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1、安全标志Safety Signage一、 标志来源(Signage source from relevant laws/regulations)序号No.国标Standard数量Quantity第一部分Part 1GB2894-2008安全标志及使用导则Safety signage and usage guidelines103第二部分Part 2GB5768-2009道路交通安全标志和标线Road safety signage and markings73第三部分Part 3GB13495-2015消防安全标志Fire Fighting Safety signage待更新。To be upd

2、ated第四部分Part 4GB15562-1995环境保护图形标志Environmental graphic signage5第五部分Part 5其他图形标志(工厂适用)Other graphic signage (Factory applicable)65第六部分Part 6用人单位职业病危害告知与警示标志管理规范Occupational hazards informing and warning of signage management standards for employers39二、文中图像及文字属性(Images and text properties)1、潘通色号 PANT

3、ONE红色Red PANTONEDS73-1U黄色Yellow PANTONEProcessyellowU蓝色Blue PANTONEProcessCyanU绿色Green PANTONEDS274-1U黑色Black PANTONEProcessBlackU2、 文中图形大小Image size长3厘米,宽2.4厘米3 cm high and 2.4 cm wide3、 文中文字属性 Text properties英文都统一用Calibri字体,中文文字为微软雅黑,小五 Calibri typeface in English, Microsoft elegant black typeface

4、 in Chinese, front size: little fifth4、 文中段落属性Paragraph attributes行距为固定值: 12Spacing of rows is fixed: 12三、安全标志集Safety Signage Collection第一部分Part 1-GB2894-2008安全标志及使用导则Safety signage and usage guidelines表1-禁止标志 Table 1-Forbidden Signage 编号NO.图形标志Signage名称Name设置范围和地点Setting range and location1-1-1禁止吸烟

5、No Smoking有甲、乙、丙类火灾危险物质的场所和禁止吸烟的公共场所等,如:木工车间、油漆车间、沥青车间、纺织厂、印染厂等。Where there are Class A, B or C hazardous substances present or chemicals that present a fire hazard, and in public places with “no smoking”, such as: carpentry shop, paint shop, asphalt plant, textile, printing and dyeing, etc.1-1-2禁止烟

6、火No Open Flames有甲、乙、丙类火灾危险物质的场所,如面粉厂、煤粉厂、焦化厂、施工工地等。Where there are Class A, B or C hazardous substances present or chemicals that present a fire hazard, in places such as flour mills, coal plants, coking plants, construction sites, etc.1-1-3禁止带火种No Ignition Sources有甲类火灾危险物质及其他禁止带火种的各种危险场所,如炼油厂、乙炔站、液

7、化石油气站、煤矿井内、林区、草原等。Various dangerous places containing Class A hazardous substances and other dangerous places where fire is prohibited, such as refineries, acetylene stations, liquefied petroleum gas stations, coal wells, forest, grassland, etc.1-1-4禁止用水灭火Do Not Extinguish With Water生产、储运、使用中有不准用水灭火

8、的物质的场所,如变压器室、乙炔站、化工药品库、各种油库等。Places with “no water” containing substances permitted during production, transport, or use, such as the transformer room, acetylene stations, chemical drug library, various depots, etc.1-1-5禁止放易燃物No Storage of Flammable Items具有明火设备或高温的作业场所,如:动火区,各种焊接、切割、锻造、浇注车间等场所。Workp

9、laces that have fire equipment or high temperatures, such as: hot work area, a variety of welding, cutting, forging, casting workshops and other places.1-1-6禁止堆放No Stacking消防器材存放处,消防通道及车间主通道等。Fire equipment storage site, fire exits and main corridors of workshops.1-1-7禁止启动No Starting暂停使用的设备附近,如:设备检修

10、、更换零件等。Near the equipment where operation is suspended, such as: equipment maintenance, replacement parts, etc.1-1-8禁止合闸No Switching On设备或线路检修时,相应开关附近。During equipment or line overhaul, near the corresponding switch.1-1-9禁止转动No Turning检修或专人定时操作的设备附近。Near the Equipment when maintenance, or where some

11、one is close to the operation.1-1-10禁止乘人No Lifting乘人易造成伤害的设施,如:室外运输吊篮、外操作载货电梯框架等。Facilities where people may get hurt easily, such as: outdoor transportation basket and outside the framework of the operation, such as service lifts.1-1-11禁止靠近Keep Away不允许靠近的危险区域,如:高压试验区、高压线、输变电设备的附近。Where persons are

12、not allowed close to the dangerous zone, such as: near high voltage test area, power lines, power transmission equipment.1-1-12禁止入内No Entry易造成事故或对人员有伤害的场所,如:高压设备室、各种污染源等入口处。Place in situations that could easily lead to an accident or injury to personnel in places such as: the entrance to the high-pr

13、essure equipment room, a variety of sources, etc.1-1-13禁止推动No Pushing易于倾倒的装置或设备,如车站屏蔽门等。Where plant or equipment is easy to move, such as the station screen door.1-1-14禁止停留No Stopping对人员具有直接危害的场所,如:粉碎场地、危险路口、桥口等处Where staff may be exposed to direct harm, such as: crushing sites, dangerous intersecti

14、on, Hashiguchi, etc.1-1-15禁止通行No Passing有危险的作业区,如:起重、爆破现场,道路施工工地等。Dangerous work area, such as: lifting, blasting site, road construction sites, etc.1-1-16禁止跨越No Crossing禁止跨越的危险地段,如:专用的运输通道、带式输送机和其他作业流水线,作业现场的沟、坎、坑等。Ban against crossing at the dangerous location, such as: dedicated transport channel

15、, conveyor lines and other jobs, job site trenches, ridge, pits, etc.1-1-17禁止攀登No Climbing不允许攀爬的危险地点,如:有坍塌危险的建筑物、构筑物、设备旁。Prohibition on climbing at dangerous locations, such as: where there is the risk of side collapsing, on buildings, structures and equipment.1-1-18禁止跳下No Jumping Down不允许跳下的危险地点,如:深

16、沟、深池、车站站台及盛装过有毒物质、易产生窒息气体的槽车、贮罐、地窖等处。Prohibited to jump off the dangerous locations, such as: deep trenches tankers, deep pools, station platforms, and places like tank wagons, tanks and cellars where containing toxic substances and asphyxiating gas produced easily.1-1-19禁止伸出窗外No Reaching Out Of The

17、 Window易于造成头手伤害的部位或场所,如公交车窗、火车车窗等。Where it is easy to sustain a head and hand injury, such as bus window, a train window, etc.1-1-20禁止倚靠No Leaning不能依靠的地点或部位,如列车车门、车站屏蔽门、电梯轿门等。Do not rely on the location or site, such as the train doors, the station screen door, the elevator car doors.1-1-21禁止坐卧No Si

18、tting高温、腐蚀性、塌陷、坠落、翻转、易损等易于造成人员伤害的设备设施表面。Where personal injury may easily occur on surfaces of equipment and facilities, such as high temperature, corrosive, collapse, fall and flip hazards, etc.1-1-22禁止蹬塌No Stepping Onto Surface高温、腐蚀性、塌陷、坠落、翻转、易损等易于造成人员伤害的设备设施表面。Where personal injury may easily occu

19、r on surfaces of equipment and facilities, such as high temperature, corrosive, collapse, fall and flip hazards, etc.1-1-23禁止伸入No Reaching易于夹住身体部位的装置或场所,如有开口的传动机、破碎机等。Where body parts can be easily gripped by installations or locations, such as any openings conveyor, crusher, etc.1-1-24禁止触摸Do Not To

20、uch禁止触摸的设备或物体附近,如:裸露的带电体,炽热物体,具有毒性、腐蚀性物体等处。Near the touch-prohibited device or objects, such as: exposed live parts, hot objects, toxic, corrosive substances, etc.1-1-25禁止饮用No Drinking禁止饮用水的开关处,如:循环水、工业用水、污染水等。Prohibition of drinking water from the tap, such as: recycled water, industrial water, pol

21、luted water.1-1-26禁止抛物No Tossing抛物易伤人的地点,如:高处作业现场,深沟(坑)等。Locations where people may be easily injured such as: high job sites, deep trenches (pit), etc.1-1-27禁止戴手套No Gloves To Be Worn戴手套易造成手部伤害的作业地点,如:旋转的机械加工设备附近。Where gloved hands could easily lead to injury at a job site, such as: machining equipm

22、ent rotating nearby.1-1-28禁止穿化纤服装No Chemical Fiber Clothes有静电火花会导致灾害或有炽热物质的作业场所,如:冶炼、焊接及有易燃易爆物质的场所等。Where a static spark or hot substances can lead to hazards in workplace, such as: smelting, welding and explosive substances.1-1-29禁止穿带钉鞋No Spiked Shoes有静电火花会导致灾害或有触电危险的作业场所,如:有易燃易爆气体或粉尘的车间及带电作业场所。Whe

23、re a static spark can lead to hazards or electric shock in workplace, such as: smelting, welding and explosive substances.1-1-30禁止开启无线移动通讯设备No Activated Mobile Phones火灾、爆炸场所以及可能产生电磁干扰的场所,如加油站、飞行中的航天器、油库、化工装置区等。Sites and facilities where fire and explosion may produce electromagnetic interference, su

24、ch as gas stations, in-flight spacecraft, oil depots, chemical plant zones.1-1-31禁止携带金属物或手表No Metallic Articles Or Watches易受到金属物品干扰的微波和电磁场所,如磁共振室等。Where metal objects may be susceptible to interference from microwaves and electromagnetic fields, such as magnetic resonance rooms.1-1-32禁止佩戴心脏起搏器者靠近No

25、Access For Persons With Pacemakers安装人工起搏器者禁止靠近高压设备、大型电机、发电机、电动机、雷达和有强磁场设备等。Installing an artificial pacemaker ban close to high-voltage equipment, large motors, generators, motors, radar equipment, and other equipment with a strong magnetic field.1-1-33禁止植入金属材料者靠近No Access For Persons With Metallic

26、Implants易受到金属物品干扰的微波和电磁场所,如磁共振室等。Where metallic implants may be susceptible to interference from microwaves and electromagnetic fields, such as magnetic resonance rooms.1-1-34禁止游泳No Swimming禁止游泳的水域。Where swimming is prohibited in the waters.1-1-35禁止滑冰No Skating禁止滑冰的场所。Where skating is prohibited at

27、the venue.1-1-36禁止携带武器及仿真武器No Carrying Weapons And Simulated Weapons不能携带和托运武器、凶器和仿真武器的场所或交通工具,如飞机等。Places or vehicles where no carrying (or checking in) of weapons (both lethal weapons and simulation weapons is permitted, such as aircraft, etc.1-1-37禁止携带托运易燃及易爆物品No Carrying Flammable And Explosive M

28、aterials不能携带和托运易燃、易爆物品及其他危险品的场所或交通工具,如火车、飞机、地铁等。No carrying on or checking in of flammable, explosive materials and other dangerous materials in places or vehicles, such as trains, airplanes, subways, etc.1-1-38禁止携带托运有毒物品及有害液体No Carrying Poisonous Materials And Harmful Liquids不能携带托运有毒物品及有害液体的场所或交通工具

29、,如火车、飞机、地铁等。No carrying of toxic substances and hazardous liquids consignment in places or transport, such as trains, airplanes, subways, etc.1-1-39禁止携带托运放射性及磁性物品No Carrying Of Radioactive And Magnetic Materials不能携带托运放射性及磁性物品的场所或交通工具,如火车、飞机、地铁等。No carrying or checking in radioactive and magnetic mat

30、erials in places or vehicles, such as trains, airplanes, subways, etc.1-1-40禁止叉车和厂内机动车辆通行No Access For Fork Lift Trucks And Other Industrial Vehicles禁止叉车和其他厂内机动车辆通行的场所。Forklifts and other motor vehicle traffic prohibited at some plant sites.表2-警告标志Table 2-Warning Signage 编号NO.图形标志Signage名称Name设置范围和地

31、点Setting range and location1-2-1注意安全Warning, Danger易造成人员伤害的场所及设备等。Equipment and other places that could easily lead to personal injury. 1-2-2当心火灾Caution, Fire易发生火灾的危险场所,如:可燃性物质的生产、储运、使用等地点。Dangerous places prone to fire, such as: flammable material production, transportation, use and other locations

32、.1-2-3当心爆炸Caution, Explosion易发生爆炸危险的场所,如易燃易爆物质的生产、储运、使用或受压容器等地点。Hazardous places prone to explosion, such as explosive material production, storage, use or pressure vessels and other locations.1-2-4当心腐蚀Caution, Corrosives有腐蚀性物质(GB 12268-2005中第8类所规定的物质)的作业地点。Job locations where corrosive substances (

33、GB 12268-2005 substances specified in Class 8) are used.1-2-5当心中毒Caution, Poison剧毒品及有毒物质(GB 12268-2005中第6类第1项所规定的物质)的生产、储运及使用地点。Location involved in the production, storage and use of virulent and toxic substances (GB 12268-2005 in Class 6 substances specified in paragraph 1) .1-2-6当心感染Caution, Infe

34、ction易发生感染的场所,如:医院传染病区;有害生物制品的生产、储运、使用等地点。Places prone to infection, such as: Infectious Diseases Hospital and surrounds; pest products, production, storage, use and other locations.1-2-7当心触电Danger! Electric Shock有可能发生触电危险的电器设备和线路,如:配电室、开关等。Equipment and wiring that could possibly lead to electrical

35、 shock, such as: power distribution room, switches, etc.1-2-8当心电缆Caution, Live Cables有暴露的电缆或地面下有电缆处施工的地点。Where there is an exposed cable or when an on-ground cable is under construction at the site .1-2-9当心自动启动Caution,Automatic Start-up配有自动启动装置的设备。Where there is automatic starting of the equipment.1

36、-2-10当心机械伤人Caution, Mechanical Injury易发生机械卷入、轧压、碾压、剪切等机械伤害的作业地点。At job locations prone to injury due to the machinery involved, including rolling pressure, rolling, cutting and other mechanical damage.1-2-11当心塌方Caution, Prone To Collapse有塌方危险的地段、地区,如:堤坝及土方作业的深坑、深槽等。In dangerous landslide areas such

37、as: pit dikes and earthwork operations, deep trenches, etc.1-2-12当心冒顶Caution, Roof Falls具有冒顶危险的作业场所,如:矿井、隧道等。Where there are roof fall hazards in workplaces, such as: mines, tunnels, etc.1-2-13当心坑洞Caution, Holes具有坑洞易造成伤害的作业地点,如:构件的预留孔洞及各种深坑的上方等。Where pothole damage can easily occur in job sites, suc

38、h as: holes above components and various pits etc.1-2-14当心落物Caution, Falling Objects易发生落物危险的地点,如:高处作业、立体交叉作业的下方等。Dangerous locations where falling objects are present, , such as: high place, such as the bottom of the job interchange.1-2-15当心吊物Caution, Overhead Items有吊装设备作业的场所,如:施工工地、港口、码头、仓库、车间等。Whe

39、re there is lifting equipment in work places, such as: construction sites, ports, docks, warehouses, workshops, etc.1-2-16当心碰头Caution,Overhead Obstacles有产生碰头的场所。Where it is easy to hit your head.1-2-17当心挤压Caution,Crushing有产生挤压的装置、设备或场所,如自动门、电梯门、车站屏蔽门等。Where device, equipment or place can easily sque

40、eze, such as automatic doors, elevator doors, screen door station.1-2-18当心烫伤Caution, Scalding具有热源易造成伤害的作业地点,如:冶炼、锻造、铸造、热处理车间等。At job sites with heat damage potential, such as: smelting, forging, casting, heat treatment shop, etc.1-2-19当心伤手Caution, Hand Injury易造成手部伤害的作业地点,如:玻璃制品、木制加工、机械加工车间等。At job s

41、ites that can easily lead to hand injury, such as: glass, wood processing, machine shop, etc.1-2-20当心夹手Caution,Hands May Be Pinched有产生挤压的装置、设备或场所,如自动门、电梯门、列车车门等。Where the device, equipment or place can easily squeeze, such as automatic doors, elevator doors, train doors, etc.1-2-21当心扎脚Caution , Spli

42、nters易造成脚部伤害的作业地点,如:铸造车间、木工车间、施工工地及有尖角散料等处。At job sites that can easily lead to foot injuries, such as: foundry, carpentry workshops, construction sites and other places have pointed bulk materials.1-2-22当心有犬Caution, Guard Dog有犬类作为保卫的场所。Where there are dogs to defend the site.1-2-23当心弧光Caution, Arci

43、ng由于弧光造成眼部伤害的各种焊接作业场所。Where eye damage may be caused due to a variety of arc welding in the workplace.1-2-24当心高温表面Caution ,Hot Surface有灼烫物体表面的场所。Sites where there are scalding surfaces.1-2-25当心低温Caution, Low Temperature/Freezing Conditions易于导致冻伤的场所,如:冷库、气化器表面、存在液化气体的场所等。In places where it is easy to

44、 cause frostbite such as: cold, vaporizer surface, liquefied gas installations, etc.1-2-26当心磁场Caution, Magnetic Field有磁场的区域或场所,如高压变压器、电磁测量仪器附近等。In magnetic regions or places, such as high-voltage transformers, or where electromagnetic measuring instruments are near.1-2-27当心电离辐射Caution, Ionizing Radi

45、ation能产生电离辐射危害的作业场所,如:生产、储运、使用GB 12268-2005规定的第7类物质的作业区。In workplaces that can produce ionizing radiation hazards, such as: production, transportation, use of Class 7 material (GB 12268-2005 work area specified).1-2-28当心裂变物质Caution, Fissionable Material具有裂变物质的作业场所,如:其使用车间、储运仓库、容器等。Where the workplac

46、e uses fissile material, such as: workshops, storage warehouses, containers, etc.1-2-29当心激光Caution, Lasers有激光产品和生产、使用、维修激光产品的场所(激光辐射警告标志常用尺寸规格见附录B)。At places of production where laser products are , used and maintained (for common sizes for laser radiation warning signs see Appendix B)1-2-30当心微波Caution, Microwaves凡微波场强超过GB 10436、GB 10437规定的作业场所。For prescribed workplace where the microwave field strength exceeds GB 10436, GB 10437.1-2-31当心叉车Caution, Fork Lift Trucks有叉车通


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