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1、自荐书 尊敬的领导: 你好!我非常想应聘贵公司,并最终成为公司的一份子,能够与公司共同成长,为公司的发展贡献自己的力量。 我主修的是英语。大学三年多以来,我注重基础课程和专业课程的学习,勤奋刻苦, 我所有的课程的成绩都很好,倘若阁下有意审阅,当可稍后寄上。通过学习我具备了一定的专业知识,并且跟随老师在课余时间做专业创新试验并收获巨大;在其他方面我也注重提高自己的能力,参加了学校组织的各种活动,并担任班委以及学生会学习部副部长的职务,培养了自己在各方面的能力。从高三开始,我每年都会准时参加兼职广交会。我诚心的递交上我的简历,感谢您在百忙之中所给予我的关注,愿贵公司的事业蒸蒸日上,屡创佳绩。我热切

2、企盼贵公司的回音。谢谢!此致敬礼申请人:杨希 2010 年 3 月 13 日个 人 简 历(一)姓名杨希性别男出生年月1989.5.18民族汉政治面貌团员身高170cm学历本科户籍湖南省郴州市苏仙区专业英语毕业学校湖南农业大学技能、特长或爱好 爱好篮球,跑步,电脑,写作,翻译外语等级专业八级计算机省二级个 人 履 历时间单位经历2007年7月郴州一家瓷砖公司第一次高考后在公司兼职销售瓷砖一个月2008年9月广交会第二次高考后直至大三,每年参加广交会兼职翻译2010年9月各大网站大二开始用空余时间为网站做翻译联 系 方 式通讯地址湖南省长沙市芙蓉区农业大学联系电话15386498340E-邮 编

3、自 我 评 价自强不息!工作踏实认真,责任心强;性格开朗,为人谦逊;勤奋好学、吃苦耐劳稳重、有活力,待人热情、真诚;有较强的组织协调和社会交往能力Self-recommendDear sir or Madam, I take liberty to write you in the hope that you might need somesummer interns .I feel that I am qualified as a translator. I am currently a student at college, I have over a year more to c-ompl

4、ete before I graduate. My major is English. I have excellent grades in all my subjects. If you wish to look at these information it will be sent to you later. As an undersecretary of study group in our academic, I have taken part in a majority of activities in college and accumulated some experie-nc

5、e. I hope it can be helpful in the company I am 23 years old and extremely honest and dependable. If you n-eed someone with my qualifications, please let me know,and I am free to come for interview at any time. Thank you very much for your kind attention. Sincerely yours, Yang XiENGLISH RESUMEName:

6、Yang Xi Gender :Male Date of birth: May 18nd,1989Professional: EnglishQualifications : Graduate Mobile phone: 15386498340 Email: 331777699QQ.comAddress: Furong District of Changsha Objective To obtain a challenging position as a sales representative referring to translator etc. Education 2008.9-2012

7、.7. Hunan Agriculture 2004.9-2007.7. No.2 Middle schools of Chenzhou,Hunan Academic Main Courses Contemporary College English,Reading Course,Listening Course,Writing Course,Translating Course,Advanced English,Gramma Course,European Culture Work Experience July 2008-Aug.2008, worked in a Tile Company

8、 for one monthJuly 2009- Sep.2011, Worked in Conton fair every year. July 2009- July 2011, Translated in web English Skills Past TEM-8, Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Self-valuation A cheerful disposition and humility, and a strong sense of responsibility, work hard, endured

9、 hardship, a strong ability to organize and coordinate and social contacts General business knowledge relating to financial. Have a passion for the Internet and an abundance of common sense Hobbies and Interest Love sports, such as basketball, badminton, ping pong. Love reading books, like music and writing, love computer.


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