm B

10、aker.-Baker? With a B. Of course.-Yes, with a B.-Wont you come in, Mr. Baker.-Thank you, Mr. Parker.,-How do you do? Im Parker.-How do you do, Mr. Baker.-Parker-Oh, Parker with a P.-Yes, with a P.,-I love you, Miss Brown.-But how can I believe you, Mr. Black.-Im jump over the balcony, Miss Brown.-Ju

11、mp over the balcony, Mr. Black?,-Itll prove my love, Miss Brown.-Itll break your back, Mr. Black.-Then save me and take me back.,-Whats the date today?-December the fifteenth.The day after tomorrow is little Toms birthday.-Right. What present should we give him this time?By the way, how old is he?,-Hes still thirteen today and tomorrow.Hell be fourteen the day after tomorrow.Lets get him a remote controlled toy truck.-How time flies!He is a big boy now.-And dont forget Mary, Toms twin sister. Its her birthday, too. -Ok. Lets invite all their little friends to come and celebrate.,


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