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1、Part II High-speed Train,项目二 动车乘务,Special passenger serviceVocabulary图解词汇,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceWords and Phrases词汇短语1.Mothers Lounge母婴室2.Non-smoking section 非吸烟区3.Children and Women First妇女儿童优先4.baby cartridge 婴儿车5.take good care of your child 看管好孩子6.your valuableprecious suggestions.

2、 宝贵意见,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceSevice Expressions 服务用语1.Whats the matter?你有什么不舒服?2.Ill call a ambulance for you at once.我马上联系救护车。3.If it is inconvenient for you, I can arrange a nearby seat for you.您行动不便,就近乘坐吧,我来帮您安排。4.Sir, please make sure this baby cartridge wont move.先生,您带的这个婴儿车一定要踩好脚闸

3、。,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceSevice Expressions 服务用语5.This is a toilet for the disabled, equipped with a handrail and Emergency Call Button.这里是残疾人卫生间,里面设有扶手、紧急呼叫按钮。6.Crew member: Mind you steps and walk slowly. The platform is slippery. Let me help you with the baggage. 站台较滑您下车时要注意,您慢一点,我来帮

4、您拿行李。7.Youd better consult a doctor soongo to see a doctor soon.你最好早点去看医生。8.Hope youll recover soon.祝您早日康复。,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceSevice Expressions 服务用语9.Hello, the train is running very fast. Please take good care of your child and be careful.您好,车速过快,请您看管好小朋友,注意安全。10.Dear passengers,

5、 I am cleaning up the compartment for you. The train is arriving very soon .Please take care of your baggage in case you might take the wrong baggage or. leave it behind on the train.各位旅客,我为您清理一下包房卫生,快到站了,请您收拾好您的物品,防止拿错或遗忘行李。,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceSevice Expressions 服务用语11.When you get

6、 off the train, be sure to with you your baggage, especially the valuables , such as the wallet and the passport. Dont leave them behind on the train下车时请带好您的随身物品,特别是贵重物品,如钱包、护照等,不要遗忘在列车上。12.Thank you very much for your valuableprecious suggestions. Your suggestions are very helpful to our work. I ho

7、pe you will enjoy a better service from us when you take the train next time.非常感谢您为我们工作提出宝贵意见,您的意见对我们的工作有很大的帮助,希望在您下次乘坐我们列车时,能看到我们更好的工作表现。,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceSevice Expressions 服务用语13.Sir, thank you for your valuable suggestions. We will report to our supervisor. We hope you will fr

8、equently take our train and help us improve our service Thanks.先生,非常感谢您给我们提出的宝贵意见,我会向我们的上级反馈。希望您能经常乘坐我们列车,帮助我们完善工作中的不足,谢谢!,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 1 协助老人上车Crew: Sir, dont worry. Get on the train first and Ill take the baggage for you.列车员:老先生,别着急,您先上车我来帮您拿行李。Passe

9、nger: Ok, thanks.旅客:好的,谢谢。,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 2 照顾老人Passenger: My old mother is traveling on your train. Could you look after her for me and remind her before reaching the station, please?旅客:我的老母亲乘车,能帮我照顾一下吗?到站前请提示一下。Crew: No problem. Ill take care of her. D

10、ont worry.列车员:没问题,您放心。我一定会照顾好她的。,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 3 照顾残疾人Passenger: Excuse me, here is a disabled passenger. Where is convenient for him to sit?旅客:我们这有一位残疾人,坐哪儿比较方便?Crew: Please take the first row, well help you.列车员:可以在第一排座位,我们帮您协调。Passenger: Where could I

11、 put the wheelchair? 旅客:轮椅放哪?,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 3 照顾残疾人Crew: Please put it at the Left Luggage and make sure it wont move. 列车员:您踩好轮椅脚闸,放在大件存放处。Crew: When we reach the station, would you need any help from the station? 列车员:到站后,您需要我与站方联系,为您提供什么帮助吗?Passenger:

12、Yes, thanks. 旅客:好呀。Crew: When we reach the station, please follow me. Ill take you to the lift. 列车员:到站后,您随我来,我帮助您乘直梯出站。,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 4 无障碍卫生间Passenger: How could I get into the toilet? 旅客:这个厕所(残疾人卫生间)怎么进去?Crew: First, please press the green to open the

13、 door. After getting in the toilet, press the green button to close the door, and press the red button to lock it.列车员:先按绿色按钮,厕所门就开了。进去后先按绿色按钮关闭,再按红色按钮锁闭。,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 5 婴儿护理Passenger: I need to change the babys diaper. Where can I do it?旅客:我需要给孩子换尿布,怎么

14、办?Crew: There is a table for babies nursing in the accessible toilet in carriage 5, You can change the babys diaper there.列车员:残疾人卫生间内有婴儿护理台,您可以在那个给孩子换尿布。,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 6 调换座位Crew:I am sorry for having kept you waiting so long.列车员:很抱歉让您久等了。Passenger: Wou

15、ld you please find a convenient seat for my friend? He is disabled, you know旅客:我有位残疾人,坐哪比较方便?Crew: Please wait a minute. Ill arrange a nearest seat for him.列车员:请您稍等,我帮你调换个座位,就近就座吧。,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 7 方便残疾人Passenger: Hello, I have trouble walking. Could you

16、 arrange a nearby seat for me?旅客:您好,我的腿不方便能不能帮我换个就近的座位?Crew: Just a minute. Ill arrange a seat for you.列车员:稍等,我来帮您安排。Passenger: Thanks for your help.旅客:好的,谢谢您的帮助。,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 8 照顾残疾人Passenger: Hello, my family members can not walk too much. Could you

17、please tell me the closest exit?旅客:你好,我的家人腿脚不方便,你可以告诉我哪里出站最近吗?Crew: Sir, please wait for me outside this carriage after we get to the station. Ill take you to the accessible lift.列车员:先生,一会到站,您在这节车厢外等我一会,我带您乘无障碍电梯。Passenger: We have a disabled person with us. Could you please get us a wheelchair?旅客:我

18、们有位残疾人,能帮我们联系轮椅吗?,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 8 照顾残疾人Chief: No problem. The wheelchair will be waiting for you on the platform.列车长:好的没问题,把轮椅拿到站台上等您。Passenger: Where can I put the wheelchair?旅客:轮椅放在哪?Crew member: Please lock the foot brake and put it near the vestibul

19、e.列车员:您踩好轮椅脚闸,放在风挡处。,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 9 寻找医生Passenger: Do you have doctors on the train?旅客:列车上有医生吗?Crew: Sorry, we dont have train doctors. But I can make a broadcast and try to find a doctor among the passengers.列车员:对不起,列车没有随车医生,但我会试着通过广播在旅客中为您寻找医生。Crew:

20、Here is a doctor. He happens to take this train. He will take care of you.列车员:这位是医生,他碰巧今天乘车,让他帮您检查一下。,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 10 提醒旅客Passenger: Miss, could you please wake me up early tomorrow morning?旅客:服务员,明天可以早些叫我吗?Crew: Sure. What time?列车员:当然可以,您需要几点叫您?Passen

21、ger: Six oclock. Thanks.旅客:6点吧,谢谢Crew: No problem .Ill wake you up on time. Good night.列车员:没问题,我会按时叫您,祝您晚安。,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 11 问候旅客Crew: Good morning. Did you have a good rest last night? Let me get a kettle of hot water for you, OK?列车员:早上好,您昨晚休息的还好吗?我来帮您

22、换壶热水吧?Passenger: I had a very good rest .Thank you.旅客:休息的很好,谢谢。Passenger: Thanks for your excellent sevice .旅客:你们的服务很好,很感谢你。Crew: Thank you for your compliment. Were looking forward to meeting you again.列车员:谢谢您的夸奖,我很高兴能为您服务,欢迎再来。,任务5 重点旅客服务,Special passenger serviceCoversation 情景对话Dialogue 12 看护小孩Cr

23、ew :Whose son is running on the corridor?列车员:谁的小孩在走廊上跑啊?Passenger: Oh, hes my son. Hes excited. This is his first time to be on the train.旅客:哦,是我的儿子。他很兴奋,这是他第一次坐火车。Crew: I see. The train is going to stop. Please keep an eye on him.列车员:我明白。火车快到站了,请照看好您的孩子。Passenger: Yes ,I will. Thank you.旅客:好的,谢谢。,任务5 重点旅客服务,


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