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1、第三讲 第一次世界大战的进程,一、七月危机期间的硝烟外交1、德国的空头支票,Kaiser Wilhelm II,Austria/Hungary,Any help needed in war with Russia,July 6th 1914,2、法俄的再保险 7月20日,总统、总理访问俄国3、7月23日奥匈对塞尔维亚的最后通牒4、7月28日,宣战5、7月30日,俄国进行总动员6、7月31下午,法国总动员7、8月1日,德国对俄宣战8、8月4日,英国对德宣战,1914-1919The World at War,“The lights are going out all over Europe: w

2、e shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.”Sir Edward Grey English Foreign secretaryMonday, March 8, 1914,英国参战原因:低地国家 低地国家,特指荷兰、比利时和卢森堡。因其海拔低而得名。英国把这一地区视作它的屏障,如果哪个国家侵入这一地区,那么它将直接威胁到英吉利海峡的安全。 1839均势,二、战争的进行,战争的第一阶段 1914 施里芬计划:是德国陆军元帅施里芬(1833-1913年)在其担任总参谋长期间所制定的德国东西两线作战的战争计划。其要点是:德国在不可避免的两线作战中,集


4、能让他们“对立”的东西。战争的残酷到底掩盖不住人性的光辉,是充斥着各种残忍暴行的战争记忆之中人性化的一个篇章 ,也是最感人的一页。,威斯特法伦二团的古斯塔夫列本萨姆写道:“英国人对停火非常感激,这样他们又能踢足球了。” 一名德国士兵告诉英国步枪兵乔治伊德的:“今天我们和平共处,明天你就将为你的国家而战,我也会为国尽忠,祝你好运。”阿尔弗雷德安德森告诉卫报:“我总会简单回想1914年的圣诞节当天,每年都会如此。我会想到所有那些没能回到家的朋友们,这事情想得太多越会痛苦,真是太悲哀了。”,战争的第二阶段1915-1916:同盟国在东线的胜利;保加利亚、意大利的参战凡尔登战役索姆河战役俄国发起的勃鲁

5、西洛夫攻势日德兰海战 1916年5月,Trench Warfare on the Western Front,Trench Warfare,战争的第三阶段-1917 美国的中立与参战,1、前期的中立,1914年8月4日第一次世界大战爆发。威尔逊总统当天就声明中立。8月19日他又号召美国人民“在思想上和行动上同样做到不偏不倚”。,The United States Stays Neutral,Americans thought of World War I as a European conflict with little effect on their country.Just after

6、the war broke out, President Wilson declared that the U.S. would stay neutral.Wilsons decision reflected the U.S.s longstanding policy of isolationism, or not being involved in foreign affairs.Privately, Wilson favored the Allied cause because Germanys tactics and invasion of Belgium was worrisome.T

7、he U.S. also had greater political, cultural, and commercial ties to Great Britain and France than to Germany.Financially, the U.S. did more business with the Allies.The British fleet blockaded German ports and transportation routes, and few American businesses could sell goods to German forces. Doi

8、ng business with the Allies was easier, and by 1917 Britain purchased nearly $75 million worth of war goods each week.,November 1916 : US Presidential Election,Woodrow Wilson re-elected campaign slogan “He Kept us out of war”,2、 美国参战的原因,对于美国参战的原因,学者们众说纷纭,有“安全威胁说”、“潜艇战恢复说”、“死亡商人说”、“维护均势说”、“国家利益说”等.阿伦

9、米利特则强调:“美国之所以介入(第一次世界大战),不仅是由于经济上切身的利益。而且是出于 支持民主(法国和大不列颠)反对独裁(德国)的炽热的义务感”.1914年8月豪斯上校在给威尔逊总统的信函中,表达了这种忧虑:“如果协约国战胜,俄国统治了欧洲大陆;而如果德国战胜,那就是说,未来的几代是军国主义的不言而喻的专制。,帕特森强调:“美国进入战争不仅是因为德国的潜水艇,而且是因为奉行扩张主义的美国领导人们最后想参加战斗,以便使美国所提供的最好的原则和商品进入旧世界。”在这场战争中,“美国道义上、经济上与战略上的考虑”交织在一起,“经济上的自身利益、道义以及国家的尊严结合在一起,迫使美国人进行战争。”

10、,America Favors the Allies(3 reasons),Germany attacking Belgium upset many Americans (attack a Neutral?)Unrestricted Submarine WarfareSink anyone trading with the AlliesUSW = Germanys version of a blockadeUS warned Ger. = “Youll be responsible for any loss of American life”Stronger connection to Bri

11、tish culture(US chose to ignore British violations),德国的无限制潜艇战,无限制潜艇战:无限制潜艇战:所谓“无限制潜艇战”、是德国海军部于1915年2月宣布的一种潜艇作战方法,即德国潜艇可以事先不发警告,而任意击沉任何开往英国水域的商船,其目的是要对英国进行封锁。后因担心美国等中立国的反对,不得不采取“有限制潜艇战”。但到1916年2月4日,德国海军部为打破因战争僵局而引起的经济困难,正式宣布实行“无限制潜艇战”。,The Lusitania Disaster(卢西塔尼亚事件):,United States involvement in Wor

12、ld War I was hastened by the Lusitania disaster The Lusitania was a British passenger liner that carried 1,198 persons on a fateful trip on May 7, 1915 A German U-boat sank the British passenger liner killing all aboard including 128 American tourists The Germans claimed the ship was carrying Allied

13、 ammunition Americans were outraged and public opinion turned against Germany and the Central Powers,Sinking of the Lusitania,Germany sinks Lusitania May 7, 1915 - 198 civilians, including 128 U.S. citizens killedGreat Britain and USA force Germany to adopt limited use of submarines Jan. 1917 German

14、y returns to unrestricted use of subs by April 1917 USA enters WWI!,America Edges Closer to War:,Several factors came together to bring the U.S. into the war;1) Germany ignored Wilsons plea for peace 2) The Zimmerman Note, a telegram from the German foreign minister to the German Ambassador in Mexic

15、o, proposed an alliance Germany promised Mexico a return of their “lost territory” in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona3) Next came the sinking of four unarmed U.S. merchant ships by German subs,German Flag,齐默尔曼电报:(Zimmermann Telegram)是一份由德意志帝国外交秘书阿瑟齐默尔曼于1917年1月16号向德国驻墨西哥大使发出的加密电报。电报内容建议与墨西哥结成对抗美国的军事联盟

16、,但被英国40号办公室情报机关截获。该电报内容于1917年3月1日被公开后,引起美国各界的愤怒,促使同年4月6日美国向德国宣战。,On the first of February, we intend to begin unrestricted submarine warfare. In spite of this, it is our intention to Endeavour to keep the United States of America neutral.In the event of this not succeeding, we propose an alliance on

17、 the following basis with Mexico: That we shall make war together and make peace together. We shall give generous financial support, and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. The details of settlement are left to you.,:,Convinc

18、ing the American People,Posters,How do you think these posters helped to convince the American people that the war was a good idea?,The “Mad Brute”,Getting Public Support for the War,Difficult given traditions of isolationism and neutrality.Wilson cast war in moral terms “making the world safe for d

19、emocracy”This played on peoples ideas of America as the savior.,American Power Tips The Balance:,America was not ready for war only 200,000 men were in service when war was declared Congress passed the Selective Service Act in May of 1917 By the end of 1918, 24 million had signed up and almost 3 mil

20、lion were called to duty About 2 million American troops reached Europe,战争的第四阶段:战争的结束 1911年11月上午十一日十一点,贡比涅协定的签订。,Result Statistics,World War One included:3 Continents31 Countries65 Million Soldiers37 Million Casualties91,198 Deaths by Gas 6,395 Allied and Neutral Ships Lost $186.3 Billion Financial Losses,


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