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1、基本句型的扩展,1.Time is money. 2.Time flies. 3.Time tries truth. 4. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 5.Wish you a happy new year! 6.There are tricks in every trade.,说说这些句子是六种基本句型的哪一种呢?,主语系动词表语,主语+谓语(vi.),主语谓语 (vt.) +宾语,主语谓语 (vt.) +间接宾语+直接宾语,主语谓语 (vt.) +宾语+宾语补足语,there be句型,简 单 句 扩 展,英语句子的主要成分是什么

2、?,主语,谓语,宾语,英语句子的附属成分是什么?,状语,表语,宾补,什么叫简单句扩展?,就是在简单句中添加_,定语,附属成分,Complete the sentences.(1)我帮助她,她帮助我。I help her _.(2)只学习不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻 。All work _ makes Jack a dull boy.(3)患难朋友才是真朋友。 A friend _ is a friend _.(4)有志者事竟成。 _ , there is a way.,基本句型的扩展的手段,and she helps me,in need,indeed,Where there is a will,

3、and no play,英语句型扩展的手段主要有_种?I help her and she helps me . (2) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (3) A friend in need is a friend indeed. (4) Where there is a will, there is a way.,基本句型的扩展的手段,3,增加_;,并列句子,增加_;,使用_。,修饰成分,从句,(定语/状语/同位语),(定语从句/状语从句/名词性从句),增加_;,并列成分,增加并列成分(句子) 英语句子中的任何一个成分都可以增加一个

4、或多个并列成分,从而使句子变得长而复杂。例如:John visited a farm. John, Mike and their classmates went to the countryside and visited a farm and a nursing home.,John 并列主语,visited 的并列谓语,a farm 的并列宾语,并列成分,生命是有限的。_.生命是有限的,而知识是无限的。Life is limited, _ _ _ _. 如:I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards . 我走得很慢,但是我从来不后退。,Li

5、fe is limited,while knowledge is unlimited,即:简单句+并列连词+简单句,并列句子,常用并列连词有那些呢? and, or, so, but, while, when(这时)not only but also, bothand, eitheror, neithernor, rather than, as well as等。,下列句子只给出了主干句型,请依据所给中文和括弧里的英语提示扩展下列句子。(一空一词) 1. The development of technology has changed our way of communicating.(1)

6、科技的发展改变了我们交流的方式,学习的方式,甚至工作的方式。(and) The development of technology has changed our _ _ _, _ _ _, and even the way_ _.,way of communicating,way of learning,of working,即学即用,(2)科技的发展不仅改变了我们的工作方式,而且也改变了我们的思维方式。(not onlybut also)The development of technology has_ _changed _ _ _ _, _ _changed _ _ _ _.,not

7、only,our way of working,but also,our way of thinking,2. Tom didnt go to school yesterday.(1)汤姆昨天没有上学,也没有完成作业。(neithernor)Tom _went to school _ _his homework yesterday.(2)汤姆和他兄弟昨天都没上学。(neithernor)_Tom _his brother _to school yesterday.,neither,nor,did,Neither,nor,went,3. The man finished his meal.那人吃

8、完饭,买了单,然后就离开了酒店。(and)The man finished his meal, _ _ _, _ then _the hotel.,paid the bill,and,left,4. Some grandparents spoiled their grandchildren.有些爷爷奶奶不是爱而是娇惯他们的孙子。(rather than) Some grandparents spoil their grandchildren _ _ _them.,rather than love,增加修饰成分 在基本句型中我们还可以增加各类修饰语来对简单句加以扩展。修饰语包括定语、状语和同位语

9、。例如:He sells socks. He sells womens socks.He sells old womens socks.He sells old womens socks made in China.He sells the best old womens socks made in China every evening in the market.,I am a student. I am a student of Senior Three. Ill give you some advice. Ill give you some advice on how to learn

10、 English well.,下列句子只给出了主干句型,请依据所给的中文和括弧里的提示扩展下列句子。(一空一词) 1.为了养活全家,父亲每天工作十小时以上。(用不定式短语) _ _ _ _, Dad worked over ten hours every day.2.多年前,有位老木匠住在这个小屋里。(用时间状语和-ing短语) _ _ _, there was an old carpenter _ in this cottage.,即学即用,To support the family,Many years ago,living,In order to support the family,3

11、. 由于被同学们取笑,他在学校一点也不开心。(用-ed分词短语) _ _ _ _ _, he is not happy at all at school.4. Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, _(他多年来保持的一个习惯),makes him full of energy every day.(同位语),Laughed at by his classmates,a habit that he has kept for years,使用从句扩展句型的另一主要手段就是使用从句,包括定语从句、状语从句和名词性从句(宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句、同位语从

12、句) 等以构成主从复合句。,如 (1) He has passed the exam. He has passed the exam because he has been working very hard. (2) He is not a true man. He who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a true man.,下列句子只给出了主干句型,请依据所给的中文和括号里的提示扩展下列句子。1. 同学们参观了约翰父亲工作的那家工厂。(定语从句) The students visited the factory _ _.,即学即用,2.我很难相

13、信父亲已经戒烟的这一事实。(同位语从句) I can hardly believe the fact _ _.,that my father has given up smoking,3. 他缺席讲座的原因是他母亲生病了。(定语从句;表语从句) The reason _ was _.,why he was absent from the lecture,that his mother was ill,4. 无论谁违反了法律都应该受处罚。(主语从句) _should be punished.,Whoever breaks the laws,A. 扩展附加成分(定语),Practice:,Have

14、 you seen the book on the desk ?,Have you seen the book?,1.你看见了在课桌上的书吗?,2. John给Mary一本有趣的书,John gave Mary a books.,John gave Mary an interesting books.,The boy is my brother.,3.在那边玩耍的男孩是我的弟弟。,The boy playing over there is my brother.,=,The boy who is playing over there is my brother.,There are two q

15、uestions.,4.今天有两个要讨论的问题。,There are two questions to be discussed today.,A. 扩展附加成分(状语),根据要求扩展下句:,我们在努力地工作.,2. We sing.,1.We are working.,We are working hard.,(副词作状语,表示程度),我们经常在那里唱歌。,We often sing there.,(副词作状语,表示频率),(副词作状语,表示地点),3.They came.,根据要求扩展下句:,他们来这里看我们。,They came here to see us,(不定式作状语,表示目的),

16、(副词作状语,表示地点),4.We live.,我们住在学校。,We live in the school.,(介词短语作状语,表示地点),5.We are working,根据要求扩展下句:,我们在日日夜夜地劳动。,We are working day and night,(词组作状语,表示时间),6.They will fly.,他们将飞往伦敦。,They will fly to London.,(介词短语作状语,表示方位),7. The meeting ended.,根据要求扩展下句:,会议两点结束的。,The meeting ended at two.,(介词短语作状语,表示时间),8

17、.He entered the room.,他说着笑着走进房间。,He entered the room,laughing and talking.,(现在分词作状语,表示伴随/方式),9.some students became worried.,根据要求扩展下句:,看到这个,有些学生变得非常着急。,Seeing this, some students became very worried.,(现在分词作状语,表示原因),(副词作状语,表示程度),听到这个消息,他高兴得跳起来。,Hearing the news, he jumped with joy.,(现在分词作状语,表示时间),(介词

18、短语作状语,表示原因),10. he jumped.,11. we ”ll try our best to help him.,根据要求扩展下句:,被那故事感动,我们要尽力帮他。,Moved by the story ,we “ll try our best to help him.,(过去分词作状语,表示原因),12.we “ll try our best to help him.,因为我们被那故事感动,所以我们要尽力帮他。,Because we were moved by the story, we “ll try our best to help him.,(从句作状语,表示原因),1.

19、John often came to chat with me,分析横线部分的成分,主语,谓语,状语,状语,状语,2. As he was ill, he didnt come to class yesterday.,主语,谓语,状语,状语,状语,主,系,表,3.She is sitting at the desk, doing her homework carefully.,主语,谓语,状语,状语,4.I will give the letter to him when I see him.,主语,谓语,宾语,状语,状语,主语,谓语,宾语,1.1.Guangzhou is located i

20、n the south of China. It is considered as one of the most modern cities in our country.,练一练:合并句子。,Located in the south of China, Guangzhou is considered as one of the most modern cities in our country. Guangzhou, located in the south of China, is considered as one of the most modern cities in our co

21、untry. Guangzhou, which is located in the south of China, is considered as one of the most modern cities in our country.,练一练:合并句子。, Considered as one of the most modern cities in our country, Guangzhou is located in the south of China. Guangzhou, considered as one of the most modern cities in our country, is located in the south of China. Guangzhou, which is considered as one of the most modern cities in our country, is located in the south of China.,练一练:合并成一个句子。,语法填空之长难句结构分析,61.attraction 62.was allowed63.officially 64.to 65.when66.permitted 67. introducing68.its 69.days 70.the,Thank you!,


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