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1、12/25/2022,Unit 4 When do you have class?,指导:市教研室 赵淑红制作:花都新华七小 林蓓佳审校:市教研室 赵淑红,看图片引出学习内容:Aki and Ben are taking about their daily routines.,12/25/2022,本课时目标:1. 学生能在听说读写的语言环境中理解和运用“What time/When do you usually.?”“I usually”并进行问答。2. 学生能听说读以下新词:usually, at, fromto, take exercise.,第一课时为课本P21 词条的学习,为U4课文

2、对话的学习做铺垫。,12/25/2022,Can you read the time and guess what I do?,Lets Read and Guess,have dinner,have breakfast,get up,have lunch,I . at .,1. 让学生看时钟说时间,然后出示动词短语,T:Aki has a different daily routine.引导学生用“I . at.”猜测Aki什么时间做什么事情。,12/25/2022,Lets Listen and Match,get up,have breakfast,have lunch,have din

3、ner,I . at .,1.学生听Aki自述,进行连线。听力材料为:Hello, I am Aki. I get up at 11:15. And I have breakfast at 3:30 in the afternoon. I have lunch at 8:00 in the evening. What about dinner? I have dinner at 7:15 in the morning.2.教师可根据连线内容引导学生进行看图说句子。,Lets Talk,What about you?,Lets see .,12/25/2022,Lets Talk,have cl

4、asses,get up,have breakfast,have lunch,take exercise,do my homework,watch TV,1.图文并茂呈现短语,学习“take exercise”,分音节学习“exercise”,再用拍掌的方法明确其重音.2.教师可根据学生实际进行短语操练:(1)炸弹游戏(2)TPR。,Lets Talk,I get up at 11:15 in the morning.,What time do you usually get up, Ben ?,1.由短语引至句型:What time do you usually get up?学习新单词us

5、ually。如有需要,可利用以下图片:2. T: Is Bens timetable the same?,12/25/2022,have classes,have breakfast,get up,have lunch,take exercise,do my homework,watch TV,Aki: What time do you usually.?Ben: I usually,6:15,7:00,8:00-4:30,12:00-1:30,4:30-5:30,7:00-8:30,8:30-9:30,1.学生根据选定内容进行师生、生生、小组问答。,12/25/2022,get up,6:1

6、5,Aki: What time do you usually get up ?Ben: I usually get up at 6:15.,Lets Talk,1.学生根据选定内容进行问答。,12/25/2022,have classes,have breakfast,get up,have lunch,take exercise,do my homework,watch TV,Aki: What time do you usually.?Ben: I usually,6:15,7:00,8:00-4:30,12:00-1:30,4:30-5:30,7:00-8:30,8:30-9:30,1

7、2/25/2022,Aki: What time do you usually have breakfast?Ben: I usually have breakfast at 7:00.,Lets Talk,have breakfast,7:00,1.学生根据选定内容进行问答。句末可加上“in the morning”。,12/25/2022,have classes,have breakfast,get up,have lunch,take exercise,do my homework,watch TV,Aki: What time do you usually.?Ben: I usual

8、ly,6:15,7:00,8:00-4:30,12:00-1:30,4:30-5:30,7:00-8:30,8:30-9:30,12/25/2022,Aki: What time do you usually watch TV ?Ben: I usually watch TV from 8:30 to 9:30.,Lets Talk,watch TV,8:30-9:30,1.引导学生关注8:30-9:30的时间表达法,学生学习“from .to.”2.答句句末可加上“in the evening”。,12/25/2022,have classes,have breakfast,get up,h

9、ave lunch,take exercise,do my homework,watch TV,Aki: What time do you usually.?Ben: I usually,6:15,7:00,8:00-4:30,12:00-1:30,4:30-5:30,7:00-8:30,8:30-9:30,12/25/2022,Aki: What time do you usually have lunch ?Ben: I usually have lunch from 12:00 to 1:30.,Lets Talk,have lunch,12:00-1:30,1.学生进行对话。,12/2

10、5/2022,have classes,have breakfast,get up,have lunch,take exercise,do my homework,watch TV,Aki: When do you usually.?Ben: I usually,6:15,7:00,8:00-4:30,12:00-1:30,4:30-5:30,7:00-8:30,8:30-9:30,12/25/2022,Aki: When do you usually do your homework ?Ben: I usually do my homework from 7:00 to 8:30 in th

11、e evening.,Lets Talk,do my homework,7:00-8:30,1.引导学生用when提问及注意“do your homework”的人称转换。2.答句句末可加上“in the evening”。,12/25/2022,have classes,have breakfast,get up,have lunch,take exercise,do my homework,watch TV,Aki: When do you usually.?Ben: I usually,6:15,7:00,8:00-4:30,12:00-1:30,4:30-5:30,7:00-8:30,

12、8:30-9:30,12/25/2022,Aki: When do you usually have classes ?Ben: I usually have classes from 8:00 in the morning to 4:30 in the afternoon.,Lets Talk,have classes,8:00-4:30,1.have classes复数概念可根据学生实际需要进行解释。2.引导学生关注“8:00-4:30”,可四人小组讨论其表达法。,12/25/2022,have classes,have breakfast,get up,have lunch,take e

13、xercise,do my homework,watch TV,Aki: When do you usually.?Ben: I usually,6:15,7:00,8:00-4:30,12:00-1:30,4:30-5:30,7:00-8:30,8:30-9:30,12/25/2022,Aki: When do you usually take exercise?Ben: I usually take exercise from 4:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon.,Lets Talk,take exercise,4:30-5:30,Lets Enjoy,Great!

14、 Let me show you more pictures.,1.进行拓展训练,激发旧知。可全班抢答,也可同桌竞赛游戏。,Lets Try,-What time do you usually play music? - I usually . atin the evening.,Lets Try,- When do you usually.? - I usuallyfromtoin the morning.,8:15-11:00,Lets Try,4:30-5:30,- What time do you usually.? - I fromtoin the afternoon.,Lets Try,Lets Try,- When.? - I ,8:45-9:15,The children usually take exercise from 8:45 to 9:15.,What about you? Can you ask your friend?,1.由听、说、读的训练过度到写的练习。,12/25/2022,Lets Make a Survey,1.明确小调查的要求及时间,教师可先示范一次。2.若时间不允许,可作为课后作业。,Homework:,1. 访问你的朋友,并把信息记录在调查表上。2. 模仿课文录音朗读课文。,


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