1、专业词汇,formalorganization正式组织divisionoflabor劳动分工departmentalization部门化delegation授权stakeholders利害相关者organizationalchart组织结构图flatterorganization扁平组织cashflow现金流量tradecredit商业信用,short-termloans短期贷款commercialpaper商业票据lifeinsurancecompanies人寿保险公司pensionfunds退休基金bonds债券stocks股票,Forms of business ownership,So
2、le proprietorshipsPartnershipsJoint venturesCorporationsLimited liability companyMergers & acquisitionsFranchises,Forms of business ownership,Fringe benefits 附加福利Drawback 障碍Creditor 债权人Pool their money and credit 筹资和贷款Claim bankruptcy 宣布破产A salaried laborer or employee 上班族Wind up business 关闭生意,Forms
3、 of business ownership,Be liable for 对负有法律责任State-owned enterprise 国有企业Broad of directors 董事会Issuance 发行Minute book 记录薄Annual report 年度报告Sales volume 销售量,Forms of business ownership,Total assets 总资产Paperwork 文书工作 default 违约Real state 房地产Start from scratch 白手起家Trademark 注册商标Coupon 优惠券,Management,Plan
4、ningOrganizingDirectingControllingOrganizational objectives,Managerial roles,Interpersonal 人际关系角色 figurehead 挂名首脑 leader 领导者 liaison 联络者Informational 信息传递角色 monitor 监听者 disseminator 传播者 spokesperson 发言者,Decisional 决策制定角色 entrepreneur 企业家 disturbance handler 混乱驾驭者 resource allocator 资源分配者 negotiator
5、谈判者,management,Meet peoples needs 满足需求Set annual budgets 制定年度预算Structural reorganizations 结构重组Division 部门Departmentalization 部门化Line manager 生产线管理人员Division manager 部门经理Budget allocations 财政预算,Marketing,PLC product life cycle introduction phase growth phase maturity phase decline phaseMarket segment
6、ation 市场细分Marketing mix 营销组合,marketing,Sustainable development 可持续发展Hard selling 强行推销Discretionary income 可支配收入Sales-oriented 销售为导向Warranty 质保Sell off 清仓Market share 市场份额,marketing,Retailer 零售商Wholesaler 批发商Mail order 邮购Target audience 目标观众Build awareness 树立品牌意识Rebate 价格折扣Premium 赠品,marketing,Sponso
7、rship 赞助Revenue 收益 negative profit 负收益A profit margin 边际利润 a successor product 替代产品Population density 人口密度Health conscious 健康意识,Human resource management,cover letter 自荐信 socialization 定位 labor market 劳动力市场 rate of turnover 人员更替速率 entry- level 入门水平 job openings 职位空缺 credit checks 信用调查,Human resource management,romotion from within 内部提拔 boost the morale of the employees 鼓舞士气 career development 职业规划 subunit 二级单位 field ship 实地考察 would-be managers 要提拔管理者 rotate 轮换,time wage 实薪 base salary 底薪 pension 退休金 tailor-made 合适的,特制的 absenteeism 旷工 versatile 多面手 job enrichment 丰富工作内容 job enlargement 扩大工作面,