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1、讲座安排,万丈高楼平地起,千里姻缘一线牵。千丝万缕相萦系,多线如何写?,中间段写作黄金法则,跟时间推移有关换曲线跟时间推移无关换饼状,The graph shows the number of full-time teachers (in millions) of regular schools in China from 1960 to 1990.,千里姻缘一线牵,具体区间描写三要素时间趋势变量该对象的量/百分比在某个时间段处在某个趋势中,由多少变为多少。,1. 量/百分比:The number of full-time teachers went down from in to in .,

2、2. 时间段:The years from to saw a rise in the number of teachers from to .,3. 趋势:The trend showed a decrease in the number of teachers from in to in .,4. There be:There was a growth in the number of teachers from in to in .,5.升降平:A rise can be found in the number of teachers from in to in.,6.地点:China w

3、itnessed an increase in the number of teachers from in to in .,rise; increase; climb; grow; go up; boom; soar; rocket;an upward trend; a growth; a rise; an increase,Fall; decrease; decline; drop; go down; reduce; dip; slump; plummet; plunge; tumbleA drop; a downward trend; a decrease; a decline; a r

4、eduction,Level out/off; keep/remain/stay+ stable/steady/constant a leveling out/off;,连接手段,时间推移: then, from then on, from that time onwards, after that, afterwards, thereafter, after which S, which was followed by +升降平n转折关系:however, conversely, whereas, whilst, by contrast, on the contrary, on the ot

5、her hand,连接手段,使用关联词连接两个区间的时候,一定要把放在关联词后面句子中的from连同后面数据一并删除,The number of full-time teachers went down from 5million in 1960 to 3million in 1961. Then, the years to 1963 saw a rise in the number of teachers to approximately 6million,两大特征:,1.峰值:看峰值是在哪个区间结束的时候达到的,就写到那个区间中去最高点:the highest point= the pea

6、k最低点:the lowest point=the bottom,两大特征:,2.变化幅度:adj+n v+advdramatic dramaticallyenormous enormouslysubstantial substantiallyconsiderable considerablysteady steadilygradual graduallymoderate moderatelysmallslight slightlyminorminimal minimally,According to the graph, the number of full-time teachers we

7、nt down drastically from 5million in 1960 to the lowest point at/of 3million in 1961. Then, the years to 1963 saw an enormous rise in the number of teachers to approximately 6million, after which the trend showed a slight decrease in the number of teachers to 5million in 1965. On the contrary, there

8、 was a gradual growth in the number of teachers to 8million in 1975, which was followed by a leveling out in the number of teachers until 1985. Finally, China witnessed a steady increase in the number of teachers to 10million in 1990 when the line reached its peak.,多线,According to the graph, there w

9、as a dramatic rise in the percentage of radio audiences from 8% at 6am to 25% at 8am. After that, the trend showed a gradual decline in the proportion of radio listeners to 3% at 6am on the next day, although the percentage went up slightly from 3pm to 5pm and from 4am to 6am respectively.,多线,From 1

10、940 to 1990, the proportions of people aged 65+ in the USA and Sweden are similar and follow the same trend. In 1940 the figures were 9% and 7% respectively, rising to15% and 14% respectively in 1980, before dipping to 14% and 13% respectively in 1990. Thereafter, Americans proportion of people aged

11、 65 However, Swedens proportion of people aged 65Then, there is expected to be a slight drop to 18% in 2030, followed by a steep climb to 25% in 2040.,多线,总:一句话三要素分:一条线一个段,每条线分区间描写大区间详:(6)小区间略(6,只写时间和趋势,不写变量)合并区间描写!(1)把一条线当中的好几个区间合并在一起先写出这段时间的变化总趋势,然后通过except/excluding之类的词汇表述出其中的小例外(2)把两条线的一段时间(由于趋势一致,数据差不多)合并在一起写出这段时间的共同变化过程总:对比异同点线面:随便,预计:在6句话各自的动词前方添加就可以表达将来的变化了be expected/ predicted/ projected/ estimated/ forecast/ anticipated to,


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