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1、人教pep六年级英语下册全套PPT课件汇总,Unit1,How Tall Are You ?,姓名:王俊凯年龄:19身高:178cm,How old is he?,He is 19 years old.,How tall is he?,He is 178cm.,Im 8-year old.How old are you?,Im older than you.,Im 5-year old.,Im younger than you.,tall,strong,old,short,young,er,tall,strong,old,short,young,er,er,er,er,er,A. lets l

2、earn,1.一般的词-词尾+erfast-faster short-shorter long-longer2.以字母e结尾的单音节词-词尾+rlarge-larger late-later nice-nicer fine-finer3.以重度闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母的词-先双写该辅音字母,再+er.thin-thinner big-bigger fat-fatter,Remember,4.以辅音字母加y结尾的词-先改y为i,再+er.angry-angrier busy-busier early-earlier heavy-heavier easy-easier5.多音节和其他双音

3、节形容词变比较级,通常在前面加上morebeautiful-more beautiful careful-more careful interesting-more interesting,Remember,体貌比较公式:A+am/is/are+taller/shorter/older/younger.+than+B.A+be动词+形容词比较级+than+B,Method,The man is _ than the woman.,stronger,Panghu is stronger than Daxiong.,Panghu is than Daxiong.,thinner,Panghu is

4、 than Daxiong.,thinner,Hes 226 cm tall.,这里的cm是centimeter 的缩写,“厘米”。不管前面的数字有多大,书写时一般使用单数形式,Im 150cm tall.How tall are you?,How tall are you?,Im 150cm tall.,How tall are you?,Im 148cm tall.,A: How tall are you? (提问高度) “.多高”B: I am cm tall.A: How heavy are you?(提问重量) “.多重”B.I am.kgA.How big are your fee

5、t?(提问尺寸) “.多大”B.I wear size .A.How long is your hair?(提问长度) “.多长”B.cm.A.How old .(提问年龄)“.多少岁?”B.Im .A.How are you? 你身体好吗?,How,姓名:王俊凯年龄:19身高:178cm,How old is he?,He is 19 years old.,How tall is he?,He is 178cm.,用A+be+比较级+than+B来描述下列图片,例如:Wang Junkai is taller than Lu Han.,年龄:19身高:178cm,年龄:30身高:168cm,

6、年龄:29身高:175cm,Im 148cm tall.,Im taller than you.,Im 2 cm taller than you.,Im 150cm tall.,比较身高Mike is165cm.He is 5cm taller than John.比较体重Lily is 35kg.She is 2kg heavier than her sister.I am 11 years old.I am 2 years younger than you.,A + 数值 + 形容词 + than B,How tall are you?I am 164 cm tall.You are sh

7、orter than me.Yes. I am160cm.You are 4 cm taller than me.,Lets talk,1._tailislonger.A.HisB.HeC.Him2.How_areyou?-40kg.A.heavierB.heavyC.heavyer3.Sheis_thanme.A.heavierB.heavyC.heavyer4.Im_and_thanyou.A.big,strongB.biger,strongerC.bigger,stronger5.Mylegsarelongerthan_.A.youB.yourC.yours,Choose the bes

8、t answer,Try to write:,更年轻的( )更强壮的( )更矮的 ( )我比你高。( )李明比陈洁大。( ),younger,stronger,shorter,Im taller than you.,Li Ming is older than Chen Jie.,掌握形容词比较级变化规则。掌握数词的读写。掌握描写人的身高体重等的句子。例如:How tall are you. Im 160cm (tall) .掌握比较级句式: A+ be+形容词比较级+than+B.A+ be+修饰词+形容词比较级+than+B,Learn,1.-How_is she?-She is 16.A.

9、big B.long C.old2.I am _than you.A.stronger B.tall C.old3.You are older than_A.mine B.me C.my4.I am 1.55 meters_A.longer B.taller C.tall 5._tail is about 35 cm long.A.He B.Its C.You,Choose the best answer,1.tall how you are_2.large your room how is_3. 10 square meters is my room _4.my hands yours ar

10、e bigger than_5. me than taller 4cm youre_,How tall are you ?,How large is your room?,My room is 10 square meters .,My hands are bigger than yours.,Youre 4cm taller than me.,Conjunction into sentence,1.询问他人年龄、身高、体重。(运用句型How old/tall/heavy are you? )2.调查同学年龄、体重和身高并就调查结果进行分析比较的句子,如:(Youre shorter than

11、 me. Youre 4 cm taller than me.),Homework,模仿造句例: Mary tall Jun Yan Mary is taller than Jun Yan.the elephant , strong, the bear your sister, tall, you Tom, short, you John, young, Wu Yifan him stronger are you,答案:1. The elephant is stronger than the bear.2. Your sister is taller than you.3. Tom is sh

12、orter than you.4. John is younger thana Wu Yifan.5. You are stronger than him.,desk-key-yesseaappleearbed-apple-tall-,Lets play,Do you know what they are?Can you find out the differences?,Find out the differences between the father and the son.,Thank you!,Unit 2 Last weekend,Lets learn,A: How was yo

13、ur weekend ?B: It was (good, fine, OK)A: What did you do ?B: I ,Free talk,stayed at home,cleaned my room,watched TV,washed my clothes,一MON.,二TUS.,三WEN.,四THUR.,五FRI.,六SAT.,日SUN.,一MON.,二TUS.,三WEN.,四THUR.,五FRI.,六SAT.,日SUN.,2020 March,today,yesterday,the day before yesterday,had a cold,slept,had a cold,

14、slept,A: What did John do yesterday ?B: He _.A: Did he have a cold ?B: Yes, he did.,slept,/ No, he didnt.,一MON.,二TUS.,三WEN.,四THUR.,五FRI.,六SAT.,日SUN.,一MON.,二TUS.,三WEN.,四THUR.,五FRI.,六SAT.,日SUN.,this weekend,last weekend,2020 March,today,last Monday,read a book,saw a film,A: What did Amy do last night?

15、B: She .A: Did she .?B: Yes, she did./ No,she didnt.,read a book,?,yesterday,last Monday,last weekend,the day before yesterday,last night,Can you read?,yesterday,last Monday,last weekend,the day before yesterday,last night,Whats missing,yesterday,last Monday,last weekend,the day before yesterday,las

16、t night,Whats missing,yesterday,last Monday,last weekend,the day before yesterday,last night,Whats missing,yesterday,last Monday,last weekend,the day before yesterday,last night,Whats missing,yesterday,last Monday,last weekend,the day before yesterday,last night,Whats missing,saw a film,had a cold,r

17、ead a book,slept,Can you read?,saw a film,had a cold,read a book,slept,Guessing game,?,?,?,?,A: What did you do B: I ,last weekend ?last night ?last Monday ?yesterday? the day before yesterday?,stayed at home,cleaned my room,watched TV,washed my clothes,had a cold,slept,saw a film,read a book,Pair w

18、ork,A: Did you watch TV last night?B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.,watched TV,watch - watched,A: Did you have a cold?B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.,had a cold,have - had,A: Did you sleep last weekend?B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.,slept,sleep - slept,read a book,read - read,A: Did you read a book yester

19、day?B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.,saw a film,see - saw,A: Did you see a film last Monday?B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.,A: Did you . B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.,had a cold,slept,saw a film,read a book,last weekend ?last night ?last Monday ?yesterday? the day before yesterday?,(have),(sleep),(read),

20、(see),(在十秒之内快速记住每个人所做的事情,然后参与问答),Homework,1. Copy and remember the new words and phrases.(抄写并记住今天的新单词)2.Use todays sentences to talk about your activity with your friends.(用今天所学的句型和你的朋友们谈论做过的事情。),Thank you !,Unit Three,Where did you go?,Lets try,John answered a phone call from Amy. Listen and tick o

21、r cross.,A:What happened?B:I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot.A:Thats too bad! Are you all right?B:Im OK now. Come and look at my photos from the Labour Day holiday.A:Where did you go?B:Mt. Tianshan, Xinjiang. I rode a horse. Look, its very small!A:Oh,yes. It looks like a mule! Did yo

22、u go to Turpan?B:Yes, we did. We saw lots of grapes there but we couldnt eat them. They wont be ready till August.,Lets talk,Where did John go over his holiday? What did he do?,Where did you go over your holiday? What did you do?,询问过去去了哪里想知道对方在过去的时间里去了哪里,我们可以这样问:Where did you go(+表示过去的时间)?例如:Where d

23、id you go over your holiday?Where did you go last Sunday?,跟,我,学,返回首页,rode a horse,rode a bike,went camping,hurt my foot,Lets learn,went fishing,返回首页,ride,go,hurt,rode,went,hurt,你能写出过去式形式吗?,连一连!,返回首页,rode,went,hurt,a horse,my foot,fishing,A:Where did you go last Saturday?B:I went to a forest park.A:W

24、hat did you do there?B:I rode a bike.,I went to,What did you do there?,I,我来编对话!,Where did you go last Saturday?,1.What art they talking about? A. School. B. Holiday.2.Who did Sarah buy gifts for? A. Amy and John. B. Wu Yifan and Amy.,Wu Yifan and Amy meet Sarah at school. Listen and circle.,Lets try

25、,Lets talk,A:Where did you go over the winter holiday?B:My family and I went to Sanya.A:Really? Did you like it?B:Yes, it was so warm.A:Hainan is far from here. How did you go there?B:We went there by plane.A:How was the beach? What did you do there?B:It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures and I

26、also went swimming.A:Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime?B:Sure.,返回首页,Where did Amy go last winter holiday?How did she go there? What did she do?Talk about your winter holiday.,返回首页,跟,我,学,返回首页,用过去时询问出行方式同学们还记得如何询问出行方式吗?我们常用句型“How do you go to+地点?”来询问。如果时间是在过去,我们只用将do改成did就可以了。同样,答语中的谓语也要相

27、应用过去式。例如:How did you go to Beijing?I went there by plane.,跟,我,学,返回首页,用过去时询问对方对事物的看法课文中我们接触到“How was the beach?”,吴一凡询问埃米沙滩怎么样,由于埃米是在寒假去的三亚,事情已经发生,因此这里我们用了“was”。,一、你能将下列句子改成过去时吗?1.How is the dress?2.I go to Hainan by train.3.She takes lots of pictures.4.We go swimming.,返回首页,大显身手,ate fresh food,went sw

28、imming,took pictures,bought gifts,返回首页,Lets learn,Amy:How was your summer holiday, Yifan?Wu Yifan:It was good. I went swimming every weekend and took lots of pictures.,返回首页,Friday, April 23Today was a sunny day. In the morning, we rode a bike for three people. Max sat in a basket on the front of the

29、 bike. That was fun! We took pictures of the beautiful countryside. We bought some gifts and ate some delicious food.In the afternoon, Mum ate some bad fruit and didnt feel well.So we stayed in the hotel. Dad and I wanted to make her happy. We dressed up and made a funny play. Robin played the part

30、of a dog. He was so cute. Max liked him so much. He jumped on him and licked him. Of course, Robin didnt like it. We laughed and laughed.It was a bad day but also a good day!,返回首页,Read and write,一、你能找出文中单词 的过去式吗?二、下列单词过去式的原形 形式你知道吗? satbought atemade,返回首页,What happened to Wu Yifans family?,Now write

31、 about your bad but good day.Today was a bad but good day for me.First, it was a bad day.But what did I do then?So it was also a good day.As the saying goes, Bad luck of ten brings good luck.”,返回首页,Lets wrap it up,am/iswas arewere eatatedrinkdrank runranThere _ lots of dinosaurs many years ago.Some

32、of them _ plants.Some of them _ faster, so they could eat othersmaller dinosaurs.But we can only see dinosaurs in museums now.,返回首页,were,ate,ran,一、看图说短语。(用过去式哦),课,后,练,习,返回首页,rode a horse,went camping,went swimming,took pictures,二、我问你答。 1.Where did you go last Sunday? 2.What did you do there?三、看图回答。

33、1.Where did he go? 2.What did he do? 3.How did they go to Beijing?,返回首页,Unit4 Then and now,Lets learn,gym,last year,time,at night,last month,火眼金睛:Read quickly(快速、正确地读出单词),moon,grass,internet,dining hall,Review,internet,Read and write (读一读,写一写),play badminton,I could play badminton I couldnt play bad

34、minton,go cycling =,Read and write (读一读,写一写),ride a bike,I could go cycling I couldnt go cycling,ice-skate assket=,I could ice-skate I couldnt ice-skate,Read and write(读一读,写一写),go ice-skating,play badminton,go cycling,ice-skate,say and mach(说一说,连一连),Bomb time!,选出你认为不是炸弹的单词读一读。,自主预习(2min),请把Lets lear

35、n 句子中不会读的单词用笔标出来,Bomb time!,before,was,couldnt,love,go cycling,now,thought,didnt,ice-skate,play badminton,Yifan: I didnt like winter before. I thought it was too cold, and I couldnt go cycling.Mike: How about now?Yifan: Now I love to ice-skate so I like winter .,我以前不喜欢冬天。我认为它太冷了,并且我不能骑自行车。现在呢?现在我喜爱滑

36、冰所以我喜欢冬天,Lets learn(一起学),winter cold,画龙点睛,I didnt like winter before.我以前不喜欢冬天。didnt 是did的否定,动词过去式句子中否定的构成:,I couldnt go cycling. 我不能骑自行车。couldnt是could的否定式,Yifan: I didnt like _ before. I thought it was , and I couldnt .Mike: How about now?Yifan: Now I love to _ . so I like _ .,我以前不喜欢秋天。我认为它有风,并且我不能打

37、羽毛球。现在呢?现在我喜爱骑自行车所以我喜欢秋天,autumn windy,autumn,windy,play badminton,go cycling,autumn,Pair work(合作练习),Yifan: I 1 . I 2 . and I 3 .Mike: 4 ?Yifan: Now 5 . so 6 .,我以前不喜欢夏天。我认为它太热了,并且我不能滑冰。现在呢?现在我喜爱骑自行车,所以我喜欢夏天.,summer hot,Lets write(写一写),1 我以前不喜欢.2 我认为它太. 并且我不能.3 现在呢?4 现在我喜爱. 因此我喜欢.,Lets say(说一说),I didn

38、t like . before I thought it was .and I couldnt.How about now ?Now I love to .so I like .,Allen,Joe,Diana,listen and match (听一听,连一连),Allen Diana Joe,Before, Allen couldnt _. Now he can _.Before, Diana couldnt _. Now she can _.Before, Joe couldnt _. Now he can _.,listen and say (听一听,说一说),Allen Diana

39、Joe,Before, Allen couldnt _. Now he can _.Before, Diana couldnt _. Now she can _.Before, Joe couldnt _. Now he can _.,ride his bike,go cycling,play badminton,ice-skate,go ice-skating,play badminton,listen and say (听一听,说一说),Homework,1.Listen and repeat P37 3 times. 2.do exercises.,Mikes happy days,Re

40、cycle,favorite=likebest 最喜欢,e.g. My favorite day is Monday. = I like Monday best. I like PE best.= My favorite subject is PE.,once upon a time 从前,noisy 喧闹的;大声的,be good at doing sth.擅长做某事,She is good at playing the piano.她擅长弹钢琴。,Subject(科目),What else do you know?Chinese 语文math 数学English 英语music 音乐sci

41、ence 科学art 美术 PE 体育,Look at Bills poster(海报).,Bill liked candy and basketball.Bill didnt like skipping rope.Bill was thin and short.,Bill likes music and storybooks.Bill doesnt like swimming.Bill is taller than before.,Bill will drive a red car.Bill will wear a yellow hat to work.Bill will be heavier than he is now.,


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