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1、第一节 完形填空,Research has shown that motivation is very important in learning a language; you need to be enthusiastic at it and to be 1 in it. Different people have different motives (动机) the desire for promotion, the 2 of being able to study abroad, and the pure intellectual enjoyment are only some of

2、the possible motives.,1. A. occupied B. interested C. engaged D. active2. A. chance B. hope C. purpose D. way,But 3 wanting to learn is the most 4 motive of all. Courage is an essential attribute (特征) in learning a language. It takes a lot of 5 to speak a foreign language either in front of your fri

3、ends or to native speakers, but dont be afraid of making 6 that is the way we learn.,3. A. gradually B. seriously C. frequently D. actually4. A. difficult B. necessary C. possible D. important 5. A.courageB. time C. energy D. power 6. A.mistakesB. troubles C. senses D. friends,Nowadays there are man

4、y different forms of English, each with its own construction and accent, and so long as you can make yourself 7 and can understand what is said to you, you have 8 in communicating, which is the 9 of any language.,7. A. heard B. introduced C. understood D. known 8. A. believed B. persisted C. succeed

5、edD. brought 9. A. feature B. standard C. meaning D. purpose,Curiosity is not only a possible motivation, it is also of great help in your 10 . Remember that a 11 is not just a grammatical system. It is the outcome of a certain 12 or different cultures.,10. A. learning B. work C. life D. speaking 11

6、. A. sentence B. language C. text D. motivation 12. A. habit B. society C. culture D. communication,It is no good learning strings of 13 and lists of grammatical rules unless you 14 about the background of the language. So learn as much as you can about the different cultures which influence English

7、 watch television programs, listen to the 15 , try to obtain newspapers written by native speakers. They will show you how a language is really used.,13. A. sentences B. letters C. phrases D. words14. A. knowB. learn C. think D. see 15. A. teacher B. radio C. news D. report,本文是一篇说明文。介绍了动机在学习一门语言中的重要

8、性及其不同种类。1. B 由句中的enthusiastic可推出填interested。interested与enthusiastic是近义词复现。2. B 根据句中与之并列的the desire for promotion可推出。hope与desire是近义词复现。 3. D 根据句意,尤其是But可知选D。4. D 根据句意及常识可得出答案。本句意为:但实际上,想学才是最重要的动机。5. A 上句中的Courage is an essential attribute给了明确提示。与courage是原词复现。,6. A 根据语境,再从句中的dont be afraid of可以推出填mist

9、akes。7. C 由句中的and can understand可知。understood与understand是同根词复现。8. C 从本句中的条件so long as you可以推出填succeed。9. D 本题完全可以根据常识选出。因为学外语的目的就是为了交流。10. A 根据前面两次出现的in learning a language可知。与learning是原词复现。,11. B 同样可以根据前面的in learning a language得出答案。与language是原词复现。12. C 根据空后的different cultures可知。与culture是原词复现。13. D

10、根据空后的grammatical rules以及语言常识可知。因为学外语的三要素是语音、单词和语法规则(本文没提到语音)。而phrase和sentence都是由word构成的子概念。14. A 根据句意可知填know,表状态。注意:learn只表示动作,所以不能选。15. B 由句意及常识可知本题选radio。listen to the radio意为“听收音机”。,第二节 语法填空,Love yourself. Love the things that make you. If you love yourself, you can jump into your life 16 _ a spr

11、ingboard of self-confidence. If you love yourself, you can say what you want to say, go 17 _ you want to go. The world can be a tough place, and 18 _ of the billions of people out there 19 _(try) to knock you down. Dont join them. Do things that make you 20 _(pride), then take pride in 21 _ you do a

12、nd in who you are. Keep pursuing your individuality. Keep being yourself and becoming yourself.,from,where,some,will try,proud,what,It can be comforting to dress and act 22 _ everyone else. But it is grander to be different, to be unique, to be you. Im the only me in 23 _ whole wide world.“Let me li

13、sten to me and not to them,” wrote Gertrude Stein. It makes sense to consider the advice and opinions of 24 _ people. But dont let their noise drown out your inner voice. And dont let the way you sometimes talk or behave in front of others 25 _ (make) you lose sight of who you are when you are alone

14、, when you are most you.,like,the,other,make,爱你自己以及组成你的一切,以你自己为骄傲。16. from 表示起点的地方或位置,用介词form (自,从)。句意为:如果你爱着自己,你就能从自信的跳板上一跃而起。17. where 引导地点状语从句,意为“的地方”。18. some 指人群中的“某些人”总想把你打倒。,19. will try 这是一种预测,用一般将来时。20. proud 作宾补用形容词。21. what 引导宾语从句并在从句中用do的宾语,用连接代词what。22. like 意思是:像别人那样打扮和行动。表示“像一样”,用介词like。23. the 特指我们居住或生活的这个世界,world前用the。24. other 指“别人的”意见和想法。25. make 在let后作宾补的不定式,要省略to。,Thank you !,


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