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1、托福口语评分标准2020 托福口语备考如果只是一味地做题也会觉得很枯燥,语言本来本来是用来交流的,而不是考试的。下面就和大家分享托福口语表达中的常用口头语,希望能帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语评分标准 口语是这样评分1. 每道口语题会被一位考官给一个原始分(0-4 之间的整数分)。2. 一个考生的六道口语题,会被至少两位,最多三位考官评分。3. 六道口语题的分数加在一起(0-24分),取算数平均值(0-4分之间,但会出现小数点后0/.83/.66/.50/.33/.16 六种不同情况)4. 该平均值,根据下面这张转换表,转换为0-30分的总分。而最终显示在各位成绩单上的则是依据不同题型,按

2、照Familiar Topics,Campus Situations,Academic Course Content三项题型,分别给予评价也即是通过每道题目的分数,根据算术平均数的计算结果,结果分为4个标准。二.托福口语答题注意事项1.并非答的越多越好简单来说,答题时说的内容多和少和最终的得分没有必然的联系。上面的图所显示的是ETS官方曾经发表的一篇研究报告。报告里面统计了近1000篇真实托福考试中来自世界各地考生的真实考试录音,并按照最终题目的得分情况分组,然后统计了在每个分数段中每个考生所说的单词数量。表格的最右侧两列统计的是每个分数段中说话最少的人、最多的人,分别说了多少个词。拿3分的答


4、不知道考生具体来自哪个国家,因此也无从谈起根据不同的国家或地区进行压分了。而且,评分人在评分过程中,随时都会被资深的评分主管进行监督,以保证评分的稳定性和公平性。如果考生对自己的口语部分得分有较大异议,也可以通过托福考试报名网站申请成绩复议。托福口语范文:学生应该参加志愿服务吗Task2 Some universities encourage their students to get involved in voluntary jobs in the community like cleaning the public park and tutoring? Do you agree or d

5、isagree?Should students be required to do volunteer work?托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文一:SampleI would definitely support the universitys voluntary program as it benefit student so much. For starters, those community services would give students a sense of responsibility and purpose. For example, I spen

6、t quite a while with some primary student last year, helping them with their reading. I observed their way of thinking and what they like or dislike. And I realized how to comfort them when they were upset and encourage them when they fell sorrow. Also, this experience shapes my personality. I becam

7、e more open-minded and are more willing to communicate with others than before.托福口语范文二:12月5日托福口语真题Task 2I think students should be required to do volunteer for the following reasons. Firstly, its important for students to learn to give back to the community at an early age. I first started volunteer

8、ing when I was only 8 years old, I remember it was right before Christmas and my parents signed us up for volunteering in the soup kitchen in my neighborhood. I was the youngest volunteer there that day and I used a big ladle to serve hot soup to the homeless. That was kind of a milestone in my life

9、 because that was when I understood the importance of sharing what we have with the less fortunate and I also realized how good it feels when we know we are capable of helping others. Today volunteer work has become a big part of who I am and I think all students should learn the meaning of voluntee

10、ring from an early stage of life. Plus, its a good chance for students to sharpen their communication skills. In volunteer work, more often than not, you will have to work with others in a group, thats a good opportunity for students to learn to be great listeners while getting their own voices hear

11、d at the same time.托福口语范文:小孩学习心理托福口语范文:托福口语真题Task 4In the lecture, the professor introduces the concept of shaping which means children observe the reaction of people around them when they learn a new skill, parents and teachers can better educate the children based on this quality. He offers us an

12、example of his kid to illustrate it. When his kid just started coloring, he got praises and compliments despite of the quality of his work. After a while, the professor changed the strategy. Not like before, this time he only praised his kid when he was able to color the tree, he gradually raised the bar and his child started improving little by little as well. And now the professor only tells his kid that hes doing a good job when hes able to color the trunk of the tree. Thats how the professor uses the example of his own child to illustrate the concept of shaping.托福口语评分标准 2020


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