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1、语音的重要性,英语学习的最终目的是交际,而交际是通过口语来进行的,语音在此过程中起着至关重要的作用。语言有三要素:语音、语法、和词汇,其中语音是语言的基础。只有学好发音,才能听懂人家说的话,才能让别人听懂自己所要表达的内容,提高实际使用的能力。,音标(48),元音(20),辅音(28),单元音(12),双元音(8),快乐学音标,元音(分类),舌尖抵下齿,舌前部尽力抬高双唇微微张开,呈扁平口形,如同微笑时;发音时声带振动(手摸喉咙能感觉到),/i:/,eeeaeiieeiey,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,bee sheep week sweet keep deep,tea leave pea s

2、ea meat eat,seize receive deceit,thief field niece,he she eve we,police machine,key,/i:/,练习下面的词组,in the tree in the deep seahave a meetingkeep a dog,in the street in the fieldseat meata key man,/i:/,趣味小操练,/i:/,There is a little bee.Coming from the apple tree.Flying in the flowers.And cant see me.,I

3、like coffee.I like tea.I like catsand they like me.I like coffee.I like tea.I dont like lionsand they dont like me.,You see, Im a little bee. Flying over the tree.When you eat sweets with tea,dont forget me, dont forget me., I ,iyeuuieyo,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,big pig film six kick dig,copy gym pity rainy cl

4、oudy sunny,expect careless goodness,build quick guitar,honey donkey monkey money,women,business busy minute, I ,练习下面的词组,a big city a lovely babya little monkey,a pretty lady a busy daya foreign language,eaeaaiieue,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,bed get desk cent help best better,any many,bread weather head dead,said

5、 again,friend,guest, e ,练习下面的词组,a piece of breadget wet,a best seller make friendstake a rest, e ,Pen and pencil.Pencil and pen.Pen and pencil.Say it again!,趣味小操练, e ,a,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,cat cap fat flag plan bad chat family flat habit happy rabbit have Granny hand,/,练习下面的词组,a black bag hand in handhave

6、 a chat a happy family,a bad apple 坏蛋a bad habit 坏习惯a flat cap 扁平帽子a fat cat 一个有钱的大亨,/,I met a little boy Jack.Who came from another land.I couldnt speak his language.But I took him by the hand.,Im a cat, cat, catIn a cap, cap, cap.Im a cat, cat, catin a hat, hat, hat.,趣味小操练,:,irerorurearour,下面这些字母及

7、组合发这个音,birth first shirt third bird,her German mercy person service,work worst worth word,fur hurt,early learn earth,journey,:,练习下面的词组,turn red at firston earthat work,serve a customergive birth to a sonlearn the wordsmake a journey,:,iaouor,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,terrible possible,library company along,corr

8、ect seldom protect,August,doctor visitor actor,/,erarurureour,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,teacher water letter worker,standard particular sugar,Saturday,lecture,labour,/,练习下面的词组,Number Ten at eleven oclockfrom cover to cover todays newspaper,in September on Saturdaypost a letterdraw a picture,/,oooouuoeewui,下面这些字

9、母及组合发这个音,do two move who whose lose,tool food tooth school cool too,shoe,fruit,u:,group through soup you,rule June Susan,flew,练习下面的词组,a glass of juice the school rules in Juneblue moon 稀有的事in the soup 陷于困境,u:,uoooul,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,put sugar push,cook good foot took look book wood,could should, u ,练习下

10、面的词组,a good-looking woman put in a good word for 为美言几句some good sugara cook-book, u ,oraalau,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,horse short nor,always although water,ball hall walk,caught daughter autumn,oorour,floor door,four,/:/,练习下面的词组,eat like a horsedaughter-in-lawin the school hall,in autumn raw water before long,

11、/:/,oaouow,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,knock clock stop sorry long,wash watch what want quarrel,cough,knowledge,练习下面的词组,have a cough have a knowledge of English,hot dogon holiday,口张大,舌尖压低并后缩,舌尖不抵触下齿;舌后稍抬起,双唇微收圆;发音时声带振动,:,araalearau,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,star park dark car far start,pass example bath answer after,calm hal

12、f,heart,aunt laugh,:,练习下面的词组,starting time take a bathfor examplea three-star hotel,a party the last year,:,uoouoo,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,sun cup but duck study subject,son love come front money mother,enough young double cousin,blood flood,练习下面的词组,come on front runnerroast duck,a flood of tears a sudden arr

13、ivalenough food,Practice,map best fat next hat rest cat bad glad,sit speak tree picture it is piece please we he feel,corn what lot horse rock tall God ball,do look food moon good who blue shoe book foot too,teacher third work first player speaker bird worst together tomorrow today,Bob is an orange

14、dog. The dog is barking after the car.,/ b s / /k t/ /p b/ /d k/,/d g/ /h t/ /p t/,/t I p/ /b I g/ /m I s/,/b k/ /p t/ /l k/ /t k/,/set/ /mes/ /rest/ /hed/,/pk/ /k t/ /d d/,请根据音标读出单词,/t:sk/ /h:f/,/d:/ /imp:t/,/f:st/ /b:d/ /l:n/,/mi:t/ /si:t/ /pli:z/,/sU:p/ /flU:t/,双元音是作为一个音节、用一次呼气发出来的两个元音的连缀。双元音的两个成

15、分中只有第一个读得比较重、长和清晰,第二个则要读得比较轻、短和含糊。,双元音,aayaieieaey,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,ate game cake lazy,day way may,break great steak,wait rain fail sail,neighbour eight weight,they,练习下面的词组,break away a lazy person go awaymend ones ways 改邪归正rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨,yiighieeiuyye,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,fly by cry,rice side time

16、wide bike,either height,bye,night right fight high,lie tie die,buy guy,练习下面的词组,day and night wine and dine sb. 用酒宴招待某人 behind the timesa quiet life,练习下面的句子,I like a quiet life.He often wines and dines us.I decided to ride a bike.,oyoi,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,boy toy joy enjoy destroyannoy royal,oil coin noise

17、 boil choicesoil join,练习下面的词组,enjoy ones joba toy dogjoin the armyboil over 煮沸溢出,练习下面的句子,The boy likes to play the toy dog.Ill explain my plan point by point.The water is boiling.,oowoaouoe,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,so no home those told poem note,throw tomorrow show bowl,soul though shoulder,coat toast soap bo

18、at road,toe,练习下面的词组,go homeshoulder to shoulderroad show 巡回演出boat racetoe shoes 芭蕾舞鞋,练习下面的句子,No smoking.I can row a boat.Ill show you some coats.,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,owou,cow how now down crowdallow town flower power,mouth out house ground around mouse loud sound,au,练习下面的词组,around the housedown in the mou

19、th 垂头丧气的hour hand 时钟,au,练习下面的句子,How about going downtown?He found that flowers behind the house blossomed.,au,eaeareerere,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,idea real theatre,ear dear near clear year,here mere,beer cheer deer pioneer,i,练习下面的词组,clear ideasbe all ears 专心倾听year in year out 一年到头cheer upclear up the desk,i,e

20、arairareereaeir,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,bear wear pear,air hair chair fair repair,parent various area,dare share rare square,there where nowhere,their,练习下面的句子,I gave Mary a pair of chairs.Where is John?He is over there.He is playing the violin in the square.,ooruaourure,下面这些字母及组合发这个音,poor poorly,February usua

21、l,tour,sure,u,练习下面的词组,poor boytake a touras usual,u,试着说出包含下列音素的词汇:,u au i,试着说出包含下列音素的词汇:,/aI/: /naIs/ /flaIt/,/eI/: /feIs/ /beI/,/I/: /bI/ /vIs/,/I/: /hI/,/e/: /be/ /ke/,/: /t/ /,/: /bt/ /flt/,/aI/: /naIs/ /flaIt/,/eI/: /feIs/ /beI/,/I/: /bI/ /vIs/,/I/: /bI/,/e/: /be/,/: /t/ /,/: /bt/ /flt/,辅音教学,Uni

22、t Three Consonants,辅音是发音时气流在共鸣腔中受阻碍的音。辅音可以按照发音方法和发音部位两个方面来分析。 发音方法是气流通过发音器官构成阻碍和克服阻碍的方式、声带是否振动、气流冲出口腔的强弱等。就受阻和除阻的方式而言,主要可以分为塞音、擦音、塞擦音、鼻音、边音等,就声带是否振动而言,可分为清音和浊音两类;就气流冲出口腔的强弱而言,可分为送气和不送气两类。,辅音(分类),清辅音/p/t/k/f/s/浊辅音/b/d/g/v/z/清辅音/h/ts/t/tr/浊辅音/r/dz/d/dr/鼻音 /m/n/ 半元音/j/ w/边音 /,p,发音方法:双唇紧闭,然后突然分开,气流冲出口腔。

23、,help put practice please pianopopular people parents proud happy,b,be bed book better bet base bye box bicycle brother but because bark basketball baseball,清辅音,浊辅音,常见发音字母:p b,发音方法:齿尖紧贴上齿龈,形成阻碍,然后突然下降,气流冲出口腔。,t,tea eat meat meet pet beat team let letter seat sit teach,d,day need bed birddoctor good

24、food ride postcard down England drink red,清辅音,浊辅音,常见发音字母:t d,K,key cake bike class like book desk chicken cup cap back cat cute kid broken clock,发音方法:舌后部隆起,紧贴软颚,形成阻碍,然后突然离开,气流冲出口腔。,g,girl glass sky dog get give game go great gym grandfathergrandmotherguide leg good garden,清辅音,浊辅音,常见发音字母:c k ck g,发音方

25、法:下唇轻触上齿,气流由唇齿间的缝隙中通过,引起摩擦。,f,five fight life wife knife family first father fine foot food fly Friday from fruit farmer fast laugh,v,five live very visit vegetable verb love live everyone never leave have,清辅音,浊辅音,常见发音字母:f gh v,发音方法:舌端靠近齿龈(不要贴住),气流由舌端齿龈之间泄出,摩擦成音。,s,this save shirt show silk singer s

26、ister six seven snake some star start say student,z,zoo zero these is eggs labs zebra pens as says,清辅音,浊辅音,常见发音字母:s s z,this north health worth month birthday bathroom thank think thing three nothing third thirty,发音方法:舌尖轻触上齿背,气流由舌齿间的窄缝泄出,摩擦成音。,these there then they brother fatherweather bother toget

27、her another,清辅音,浊辅音,常见发音字母:th th, tS ,dZ,china chair lunch teach,age vegetable bridge enjoy join jump,发音方法:舌身采取发/r/的姿势,但舌尖上翘贴在齿龈后部,气流冲破这个阻碍发出短促的/t/后立即发/r/。,清辅音,浊辅音,常见发音字母:ch ge j,S,Z,Pleasure usually,sheep ship shoe she,sure,发音方法:舌尖舌端抬起贴住上齿龈较后部分整个舌身抬起靠近上颚,形成一个狭长的通道,气流由此通过,引起摩擦。,清辅音,浊辅音,常见发音字母:sh s,t

28、r,dr,tree country try treat,dry dream drive drink,发音方法:舌尖舌端抬起贴住上齿龈后部,形成阻碍,气流冲破这个阻碍后,舌和齿龈间仍保持一个狭缝,发出摩擦的声音。,清辅音,浊辅音,常见发音字母:tr dr,ts,dz,students bootsboats goats kites,goods woodsbeds rides,发音方法:舌端贴住齿龈,堵住气流,然后略微下降,气流随之泄出口出。,清辅音,浊辅音,常见发音字母:ts tes ds des,n,m,man moon morning come,pen ten nine fine night,

29、uncle bank English think,发音方法:双唇闭拢,软腭下垂,气流从鼻腔泄出。,发音方法:舌尖紧贴上齿龈,形成阻碍,软腭下垂,气流从鼻腔泄出。,发音方法:软腭下垂,堵住口腔通道,气流从鼻腔泄出,发音时声带振动。常见发音字母:n ng,常见发音字母:m,常见发音字母: n,l,life long fly black live,school tall goal soul,发音方法:舌端紧抵上齿龈,气流从舌的一侧或两侧泄出。常见发音字母:l,(发此音时,位于辅音的前面和词尾。),(发此音时,位于元音前面。),r,H,home house how who hide hope,read red room write ride right,发音方法:舌尖向上齿龈后部卷起,舌前部下陷,略成凹形,舌身两侧收拢,双唇略突出,气流由舌面与硬腭间泄出。常见发音字母: r,发音方法:气流不受阻碍,自由逸出口腔,只在通过声门时发出轻微的摩擦。常见发音字母: h,J,W,yes year your yellow,when what where window wait why,发音方法:舌后部向软颚抬起,双唇收的很圆很小,并向前突出,声带振动。常见发音字母: w,发音方法:舌后部向硬颚抬起,双唇向两旁伸展成扁平形,声带振动。常见发音字母: y,Thank you !,


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