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1、Table of ContentsTo update the table of contents, select the message below and press F9No table of contents entries found.1. Pages1.1. Page Tree1) 购物车2) 网上支付3) 网上支付付款4) 流程5) 货到付款付款6) 订单成功1.2. 购物车同一个商家的商品在购物车中合并出现在一起1.2.1. User Interface1.2.2. Object TableFootnoteLabelInteractionsDescription1buttonOn

2、Click: Case 1: Open 网上支付 in Current Window2buttonOnClick: Case 1: Open 网上支付 in Current Window3buttonOnClick: Case 1: Show 货到付款错误4buttonOnClick: Case 1: Open 货到付款付款 in Current Window如果购物车内包含不能货到付款的商品,则弹出提示框,具体如页面下方的那个货到付款按钮。5button点击此按钮,则此页全部checkbox为true的商品都被删除6button点击此按钮,则此页全部checkbox为true的商品都被删除7

3、link为链接,点击弹出新窗口,为商品的详情页8paragraph要求可以按照商品数量的不同自动计算出价格来,局部刷新,而不是刷新整个页面。 此处价格仅为商品价格合计,不包含运费1.2.3. 货到付款错误1.2.3.1. State1User InterfaceObject TableFootnoteLabelInteractions1buttonOnClick: Case 1: Hide 货到付款错误1.3. 网上支付1.3.1. User Interface1.3.2. Object TableFootnoteLabelInteractionsDescription1droplistOnC

4、hange: Case 1 (If selected option of droplist equals 线上支付:5元): Set Panel state to State Case 2 (Else If selected option of droplist equals 货到付款:8元): Set Panel state to State Case 3 (Else If selected option of droplist equals 到店自取:2元): Set Panel state to State按照运输方式不同自动计算出所收取的运费2droplistOnChange: Cas

5、e 1 (If selected option of droplist equals 线上支付:5元): Set Panel state to State Case 2 (Else If selected option of droplist equals 货到付款:8元): Set Panel state to State Case 3 (Else If selected option of droplist equals 到店自取:2元): Set Panel state to State3radio此处地址为上一次购物所选的地址。最多显示5条。最近一次用的地址显示在最上方,默认点选4其他

6、收货地址OnClick: Case 1 (If is checked of 其他收货地址 equals true): Show 收货地址, panel Case 2 (Else If is checked of 其他收货地址 equals false): Hide 收货地址, panel点击显示收货地址设置,如果此radio为false,则收货地址设置部分收起。5link进入地址库,进入地址库选择了其他地址之后,需要转回本页6稍后购买按钮OnMouseEnter: Case 1: Show 稍后购买提醒OnMouseOut: Case 1: Hide 稍后购买提醒点击此按钮,则该商家所有商品全

7、部返回购物车,不参与生成订单,此页刷新,显示剩下的商品。7buttonOnClick: Case 1: Open 网上支付付款 in Current Window点击这个按钮,订单生成。 如果是两个不同的商家,则声称2个订单。订单的拆分只按照商家,跟商品及其他无关。8buttonOnMouseEnter: Case 1: Show 稍后购买提醒OnMouseOut: Case 1: Hide 稍后购买提醒9buttonOnClick: Case 1: Open 网上支付付款 in Current Window10link弹出新窗口,内容为商品详情页1.3.3. 收货地址1.3.3.1. Sta

8、te1User InterfaceObject TableFootnoteLabelInteractions1buttonOnClick: Case 1: Hide 收货地址, panel2buttonOnClick: Case 1: Hide 收货地址, panel1.3.4. panel1.3.4.1. State11.3.5. 稍后购买提醒1.3.5.1. State1User Interface1.3.6. 稍后购买提醒1.3.6.1. State1User Interface1.4. 网上支付付款1.4.1. User Interface1.4.2. Object TableFoot

9、noteLabelDescription1link点击弹出订单详细商品2paragraph用户中心我的订单,需要连接到对应页面1.5. 货到付款付款1.5.1. User Interface1.5.2. Object TableFootnoteLabelInteractionsDescription1droplistOnChange: Case 1 (If selected option of droplist equals 线上支付:5元): Set Panel state to State Case 2 (Else If selected option of droplist equals

10、 货到付款:8元): Set Panel state to State Case 3 (Else If selected option of droplist equals 到店自取:2元): Set Panel state to State2droplistOnChange: Case 1 (If selected option of droplist equals 线上支付:5元): Set Panel state to State Case 2 (Else If selected option of droplist equals 货到付款:8元): Set Panel state to

11、 State Case 3 (Else If selected option of droplist equals 到店自取:2元): Set Panel state to State3radio此处地址为上一次购物所选的地址。最多4其他收货地址OnClick: Case 1 (If is checked of 其他收货地址 equals true): Show 收货地址, panel Case 2 (Else If is checked of 其他收货地址 equals false): Hide 收货地址, panel5link进入地址库6buttonOnMouseEnter: Case 1

12、: Show 稍后购买提醒OnMouseOut: Case 1: Hide 稍后购买提醒7buttonOnMouseEnter: Case 1: Show 稍后购买提醒OnMouseOut: Case 1: Hide 稍后购买提醒8buttonOnClick: Case 1: Show 权益提醒9buttonOnClick: Case 1: Show 权益提醒1.5.3. 收货地址1.5.3.1. State1User InterfaceObject TableFootnoteLabelInteractions1buttonOnClick: Case 1: Hide 收货地址, panel2b

13、uttonOnClick: Case 1: Hide 收货地址, panel1.5.4. panel1.5.4.1. State11.5.5. 稍后购买提醒1.5.5.1. State1User Interface1.5.6. 稍后购买提醒1.5.6.1. State1User Interface1.5.7. 权益提醒1.5.7.1. State1User InterfaceObject TableFootnoteLabelInteractions1buttonOnClick: Case 1: Open 购物车 in Current Window2buttonOnClick: Case 1: Open 订单成功 in Current Window1.6. 订单成功1.6.1. User Interface2. Masters2.1. Master List


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