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1、洪恩口语培训班教程 分类场景 询问访客身份:May I have your name, please? 请问您贵姓?What company are you from? 您是哪个公司的? Could you tell me what company you are representing? 能告诉我您代表什么公司吗?如果碰到了老朋友可以说:What brings you here? 是什么风把你吹来了? 询问是否预约,来访目的?Do you have an appointment? 约好了吗? Would you give me your business card? 请给我您的名片好吗?

2、And can I ask what you wish to see him about? 我能问一下您要见他有何事吗? 让客人稍候片刻:Ill see if he is available. 请让我看看上司是否方便。 Would you please have a seat and wait for a few moments. 请您坐下稍等片刻。给客人倒茶,礼貌待客: Would you like coffee or tea? How do you like your coffee? 你要咖啡还是茶?要什么样的咖啡?(是否加奶或糖) 带客人去见经理: Please have a seat,

3、 Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith will see you in few minutes. 请坐,琼斯先生和史密斯先生几分钟后就到。 Mr. Chen is expecting you. Ill tell him that youre here. 陈先生正在等你。我去告诉他你已到。Would you come this way, please? 请随我这边来。婉言拒绝客人来访: Mr. Chen is occupied at the moment and wants to know if your business is urgent.陈先生正忙着,请问您的事情很紧急吗?He

4、may want to get in touch with you in the future. Would you leave your card? 他想以后再和你联系。请留下你的名片好吗?一定要为自己争取机会:Ill take just a few minutes of his time. 我只要占用他几分钟的时间。Id prefer to explain that to him directly.我想我最好直接对他本人讲。 接待 作为公司的秘书,你是否总会有一些接待的工作要去做呢?对待来访的客人,提供的服务应使他们感到宾至如归(feel at home),语言也要体贴,处处显示出您的热情

5、周到:客人到了,询问旅途情况:Mr. Taylor, its indeed a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Welcome to our company.TAYLOR先生,与您相识真是荣幸,欢迎来我公司。Did you have a good trip?旅途还顺利吧?I hope youll have a pleasant stay here. 希望你此逗留期间愉快。I hope youve enjoyed your stay in Hangzhou. 但愿你在杭州这段时间过得开心。 Well do our best to make your sta

6、y here a pleasant one . 我们将尽力使你在此逗留期间舒心。 You must be very tired after such a long journey. 经过这么长时间的旅行,你肯定很累。既然客人劳累就赶紧安排他去宾馆吧:We had reserved one single room with a private bath for you. 我们已为你订了一个带浴室的单人间。 Your room is 1108. Well take the elevator up. 你的房间号码是1108,我们乘电梯上去。 You will find Room 201 at the

7、 end of the corridor.你走到走廊尽头就能看到201房间。 This way, please. 请这边走。 Come with me please! 请跟我来。如果是外国客人,询问他会中文吗?Do you read Chinese? 你会中文吗? What language do you speak? 你说哪种语言? 安排好住处以后,领客人吃饭:Would you like a cup of coffee or tea? 你来杯茶还是咖啡? Do you want anything to drink? 你要喝点什么? 向客人提供帮助: If theres anything y

8、oud like to know, dont hesitate to ask. 如果想要了解什么,尽管问吧。 If I can do anything for you, please dont hesitate to let me know. 如果我能为你做些什么,尽管说好了。 Im glad to be of help to you. 我很高兴能对你有所帮助。 Are there any questions youd like to ask before we leave ? 出发前,你们还有什么要问的吗? 安排各种活动: The tea party begins at 7 oclock.

9、茶话会在7点开始。 Hows the party, Mr. Taylor? 晚会如何,TAYLOR先生? The ceremony will commence as soon as the minister arrives. 庆祝会等部长一来就开始。 Our General Manager cant be here today, so Im speaking on his behalf. 我们的总经理今天不能到会,因此由我代表他讲话。 We are going to show you the town while youre here. 你在此逗留期间我们将陪你在城里游览一番。 Do you

10、have any place in mind you wanted to go in our town? 本城有什么地方你想去看看? What would you like to do this morning?There is nothing scheduled before lunch. 上午你想干什么?中饭前日程表上没有活动安排。Is there anything planned for tonight? 今晚有什么安排? Have you anything in mind youd like to do? 你是不是已有打算。Well visit a school in the afte

11、rnoon as you proposed. 按你的提议,下午我们去参观一所学校。 I think itd be better for me to take you there so that you wont get lost. 我想最好还是我领你去,以免你迷路。在各项活动结束后与客人送别,首先告诉他启程的车票已经安排好了: We had reserved you two First class seats on the plane leaving Shanghai for Hong Kong at 10:00 a.m. on Monday March 20. 我们已为你订了二张月日星期一上

12、午点由上海飞往香港的一等舱机票。 欢迎下次再来:If you would be kind enough to let me know in advance the date and approximate time of any intended visit,I will make arrangements to be on hand to receive you. 若蒙提前惠告计划来访日期及大致时间,我将亲自出面接待你。对我们的接待工作您满意吗?If you have any complaints to make about our service, we will be quick to

13、make adjustments.若对我们的服务有任何不满,请提出,我们会很快加以调整。 打电话(On the line)拿起电话,接通要找的人:I would like to speak to Mr. Martin. 我想和马丁先生通话。 Hello, Is this Mr. Zhous office? Mr. Zhou Guohua. 喂,是周先生,周国华的办公室吗? Is Prof. Chen in? 陈教授在吗? 如果幸运,接电话的是你要找的人,对方会说: Yes, speaking. 我就是。如果接电话的不是你要找的人,对方会说:Hes not in . 他不在。 等一会儿,别把电话

14、挂断: Wait a minute. 稍等片刻。 Hold on a second. 稍等片刻。 这儿没这个人: Theres nobody here by that name. 这儿没人叫这个名字。 你接了找别人的电话,对要找的人说: A call for you. 找你的电话。 You are wanted on the phone. 找你的电话。Annes on the line. She wants to talk to you. 安打来的电话,她找你。 进一步探听要找的人的去向: Do you know what time I can reach him? 你知道我什么时候找到他?

15、真糟糕拨错号了: Sorry, I must have dialed the wrong number. 对不起, 我大概拨错号了。 礼貌地答复来电:English department. May I help you? 这儿是英语系,我能帮你什么忙吗? Would you like to leave a message? 你愿意留个口信吗? May I take a message for you? 要不要我转达口信吗? If you leave your name and number Ill have Mr. Chen call you back as soon as hes avail

16、able. 如果你留下姓名和电话号码,我会让陈先生尽快给你回话。 手边没有笔,又需要记下一些信息:Hold on a minute while I get a pencil. 别挂电话,我拿支铅笔。 打有分机的电话: Extension 312, please. 请接312分机。 说完了: OK, thats all. 好了,我要挂电话了。 电话没打进去: The line is busy. 电话占线。 Ive been telephoning all morning, but I havent been able to speak to the doctor. 我一个上午都在给医生打电话,但

17、还没接通过。 Nobody answers the phone. 没人接电话。 In the middle of our telephone conversation we were suddenly cut off. 电话打了一半,突然断线了。 继续保持联系: You can telephone me every few days, and in that way we can keep in touch with each other. 你可以隔几天给我通一个电话,以便我们保持联系。 Ill give you a ring. 我会给你打电话。 Please give me a call w

18、hen you are back. 回来后请给我打个电话。 告诉别人电话号码:You can dial 911 if you want to report a fire. 若要给消防队报火警可拨911。 查电话号码: Could you please give me your office number and home number? 能不能请你告诉我你的办公和住宅电话号码?You will have to search for his number in the telephone book. 你只能从电话号码簿中查找他的电话。 Ill look up the number for you

19、. 我将替你找到这个电话号码。 买东西 (Going shopping) 走进商店,售货员问你: Anything I can do for you? 您想买什么? 告诉她你要什么: I want a pair of sneakers. 我要一双胶底运动鞋。 Give me a kilo of beef jerky. 给我一斤牛肉干。 Could I have a look at the brandname items? 我想看一看名牌( name brand )商品。 名牌的东西可真太多了,瞧瞧他会说什么:We have a great variety of them in stock. 这

20、些我们现有许多种类。 We have some real good buys. 我们有些真正的好货。 What kind would you like to see? 您想看什么样的?可真眼花缭乱了,还是由她推荐一下比较好:Can you recommend some to me? 你能不能给我推荐一些?想买一条Lee的牛仔裤,可是价钱还是先问一下再说:How much? 多少钱? 啊,竟然Sheer robbery! 太贵了,简直是抢劫!Thats too expensive. I cant afford it. 太贵了,买不起。Can you cut the price a bit?您能再

21、便宜点儿吗?We dont usually give discounts. But theyre on special this week. 我们平时不打折扣,但这星期削价出售。We give 30 percent discount off the price. 按原价打七折。It comes to 165 yuan, sir. 先生,一百六十五元。嗯,这价钱:Its a real bargain. 真便宜。That sounds reasonable. 这个价钱听起来还算公道。你根据她的推荐又买了好些东西,售货员热情地问你:Is there anything else you might n

22、eed?您还有什么要买的吗?想想,嗯-还想买一双小号的莱尔斯丹凉鞋。不过很可惜:Sorry, were out of them today. 对不起,今天没有货了。提着大包小包回家,兴奋之余发现自己的钱袋又瘪下去一块。 讨价还价 砍价使你得到实惠,也真是一门学问。我想下面步步为营的侃价技巧还真得学一学。一般来说,商家总是在说:Our prices are not dearer than those in other places. 我们的价格不比别的地方贵。The price is reasonable because the quality is superior. 这价格是合情合理的,因为

23、质量极好。你可以向他探探虚实:Thats a bit more than I wanted to pay. 这比我想出的价格高一点。商家会再诉价格公道:The prices have already been reduced greatly. 这些价钱本来已经减去许多了。If you bought it somewhere else, it would cost more than double. 如果您去别处买,价钱就得贵一倍以上。亮出底牌,继续周旋:I can give you no more than $40. Can you sell it for that?我顶多能出40美元,这个价

24、钱你肯卖吗? 店主面有难色:Ill bring the price down to $50 a piece, if you are going to make a big purchase.如果您打算大量购买,我就把价格降到每件50美元。看来价格还是可以商量:Well then, how about splitting the difference? 那好吧,各让一点怎么样?You have to strike a balance, if you wish to get somewhere. 如果您想做成生意,你就得使双方不吃亏。最后商家同意$45出售,看得出他有点忍痛割爱:Thats alm

25、ost cost price. 这几乎是成本价了。Thats our rock bottom price. 这是我们的跳楼价了。Thats the best we can do. 我们不能再让了。买卖成交。 问 路 担心迷路?有了我们的马路宝典,你就可以随心所欲指哪儿去哪儿,真是实用之至。刚下火车要去希尔顿饭店找个朋友,迎面走来一小伙子,你问他:Could you please tell me the way to Hilton Hotel? 您能告诉我怎么去希尔顿饭店?小伙子热情地讲了一大堆,左拐右拐地,把你都弄糊涂了。干脆乘公车去吧。于是问:Can I take a bus there?

26、我可以乘车去吗?小伙子说:当然可以了,拐弯就可以乘到车了。于是你想知道:How long does it take to get to the Hotel? 要多长时间呢?小伙子说只有五分钟的路程。原来这么近,不如步行去吧!Can I go there on foot? 我想步行去那儿行吗? 小伙子说太远了,可能会很累。拐了弯找到了车站你匆匆看了站牌上了车,朝公车的售票员招招手问他:Does this bus go to Hilton Hotel? 这车到不到希尔顿饭店?售票员点头称是,于是你上了车。先买票吧。One ticket to Hilton Hotel. How much is th

27、e fare? 一张去希尔顿的票。多少钱?你买了票,想问问该在哪站下:Could you tell me which stop to get off at? 您能告诉我在哪站下车吗?到站了,你下了车,看到希尔顿饭店赫然眼前。指 路路上碰到一位金发的姑娘问路,有幸当一次向导。姑娘想知道医院怎么走?你告诉她:Just walk on until you get to Hill street, which is about three blocks from here.一直走到离这儿三个街区的希尔道。她问你还有没有别的路可以到那儿?你告诉她还有一条小路。就是:Take the first turn

28、on the left and walk straight. 在第一个街口左转然后一直向前走。姑娘看起来有点糊涂,于是又问可不可以乘车去。你告诉她当然可以了,车站嘛-Its just around the corner. 拐弯就是。姑娘又问应该坐几路车?你告诉她:Take Bus No. 23, get off at the terminal. Youll see the hospital.坐23路公共汽车到终点站下车,你就会看到医院。姑娘又说要不我走过去吧,你说:Its too far for you to walk. 好像太远了一点。 姑娘又说:我想去医院之前先去商店卖点水果带给病人,告诉

29、我水果店在哪儿。你跟她说:Go straight ahead about 200 meters. 向前直走大约200米处。 Turn right, youll see it then. 向右转你就看到了。看着姑娘远去的背影,你心里暗自高兴:哈哈,我会给老外指路了。寄包裹、取邮件寄包裹:Whats the surcharge on this express parcel? 这个快邮包裹的额外邮资是多少?I want to mail this parcel to Singapore. 我想把这包裹寄往新加坡 Id like to insure this package for 50 dollars

30、. 我想给这包东西保险五十美元。Please send this parcel off special delivery. 请用快邮寄送这个包裹。please send this trunk C.O.D. (cash on delivery) 请邮送这只大衣箱,货到付款。取邮件:Please endorse it first. 请您先签收。Please sign this order. 请在这张汇票上签名。 Can I have this money order cashed, please?请问可不可以把这张汇款单兑现? I got a parcel arrival notice yeste

31、rday. Can I get it here?昨天我拿到一张邮包到达通知单。我能在这儿领取吗? 拍电报和汇款 越来越发达的信用卡业务给人们的日常生活带来了极大的方便,不过万一碰到去银行汇款的情况怎么办呢?汇款:Whats the cost for 200 dollars remittance to Boston??往波士顿寄二百美元汇款要多少邮费?What do I have to do to send a money order?汇票怎么寄法?I would like a money order for 200 dollars. 我要一张汇二百美元的汇款单。 现代化的通讯手段缩短了人们的距

32、离,看看发电报时你应该说些什么?发电报:索要空白电报纸:May I have a form?I want to send a telegram. 给我一张电报纸好吗?我想发一个电报。Could you give me a telegraph blank, please. 请给我一张空白电报表格。填写电报:Will you write your telegram in block letters.请用印刷体书写电报,好吗?询问费用:Whats the rate for telegrams to England?发往英国的电报要多少费用?If you send your cable full ra

33、te to Paris, its 20 cents per word, minimum charge one dollar.如果您全价打海底电报到巴黎,那是每个字二十美分,一美元起付。加急:I want to send an express telegram. 我想发一份急电。If your cable is urgent, the rate will be doubled. 如果您的海底电报是加急的,费用将加倍。寄信很久没有写信了吧,不过别忘了写信可是一种古老而又浪漫的交流方式哦。发黄的信纸会带给你尘封的记忆,也许会不知不觉中记录下你成长的脚印。现在就提笔吧。如果是一封平信也就罢了,扔在信筒

34、里就算完事,如果是挂号,航空什么的就得去邮局了。来到邮局先询问一下寄信的一般情况:Can you tell me how much it costs to send a letter air mail from here to New York?能不能请你告诉我,从这儿寄一封航空信到纽约要多少邮资?寄航空、寄挂号还是寄印刷品:Do you wish to send it by air mail?您希望航空邮寄吗?Do you think I should have it registered?你看我该把它挂号吗?Can I send these photograph records as pr

35、inted matter?我能不能把这些唱片作印刷品邮寄?Id like to buy a registered envelope, please.我想买一张挂号信封。Be sure to put down the address of the receiver clearly. 注意要把收信人的地址写清。称邮件的重量:Will you weigh this letter for me?请你给我称一下这封信好吗?Its overweight. Youll have to pay extra. 超重了,您得另付超重费。买邮票:You need an eight-cent stamp. 您需要一张

36、八分邮票。Please seal the envelope and stick an eight-cent stamp on it. 请封好信封并贴上一张八分邮票。Theyre 10 cents each. 每张是十美分。询问邮件发出和到达的时间:How long does it take by regular mail?普通邮件要多少时间?When will the post be dispatched?这批邮件什么时候发出?Im afraid the last post has been dispatched. 恐怕末班邮件已经发出了。It takes about two weeks to

37、 go surface mail from here to London.普通邮件从这儿寄往伦敦要化两个星期左右时间。询问邮资:Whats the postage for an air-letter to Paris?寄巴黎的航空信邮资是多少?Thats 62 cents per ounce for overseas mail. 海外邮件每盎斯六十二美分。 电影院(In the cinema)相约一起去看电影: Do you want to see a flick? 你想去看电影吧?Shall we go to a movie theater to see the latest film? 我

38、们去看最新的大片吧。询问电影放映的时间和片名: What film is playing at this cinema. 这戏院现在放映什么片子?When does the movie begin? 电影什么时候开始?It starts at nine oclock. 电影九点钟开演。Whats on Wednesday? 星期三演什么?去买电影票:Tickets for two, please. 请买两张票。May I have four tickets for this evening? 买四张今晚的票好吗?Are there any good seats left? 还有好位子吗?Hav

39、e you got anything better? 有更好的票吗?They are too far from the stage. 这些位子离舞台太远了。Id like two seats in the rear stalls. 我想要正厅后排的票。买票时听到卖票员告诉你一些票子、票价和座位的情况:Would you like the third row in the circle? 楼厅第三排你要吗?The admission is $1 for two tickets. 两张票是1美元。There are only some seats in the back. 只有后排的一些票。Not

40、 unless someone cancels. 没有了,除非有人退票。All seats are sold now. 票全售完了。告诉领位员你的座位号:My seat number is Row 9, Number 2 in the stalls. 我的座号是正厅9排2座。招聘看到一个准时参加面试的人,你不妨先夸他一句很守时:You are very punctual. 你真守时。然后就要看看此人的简历上都写了些什么花花东西:Have you brought your resume with you? 你把履历表带来了没有?简历上写这个人在好几家大公司任过职,你不禁要问:Why did yo

41、u quit? 你为什么辞职呢?你想测测此人的业务知识怎么样,就说:Id like to try you out. 我愿考你一下。由于你需要一个经常开车出去办事的人,所以你很关心地问:Have you had much experience driving. 你开车的经验多不多?应聘者问了薪水的问题,你可以先反问:What kind of salary did you get at your previous job? 你以前的薪水是多少?此人的回答让你吃了一惊,禁不住说到:Thatd be more than I would have expected. 这超出我的预料了。然后道出实情:I

42、believe we can offer you six thousand at the start. 我们可以给你六千元作起薪。最后你决定可以让此人在公司试用几个月:We shall give you a three-months trial.我们将试用你三个月。应聘公司前台小姐问你有何贵干,你清楚地告诉他:Im scheduled for an interview.Ive come for an interview.我是来面谈的。招聘者问你所学的专业,你答到:Im just finishing college, with a major in business administration

43、.我大学刚毕业。在大学我主修工商管理。对方简单介绍了他们的公司和工作情况,问你感觉如何,你可以说:Im sure Ill enjoy working here. 我相信,我也喜欢在这里工作的。对方说他们不喜欢没有责任心的人,你可以向他保证:Im sure I could do my job satisfactorily. 我相信我可以克尽职守。对方提到你可以在这里学到很多东西,但薪水可能不是很高,你可以说:To get experience is much more important than to be well paid, as far as I am concerned.获取经验比高薪

44、更重要,至少对我来说是这样。然后再借用别人的一句话,强调经验的重要性:Theres no substitute for experience. 经验没有代用品。面试最后,要问一下:When can I know whether I am accepted or not. 我什么时候才能知道是否被录用呢?最后,别忘了礼貌地说上一句:Its been nice talking to you. 能跟你谈话真好。 日常话题 买电器-Purchase Electrical Appliances 问一下,有没有你需要的东西: Im looking for a rice cooker. Do you hav

45、e any in your store? 我想找个电饭煲,你店里有吗? Could you recommend a fridge to me? 您能帮我推荐一台冰箱吗?I want to buy a video cassette recorder(VCR). 我想买一部录像机。Can you recommend a stereo set to me? 请你推荐一套立体音响给我好吗? 拿来了你需要的电器大概询问一下它们的性能: When the heat comes to a certain degree, a red light will go on and the electricity will be cut off automatically


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