1、,Unit 6 Jobs (职业),第二课时,四年级下册,My name is Branny.Im your teacher today.I like because theyre yummy. I like because theyre lovely .,I like my job because its cool.,A B C,职业,A B C,职业,Mother,Aunt,Father,Lily,1. What do they do?,Hi! My names Gogo!Where are you going?,Oh, hello, Gogo. Im going to the hospi
2、tal.,Listen and read. 大声模仿跟读录音。,Hi, where are you going?,Listen and read. 大声模仿跟读录音。,What do you do?,Im a fire fighter.,What do you do?,Im a doctor.,I want to be a fire fighter.,Listen and read. 大声模仿跟读录音。,What do you want to be?,I want to be a magician.,(魔术师),magician (魔术师),magician,magician,magician
3、,(Because) its _.,A: What do you want to be?B: I want to be a _.,magician,cool,表演全部内容, 并加入自己的语言,表演13幅图片,表演46幅图篇,A.,1,2,3,4,5,6,Lily,职业节,Hello, my name is _. Im a fire fighter.,My job is to _.,Sam,put out fires,I like my job because I can _.,save(挽救)people in fires,I can _.,help people in need(需要),可自己设计和生活相近的图片让学生进行猜测。,I want to be a _, (because) _.,说说自己理想中的职业,并说明此选择的原因。,Homework,家庭作业:采访你的父亲或母亲,完成调查表。,All jobs are veryimportant.,And now your job is to study and play.,(重要的),(职业),(工作),