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1、英语国际音标,?,Ask and answer:,为什么要学习音标?,1.发音准确,说地道的英语2.拼读法记忆单词3.提高学生的自主学习性,增加词汇量4.整体语感提高5.为了考试,巧记48个国际音标,英语音标四十八,元音辅音两大家,除去元音二十个,剩下辅音二十八,元音分为单和双,十二个单来八个双,单元音又分长和短,五个长来七个短,双元音尾有特色,三I二三个,辅音清浊有区别,八个单身十个成家,有气无声清辅音,声带震动浊辅音,按此顺序去背诵,音形结合效果佳,今天练好语音功,来日学习必轻松.,1.音标必须写在括号里,常用的音标括号有斜头和平头两种,其上端不顶第一线,大致与大写字母相齐,下端在第三格的

2、中间。2.音标没有书写体,也没有大小写,因此书写时必须和印刷体一样,直上直下,没有斜度,其书写规格如下所列。,音标的书写,Lesson 1, i: A: Tea or coffee? B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please.e: me be she he we evening ee: sweet bee sweep sheep sleep three green seeea: meat read leaf sea pea teach eat cleanie, eo: piece people 根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中元音字母组合发音相同的两个词。

3、1.sea rain bean cat 2.gift feet teacher dog 3.pig star tree jeep 4.sweet sea fish the, His little sister is sitting in the middle.i: is English pig fish in fifteen six ship thine: begin behind jacket basketbally: happy heavy busy carry sunny lovely study thirstytwenty thirtywindyrainyey: monkey mone

4、yay: Sunday Saturday Friday 根据发音规则,圈出每组中元音字母发音不相同的单词。1.sofa sit Sunday in 2.six gift hat ship3.hand picture big sister 4.hot money pig Friday, a: Its far to the farm from the park.a:grass glass class plant dance fast fatherlast half askar:car star arm park March hard garden dark scarf market au:laug

5、h aunt ear:heart 根据发音规则,圈出发a:的2个单词。 1.arm love doctor card 2.cloud car garden gate 3.ball scarf dark tiger 4.job home March park, Come to the front.o: son come love money mother brother colour some u: sun jump us bus brush supper duck umbrellaou: touch cousin country double根据发音规则,找出每组中发的单词。 1.hear c

6、up bed air 2. voice boy duck ant 3.fan bus bear cousin 4. supper super money her, u: o: do who whoseoo: room school moon food noodle too soon tooth bootui: fruit juice u: ruler blue ou:soup oe:shoe o:woman wolfoo:foot cook look good book wool wood classroom stood(stand的过去式),记忆小故事:我从房间(room)到学校(schoo

7、l)再到月亮(moon)上,我太(too)饿了就用牙齿(tooth)吃了食物(food)、面条(noodle)、水果(fruit),喝了汤(soup)和果汁(juice)。吃饱了不久之后(soon),我发现我的鞋子(shoe)都走破了,于是就用尺子(ruler)量了一下我鞋子(shoe)的大小,在最后买了一双蓝色的(blue)长筒靴(boot)。,记忆顺口溜:短脚(foot)厨师(cook)看(look)教室的(classroom)好(good)书(book),女人(woman)穿着羊毛(wool)大衣站(stood)在木头(wood)上。,( )A.look B.good C.soon D.

8、football( )A.room B.afternoon C.foot D.school( )A.foot B.food C.school D.moon( )A.good B.food C.cook D.foot( )A.too B.room C.zoo D.good, : The early bird catches the worm first.er: her serve termir:bird girl skirt first dirty shirt ur:nurse Thursday purple ear:early learn or: word work world根据发音规则,圈

9、出每组中元音字母组合发音相同的单词。 1.thirty beer thirsty wheat 2. bank king her nurse 3.Thursday bird rabbit knee 4.room run shirt term, The farmers sister is a doctor.er:teacher clever brother dinner father sister rulerar:sugaror:doctor visitora:panda about above camera sofa China根据发音规则,找出发的2个单词写在后面的横线上。 1.mother

10、sofa road smile 2.sit father sister food 3.hair deer tiger China 4.sugar soon ear leader 找出不同的读音 ( ) A. mother B. doctor C. ruler D. her,以“er,or ”结尾的都发“ ”除了“her” her的er发 :, : My daughter whos forty-four is a lawyer.a: wateraw:draw strawberryal:ball wall call hall talk alwaysor:horse morning fork or

11、short orderoor:floor doorau: autumn daughterar: warm根据发音规则,找出发:的1个单词写在后面的横线上。 1.tall bird bread poor 2.idea chair sport sure 3.cake bear walk cup 4.drink short bag milk, The little pot is so hot.o: fox coffee dog shop popular doctor long sorrya: watch what want根据发音规则,找出发的2个单词写在后面的横线上。 1.doctor teach

12、er box clothes 2.cold zoo clock dog 3.love boss lot violin 4.watch beach fox girl找出不同的读音。( )A. want B. what C. watch D. water, e Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Till good is better. And better best.e: egg bell desk leg red pet then ten penea: bread head breakfastai: again根据发音规则,找出每组中不发e的单词。 1

13、.cat well leg pen 2.sweater map pet elephant 3.egg ten tall desk 4.bread head bed toy, Cat, cat! Catch that black rat!a: dad hat cap bag cat can bad apple back flag hand rabbit black fat has stand map 根据发音规则,找出每组中发的单词。 1.rat bed face sport 2.hear cup fat pear 3.rice can finger tree 4.sea young knife

14、 apple,Review,Review,音标i: i : 练习1. 找出下列没有相同发音的词。 ( ) hefeet bread green ( ) pig is dog ship ( ) thirtybird her food ( ) shebig in money ( ) sweetsfish teacher we ( ) teachersister her mother ( ) tigerfirstwork shirt ( ) treebeanclean thin ( ) fatherdoctorskirt china ( ) happyseasit picture,音标: u: 练习

15、二找出下列没有相同发音的词。 ( ) moonfood eat fruit ( ) truebookwoodlook ( ) foursmallwalk bird ( ) gotclockshop shirt ( ) busfootpush book ( ) lostball long hot ( ) rulerdog mooncake blue ( ) bigship horse it,Review,音标a: e 练习二选出下列没有相同发音的词。 ( ) 1. car arm food garden ( ) 2. true jump bus cut ( ) 3. bag short map

16、flag ( ) 4. egg pen head small ( ) 5. got clock bell dog ( ) 6. rabbit book wood foot ( ) 7. cat bag apple ten ( ) 8. cousin star duck money,综合练习4. 选出下列划线部分发音不同的单词 ( )1. A. tea B. meat C. weather D. Beach ( )2. A. back B. fast C. have D. map ( )3. A. warm B. garden C. market D. party ( )4. A. school

17、 B. tooth C. choose D. good ( )5. A. book B. too C. look D. cook ( )6. A. June B. ruler C. put D. menu ( )7. A. push B. fun C. sun D. cut ( )8. A. tiger B. her C. officer D. over ( )9. A . go B. no C. cold D. hot ( )10.A.flag B. bank C. grass D. can,Lesson 2,a Out of sight, out of mind.i: kite bike

18、nice tiger write idea knife fivey: by cry fly my sky try why goodbyeie: tie pie uy: buy,根据发音规则,找出每组中发ai的2个单词. 1.rice good jam right 2.ship mine ice-cream mouse 3.cloud sit tie eye 4.write small tennis kite,e Rain, rain go away. Little Johnny wants to play.a: cake make name game snake gate lazyai: ra

19、in train wait ay: May play today way say dayea: great,根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中发音不一样的单词。 1.face gate sheep tail 2.grape plane name coat 3.time tape train say 4.rain soup cake train, Soybean oil is my choice.oi: oil noise coin point voiceoy: boy toy enjoy,根据发音规则,找出每组中发i的2个单词. 1.point hear toy cold 2.rabbit bed

20、boy noisy 3.walk voice oil word 4.tea enjoy coin milk, a I found a mouse in the house.ou: house mouse mouth trousers about round hourow: flower cow how now down town,根据发音规则,选出不发au的单词。 1.mouse cloud arm around 2.teacher trousers cow mouth 3.town dance flower house 4.our blouse now baby, Go and open t

21、he window, Joe, and show me the photo.o: nose rose old over hello homeoa: boat coat soap goat ghost goalow: show window snow bowl,根据发音规则,圈出每组中发u的2个单词。 1.coat goat tree river 2.make window knife road 3. your white rose coat 4.boat him nose lamp, We are near the end of the year.ear: ear hear tear year

22、 deareer: deer beer cheer ea: really ere: here,根据发音规则,圈出每组中发i的1个单词。 1.bear beer fair tail 2.noodles pair near come 3.horse near tower air 4.hair where here there, Its sure to be good for the tourists.oor: poorour: tour tourist ure: sure pure cure,根据发音规则,圈出每组中发u的1个单词。 1.clear tourist pineapple tail 2

23、.noodles pair climb sure 3.bear cure town air 4. voice king pure engineer,e Where there is a will, there is a way.air: hair chair pair fairear: pear bear wearere: there whereeir: theirare: careful square,单词辨音( )1.A.bear B.ear C.hear D.dear ( )2.A.there B. where C.here D.their ( )3.A.horse B.house C.

24、town D.flower( )4.A.says B.say C.day D.way ( )5.A.Monday B.today C.Tuesday D.Friday,Review,Review,Practise 选出下列没有发相同发音的词 ( ) 1. cake egg rain May ( ) 2. say said says bed ( ) 3. boy joy cat noise ( ) 4. Monday Tuesday today Sunday ( ) 5. tower flower mouth arm ( ) 6. mouth coat goat window ( ) 7. de

25、ar deer hair here ( ) 8. pair beer air there ( ) 9. poor tour cure will ( ) 10. boat not cola home,判断发音是否相同1. wait play ( ) 2. cake apple ( )3. train bag ( ) 4. make name ( )5. like little ( ) 6. wife sit ( )7. try fly ( ) 8. pain wait ( )9. boy my ( ) 10. toy joy ( )11. go no ( ) 12. so do ( )13. k

26、now now ( ) 14. rose not ( )15. how house ( ) 16. how flower ( )17. dear bear ( ) 18. pear near ( )19. deer bear ( ) 20. pair chair ( )21. great meat ( ) 22. pig big ( )23. her dirty ( ) 24. her teacher ( )25. bed we ( ) 26. stop hot ( )27. use under ( ) 28. cat father ( )29. bed head ( ) 30. cut pu

27、t ( ),31.five nice ( ) 32.bed me ( ) 33.stop hot ( ) 34.week eat ( ) 35.dish hi ( ) 36.umbrella under ( ) 37.like pizza ( ) 38.cat father ( ) 39.egg he ( ) 40.ask park ( ) 41.sun hungry ( ) 42.cut put ( ) e from ( ) 44.under uncle ( ) 45.sing evening ( ) 46.bed head ( ) 47.bird girl ( ) 48.learn shi

28、rt ( ) 49.juice who ( ) 50.short shirt ( ),Lesson 3,p: piano panda parrot ship pig stop happy appleb: book ball bird big boy bag banana rubber rabbit t : table tea taxi cat fat ticket bottle matterd: duck door desk day bed read smiled opened playedk c: cap cook cup car can class k: cook milk key des

29、k kite cake ck: clock sock neck snackg:glass get girl bag goat flag egg,浊化音 大部分S后面是p/t/k/tr都要发生浊化变成b/d/g/dr pb sport speak spaS td star study student stay kg sky school skate ski trdr street strawberry,s s: star sun snack sea see c: pencil city celebrate ss: grass glass class boss ce: face race rice

30、 nice policez z: zero zebra zoo s: bags photos sisters se: nose rose blouse close please( )A.cakes B.boys C.photos D.dogs 大部分名词的复数后的s都发s或者z,这两者的区别如下:清辅音+s发s books 浊辅音+s发z bags元音+s也发z mangoes,: three thin third teeth mouth birthday thank think thirsty : father mother brother clothes weather this they

31、 there with 根据发音规则,将下面这些单词分为两类。 father three maths thirsty mouth there Thursday brother think thirteen mother weather thin this they teeth with :_:_,ts ts: seats goats coats cats pets eats tes: gates kites dates tastes dz ds: seeds woods friends birds beds des: rides 根据发音规则,找出发ts的4个单词写在后面的横线上。 sands

32、 woods boots birds hats cats hands beds friends gates seeds kids 根据发音规则,找出发dz的5个单词写在后面的横线上。 coats hands cats kites beds words pets kids seats horse sands gates,f f: five fan flower fish fine find fun first ff: giraffe off ph: phone elephant photo gh: laughv v: video visit very voice of violin ve: ha

33、ve love leave 选出下列单词中有f这个音的单词,写在横线上。 knife flower foot fish pick get photo giraffe laugh leaf of off _ 根据发音规则,在不发v的单词上打 violin move love window of video very woman have voice wave off, s: sugar sure sh: ship sheep wash cash shop she s:television,usually,measure,unusual,pleasure 根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中发的2个单词。

34、 1. shell ship watch desk 2. treat shirt skirt ship 3. brush parrot sheep sleep 4. hero shape street shelf 根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中发的1个单词。 1. shell ship usually desk 2. truck shirt pleasure ship 3. brush television sheep sleep 4. hero shape measure shelf,t ch: teacher chess China chair tch: watch match catchd

35、 g: gentleman giraffe j: jump job joke ge: orange change 根据发音规则,找出下列单词中发t的单词 chair dumpling beach cheese night she monkey egg China church these flower dream shark chicken catch 根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中发d的单词。 egg giraffe dragon grass cabbage job gift gate orange drug jeans gun,tr: train try trousers treat tre

36、e trickdr:draw drink driver dragon dream dress 根据发音规则,将下列单词分为两类draw truck trick trousers street drug travel dream dress drink tree treat dragon train strawberrytr:_dr:_,Review,Review,选出含有所写音标的单词/p/ ( ) 1. A. pear B. big C. cat D. desk/d/ ( ) 2. A. hat B. head C. ticket D. wallet/t/ ( ) 3. A. seed B.

37、 dance C. hand D. fit/k/ ( ) 4. A. pick B. ball C. sit D. pineapple/t/ ( ) 5. A. cold B. find C. door D. chair / ( ) 6. A. clothes B. three C. thirsty D. thin/g/ ( ) 7. A. orange B. gift C. giraffe D. change/ ( ) 8. A. sure B. stay C. snack D. see/( )9. A.gentleman B. give C. gate D. ground/v/ ( )10

38、. A. off B. of C. often D. flower/f/ ( )11. A. life B. of C. voice D. have/s/ ( )12.A. mangoes B. cakes C. photos D. dogs/z/ ( )13.A. books B. likes C. boys D. cups/ ( )14. A. usually B. use C.seat D. sun/( )15.A. brother B. mother C. thousand D. there/( )16. A. father B. think C. brother D. leather

39、,单词辨音( )1.A.maths B.thank C.other D.Thursday( )2.A.enjoys B.kiloes C.yours D.cakes( )3.A.the B.third C.think D.thirsty( )4.A.photo B.of C.fifteen D.friend( )5.A.sure B.wash C.English D.school( )6.A.thin B.these C.clothes D.this( )7.A.thank B.then C.birthday D.think( )8.A.watch B.teach C.wish D.China

40、( )9.A.books B.maps C.likes D.bags( )10.A.usually B.use C.zoo D.zero,写出划线部分的音标enjoy _ go _start_have_teach_water_ fly _ dress_ kite_ that_study _ room_ get_ sun_ later_ thousand_fun _ ruler _ shop_ want_trouser_ books _ usually_ phone_ sure_ job _ love _ cats _ friends _ watch _ Tree_ dream _ school

41、 _ says _ say _Tuesday _ her _ sure _ here _ there _of _ off _ about _ us _ likes_ lives _ seats _ star _,Lesson 4,m m: mouth mouse milk monkey moon money mum mb: climb comb,n n: nose net banana noodles train rain plane down kn: knee knife knock gn: sign,根据发音规则,将下列单词分为两类。1.mother seem thin like2.we

42、climb knock comb3.fine father mum monkey4. milk where sign no 5. mall knee laugh find 6. ear plane month rain,m_,n_, nk: bank tank think thank sink ink ng: something anything sing song king reading running finger English 根据发音规则,从下列每组中找出发音不同的单词。 ( )A.monkey B.thank C.sound D.uncle ( )A.sing B.young C

43、.orange D.strong ( )A.English B.swimming C.anything D.dancing ( )A.morning B.evening C.sing D.English,w w: winter window watch water well would wh: white where which when why h h: he her head heart hair hot wh: who whose ( )A.when B.who C.why D.what ( )A.whose B,which C.white D.when 根据发音规则,选出每组中不发w音

44、的1个单词。 1. wood write while which 2. when snow wet woman 3. where water watch who 根据发音规则, 把下列单词中不发h的找出来。 1. hot hat white her 2. horse while who hill 3. when hole hair whose,j y: yes you your yellow year r r: rice room ride road rose rr: mirror carrot parrot wr: write wrong 根据发音规则,找出发j的单词写在下面横线上。 cry

45、 you your sky yellow carry money jelly toy boy young say 根据发音规则,选出不发r的单词,打。 1. bread driver wrong rain worker 2. river father robot rabbit sister 3. write fruit rubber brown drink,l当l后面是元音时发快乐音 : l: look light ruler lucky lovely like let blue其他情况发莲藕音: l: school tail ball girl while ill 读出下列单词: 1. la

46、mp tail flag bottle 2. wall hall lion blue 3. will ball love lake 4. really lend school let 5. little land light glad,Review,pnd kt wnt klaud rbt hu: wt m(r) cut cloud panda who mother rabbit what want,将音标与单词连线,写出下列单词的部分音标,fat _ bed _ street _ drink _ kites _birds _ shop _ where _ sure _ thank _book

47、 _ her _ like _ yes _ whose _leg _ cake _ rice _ mouse _ sheep _,单词辨音()1.A.what B.which C.who D.where()2.A.English B.morning C.evening D.sing()3.A.money B.month C.sound D.uncle()4.A.day B.say C.says D.pay()5.A.nose B.hobby C.long D.hot()6.A.want B.where C.which D.whose()7.A.thing B.bring C.doing D.E

48、nglish()8.A.clock B.home C.orange D.October()9.A.put B.lunch C.just D.cut()10.A.near B.there C.here D.dear,( )11.A.class B.grade C.after D.glass( )12.A.year B.wear C.here D.near( )13.A.kite B.swim C.nine D.time( )14.A.ear B.pear C.near D.dear( )15.A.trousers B.house C.young D.shout( )16.A.grade B.fa

49、ce C.name D.have( )17.A.work B.or C.short D.born( )18.A.their B.there C.where D.here( )19.A.about B.trousers C.cousin D.house( )20.A.over B.homework C.only D.not,( )21.A.May B.way C.day D.says( )22.A.no B.go C.only D.not( )23.A.class B.family C.thank D.cat( )24.A.these B.Chinese C.she D.pretty( )25.

50、A.clock B.warm C.want D.what( )26.A.bread B.present C.begin D.when( )27.A.table B.black C.cake D.lake,看单词写音标,看音标写单词bad_ pot_ books_ tip_ duck_ desk_glad_ fan_ boot_ fit_ city_ bird_ her_ thin_ mother _ lek_ tek_ sli:p_ pet_ ti:_ hu:_stdi_ gd_ sku:l_f_ dres_ ft_,Lesson 5 Review,七年级上册单词拼读,1. biology b


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