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1、英文摘要的写作,认识英文摘要,英文摘要的写作要求,英文摘要句子写作,英文摘要写作过程,补充及扩展,认识英文摘要,什么是摘要?摘要有什么用?摘要有哪些种类?摘要应该包括什么?,什么是摘要?,国际标准化组织(ISO)国际标准 ISO214-1976(E)规定,摘要,Abstract,对文献内容准确、扼要的表述,而不加解释和评论,An abbreviated, accurate representation of the contents of a document without added interpretation or criticism,什么是摘要?,独立性,自明性,摘要有什么用?,报道


3、摘要有哪些种类?,报道-指示性摘要,介于报道性摘要和指示性摘要之间,按内容分,摘要有哪些种类?,结构式摘要,本质上是报道性摘要的变体在形式上比较特殊:每一分项目前加黑体字小标题医学期刊越来越多采用结构式摘要,按内容分,摘要有哪些种类?,篇幅,n150,100 n 250,400,It depends!,摘要应该包括什么?,目的(Motivation)方法(Methods/Procedure)结果(Results/Findings/Product)结论(Conclusion),报道性摘要,摘要应该包括什么?,目的,本文主要解决的问题,研究的前提、目标和任务避免重复标题尽量不谈或少谈背景信息,方法

4、,简要说明研究课题的基本做法定性+定量,结果,描述重要结果、实验数据、统计学意义、观察结果或现象、确定的关系、得到的效果、性能等,要说明价值和局限性避免笼统表述,结论,研究结果分析,取得主要的论点说明研究意义、使用价值、应用前景、评价可突出论文的创新点、独到之处,摘要应该包括什么?,This paper presents an automatic sentence segmentation method for an automatic speech summarization system. The segmentation method is based on combining word

5、- and class-based statistical language models to predict sentence and non-sentence boundaries. We study both the performance of the sentence segmentation system itself and the effect of the segmentation on the summarization accuracy. The sentence segmentation is done by modelling the probability of

6、a sentence boundary given a certain word history with language models trained on transcriptions and texts from several sources. The resulting segmented data is used as the input to an existing automatic summarization system to determine the effect it has on the summarization process. We conduct all

7、our experiments with two types of evaluation data: broadcast news and lecture transcriptions.,目的,方法,摘要应该包括什么?,The automatic summarizations are created with different sentence segmentations and different summarization ratios (30% and 40%) and evaluated by comparing them to human-made summaries. We sh

8、ow that a proper sentence segmentation is essential to achieve good performance with an automatic summarization system.,结果,结论,英文摘要的写作要求,文体风格时态特征语态特征人称,文体风格,不要对文献内容作评论和解释。注重定量分析,尽量利用文章中最具体的语言来阐述方法、过程、结果和结论,但一般不用数学公式、化学结构式、插图、表格叙述内容应具体精确,数量表达要准确尽可能少用或不用“可能”“大概”“差不多”“估计”“也许”等模糊字眼,1,文体风格,完整清楚、简明扼要,突出创新和

9、独到之处,用最少的文字提供最主要的信息。但不能写得过分简单,要素要全,2,文体风格,尽量用简短、词意清楚并为人熟知的词和短句,并注意句型的多样化表达,长短句兼有。词语的英美拼法不可混用一般不使用疑问句和感叹句,3,文体风格,遵循英文语法修辞规则,符合英文专业术语规范,凡国际上或国内学术界通用的术语,要按国际国内的统一规定使用,译名应按国内的统一译名为准使用标准英语而非俗语不使用文学语言描述和分析注意中英文不同的表达习惯,4,文体风格,论文摘要属于正式书面文体,应使用书面语,避免使用口语,5,In this paper, we have given a reason that is why th

10、e competitive ability of the national firms is weak. Because the non-national firms can get very cheap labor, under the same technical and economical conditions and the same cost, a non-national firm can produce more output than a national firm does, so it can get much more profit. In this way, the

11、competitive ability of the national firms is stronger than the national firms.,时态特征,科技论文的时态,一般现在时一般过去时现在完成时,一般将来时过去完成时现在进行时,时态特征,一般过去时,叙述研究过程描述实验部分,过去完成时,叙述研究过程中提及此过程之前发生的事、前人的结论或作者以前的发现,时态特征,现在完成时,课题已取得成果,一般现在时,“无时间性”“一般表述”开头表述目的结尾表述结论、观点、建议,时态特征,情态动词的使用科技文章中,使用较多的情态动词,好处,增强文章的客观性和可信度,语态特征,一、最显著特征,

12、被动语态使用很多,原因,1、英语中的被动语态本来就多,2、叙述对象大多是物质、现象及实验过程等,注重客观事实,不强调行为主体,3、强调对象放到句首,引起注意力,4、避免给人以主观臆断的印象,语态特征,二、近年来的趋势,尽量使用主动语态,原因,美国工程索引(EI)要求尽量采用主动语态代替被动语态特别是亮明作者观点时,多用主动语态,文字简练明晰,鲜明有力A exceeds B 读起来要好于 B is exceeded by A,可有避免过多的使用”is” “was” “are” “were”这样的弱动词,语态特征,The experiment was conducted so that the r

13、elationship between the two theories could be examined. First, the cultures were prepared and then were examined under the microscope to see if any impurities could be found. Once the purity of the samples could be established, they were used in six independent tests.(51 words),The experiment examin

14、ed the relationship between the two theories. First, microscopic examination for impurities isolated pure examples used in six independent tests.(22 words),语态特征,?,照章办事符合打算投稿期刊的要求和习惯符合打算论文被检索的检索期刊(SCI、EI)的要求,该用什么用什么迎合趋势,能用主动语态就用,提高表达效率和效果强调动作承受者时,还是要用被动语态以提高表达效率为最终目标,人称,传统,现在,多用第三人称,尽量不出现第一人称Eg:This

15、study This assessment,不回避第一人称,Nature,Cell,Science等期刊普遍使用第一人称和主动语态的表达方式。避免使用第三人称,如“This paper reported that”,人称,We experimentally realized coherent control of a single-electron spin in a quantum dot usinng an oscillating electric field generated by a local gate. The between spin-up and and spin-down

16、with 90rotations as fast as 55 nanoseconds. Our analysis indicated that the electrically induced spin transitions were mediated by the spin-orbit interaction.Science,2007,318.(5855):1430-1433,人称,?,还是尽量不用第一人称实际情况,最好用事物做主语的第三人称This paper, The author 废话实验证明了,有待摸索,英文摘要的句子写作,长句使用方法长句简化方法实例分析,长句,科技英语中应用很多

17、长句长句:从句、短语多,同时兼有并列结构和省略、倒装语序,结构显得复杂,所表达的科技内容严密性、准确性和逻辑性较强,长句,为什么要用长句?,事物之间关系错综复杂,推理严谨叙述准确,思维严密复杂,并列关系、主从关系增多,长句_使用方法,长句,主从复合句,并列句,并列复合句,长句中的分裂句(cleft sentence)现象,长句_使用方法,分裂句,定语从句引起,In recent years ways have been developed by which air can be safely used over and over in space,Electric charges, posit

18、ive and negative, which are responsible for electrical force, can wipe one another out and disappear,保持句子结构的平衡、匀称,长句_使用方法,分裂句,插入语引起,Some metals, such as copper and silver, are called good conductors.,为了充分、准确地表达思想对某些成分加以说明和强调,The light from the moon, too, comes from the sun.,长句_简化方法,长句带来的弊端?复杂难懂,推理严谨

19、叙述准确,严密紧凑清晰易读,长句简化,简单句带来的弊端?逻辑松散,介词短语、分词短语(包括非谓语结构)、名词短语等With结构、独立主格结构各类从句,长句_简化方法,长句_简化方法,介词短语代替状语从句,because it interacts with the groundbecause of its interaction with the ground,If x is equal to zerofor x equal to zero,If the temperature is greater than 60CAt the temperature greater than 60C ,长句_

20、简化方法,名词短语代替状语从句,Since there is no atmosphere in space, scientists couldThe absence of atmosphere in space would enable scientists,In this case, if the temperature is increased, the voltage will be decreased.In this case, an increase in temperature leads to a decrease in voltage.,长句_简化方法,分词短语、不定式短语代替

21、状语从句,The proton is the opposite of the electron, since it is a particle of positive electricity.The proton is the opposite of the electron, being a particle of positive electricity.,He wanted to know where he ought to put it.He wanted to know where to put.,长句_简化方法,With 结构,我们对期间参数进行了初步的分析,其结果令人满意,An

22、initial analysis of the device parameters has been made, and the results obtained are satisfactory.An initial analysis of the device parameters has been made with satisfactory results.,长句_简化方法,独立主格结构,电子与原子核的大小大致相同,其直径大约为1012厘米,An electron is about as large as a nucleus, and its diameter is about 10-

23、12cm.An electron is about as large as a nucleus, its diameter being about 10-12cm.,实例分析,Deterministic learning can achieve locally-accurate approximation of the unknown closed-loop system dynamics while attempting to control a class of nonlinear systems producing recurrent trajectories.,Determined l

24、earning can achieve dynamic locally-accurate approximation of the unknown closed-loop system, aiming at continuous nonlinear dynamic system bringing about regressive trajectory.,自己写的,原文,形容词的形式与选择 determineddeterministic selectedalternative astonishedsurprise,一个中心语由多个形容词修饰的时的处理办法 -a class of=continuo

25、us,针对(in allusion、direct to)产生回归轨迹的连续非线性动态系统,确定学习可实现未知闭环系统动态的局部准确逼近,实例分析,Based on deterministic learning,an adaptive neural control algorithm is proposed for unknown robots in task space using RBF networks.The designed adaptive neural controller not only guarantees uniformly ultimately bounded of al

26、l signals in the closed-loop system,but also achieves convergence of partial network weights to their optimal values and learning of the unknown closed-loop system dynamics in a stable control process along recurrent tracking orbits.,自己写的,原文,被动语态:先找到主谓宾,再从谓语下手,不要盲目地找一个动词,相同词的替换问题 achieve= acquire=ga

27、in=guarantee=accomplish,词性的转换,不要照搬中文来翻译,The RBF neural network was used to design a new kind of adaptive neural network control algorithm for tracking control of robot task space, based on determined learning theory, which not only achievedultimatly uniform bounding of all signals in closed-loop sys

28、tem, but achieved that partial neural network weights converged to the optimal values and dynamic locally-accurate approximation of the unknown closed-loop system tracking along the regressive trajectory in the stable control process.,基于确定学习理论,本文使用 RBF 神经网络为机器人任务空间跟踪控制设计了一种新的自适应神经网络控制算法, 不仅实现了闭环系统所有

29、信号的最终一致有界, 而且在稳定的控制过程中, 沿着回归跟踪轨迹实现了部分神经网络权值收敛到最优值以及未知闭环系统动态的局部准确逼近,The learned knowledge stored as constant network weights can be reused in the follow-up same or similar control task to improve the control performance and to save time and energy.Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of t

30、he proposed approach.,Expressing the learned knowledge in the form of time-invariant and spatial distribution, storing it in the form of weights of constant neural network improve the control performance of the system and can be applied to the follow-up control task which is same or similar to save

31、time and energy. In the end, the author demonstrated correctness and effectiveness of the control algorithm designed with simulation.,实例分析,自己写的,原文,一个中心语由多个形容词修饰的时的处理办法 -中心语由很多形容词修饰时,可以将中心语放在中间,在两边加修饰成分,学过的知识以时不变且空间分布的方式表达、以常值神经网络权值的方式存储, 可以用来改进系统的控制性能, 也可以应用到后续相同或相似的控制任务中, 节约时间和能量,英文摘要写作过程,写作流程,写作流程


33、符号系统不同常常误用,摘要行文很短,标点符号的错用非常显眼,标点符号,中文,英文,没有顿号(、) 书名号() 着重号,没有撇号() 连字号(-) 缩略词符号,汉译英时,顿号 、,逗号 ,,着重号,书名号,bookname,下划线,标点符号,破折号(dash)“”其长度为两个英文小写字母之长(即占一个中文字空),而中文的破折号长度为双字线(即占两个中文字空)。在英文摘要中错误率较高,1,标点符号,连字符(hyphen)“-”其长度为破折号的一半(即一个小写字母之长)。“-”主要用于连接复合词。如out-of-date,re-elect,等;此外还表示数字范围,如during 1985-1995,

34、Ninth Five-Year Plan(1996-2000)等。中文在表示数值范围时可用“”或“”,而英文用“-”,2,标点符号,波浪号,代字号“”在英文中的用法有:在词典中代表每一条的词目,例如,在ball这一词目下,有foot(足球);数学和逻辑学中的否定号在英文摘要中用“”表示数字范围是不合适的,如“during19901996”;“increased 5080”。正确的表示方法应该用连字符“-”或用fromto,3,标题,简洁醒目,尽量使用名词短语不要用句子太长的标题,可增加副标题来缩短主标题一般性名词前可省略冠词中文标题中的“浅谈” “略论”、“初探”、“刍议”等字眼,翻译成英文应

35、略去,作者姓名和单位,1.文责自负2.记录作者的劳动成果3.便于读者与作者联系及文献检索,单个作者,多个作者,坚持实事求是的态度,按实际贡献依次排定第一作者、第二作者,关键词(Key words),关键词(Key words)是论文中最重要最关键的词或短语最能反映论文的主要内容,出现次数最多在论文题目或摘要中均出现,目的,1.有助于读者了解文章主旨,2.便于检索,关键词(Key words),包括,主题词规范化了的,自由词未规范化过的,3-8个,各专业都有相应规范化的主题词列表,尚未被主题词列表收录的新学科、新技术中的重要术语新兴交叉学科术语,关键词(Key words),格式,中文,英文,关键词_选用时的问题,1.将常用词当作关键词,2.将关键词写成词组或短语,3.关键词太多或太少,4.词性不当,5.排列顺序混乱,?,主要参考书,其他资源大部分来自网络,谢谢,


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