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1、Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?,Is he happy ?Can you guess what things make him unhappy?,He has too much homework to do.,What problems do you have at school?,have poor grades,have too much homework,What problems do you have at school?,cant get good grades,cant work out the math problems,do

2、nt have enough sleep,Get into a fight with your best friend,Have no time to do things that you like,Too many rules to follow at school,What problems do you have at home?,dont have enough pocket money,dont allow you to play computer games,cant hang out with your friends,cant watch TV,often argue with

3、 your parents,允许,Talk about your own problems. Then make conversations with your partner.,A: What problems do you have at school?B:I dont have enough pocket money. How about you? What problems do you have at home?A:I cant play computer games.,No matter what problems we have, we should face them brav

4、ely.,We always have many kinds of problems in our life.,So when people meet problems ,we should help them and give them some advice.,What should she do?,She has a bad cold.,She should see a doctor.,Why dont you see a doctor?,He wants to buy a bike.But he doesnt have enough money.,What should he do?,

5、Why dont you ask your parents for some money?,He should ask his parents for some money.,What should he do?,He should ask someone for help.,He doesnt know the way ,Why dont you ask someone for help?,What should he do?,He should exercise every day.,Why dont you exercise every day ?,1. I have to study

6、too much so I dont get enough sleep.,2. I have too much homework so I dont have any free time to do things I like.,Look at these problems. Do you think they are serious or not?,1a,4. I have too many after-school classes.,5. I got into a fight with my best friend.,3. My parents dont allow me to hang

7、out with my friends.,allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事allow sth 允许某事allow doing sth 允许做某事,too much 太多。修饰不可数名词much too 太,修饰adj或adv原形,表程度too many 太多,修饰复数名词,get into a fight with sb.和某人吵架after-school classes 课外班,Whats she doing in the two pictures? Can you guess what problems she has?Is she happy ?Does she ha

8、ve these problems in 1a?,Listening,Listen and circle the problems you hear in 1a.,1b,Important phrasesget enough sleep 得到足够的睡眠start doing sth.开始做某事take more after-school classes上更多的课外班get into a good senior high school进入好的高中explain(sth)to sb. 向某人解释try to do sth. 尽力做某事,A: You look really tired. Whats

9、 _?B: I studied _ midnight last night so I didnt _ enough sleep. A: _ go to sleep earlier tonight? You can start _ earlier.B: But I have two _ today. So I can only start studying after dinner.A: _ you _ tell your parents that you cant do _ things.,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,the matter,unti

10、l,get,Why dont you,studying,after-school classes,Maybe,should,so many,B: I did, but they think its _ that I _ more after-school classes.A: Well, they probably want you to _ a good senior high school.B: Yes, I _ thats the reason.A: You _ talk _ them again. _ to them that you _ get enough sleep to _.B

11、: _. OK, Ill try to _ them again.,important,take,get into,guess,should,to,Explain,need to,stay healthy,Thats a good idea,talk to,Pair work,1c,Look at the problems in 1a and make conversations.,allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事allow sth 允许某事allow doing sth 允许做某事,too much 太多。修饰不可数名词much too 太,修饰adj或adv原形,表程度

12、too many 太多,修饰复数名词,get into a fight with sb.和某人吵架after-school classes 课外班,Pair work,A: Whats wrong ?/ Whats the matter?B: Im really tired because I studied until midnight last night.A: Why dont you go to sleep earlier this evening ? Why not ? You should You had better,why dont you +do sth ?why not +

13、do sth ?,用于给别人提建议,以反问的语气告诉对方应该去做某事。,Why dont you listen to the teacher carefully?Why not listen to the teacher carefully?Why dont you finish your homework?Why not finish your homework?,Summary: Give advice!,Why dont youWhy notWhat/How aboutYou could/shouldLets sb +Shall weYou had better Could you pl

14、ease Would you like + Would you mind,+do sth ?,+do sth?,+doing sth/n?,+do sth.,do sth?,+do sth?,+do sth.,+do sth ?,to do sth?,+doing sth?,Homework,Write three conversations about your problems and your friends suggestions.,A: I have too many after-school classes. What should I do?B: You could/should/had better Why dont you /Why not do sth ,


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