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1、HRM 型 立 式 磨 江苏鹏飞集团股份有限公司地 址:江苏省海安县大公镇工业园区电 话:13511572088 邮 箱:wqgpf2009传 真:0513-88756618 邮 编: 226623 网 址: 目 录一、 概 述二、 技术参数表三、 工作原理 四、 工艺流程五、 安装试运转及操作、维护六、 主要液压润滑设备、润滑油品目录七、 轴承目录八、 服务一、 概述:HRM型立式磨是江苏鹏飞集团股份有限公司跟国内大院大所密切合作,广泛吸受国外立磨先进技术,总结多年的实践经验,研究、设计、制造的一种高效、节能、环保的烘干兼粉磨设备,它集烘干、粉磨、选粉、输送为一体,具有适应性广、粉磨效率高、

2、电耗低、磨耗小、烘干能力大、产品细度调节方便,工艺流程简单、噪音低、粉尘污染小、运行可靠、维修方便等优点。近年来,在水泥生料、煤粉制备,电厂磨煤及脱硫石粉制备,矿渣粉磨,化工行业膨润土及磷矿粉磨,冶金行业,超细粉磨行业等等许多领域,得到了非常广泛的应用。鹏飞牌HRM型立磨以其质量优良、工艺技术先进、使用性能好、服务优良、羸得了越来越多的用户青睐。二、 技术参数:HRM型原料立式磨技术参数型号规格HRM1300HRM1500HRM1700HRM1900HRM2200HRM2400HRM2800HRM3400产量(t/h)20252634405060808511095130120160190240





7、3400SHRM3700S产量(t/h)681012151825282428505550586070最大喂料粒度(mm)1-10矿渣水分(%)12产品比表面积(m3/kg)420产品水分(%)1主电机功率(kW)280400500800900160018002240注:本样本表格内数据仅供选型参考,设备保证指标以签订合同为准。三、 工作原理:1、HRM型原料立式磨主要结构见下图:1、选粉装置2、中壳体3、磨辊装置4、传动臂5、限位装置6、下壳体7、传动装置8、液压系统9、副油缸2、工作原理如下:电动机通过减速机带动磨盘转动。物料从进料口落在磨盘中央,同时热风从进风口进入磨内,在离心力的作用下,

8、物料向磨盘边缘移动,经过磨盘上的环形槽时受到磨辊的碾压而粉碎,粉碎后的物料在磨盘边缘被风环处高速气流带起,大颗粒直接落到磨盘上重新粉磨,气流中的物料经过分离器时,在旋转转子的作用下,粗粉落到磨盘重新粉磨,合格细粉随气流一起出磨,在收尘装置中收集,即为产品。含有水分的物料在与热气体的接触过程中被烘干,达到所要求的产品水分。3、特 点(1) 物料主要是依靠磨辊的重量和加压装置的压力被破碎和粉磨的,在粉磨过程中物料始终受到磨辊的压力作用,而磨辊和磨盘间不是纯滚动,物料受到的是多向应力的作用,因此提高了磨机的粉磨能力和粉磨效率。(2) 由于物料进入磨机后就与热气体充分接触,被粉磨后又悬浮在热气中,能充

9、分地进行热将交换。在粉磨的同时也烘干了物料。(3) 磨辊的碾磨压力由液压系统提供,通过加压装置、传动装置传给磨辊而施加 在物料上,通过调节液压系统的压力,来改变粉磨压力的大小以满足粉磨不同硬度物料的要求。(4) 为了避免磨机工作时因断料磨辊与磨盘的直接接触而造成的剧烈震动,磨辊和磨盘之间应有一定的间隙,因此,特别设计了控制间隙大小的限位装置,并通过限位装置可随时了解磨辊下物料的厚度,因此保证了磨机在安全和经济的工作条件下运行。(5) 辊套和磨盘衬板采用了高硬度合金耐磨材料,磨损小,寿命长,而且当辊套磨损到一定程度时,还可翻面使用,从而延长辊套的使用寿命。(6) 磨辊能借助于辅助油缸的作用,将其

10、翻出机外,更换检修非常方便。(7) 磨盘周边上设有防止盘座磨损、调节风环处风速和盘上物料厚度的装置,可确保立式磨的生产能力及其经济运行。(8) 分离器由变频器电机、减速机构、转子、壳体等部分组成。电机通过减速机构带动分离器转子转动,通过调整电机转速而获得不同细度的产品。(9) 主减速机由稀油站供油产生循环润滑系统,以保证主减速机的正常运行。四、 工艺流程:HRM型原料立式磨在粉磨系统中的运用主要有以下几种形式,详见工艺流程图一、图二。工艺流程图一1.电子皮带秤2.胶带输送机3.电磁除铁器4.回转锁风喂料机5.HRM型立式磨6.外循环提升7.高效旋风收尘器8.风机风门9.主风机10.气箱脉冲收尘

11、器11.风机风门12.尾排风机13.螺旋输送机14.循环风阀15.热风阀16.冷风阀工艺流程图二1.电子皮带称 2.皮带输送机 3.板链提升机 4.回转锁风喂料机 5.HRM型立式磨 6.气箱脉冲收尘器 7.立磨排风机 8. 循环风碟阀 9.冷风蝶阀 10.热风蝶阀 11.电动除铁器工艺流程一的特点: 系统流程较复杂,压力损失较大,风机叶轮磨损大,但第二级收尘器负荷小,系统投资较低,适用于磨蚀性较小的物料。工艺流程二的特点: 系统流程简单,压力损失小,系统电耗低,但投资相对较大,适用于磨蚀性较大的物料。五、 安装试运转及操作、维护(一)安装前的准备1. 应检查地脚螺栓孔尺寸;2. 现场清扫;3

12、. 各地脚孔间按要求放置垫铁,各地脚螺栓放入地脚孔;4. 水平测量仪、经纬仪、框式水平仪、垫铁;(二)安装传动装置安装:首先将主电机和减速机底座准确地落在基础上,用混凝土将地脚螺栓固定,待混凝土凝固后,拧紧螺栓,通过调整垫铁将两底座调平,底座调平后,其纵向及横向水平误差不得超过0.1mm/m,然后进行二次浇灌将底座埋入混凝土。接着安装主电机和减速机,安装后要求主联轴器的两轴中心线倾斜夹角小于0.5度,标高误差小于0.3mm。下壳体及磨盘安装:安装下壳体时应以减速机出轴中心线为其准,两者中心线间的误差不得超过正负1mm,首先将下壳体吊装在基础上,找正中心位置,将地脚螺栓灌浆固定,然后将磨盘轻轻吊



15、漏装;b、仔细清除磨内安装时的遗留物;c、用手盘动各运转部件,检查是否有任何卡死或金属摩擦现象;d、将各润滑点按要求注入适量的润滑油或润滑脂;(四)试运转的操作过程a、首先关闭液压系统进油总阀,打开卸压阀,空载运行八小时。然后接通油路检查抬辊、落辊情况,检查系统各原件能否正常工作。b、将润滑系统(稀油站)预先空载运行八小时,检查。c、将磨辊稍稍抬起离开磨盘,开动主电机和分离器电机,空负荷运行6小时,注意整个运行过程中不应有任何异常声响或现象发生。否则立即停车。分离器转速应由小到大,启动主电机前应点动开关,观察电机转向是否正确。d、开车前的准备(1) 首先检查磨机各转动部件能否正常运行。各润滑点

16、是否已注入适量润滑油。(2) 其次调整限位装置使磨盘与磨辊的间隙为10mm。(3) 最后对蓄能器充气,其压力大小可参照蓄能器使用说明书。将液压系统置于正常工作状态。e、开车顺序润滑系统电机(稀油站)分离器电机抬辊主电机投料落辊液压系统电机。f、操作说明:磨机启动后,物料以设定值喂入,操作液压系统落下磨辊,开启液压站油泵电机,调整液压系统的工作压力,使系统达到平衡,同时应调节分离器转子转速,使产品的细度满足要求。(先将分离器转速调到最高值,根据产品细度进行转速的调整)2、 进行上述操作时注意观察主电机电流、主减速机瓦温度小于70度和磨辊轴承温度小于100度。3、 根据物料水份调节入磨气体温度,最

17、高不能高于350度。4、 磨机喂料量、粉磨压力、磨内通风量、分离器转速等要统一考虑,使之处于最佳配合状态。g、维修内容:运行一段时间后,要检查各处的联接螺栓和固定螺栓有无松动及损坏;检查各密封件及易损件的磨损情况;定期对各润滑点补充润滑油或脂;根据辊套的磨损情况调整衬板与辊套的间隙;磨机在运行500小时后要对主减速机内油放尽并清理干净,更换新油,以后每2000小时检查一次油质,不合标准要求要进行更换;辊套磨损后可翻面使用,再次磨损后必须更换。六、主要液压润滑设备、润滑油品目录立磨液压润滑系统安装说明1. 立磨液压润滑系统安装范围:1) 主辊、辅辊液压控制站;主减速机润滑控制站;选粉机主轴轴承润

18、滑控制站。2) 控制站到主机部件之间的全部管路安装。3) 液压系统、润滑系统的管路冲洗。4) 各控制站均可分别安装,直接摆放平台或地坑。2. 管路安装: 液压系统、润滑系统的管路均采用无缝钢管,连接采用焊接式接头,安装前用煤油清洗管子,然后用洁净,干燥空气吹净。管子必须用弯管机冷弯,不许火焰加热弯曲。弯曲半径不得小于3倍管径。3. 系统加油:加注液压油、润滑油前用面团清洗油箱,加油时应过滤,过滤精度5微米。严禁直接向油箱加油。附:设备液压润滑表1磨辊加载液压站N-46抗磨液压油200L三 月 缺少补充油脏更换2 主减润滑控制站ISO VG3201500L三 月 缺少补充油脏更换3选粉机润滑站I

19、SO VG320300L三 月缺少补充油脏更换4磨辊轴承ISO VG320适量七、轴承目录序号轴承位置轴承型号数量备注1磨辊装置球面滚子536484GB286-642选粉机主轴圆锥滚子303191GB/T297-943选粉机主轴圆柱滚子NU2219E1GB/T283-944主辊油缸关节轴承GE110ES-2RS4GB9163-905副油缸关节轴承GE50ES-2RS4GB9163-90八、服务:1、可根据物料情况不同,提供全套立磨生产线的工艺技术,设备。2、可提供免费指导安装,调试。(机械、电器工程师各一人)I. General description HRM vertical roller

20、mill is a sort of drying and grinding equipment with the characteristics of high efficient, economical energy and environmental protection; it is the equipment made by Jiangsu Pengfei Group Co., Ltd. intimately cooperated with the large institute, widely absorbing the advanced technology of the fore

21、ign vertical roller mill and summarizing the years of practical experience and then the vertical roller mill is researched, designed and manufactured. It collects the drying, grinding, separating and conveying as a system. It has the advantages of wide flexibility, high grinding efficiency, low powe

22、r consumption, small abrasion wear, large drying capacity, convenient adjustment of the fineness of the products, simple process flow, low noise, small dust pollution, reliable operation, convenient maintenance and so on. Recently the vertical roller mill is highly widely used in cement raw meal, co

23、al powder preparation, grinding coal in the power plant, desulphurization stone dust preparation, slag grinding, bentonite and phosphorite grinding for chemical industry, metallurgy industry, over-fine grinding industry and other fields. For its perfect quality, advanced technology, good performance

24、 of usage, and the perfect services, “Pengfei” brand HRM vertical roller mill has favored by the more and more users.II. Technical parametersTechnical parameters of HRM raw material vertical roller millSpecification and modelHRM1300HRM1500HRM1700HRM1900HRM2200HRM2400HRM2800HRM3400output(t/h)20252634

25、405060808511095130120160190240Max. feeding size(mm)2020253035354045Moisture of raw material (%)10Fineness of raw meal (%,R0.08)1212121214141415Moisture of raw meal (%)1Power of main motor (kW)20028040050080090012501800Notes: Grindability of the raw material (Bond) index12kwh/t. Technical parameters

26、of HRM crude coal vertical roller millSpecification and modelHRM1250MHRM1300MHRM1400MHRM1500MHRM1700MHRM1900MHRM2200MHRM2400MOutput(t/h)7121015121716222028263540454555Max feeding size(mm)2525303030354040Moisture of crude coal(%)10Fineness of coal powder (R0.08)5-12Moisture of coal powder (%)1Power o

27、f main motor (kW)132185200250315400500560Notes: 1. Hardgrove grinding index of the crude coal is not less than 60; 2. It can be used to grind the anthracite, and the fineness of the coal powder (R0.08) is not more than 3%.Technical parameters of HRM crude coal vertical roller mill(Used in the blast

28、furnace injecting coal of the metallurgy industry)Specification and modelHRM800MHRM1100MHRM1250MHRM1300MHRM1500MHRM1700MHRM1900MHRM2200MOutput(t/h)355891313171822223030404050Max. feeding size(mm)1520252530303540Moisture of crude coal(%)10Fineness of coal powder (200 mesh passing %)80Moisture of coal

29、 powder (%)1Power of main motor (kW)55110132180250315400500Notes: Hardgrove grinding index of the crude coal is not less than 60.Technical parameters of HRM super-fine vertical roller mill (Used in the flue gas desulphurization of the electricity industry)Specification and modelHRM1250XHRM1300XHRM15

30、00XHRM1700XHRM1900XHRM2200XHRM2400XHRM2800XOutput (t/h)691213182518252530304040505055Max. feeding size(mm)020025035035040040040045Feeding moisture(%)5Fineness of products (10-40m)325 eye(44m)97%getting across Moisture of products (%)1Power of main motor (kW)132200280355450560710900Notes: Grindabilit

31、y of limestone (Bond) index is not more than 12kwh/tTechnical parameters of HRM super-fine vertical roller mill(Used in the non-minerals industry)Specification and modelHRM800XHRM1100XHRM1250XHRM1300XHRM1500XHRM1700XHRM1900XHRM2200XOutput(t/h)0.53161.592131825182525352535Max. feeding size(mm)0151200

32、20025035035040040Feeding moisture(%)10Fineness of products (10-40m)325 eye(44m)97%getting across Moisture of products (%)1Power of main motor (kW)45110132180250355450600Notes: The above technical index is basis on the material of the MOhs hardness 3-4.Technical parameters of HRM slag vertical roller

33、 millSpecification and modelHRM1500SHRM1700SHRM1900SHRM2200SHRM2400SHRM2800SHRM3400SHRM3700SOutput(t/h)681012151825282428505550586070Max. feeding size(mm)1-10Moisture of slag(%)12Specific surface of products (m3/kg)420Moisture of products (%)1Power of main motor (kW)280400500800900160018002240Notes:

34、 The data in the table of the stylebook is only provided for the selecting specification reference, the guarantee index of the equipment is basis on the signing contract.III. Operating principle1. The primary structure of HRM raw material vertical roller mill can be seen in the following drawing:1.

35、Separating device; 2. Middle shell; 3. Grinding roller device; 4. Driving arm; 5. Limit device; 6. Lower shell; 7. Driving device; 8. Hydraulic system; 9. Auxiliary oil cylinder 2The operating principle is as follows: The motor drives the grinding disc to rotate by the reducer. The material falls in

36、to the center of the grinding disc from the inlet orifice, meanwhile the hot blast enters into the mill from the inlet opening, under the effects of the centrifugal force the material moves to the edge of the grinding disc, and then it is ground and pressed by the grinding roller while passing throu

37、gh the annular groove on the grinding disc, the crushed material is brought up by the high speed air jet in the vane at the edge of the grinding disc, the large granule directly falls into the grinding disc to be newly ground, while the material in the airflow passing through the separator and under

38、 the effects of the rotary rotor, the rough powder falls into the grinding disc to be newly ground, the eligible fine powder follows the airflow together coming out the mill, the products are collected by the dust collector. The material with the moisture which contacts with the hot gas is dried and

39、 reaches the permissible moisture of the products.3. Features (1) The material is crushed and ground which is mainly depended on the weight of the grinding roller and the pressure of the pressure device. During the grinding process, the material is always under the effects of the pressure of the gri

40、nding roller, while between the grinding roller and the grinding disc is not the purely rolling, the material is under the multi-axial stress effects, so the grinding capacity and the grinding power of the mill are improved. (2) The materials get full contact with hot air after entering the mill, th

41、en they become powder and suspend in the hot air after been ground, as a result, they make full exchange with hot gas and so the materials are dried while being ground. (3) The grinding pressure of the grinding roller is provided by the hydraulic system, the pressure is brought to bear the material

42、through the pressure device and the driving device to pass into the grinding roller, the magnitude of the grinding pressure is transferred through adjusting the pressure of the hydraulic system to satisfy the requirements of grinding the materials with different hardness.(4) For avoiding the strenuo

43、us vibration which is created by the grinding roller contacting with the grinding disc directly during stopping feeding, there should be a certain clearance between the grinding roller and the grinding disc, therefore, so the limit device is specially designed for controlling the size of the clearance, and through the limit device the depth of the material under the grinding roller can be realized at any moment, so the mill can be guaranteed in the safe and economical working conditions to operate. (5) The rolle


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