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1、托福口语分数提升方法 托福口语既重基础,也需要技巧。所以大家在备考的时候除了积累一定的基础外,还需要把握答题技巧。下面就和大家分享托福口语分数提升方法,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语分数提升方法 3条建议助你快速提升一.语音语调练习标准:发音清晰,表达流利英语有各种口音,大概可归纳为以下三类:1.英语母语人士的各类口音,如北美口音、英格兰口音、威尔士口音、澳大利亚口音等;2.以英语为官方语言的国家的口音,如印度口音、新加坡口音、南非口音等;3.以英语为第二语言的国家的口音,如中国口音、日本口音、俄罗斯口音等。追求地道的发音一直同是很多学所狂热追求的,要么想练成标准英伦腔,要么想表现

2、正宗美国味。殊不知,口语的核心是“表达清晰、准确”。正所谓“华丽的外表可以有,但是内涵跟得上才是正道”。二.学习英语中的习语,让口语表达更地道学习使用习语需要长期的积累。如果你能够自如使用习语必将大大增加你口语表达的生动性和地道程度。例如,下面几个使用了习语的句子就显得很地道而生动。例1:Ive never met John Franklin, but his name rings a bell。解析:句中的ring a bell跟“门铃响”毫无关系,它的意思是“听起来耳熟”,以后咱们也能酷酷地跟人说:“The name Oslo rings a bell, but I cant rememb

3、er where it is。”例2:She arrived at the reception dressed to kill。解析:句中的dressed to kill可不是“被打扮得杀气腾腾”的意思,而是指“穿着极为时尚出众以吸引眼球”。不过,口语刚入门的同学应慎用习语。原因有二:其一,如果你的谈话对象不是英语母语人士,他/她可能听不懂,这就使沟通出现障碍;其二,如果谈话对象为英语母语人士,他会很惊喜,以为你英语水平与他相当,后果是他会使用更多的习语跟你交流,弄得你一头雾水。当然,等习语累积到一定程度时,你就可以想用就用,谁拦着跟谁急!三.扩展阅读量,让口语表达更有深度和广度如果你要想让自

4、己的口语内容具有广度和深度,那就必须进行广泛阅读,从阅读中吸收养分。有同学会有这样的疑问:文学作品可以帮助提高口语水平吗?回答是:“完全可以。”理由是,通过阅读文学作品,考生可以积累大量的习语。像圣经与莎士比亚作品中就含有大量的习语表达,比如由圣经而来的“eye for eye, tooth for tooth”(以眼还眼,以牙还牙)和“The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak”(心有余而力不足)便是来自于圣经;而习语“whats done is done”(既往不咎)和“Truth will come to light”(真相将大白于天下)就来自

5、于莎士比亚的喜剧作品威尼斯商人(The Merchant of Venice)。其实阅读杂文小品对提高口语水平也是有帮助的。杂文小品中富含养分,可以借鉴的东西很多,比如广泛的话题、严谨的逻辑和各类表达技巧(数据统计、举例说明、因果论证、比较对比等)。阅读就是力量,求知若渴的你请抓紧时间多阅读英文作品吧!托福口语话题素材:表感谢1Thanks. 谢谢这是一种很普通也是最常用的说法,用在informal的日常生活。跟Thankyou用法一致,但感激更随意一些。例如:-Idid your laundry.-Thanks,mom!又如:-Thanksfor taking me to New York

6、City! It was an amazing trip!-Imglad you like it!2I really appreciate it. 我很感谢。这是另一个表示感谢的日常用法,你会经常在跟外国人对话的时候听到。可以跟亲朋好友说,更多的是在工作中听到。例如:-Listen,Sam, I know that you did a lot for the company and I appreciate it.But I need you leave.-You must be kidding me.3Youre the best. 你最棒了。这是一种比较热情的说法,女性跟亲人和关系亲密的朋

7、友常说,伴随着激动的心情;男性朋友之间很少使用,有时会跟配偶说。例如:Man:Honey, you go and watch TV. Ill do the dishes.Woman:Really? You are the best!4I couldnt have done it without you.若是没有你,我不可能做到。这个说法表达了manymany的感激之情。如果一个人的帮助对你的影响很大,完全可以说“没有你我一定做不到”!例如:-Congratulationson getting into such a prestigious university!-Thankyou very m

8、uch, Mr. Jackson! I couldnt have done it withoutyou.5 Id like to express my gratitude.我要表达我的感激之情。这是一种比较正式的说法,通常在答谢演讲、毕业演讲等正式场合使用。例如:Atthe outset, Id like to express my deepest gratitude for yourcordial invitation and gracious hospitality.托福口语话题材料电视机I. ListenListen to the text with the help of the fo

9、llowing notes.1. it is more convenient .in search of amusement elsewhere: (对四口之家来说)舒服地坐在家里,有着包罗万象的娱乐节目供选择,当然比外出到别的地方寻找娱乐活动更为方便,更合算了。2. only to discover. disappointing: 最终发现演出是那样令人失望。此处only 表示出乎意料。3. takes no initiative: 没有任何主动性。4. The most distant countries.into ones sitting -room: 最遥远的国度、最奇异的风俗了情被直

10、接送到人们起居室。5. flickering pictures: 闪烁为定的图像。II. ReadRead the following passages. Underline the important viewpoints while reading.1. Why Watch Television?Matthew: Television is undoubtedly a great invention, but one of the main criticisms of it is that people just arent selective enough. Lesley, youve

11、got a television; how do you pick out the sorts of programmes you want to watch?Lesley: I try and look at the programmes that are on to decide which particular ones interest me, rather than you turning it on at seven oclock and you leaving it on until half-past eleven when the programmes finish.Matt

12、hew: Do you think of television though as a great time-waster?Lesley: I think it can be a time-waster and it depends on how particular people are about what they want to see.Mm, it can just be a sort of total amusement for someone and totally consuming without really considering what it is theyre wa

13、tching.Matthew: Aha, but how do you prevent it coming into your life and taking over your evenings and at the same time perhaps get. get out of the television some of the sort of best things. best programmes that . that undoubtedly are on television?Lesley: Well, I suppose one of the problems is. wi

14、ll depend on what a persons life style is, and that if he has other outside interests which are equally important to him as television, he will then, you know, mm. be more careful about which programmes he wants to watch because he has time which he wants to use for other things.Matthew: Do you thin

15、k though that . that in. in a sense television has killed peoples own er.sort of, creativity or their ability to entertain themselves because if theyre bored all they do is just turn on the television?Lesley: Yes, I think that is a danger, and I think that. in fact is what is happening to a lot of p

16、eople who use it as their . their main . um field of amusement and . because they dont have other outside interests and even when people come round theyll leave the television on and not be, you know, particularly interested in talking to them, you know the television will be the main thing in the r

17、oom.Matthew: Peter, have you a television?Peter: I have, in fact Ive got two televisions.Matthew: Do you watch them a lot?Peter: Er.no I .I watch very seldom er. In fact, I find that I watch television most when Im working which requires nothing of me, then I watch television a lot. When Ive got mor

18、e energy left.um .in my own private time, then I find I do more different things. I do things like um reading, or going out, or working on anything .my hobbies.Matthew: Do you think though that people can live a perfectly happy life if they havent got a television?Peter: Oh yes, I think people who d

19、ont have a television or people who dont watch television can be expected to be more happy. You can assume I think if they never watch television they are happier people than the people who watch a lot of television, because I think that television goes with the kind of life which leaves you with no

20、thing to spare, nothing left, you have to be given potted, passive entertainment.Matthew: But in that case you.you seem as though youre completely against television, is that true?Peter: No, its not. I .I have a television in fact, I have two as I said, but er I . I . I think theres a dilemma, a dif

21、ficult situation. Television in itself is very good; a . a lot of the information and a lot of the programmes are very instructive, they introduce you to things you may never have though of before or never have hard about before. But in watching, it makes you very passive; you sit for hour after hou

22、r and you get very receptive and very unquestioning and it seems to me the important thing in life is to be active, to . to do things, to think things and to be as creative as possible, and television prevents this.III ConsiderDoes television play a positive or negative role in the modern word?Arguments1. Television is now playing a very important part in our lives.托福口语分数提升方法


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