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1、新概念英语第三册语法精粹汇总 学习新概念英语并不难啊。你还在为英语成绩低拖后腿而烦恼吗?今天给大家带来新概念英语第三册语法精粹,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。新概念英语第三册语法精粹:代替与省略英语中,为了避免不必要的重复,经常用so, not, to, do, does 代替前面出现的动词或相关内容。如:He translated the article better than I did. (did代替wrote it) Do you think she is clever? I think so. (so代替 she is clever)(1) 从上两例中看出,do

2、 / does / did 代替动词。(2) so 与 not 代替某个词、短语、句子等,通常用于hope, think, believe, expect, suppose, be afraid, fear, imagine, etc后作宾语。E.g. Is it correct? Im afraid not. (not correct)(3) to 用作不定式,常跟随下列动词:want, mean, hope, expect, refuse, seem, intend, be, afraid, etc.E.g. I asked him to go to the party, but he r

3、efused to. (go to the party)(4) do so, do that, do it 用来代替动态动词,而不能代静态动词。Eg. He gave up studying English. Why did he do so? (= give up studying English) The dish tastes nice. Yes, so it does. (tastes nice)(此句不能用it does it 或 it does so, 因taste属静态动词。)(5) 为使语言精炼,避免不必要的重复,对话中常用省略形式。E.g. He is thinking of

4、 buying a car? Is he?(这里,“thinking of buying a car”被省略了。) Will he come back in time? Perhaps.(省略了he will come back in time.)测试精编I.选择正确答案:1. Shall I wake you up tomorrow? Yes, _ .A. please do B. you shallC. you will D. you may2. I think records are often _ an actual performance.A. as good as or bette

5、r than B. as good or better thanC. like good or better than D. as good as any other3. If he doesnt come to work, he may be fired. Surely he isnt so foolish _ not to realize that.A. so B. and C. but D. as4. Dont you think Alans health has been ruined by smoking? Yes, he told me _ himself.A. the fact

6、B. this thing C. It D. so5. Will you go home tomorrow evening? No, Im going to a lecture, or at least, Im planning _ .A. on B. to C. so D. It6. I slipped on the stairs, I think my arm is broken. Oh! I _ .A. do not hope so B. do not hope C. hope not so D. hope not7. California relies mainly on income

7、 from fruit crops, and _ .A. Florida also B. Florida tooC. Florida is as well D. so does Florida8. Have you been here long? _ .A. No, not very B. Not muchC. Yes, only little D. No, only yesterday9. You look happy today, Mary. I like my new dress and mother _, too.A. does B. likes C. is D. do10. So y

8、ou are lost, little boy. Why didnt you hang on to your mothers skirt? _, but I couldnt reach it.A. I hanged to B. I did toC. I didnt hang to D. I tried to新概念英语第三册语法精粹:倒装根据语法要求,把谓语动词置于主语前,称为完全倒装,把助动词或情态动词置于主语前,称为部分倒装。1.副词如:in, out, down, there, here, off, over, away, etc. 句子倒装。(完全倒装,但主语不能是代词)Down jum

9、ped the murderer from the tenth floor.In came Miss Green.(特别注意:当主语是人称代词时不倒装。)Away she went!(她走了!)Here you are!(你在这儿!)2.only + 副词(介词短语)位于句首,句子要倒装。Only then did he realize that he was mistaken.Only by working hard can we succeed in doing anything.3.well, so, often, such, few, little 放于句首,句子形成倒装。So fin

10、e was the weather that we all went out lying in the sun.Well did I know him and well did he know me.4.否定词或具有否定意义的词及词组用在句首时,句子须倒装。此类词有: neither,nor,hardly,scarcely, rarely,seldom,not,never,not only,barely,at no time,nowhere等。e.g. Jack could not swim. Neither could Tom.Never have I seen such a good mo

11、vie.5.as引导让步状语从句,须倒装。(准确地说,是将需要强调的词提到as的前面。)Rich as he is, he spends a cent on charity.Try as he does, he never seems able to do the work beautifully.6.在表示祝愿的句子中。May you make greater progress! (愿你取得更大进步!)7.在虚拟条件句中,连词if省略时,句型要倒装,即将were, had, should等词提到句首。Were I you, I would go abroad to take advanced

12、 study.我要是你,就出国进修了。Should he come tomorrow, he would help us to settle the problem.他要是明天来的话,他会帮我们解决这个问题的。8.百分特例重点:Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want.(NCE Book III Lesson 26)尽管我们为自己的绝好鉴赏力感到自豪,但我们已经无法自由地选择我们所需要的东西了。测试精编I.选择正确选项:1. Not u

13、ntil the mid-nineteenth-century discovery of vast deposits of borates in the Majave Desert _ relatively common.A. borax becameB. did borax becomeC. and borax becomeD. boraxs becoming2. _ received law degrees as today.A. Never so many women haveB. Never have so many womenC. The women arent everD. Wom

14、en who have never3. _ the Bobs belongings that he carried them in a bundle slung over his shoulders.A. Were so few B. Few were soC. So few were D. They were so few4. Only after a baby seal is pushed into the sea by its mother _ to swim.A. how will it learn B. will it learn howC. it will learn how D.

15、 and it learns how5. Not only _ a promise, but he also kept it.A. did he made B. he madeC. did he make D. he makes6. Nowhere in the world _ .A. travelers can buy so much beauty for so little as in Hawaii.B. no one can buy so much beauty for so little money as Hawaii.C. so much beauty can be bought f

16、or so little money in Hawaii.D. can travelers buy so much beauty for so little money as in Hawaii.7. No sooner _ gone home than it began to rain heavily.A. had I B. have I C. I had D. I have8. Not for a moment _ the truth of your story.A. he has doubted B. he doubtsC. did he doubt D. he did doubt9.

17、_ succeed in doing anything.A. Only by working hard we canB. By only working hard we canC. Only by working hard can weD. Only we can work hard10. Never before in similar circumstances _ .A. a British Prime Minister had refused to step down.B. did a British Prime Minister have refused to step down.C.

18、 a British Prime Minister did have refused to step down.D. had a British Prime Minister refused to step down.11. People might avoid many accidents _ these methods been adopted before.A. that B. were C. have D. had12. _arose the problem that the boy will never overcome the great difficulties.A. It B.

19、 This C. Here D. Those新概念英语第三册语法精粹:形容词定义:形容词是用来修饰名词的词,描述名词的性质、外观、特点等。功能:形容词可以做定语、表语或补助语。分类:主要分为两类:描绘性形容词和限定性形容词。 描绘性形容词主要用来描绘大、小、新旧、颜色、质量等。 限定性形容词主要用来限定所修饰词的数量、距离及范围所属等。1.当形容词修饰单数可数名词时,必须与冠词连用:a lovely girl, the naughty boy2.形容词可与系动词连用,做表语,说明主语的性状。常用系动词有:be,become,seem,appear,feel,look,taste,smell,s

20、ound,remain,go,turn,keep,stay, etc.The dish tastes delicious.The music sounds sweet.The milk went bad.小心陷阱 feel,smell,taste,look,keep有时可以用作实义动词,并可以用副词修饰。He looked me up and down carefully.I tasted the soup slowly to see whether it was salty.3.形容词用作后置定语。(简单理解:一般的形容词修饰名词时放在名词前面,但有些形容词修饰名词时放在名词的后面)a ri

21、ver navigable(一条可通航的河)sight visible可见的景象person responsible(负责人)注意:responsible person(有责任心的人)the best way possible(尽可能好的办法)the number necessary(必要的数量)the people present(在场的人)4.只能作表语的形容词(1).某些表示健康状况的形容词。well(身体好的),ill(病的),faint(虚弱的),poorly(身体不好的)示例:His mother has been ill for a long time.特别注意:sick是个特例

22、。它既可做表语,又可做定语。He is sick for a couple of days.(他病两三天了)He is a sick person.(他是个病人。)(2).某些以 a-开头的形容词。如:afraid(害怕的),alone(独自的),alive(活着的),asleep(睡着的),awake(醒 着的),aware(意识到的)The old man is alone in the house.(老人一个人在家。)The teacher is alive with enthusiasm.(这位老师热情洋溢。)He is asleep in his mothers arms.(他在母亲

23、的怀抱中睡着了。)I have been aware of the difficulty.(我已经意识到了困难。)测试精编I.选择正确选项:1. The Chinese food served in American restaurant is not bad but I prefer _.A. Chinese food authentically B. Chinese authentic foodC. food Chinese authentically D. authentic Chinese food2. _ lessons were not difficult.A. Our first

24、 few short EnglishB. Our few first short EnglishC. Our few first English shortD. Few our first English short3. Do you think that the Labor bill will be passed? Oh, yes, its _ that it will.A. almost surely B. very likelyC. near positive D. quite certainly4. Have you traveled much? No, I have done _ t

25、raveling.A. few B. little C. small D. less5. I was very busy. Did you really work hard _?A. all day B. all the dayC. all the day long D. all of day long6. Do you need anything from the store? _ and some cheddar cheese.A. Only a French bread loafB. A French bread loaf onlyC. Only a loaf of French bre

26、adD. A loaf of French bread only7. According to the information, the newly-constructed highway is said to be _.A. lengthy twenty miles B. length about twenty milesC. about twenty miles long D. in twenty miles of length8. Mr. Smith has done _ business here.A. a lot of B. a number ofC. much D. lots9.

27、Are you helping to organize the political convention? Im in charge of welcoming the _.A. out-of-town visitors B. visitors from outside of townC. visitors out-of-town D. outside town visitors10. Does Jane have brown hair? Yes, In fact, its quitesimilar in shape _ yours.A. as B. with C. like D. to新概念英语第三册语法精粹汇总


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