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1、“把”字句语法翻译法,展示:第一组ppt制作:郭倩,语法翻译法,概念:以语法为基础,用母语来教授外语的一种方法。特点:1.以语法教学为中心 2.语法材料的内容以能否突出某种语 法形式为准 3.运用学习者母语进行教学 4.以阅读和书面翻译为主,教学对象:欧美大学生中级混合班教学方法:语法翻译法教学目标:培养学习者充分利用自己母语作书面翻译的能力,了解“把”字句教学内容:“把”字句语法教学重点:“把”字句语法教学教学难点:“把”字句语法规则的掌握,I.What is theb“把”construction?,As a coverb, b把 has no equivalent in English.

2、 It is simply a means by which the direct object is displaced to a position before the verb. B把construction is a disposal form (Wang Li 1947: 160ff.) It states “how a person is handled, manipulated or dealt with; how something is disposed of; or how an affair is concluded” (translation by Charles N.

3、 Li 1974: 200-201).,.B“把”grammar,subject + b把+ direct object + verb + complementary element,主语+“把”+宾语+动词+补语,When to use the b把construction?,Since the b把 construction is used to point out what action has been carried out upon a particular object and how the object has consequently been disposed of, i

4、t is usually used when stating what one has done to something, what one has accomplished (the verb must take an object) or what has happened to something as a result of an action. It is also often used in imperative sentences such as commands, requests or instructions asking someone to move, change,

5、 deal with, handle or manipulate something and affect it in a specific way.,.Example,Sb b把+ O V+C L Mng b n-de zdin nzule. 李明 把你的字典 拿走了。 Li Ming has taken your dictionary away.Practice I do,you speak.,.Excercise,1. I fixed your door. 我把你的门修好了。 W b n-de mn xihole.2. I finished todays homework. 我把今天的作业做完了。 W b jntin de zuy zuwnle. 3. Mr. Wang sold his car to me. 王先生把他的车卖给我了。 Wng xinsheng b t-de ch migiw le.,.Homework,Translate the sentences 1. Please take out the garbage. 2. Open the window a little bit, all right?,Bye bye,


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