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1、Conceptual Metaphor,Preview,Metaphor has been seen as the use of one expression to refer to a different concept in a way which is still regarded as meaningful and metaphor has most prototypically been associated with poetic and literary usage.However, much work in cognitive science has demonstrated

2、that metaphor is a basic pattern in the way the human mind works.,Brief history of metaphor,Aristotle,Richard Black,Searle,Lakoff Johnson,Metaphors We Live ByLakoff & Johnson,1980makes the study of metaphor shift from poetic ornamental language and linguistic aspects of metaphor to cognitive nature

3、of metaphor. This approach to metaphor has proved metaphor an important language device that reflects the cognitive source of human thinking.It has been widely recognized that metaphor is central not only to poetry and ordinary language, but also to diverse realms such as the interpretation of dream

4、s and the nature of models in scientific thought (Levinson, 1983: 147).,Lakoff (1993):隐喻隐射就是从一个始源喻隐射到一个目标域 。王文斌和林波进一步说明,他们认为隐喻是一种心理隐射,是人们将对此事物的认识隐射到彼事物上,形成了始源喻向目标喻的跨越。需要指出的是,隐喻的心理映射可能牵涉到此事物与彼事物的外在表征联系,也可能牵涉到此事物和彼事物的内在特性的关联,也可能牵涉到两者兼而有之。火红的太阳。他是只老狐狸。Juliet is the sun.,Metaphor as mapping,Metaphor -“m

5、etaphora ”(Ancient Greek ) “carrying across”由此及彼,Juliet is the sun.概念域A 概念域B本体(Tenor) 喻体(Vehicle) Richards(1936)主题 (Topic) 喻体(Vehicle) Cameron目标 (Target) 始源(Source) Lakoff andJohnson(1980)主项(Primary Subject) 次项(Secondary Subject) Black(1993)Stylistics (p106)Vehicle tenor The familiar element The new

6、 elements which is described in terms of the old familiar element Ground : the common properties between the two elements,Lakoff :映射是两个概念域之间的一个对应集(a set ofcorrespondences)。 他 们对隐喻的内在结构及映射的实现做的详尽的阐释.,Life is a journey. Source target,travelers,destination,Person,Purpose,Reaching,Achieving,关系,travelers

7、,destination,Person,Purpose,State: strong or weak Mode: by bicycles or by car,Statemode,特性,推理模式,The characteristics of mappings,Internal characteristics: Systematicity Clarity Partialness Directional Richness AbstractnessExternal characteristics: Scope validity,Metaphor,Visible metaphor,Invisible me

8、taphor,In the visible metaphor, both the primary term (tenor) and the secondary term (vehicle ) are present in the sentence. It takes the forms of “X is Y” .You are my sunshine.He is the apple of her eye.The house will be paradise.,The invisible metaphor refers to either of the following two types:

9、1. The primary term is present, but the secondary term is not but it is hinted by other words in many cases by the verb or verbs. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and disgusted.(In this sentence, the secondary term “food ” doesnt appear literally, but it

10、 is suggested by the verbs “tasted”, “ swallowed”, “ chewed”, “ digested”),2. The secondary term is present in the sentence but the primary term is lost. The primary term is suggested by the secondary term. This kind of metaphor leaves room for the readers imagination.The machine sitting at that des

11、k was no longer a man; it was a busy New York broker(O.Henry)(The primary term “man” is not present, but it is suggested by the secondary term “machine”. “man” is rplaced by “machine” because the man at the desk performed his duty mechanically. In writers mind, the man was no longer a man but a mach

12、ine.),But soft! What light through yonder(那边的) window breaks?It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.,Conceptual metaphor,人类初期,用词语指称事物时,往往是用一个名称来指明一个事体或一类事体,在认识个别与类属的顺序上,一般是从个别到类属,这样祖先就逐渐认识到了事物的类别,同时也培养出了范畴化的能力。范畴,概念,范畴化能力的形成是一个漫长的过程,说明了人类语言具有体验性这一根本特征,词语与客观世界中事体,概念之间必定存在着各种各样,千丝万缕的联系。L&J基于这一假设提出了“新经验


14、达目的。这两者是同构的,自然会形成一种隐喻关系。可见,我们的行动常常就是基于这种基本图示之上的。隐喻的体验性就说明了它不可能是任意的 ,可能通过身体体验对其作出合理的解释。我们完全可以假设:人类的祖先起初主要是通过身体在空间中的体验来逐步认识世界的。,Orientational metaphors,运用诸如:上下,内外,前后,远近,深浅,中心,边缘等表达空间的概念来组织另一概念系统。这与我们的身体构造,行为方式密切相关。,HAPPY IS UP; SAD IS DOWN That boosted my spirits. My spirits rose. Im feeling down. Hes

15、 really low these days.b) CONSCIOUS IS UP; UNCONSCIOUS IS DOWN Get up. He rises early in the morning. 他今儿起了个大早,赶去买火车票。 He fell asleep. She sank into a coma. 她老早就躺下了,却翻来覆去睡不着c) HEALTH AND LIFE ARE UP; SICKNESS AND DEATH ARE DOWN Hes at the peak of health. As to his health, hes way up there. 他的身体慢慢好起来

16、了。 I am under the weather. His health is declining. 他的病情每况愈下。,d) HAVING CONTROL OR FORCE IS UP; BEING SUBJECT TO CONTROL OR FORCE IS DOWN I am on top of the situation. Hes in a superior position. 领导需要高瞻远瞩地统筹全局。 He is under my control. His power is on the decline. 敌军完全在我军的控制之下。e) VIRTUE IS UP; DEPRAV

17、ITY IS DOWN She is high-minded. She has high standards. 他的品德高尚。 Dont be underhanded. He wouldnt stoop to that. 安能摧眉折腰侍权贵,使我不得开心颜。,Novel metaphor,新奇隐喻和创造相似性的隐喻有关,它产生于本体和喻体两个概念之间的较大差异,将不可同日而语的概念置于一起,超出了原有的思维方式和语言表达,新奇便产生。新奇隐喻和陌生化密切相关,为了揭示事体间尚未被人们所认识的特征,故意用一个较为陌生的关系来表述事,从而形成了较为新奇的隐喻。让人眼前一亮,觉得新鲜。,Thank you,


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