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1、SAFETY HANDBOOK员工安全手册Content1. Safety policy2. Safety philosophies3. Applicable safety rules4. Safety instructions Personal protective equipment Welding and cutting Gas bottles Machines, mechanical equipment Maintenance, machines, premises Lifting operations manual, with crane Electricity Compressed

2、 air Handling chemicals Tools-hand tools, portable power tools or ones operated by compressed air Working at heights Ladders portable, fixed Accidents involving slipping and falling Fire Transport5. Terms and definition6. Reporting of accident/near miss7. Safety signs and explanation8. Proposal of s

3、afety recognition and reward systems1. Safety Policy 无锡海德鲁铝业有限公司管理层相信事故预防和有效生产是同等重要的。我们的理念不是生产第一、安全第二,而是安全生产。我们尽一切所能为我们的员工提供一个安全的工作环境。为了完成这个目标,我们将提供一切合理的防护用品以保证安全的工作环境。我们将遵守国家和地方的法律法规,并制定安全方针、程序及方案以保证所有员工、客户、来宾及社区居民的安全和健康。没有工作重要到或订单紧急到我们不能花时间安全生产。员工应使用公司所提供的安全防护用品,遵守安全规章制度。任何与工作有关的事故、伤害、疾病或潜在的安全事故都必

4、须引起高度重视,应及时报告、调查以实施必须的整改措施。所有员工的协同合作将提供安全的工作环境和无事故的绩效。在公司内应尽一切所能持续改进我们工作环境的安全。安全是头等大事,也是每一个人的责任2. Safety Philosophies所有的事故都是可预防的。我们每个人都有防止事故发生的直接责任。每位经理/主管对本部门的安全负责,同时每位员工必须对自己的安全负责。每位员工都需要在安全方面接受培训。良好的卫生环境是创建安全工作环境的前提。每位员工都必须做到安全生产,遵守规章制度及操作规程。发现潜在的与工作环境相关的安全隐患极为重要。每位员工都有权利、有义务报告安全的行为及生产条件。公司的安全哲学及

5、安全规章制度同样适用于短期在厂人员、参观客人及承包商。安全应纳入公司的投资计划及设备采购。积极地提高员工的安全意识会提高产品质量,使公司成为运转良好的、盈利的公司。3、Applicable safety rules Before starting any type of work, you must find out what safety regulations apply at HAW. Specified and suitable protective equipment must be used. Make sure you know where the first-aid equip

6、ment is located. Find out where fire-extinguishing equipment is located at your place of work. Find out where the assembly point is at your place of work, in case a fire or accident should occur which is of such a nature that evacuation is required. Permission is required from the safety responsible

7、 before carrying out jobs involving heat. Training in jobs involving heat is a requirement. The emergency number is 119 for fire,120 for ambulance and 110 for police. Guard house extension number is 837. Memorize it. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSPersonal protective equipmentWhen you are working, a number of w

8、ork operations may involve handling materials that may cause harm. If so, you are required to wear protective equipment of a suitable type. Use designated protective clothing and protective equipment. Make sure the protective equipment fit your size Follow every specific instruction before use. Look

9、 after the protective equipment well and report any defects. Always wear designated protective equipment within the work area.Eye protectionYour eyes are enormously sensitive to damage at work and can not be replaced. You can only lose your eyesight once so protect your eyes! Wear safety goggles or

10、a helmet visor that protects your eyes against dust, flying particles, sparks, liquids, smoke and light and heat radiation. Think about passers-by, particularly if you are welding, cutting or grinding. Never look at a welder at work without eye protection. The UV light from the welding torch may dam

11、age your eyes. Never believe that one type of protective equipment is suitable for all kinds of jobs. Safety goggles, for example, may not be resistant to all kinds of liquids.Hearing protectionProlonged exposure to noise can damage your hearing. Ear protectors must be worn in areas marked as Noise

12、Protection zones and in other areas where there is a risk of ear damage, for example when using compressed-air tools, as well as sawing tools. Wear ear protectors and make sure they fit properly. Put them on before you enter a work area where the noise level is high. Keep your personal ear protectio

13、ns in good condition. Never take off your ear protectors in a noisy area.Safety glovesSafety gloves must be worn when handling chemicals, hot metals and racks. Never use gloves when handling rotating machines.Safety shoesSafety shoes must be worn when entering manufacturing plant.Welding and cutting

14、There are always two major risks in welding and torch cutting the obvious danger of fire and the possible risk to health due to smoke or UV light from the electric welding torch. Strict precautions are therefore needed in welding operations. Check all equipment, hoses and cables before use discard d

15、efective equipment. Guard the workplace to prevent unintentional ignition of combustible material. Make sure you have a fire extinguisher to hand and know how to use it. Put on suitable protective clothing and safety goggles. Secure gas cylinders in the upright position; put them in a safe place, pr

16、eferably on special trucks. Make sure gas hoses and welding cables can not obstruckt walkways, nor tangle or kink. Make sure there is sufficient ventilation. If you are unsure, use a local evacuation device. Make sure the welding equipment is correctly earthed and that the earth lead is attached as

17、close to the workplace as possible. Never use a regulator for gases other than the one it is intended for. If work is interrupted for any reason, close off the gas bottles or disconnect the power supply to the electric welding set. Do not take gas bottles with you into areas of risk they may leak. N

18、ever try to purify the air with oxygen from your welding set. Improving the air quality with oxygen poses a serious risk of fire or explosion, as materials such as your clothes which are normally not readily flammable are far more inclined to catch fire in oxygen enriched air.Gas bottlesSpecial caut

19、ion is required in the use and storage of gas bottles, the contents may be under high pressure, poses a fire hazard or entail major risks. The following suggestions apply to most gas bottles, but you should also check the suppliers product information. Store the gasa bottles correctly in well ventil

20、ated spaces away from heat sources and direct sunlight. Keep oxidised gases awayfrom flammable gases and full bottles away from empty ones. Make sure the bottles do not topple over when they are stored in the upright position. Some gas bottles, such as acetylene gas, must always be stored vertically

21、. Remember that an acetylene gas bottle is never empty. Use clear labels, filled and empty bottles must be kept apart. Always open the bottle valve gently, do not close the bottle valve further than the point at which the gas is closed off. Do not use excessive force. Report leaking bottles to your

22、supervisor immediately. Never test for leaks with a lit match use soapy water. Never manipulate safety emblems on valves or bottles.Machines and mechanical equipmentIt is possible to prevent injuries caused by machines and mechanical equipment by watching out for the dangerous, moving parts of the m

23、achine and practicing operation and safety systems when working on maintenance. Report damaged or unreliable guards to your supervisor. Make sure the work is properly secured before you start up metal-working machines such as drills, milling cutters, rolls etc. Keep the floor surface clean and free

24、from obstacles around the machine. Put on safety goggles when aworking with grinding and milling machines which have grinding wheels or when turning on a lathe. Always disconnect the power supply before attempting to do any maintenance at all on it. Always follow any maintenance/repair directions of

25、 equipment, dont take risk even if schedule is tight Never wear loose clothes, have your long hair covered. Never use a machine unless the safety devices are in place and secured. Never use your hands to lower the speed, to stop a machine or to shift the drive belt during operation.Maintenance machi

26、nes, premises All machines must have a maintenance plan with a person specified as being responsible. Maintenance must be dealt with by a person appointed by HAW according to a specified plan. Tag Out/ Lock Out procedure must be followed when maintenance is carried out and specified PPE is required

27、All overhead travelling cranes must be inspected and serviced by a certified body every two years If faults occur between the inspections, the supervisor concerned must make sure that the fault is rectified at once.Crane operations Only qualified personnel may operate cranes. Helmet is required when

28、 operating cranes. Position the hook above the load so that it doesnt swing back and forth when hoisted. Make sure the load is free before lifting takes place. Make sure no person is beneath moving loads. Never exceed the lifting capacity of the crane or sling. If in doubt over the weight of the loa

29、d, ask your supervisor. Never walk or work beneath a suspended load. Never use single sling to lift cracks use sling with hooks Never use defective or damaged crane report defectsManual liftingCorrect manual handling and lifting can do a great deal to prevent strains and back ache. A large proportio

30、n of industrial injuries are caused by incorrect manual lifting.Once you have damaged your back, the damage may remain for the rest of your life. You can avoid this type of injury by following these suggestions: Assess the weight of the load and get help if it is too heavy for you to lift. Use mecha

31、nical aids where appropriate. Assess the job move any obstacle, note all difficulties, and make sure there is a clear surface where the load can be put down. Stand close to the object you are going to lift, with your feet about 30 cm apart, one foot slightly in front of the other. Tuck your chin in

32、avoid moving your head forwards or back. Crouch down, keeping your back straight. Take a firm grip of opposite corners of the object with the palms of your hands, grasping where the fingers start. Keep your arms as close to your body as possible. Lift with your thigh muscles, look up and straighten

33、your legs. Never change grip while you are carrying the object. Never twist your back when you are lifting. Never carry if you feel pain. Stop working immediately. ElectricityMisuse of electricity can result in fires and explosions, injury and even death. Only authorized personnel are permitted to w

34、ork on or maintain electrical equipment. Report worn, inefficient or damaged electrical equipment, such as loosee connections and worn cables, to your supervisor. Make sure that no one can come into contact with such equipment before it is repaired. Make sure that the path to fuse cabinets and simil

35、ar installations is clear, in case the power supply has to be switched off in an emergency. Assume that all circuits are live until you are sure that this is not the case. Learn what action to take if someone suffers an electric shock. Before attempting a rescue, make sure that the power source is i

36、nsulated. Switch off the power supply when you have finished with the equipment. Never get involved in unauthorized use, repair or maintenance. Never make improvised arrangements in a switch box, for example with clamp leads in plugs with matches or nails. Never connect power tools to unearthed sock

37、ets. Never force a plug into the wrong wall socket. Never use power tools where the earth wire is not screwed tightly in the plug. Never hang electric leads on nails or leave them lying where they can be damaged. Never misuse the earth terminal on electric welding equipment.Compressed airCompressed

38、air can cause serious injury. A burst hose can thrash around and cause serious harm. If compressed air is connected to appliances which are not intended to cope with the pressure, serious accident can occur. Check hoses and couplings before use remove damaged equipment. Make sure quick-release coupl

39、ings are correctly locked. Before connecting the compressed air, check that the equipment is made to withstand the pressure. Make sure that dirt cannot enter the air supply by back-suction at higher pressure from the unit. Close off the air supply and ease off the pressure before you take the connec

40、tions apart. Never improvise with home-made clamps use professionally desighed couplings. Never use compressed air to blow away metal chips, debris or dirt etc without using personal protective equipment. Particles can blow into your eyes or ears or those of people nearby even at low pressure. Never

41、 blow dust off you with compressed air.Handling chemicalsMany of the chemical substances used by modern-day industrial companies are capable of causing harm. But they can also be handled safely if the proper safety regulations are followed. The following general suggestions can be applied to most ch

42、emical substances, but for more detailed information you should check the MSDS for each individual substance. Always read the label on every container. Put a label on every container you fill with chemical substances. Wear the recommended protective equipment when working with chemicals. Keep solven

43、ts in well ventilated spaces away from heat sources and direct sunlight. Make sure the equipment and plant have been made safe to work on. Read the regulations carefully when you are going to transfer chemicals from one vessel to another. It may be dangerous to use dirty containers. Keep all toxic m

44、aterials on clearly labelled, well sealed containers. If you handle these containers, read every warning text and follow the instructions. Whenever a special handling device is specified, use it. Never taste or allow unknown products to come into contact with your skin, and only smell them with the

45、greatest caution.Tools - Hand tools, portable power tools or the ones operated by compressed airMost injuries involving hand tools are caused by damaged tools, tools that are used incorrectly or tools that have been wrongly stored. Keep your hands behind the cutting edge when using cutting tools. Ke

46、ep knives and other sharp tools in a safe place, not in your pockets. Keep your tools clean and in good condition. Protect the edge of sharp tools when carrying them and when storing them.Before using portable power tools, make sure they are in good condition. If you are unsure about their safety, r

47、eport this to your supervisor. Always use the right tool for the job. Make sure the cables do not come into contact with oil, heat or sharp edges. Check that all compressed-air hoses to compressed-air tools are tight. Wear safety goggles and ear protectors when working with power tools and tools operated by compressed air. Store tools, hand lamps, cables and hoses in a safe and tidy condition. Never life to pull power tools by the lead. Never try to modify or work a grinding whe


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