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1、“三花”:spend, take, cost,1)spend主语只能是人,表示“人在.上花费了.句型:人+spend time/money 我花了一百美元买下那辆自行车。他们花了三个月时间周游欧洲。她花费大量的钱买衣服。,on sth,(in)doing sth,I spent$100onthebike.,TheyspentthreemonthtouringEurope.,She spends a lot of money on clothes.,人,人,人,翻译:(用spend)买这本书花费我二十元钱。 这个书包花了我一百元。 这台电脑花去了他5000元。 买这块手表花了我300元。,I s

2、pent 20 yuan on the book.=I spent 20yuan (in) buying the book.,I spent 100 yuan on the bag.=I spent 100 yuan (in) buying the bag.,He spent 5,000 yuan on the computer=He spent 5,000 yuan (in) buying the computer,I spent 300 yuan on the watch.=I spent 300 yuan buying the watch.,(先确定主语-人),2)take一般用it做主

3、语-常用it做形式主语, 不定式短语做真正的主语,句型为: It takes sb. some time to do 做某事花了某人多少时间。例:他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。去上学花费我半小时。,Ittookthemthreeyearstobuildthisroad.,It takes me half an hour to go to school.,翻译:(用take)做作业花费了我2小时的时间。 去旅游花费了我们一周的时间。打麻将花了我妈妈一天的时间。玩电脑游戏经常花费我们大量的时间。,It took me 2 hours to do my homework.,It took us a

4、week to take a trip.,It took my mother a day to play Majiang.,It often takes us a large amount of time to play the computer games.,(It 与takes是好朋友,常连用),3)cost的主语是物, 表示“花费,花去,值 (钱)” 句型: 物 cost sb. (money)例:这本书花了他200元。 坐飞机去美国机票需要花费你五千元。,Thebookcost him200 yuan.,物,The ticket will cost you 5000 yuan to f

5、ly to USA,物,翻译:买这本书花费我二十元钱。 这个书包花了我一百元。 这台电脑花去了他5000元。 买这块手表花了我300元。,The book cost me 20 yuan.,物,物,物,物,The bag cost me 100 yuan.,The computer cost him 5,000 yuan.,The watch cost me 300 yuan.,先要圈出主语-“物”,再用cost,即物+cost,表示花时间的: spend , take表示花金钱的: spend , cost,主语是人的: spend主语是物的: cost主语是it的: take,翻译:买这本

6、书花费我二十元钱。 这个书包花了我一百元。,I,I,人,人,spent 20 yuan on the book./(in) buying the book.,The book,物,物,cost me 20 yuan.,spent 100 yuan on the bag./(in) buying the bag.,The book,cost me 100 yuan.,这台电脑花去了他5000元。 买这块手表花了我300元。,人,物,人,物,He,spent 5,000 yuan on the computer./(in)buying the computer.,The computer,cost

7、 him 5,000 yuan.,I,spent 300 yuan on the watch./(in)buying the watch.,The watch,cost me 300 me yuan.,我通常花一小时上班。他花了4天到达月球。,I,人,usually spend 1 hour (in) going to work.,It,usually takes me 1 hour to go to work.,He,人,spent 4 days (in) getting to the Moon.,It,took him 4 days to get to the Moon.,1.用2种方式翻

8、译下列句子:这件新裙子花了我200元。 2.花了我1小时踢足球。 ,I spent 200 yuan on the new dress./(in) buying thenew dress.,The new dress cost me 200 yuan.,I spent 1 hour (in) playing foofball.,It took me 1 hour to play football.,( )3. They spend too much time _ the report. A. writing B. to write C. on writing D. write( ) 4. -W

9、hat beautiful shoes youre wearing! They must be expensive -No,they only_l0 yuan Aspent Btook Ccost( ) 5. How much did my dinner _ ,Peter? -100 yuan! A.spend B. take C. cost ( ) 6. It will _ me too much time to read this book. A. take B. cost C. spend,A,C,C,A,( )7.He spends little time _ computer gam

10、es. A.on play B.in playing C.to playing ( )8.I bought a fancy book yesterday, it_me two dollar. A、take B、cost C、spend D、use( )9.Dont_ too much time on that computer game. A、cost A、take C、use D、spend,B,B,C,( )10.Parents spend an hour or twowith their children every week. A. talk B. to talk C. talking

11、 D. talked to ( )11They _ a lot of time doing their homework. A take B spend C pay D cost ( )12.It took me half an hour _home yesterday A.got B.getting C. to get D.get ( )13.It _him much time to do the shopping A.spends B.uses C.takes D.costs ( )14.HowmuchwillatickettoItaly_? A.spendB.payC.costD.use( )15.Ispendalotoftime_people. A.drawB.drawsC.drewD.drawing,C,B,C,C,C,D,


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