维克多英语《新方略》Unit 11 语言学习ppt课件.ppt

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1、Unit 11 语言学习,维克多英语词汇教学探讨与实践,【(一)认知】,话题教学词汇表,教学目标,检查口袋本预习以及导学案完成的情况,网络化复习回顾词汇、了解话题相关知识,1,2,学生:上台演示教师:总结补充,Step I: 主话题Brainstorm网络化回顾词汇,language learning,learning content,learning materials,level / ability,practice,Step II: 子话题词汇聚焦深度认知,目的,在语境中强化记忆,步骤,1. 子话题词汇复现输入(单句、文段)2. 子话题词汇复现输出(语篇),子话题词汇复现输入,Say &

2、 Guess!,Jack Ma speaks almost perfect English. How did he learn to speak English so fluently ?Its known to all that he was born in China, which gave him few opportunities to pick up English.,perfect, pick up,Ma started to study English at a young age and practiced English daily by communicating with

3、 English-speakers at Hangzhou hotel. He would give them tours around the city for free to improve his English. He acquired a good knowledge of English and became pen pals (笔友) with some foreigners, one of whom nicknamed (给起绰号) him “Jack” because she found it hard to pronounce his Chinese name.,pract

4、ice, communicate, acquire,Expand your vocabulary. Make full use of your learning materials. Memorise a new word or expression by using it in a sentence. Chatting with native speakers helps to pick up common vocabulary and phrases in a natural way.,vocabulary, memorise,Work on your pronunciation. Eve

5、n if you have an acceptable grasp of a foreign language, with good grammar and a large vocabulary, native speakers may find it very difficult to understand you if your pronunciation is not good. Listen closely to how native English speakers pronounce certain words and sounds and do your best to copy

6、 them. Pay particular attention to any sounds that do not exist in your mother tongue.,pronunciation, grasp,Read after me,Improve your listening comprehension. Download mobile apps for language learning. If you can, make notes of the words or phrases that you dont understand and look them up in dict

7、ionaries. Then listen to the materials again to study the new words or phrases in context.,listening, translation,Improve your reading skills. Find something you are really interested in and make an active effort to understand what youre reading; dont just skim over it. Highlight (标出) the words or p

8、hrases that you dont understand, then look them up in a dictionary.,reading, skim,子话题词汇复现输出,Practice & Write!,学生用书P51 52综合训练: 第一题、第二题,【(二)讲练】,Part I,基础训练,教学目标,讲练重难点词汇,嚼透其释义、用法和搭配,以能够熟练运用。,建立基本的英语概念,培养英语思维能力。,1,2,教学目录,重点词释义:,“熟”词“生”义:,重点词用法专练:,acquire, grasp,term, consult, coin,practice / practise, p

9、ick up,重点词块专练:,communicate with, translate . into, go over, make / take notes, pay attention to, look up, set / take / write down, learn . by heart,重点词释义,根据每个词的自身特点,释义从以下六个维度讲解: 一词多义; 熟词生义; 精准的汉语释义; 英语释义; 辨析义; 搭配义,acquire,【教学建议】, 正式用语 (经过努力) 获得;学到 to gain sth by your own efforts, ability or behavior

10、He spent years acquiring his skills as a surgeon. 他花了许多年时间学习外科医生的技能。She has acquired a good knowledge of English. 她英语已经学得很好了。, 借助基本义“得到”,理解不同语境下的释义,注意英语释义中的关键词; 在较正式的场合或文体中,适合用acquire, obtain或purchase,而不能一味使用最熟悉的get, receive, gain或buy。, 正式用语 购得;得到 to obtain sth by buying or being given itManning hop

11、ed to acquire valuable works of art as cheaply as possible. 曼宁希望以尽可能低的价格买到有价值的艺术品。She has acquired an email address and a site on the World Wide Web. 她获得了一个电子邮件地址和互联网网址。,【拓展】, acquisition n C & U 获得;习得;得到的东西Some three hundred educators attended a seminar on second language acquisition. 大约有300名教育工作者参

12、加了关于第二语言习得的研讨会。 人教 4, acquire的释义考频较高; acquire主要在高考阅读中出现。, Its important to continue teaching handwriting and help children acquire the skill of writing by hand. (2012 天津阅读) (释义) Knowledge or techniques have been acquired through exploration. (2011 江西阅读) (释义),【备考指导】, acquire的释义考频较高; acquire主要在高考阅读中出现

13、。,grasp,【教学建议】, vt 抓住;握紧 to take a firm hold of sb / sthGrasp all, lose all. 贪多必失。He grasped my hand and shook it warmly. 他热情地抓着我的手握了起来。, 借助基本义“抓住”理解各层释义; 注意不能用动词grasp来表达理解某种语言、词汇或文章。,注 只能用understand表示理解语言、词汇或文章等,不能用grasp。I dont understand French / the instructions. I dont grasp French / the instruc

14、tions. 我不懂法语。/ 我看不懂这个说明书。, 理解;领会 to understand sth completelygrasp sbs meaning 理解某人的意思At that time, we did not fully grasp the significance of what had happened. 当时,我们没有完全明白所发生之事的重要性。,grasp a chance / an opportunity 抓住机会Its our hope that you will grow strong and eagerly grasp every opportunity to do

15、 well for yourself and others. 我们希望你长得身强力壮,无论为自己还是为他人,都会热切地抓住每一次机会把事情做好。, n 常用单数 抓;紧握;控制have a firm grasp on 抓紧;握紧 (对知识等的) 理解;领会difficulties within / beyond sbs grasp 某人能 / 不能理解的难题Ive always had a good grasp of English language thanks to my mum who started me reading when I was very little. 我的英语一直很好

16、,多亏我的妈妈让我从小就开始读英文。,动词: The bear opened its mouth and I grasped its fur, trying to push it away. (2014 北京阅读) (释义) No one grasped the concepts. (2013 重庆完形) (释义)名词: We should be given more opportunities to use what weve learned in order to have a better grasp of it. (2010 江苏书面表达) (释义),【备考指导】, grasp的动词释

17、义和名词释义考频较高; grasp主要在高考完形、阅读和写作中出现,为完形词汇。,巩固练习,学生用书P50基础训练:第一题,“熟”词“生”义, 一词多义中的衍生义 培养学生结合具体的语境由词汇的基本义推测其衍生义的能力。 “生义”与基本义联系不紧密 教学侧重,需要在词汇学习时注意一些低义频的释义,特别是与基本义联系不大的释义。,term,【精讲】,C & U 学期 C 时期;期限 C 术语a technical / legal / scientific / medical term 技术 / 法律 / 科学 / 医学术语,【备考指导】,各主流版本教材词汇表未收录释义,高考阅读对该层释义有考查。

18、, Although fan became the usual term, sports fans used to be called racing bugs, baseball bugs, and the like. (2013 辽宁阅读) The term Nigger Jim, for which the novel is often severely criticized, never appears in it. (2013 江苏阅读),consult,【教学建议】, vt & vi 请教;咨询;商量 vt 查阅;参考 同 refer toCan you consult refere

19、nce books? 你会查阅参考书吗?人教 4, 释义学生相对不熟悉,需重点讲练; 释义是正式用语,在较为正式的语境中可以替代常用短语refer to。,【备考指导】,人教版、外研版和北师版教材未收录释义,但学生需要掌握,以达到高考要求。,Not all hotels are equal, of course, and its a good idea to consult a guidebook with a good reputation. (2003 上海阅读),coin,【精讲】, n C & U 硬币 vt 创造 (新词语)The term “cardboard city” was

20、coined to describe communities of homeless people living in cardboard boxes. 人们创造了cardboard city一词,用来指居住在纸板棚里的无家可归者所聚集的地区。,【备考指导】,各主流版本教材未收录动词释义。,The term downshifting first appeared in 1994. It was coined by the Trans-research Institute to describe a new philosophy by which higher achievers at work

21、 chose a lower salary in exchange for a better quality of life. (2015 上海听力),巩固练习,学生用书P50基础训练:第二题,重点词用法专练, 嚼透词汇的释义、用法和搭配,在语境中理解掌握; 熟悉考点,查漏补缺。,practice / practise,【教学建议】,ractice n U & C (反复) 训练;练习Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。John is at baseball practice. 约翰正在进行棒球训练。To learn English well requires a lot

22、 of practice. 学好英语需要大量的练习。, 名词释义和动词释义学生相对不熟悉,可作为熟词生义单独记忆,重点讲练名词释义; 掌握写作常用词块Practice makes perfect. 和常用用法、搭配in practice, put . into practice, practice / practise doing sth。, U 实践;实际行动We must combine theory with practice. 我们必须把理论与实践相结合。 U a habit or customaccording to the international practice 按照国际惯例

23、The practice of students endlessly copying letters and sentences from a blackboard is a thing of the past. 学生们没完没了地从黑板上抄写单词和句子的做法是过去的事了。 2012 天津, (医生、律师的) 业务活动;工作地点a medical / dental / law practice 诊所 / 牙医诊所 / 律师事务所in practice 实际上;事实上Your suggestion is very good in theory, but in practice it will no

24、t work. 理论上,你的建议很好,但实际上,是行不通的。out of practice 生疏;疏于练习If you dont play, youll get out of practice. 不练习就会生疏。,ut . into practice 将付诸实践Hes determined to put his new ideas into practice. 他决心把他的新想法付诸实践。,ractice / practise vt & vi 实践;练习Youll never learn to ride a bike if you dont practise. 如果不练习,你就永远学不会骑自行

25、车。practice / practise doing sth:You need to practise speaking in English to make progress. 你需要练习讲英语以取得进步。 外研 2 (医生、律师等) 执业;从事I intend to practice medicine after graduation. 我打算毕业后行医。,【拓展】, practical adj (事物) 实际的;实践的The paper seems to me of no practical importance. 这篇论文在我看来没有什么实际意义。a teacher with pra

26、ctical experience 有实践经验的教师, 实用的;可实施的We will listen to your problems and offer you practical advice. 我们会倾听你的难处,并提供切实可行的建议。 译林 1 (人、想法) 实际的;现实的You must try to be a little more practical. 你必须努力变得更务实一些。, practically adv 几乎;差不多Ive read practically all of his books. 我差不多读过他所有的书了。 实际上;事实上It sounds like a g

27、ood idea, but I dont think it will work practically. 这个主意听起来不错,但我认为它实际上行不通。,【备考指导】, practice的名词释义及其词块Practice makes perfect. 短语in practice和动词释义 考频较高; 各主流版本教材未收录名词释义,但学生需要掌握,以达到高考要求; practice在高考各题型中均有出现,是写作常用词。,名词: As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. (2015 四川书面表达) (释义) With more practice, I d

28、id better and better. (2014 福建书面表达) (释义), From long years of practice, she managed to act as though I wasnt an annoying little girl. (2009 陕西阅读) (释义) Story-telling was popular among the boys basically because listening to tales was an age-old practice. (2014 浙江阅读) (释义) Such practice may save homeown

29、ersmoney, but it also produces a lot of pollution. (2013 全国阅读) (释义) Eventually, she moved back to Edinburgh and opened her own practice. (2012 湖北阅读) (释义),短语: Fun though all this may sound, its still rather messy and better read about in theory than carried out in practice. (2014 重庆阅读)动词: We hope peo

30、ple will use the materials to practice every day. (2015 浙江听力) (释义),提起;拿起,提高;变大,重提;恢复,得到,拿起;拾起(基本义),取回;收集,(车辆) 搭人;载货,拿起;拾起,营救;救起,得到;学会;买到,接收到,用船捡起,用手拿起人/物,用车捡起人/物,捡起习惯/语言;去商店拿起某物,被设备捡起,去某地捡起某物,提起话题/健康/情绪,提起速度,ick up 的语义网络, 提起;拿起 拿起;拾起The phone rang and I picked it up. 电话响了,我接了。He picked up the letter

31、 and read it. 他拿起信看了起来。She went over to the crying child and picked her up. 她走到啼哭的孩子身边,把她抱了起来。, pick up为高频多义短语动词,借助基本义“拿起;拾起”理解不同语境下的释义; 释义需重点讲解。,【教学建议】, (车辆等) 中途搭 (人);中途带 (货)Ive got to pick up my daughter from school at four oclock. 我四点钟得从学校接女儿。 北师大 9Will you get back in time to pick up the kids? 你

32、能及时返回去接孩子们吗? 2015 湖南, 营救;救起The survivors were picked up by fishing boats from nearby villages. 幸存者被附近村庄的渔船救了起来。, 得到 (偶然地、无意地) 得到;学会;买到pick up bad habits 染上坏习惯He picked up a few dollars by doing part-time jobs. 他靠兼职挣了几个钱。She picked up Japanese when she was in Japan. Now she can speak it freely. 她在日本的

33、时候学会了日语,现在她日语讲得很流利。We managed to pick up a few bargains in the market. 我们从市场上买到了几件便宜货。, 接收到We were able to pick up the BBC World Service. 我们能收听到英国广播公司的国际广播节目。 取回;收集I wont have anything to wear to work on Monday, unless I pick up my clothes at the dry cleaners. 如果不把衣服从干洗店取回来,我周一上班就没有衣服穿了。 2013 全国Ill

34、pick up the tickets at lunchtime tomorrow. 我明天午饭时间去取票。 北师大 5pick up the heat 收集热量 2009 安徽, 重提 (话题);恢复 (健康等)He picks up this theme again in later chapters of the book. 在该书的后几章,他又重回到这个主题上。Once the snake picked up, it tried to bite me. 那条蛇一恢复过来,就试图咬我。Thousands of victims of the earthquake are now faced

35、 with the task of picking up the pieces of their lives. 数以千计的地震灾民现在面临着重建生活的重任。, 提高;(风) 变大The train picked up speed. 火车提速了。The wind is picking up now. 现在风愈刮愈大了。pick yourself up (跌倒后) 爬起来;振作起 (精神)She didnt waste time feeling sorry for herself she just picked herself up and carried on. 她没有浪费时间自怜,而是振作起来

36、继续干。,【备考指导】, pick up释义的和释义的考频较高,释义的 “收集”作为考点考查过; pick up在高考听力、单选、阅读、完形和写作中经常出现,为完形词汇。, Then we started to pick up the litter. (2008 北京书面表达) (释义) Our flight leaves at 11 am, so they should pick us up between 8 and 9 am. (2014 全国听力) (释义),He picked up magic at 8, and began performing professionally at

37、12. (2014 湖北听力) (释义) A PhD student with not a lot of money, I had hurried into the store to pick up some flowers. (2009 浙江阅读) (释义)This head cover picks up the signals from the scalp (头皮) and sends them to a computer. (2011 山东阅读) (释义)Pick up an invitation in the childrens room and return your RSVP (回

38、复) to reserve your seat at the table by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25. (2008 湖南阅读) (释义)Waves are one of natures ways of picking up energy and then sending it off on a journey. (2005 广东阅读) (释义),巩固练习,学生用书P51基础训练:第三题,重点词块专练, 要求全面理解和掌握重点词块的释义、用法、搭配; 结合例句猜测词义,结合语境归纳总结。,communicate with,【精讲】,communicate

39、with 与交流/沟通Dolphins use sound to communicate with each other. 海豚用声音相互沟通。The novel is about a family who cant communicate with each other. 这部小说写的是一个成员间彼此无法沟通的家庭。,【备考指导】,communicate with在阅读、完形和写作中常有考查。, Would it surprise you to learn that, like animals, trees communicate with each other and pass on th

40、eir wealth to the next generation? (2014 辽宁阅读) I know you are now having trouble communicating with others, and you may often feel lonely. (2008 山东书面表达),【精讲】,translate 翻译A lot of Tang poetry has been translated into English. 许多唐诗已被译成英文。 人教 2 (使) 转变;(使) 变为 to change (sth) from one form into anotherWi

41、th effort, we can translate passion into action. 通过努力,我们就可以把热情转化为行动。,translate into,【备考指导】, Translated into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order. (2011 天津单选) (释义) Spelling helps students translate ideas into words in their mind first. (2012 天津阅读) (释义), translate的释

42、义考频都较高; translate . into主要在高考单选和阅读中出现。,go over,【精讲】,go over 仔细检查;温习Let us go over your answer again. 让我们再检查一下你的答案。Ive got to go over my notes for tomorrows exam. 我必须复习笔记准备明天的考试。,【备考指导】,To get a better grade, you should go over the notes again before the test. (2011 四川)A. go over B. get over C. turn

43、over D. take over,make / take notes,【精讲】,make / take notes 记笔记While watching, he makes notes. 他一边观察,一边记笔记。人教 4Mary is really good at taking notes in class. 玛丽很会在课上记笔记。,【备考指导】,make / take notes常在高考听力和阅读中出现。, Do I have to make notes while reading? (2015 湖南听力) The students in the poetry class listened

44、to lectures and took notes. (2008 陕西阅读),pay attention to,ay attention to 注意On the bus, you will often notice someone paying more attention to his mobile phone. 在公共汽车上,你常会看到有人更专注于看自己的手机。 2013 安徽改,【教学建议】,注意区分pay attention to与call / draw (.) attention to。,【拓展】,call / draw () attention to 使 () 关注The pur

45、pose of the campaign is to draw public attention to the needs of the tall. 这项活动的目的是让公众关注高个子人群的需求。 2011 全国改,【备考指导】, pay attention to常在高考阅读和写作中出现; call / draw attention to主要在高考阅读和完形中出现。,ay attention to: I seldom pay attention to what mother needs and feels, and always think studying well is the only t

46、hing I could do in return. (2011 江苏书面表达) The brain is trained to know what to pay attention to and what to ignore. (2010 陕西阅读)call / draw attention to: The former make every possible effort to avoid being discovered, while the latter quickly draw attention to themselves. (2005 重庆完形),look up,look up

47、抬头看;(在词典、计算机等中) 查阅She looked up from her books as I entered the room. 我进房间时,她放下书,抬起头来看了看。If there are words you do not understand, look them up in a dictionary. 如果有不懂的单词就查字典。,【精讲】,【备考指导】,look up主要在高考单选、阅读和完形中考查,为完形词汇。, Terry, please look up from your cell phone when Grandma is talking to you. (2014

48、安徽)A. look up B. look into C. look back on D. look through Designers and researchers come here to look up information on anything and everything related to the subject of footwear. (2012 安徽阅读),set / take / write down,set down 记下;放下I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people d

49、o. 我不愿像大多数人那样在日记中记流水账。 人教 1She set a plate down on the table. 她把盘子放到桌上。,【教学建议】,set down, take down, write down都有“记下”的意思,但take down还有“取下;拆除”的意思,set down还有“放下”的意思。,take down 取下;记下;拆除take the curtains down 取下窗帘take down the telephone number 记下电话号码The house I grew up in has been taken down and replaced

50、by an office building. 我小时候住的那所房子已被拆除,取而代之的是一座办公楼。 2009 江西write down 写下;记下I wrote down new words and added them to my collection. 我记下新单词,加入到我的词汇表里。,set / take down在高考单选和阅读中有考查,write down主要在高考听力和阅读中考查。,【备考指导】, Ralph W. Emerson would always set down new ideas that occurred to him. (2014 陕西) A. set off


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