外研版七年级下英语M6重点讲解练习题ppt课件 第6讲.ppt

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1、L O,G O,初一第六讲,Review,1.,问路相关句型,(,1,),Could you tell me how to get to.?,can you tell me how to get to the supermarket ?,你能告诉我去超市的路么?,how to get to,?,=,how I can get to,?,疑问词,+ to =,疑问词,+,人称代词,+ can,(,2,),Can you tell me the way to.?,can you tell me the way to the supermarket,?你能告诉我去超市的路么?,(,3,),Can y

2、ou show me the way to.?,can you show me the way to the supermarket,?你能告诉我去超市的路么?,(,4,),Is there a . near here?,Is there a supermarket near here ?,这附近有一个超市么,?,(,5,),How can I get /go to.?/get there?,how can I get to/go to the supermarket ?,去超市怎么走?,(,6,),How do I get to.?/get there?,how do I get to th

3、e supermarket,?怎样去超市?,(,7,),Where is the.?,Where is the supermarket,?,2. get to = reach = arrive at,(小地点),/in,(大地点),到达,we will get to shanghai on this weekend. (,写出同义替换,),3. in front of,在(外面的)前面,in the front of,在(里面的)前面,The teaching desk is in the front of the classroom.,There is an old tree in fron

4、t of the classroom.,4. go across=cross,穿过(横穿),go along = go down = walk along = walk up = follow,沿着,Across /cross,along,6. turn left,向左转,turn around,转身,turn right,向右转,7. at the third street,在第三条街,8. over there,在那儿,9. on the right/left,在右边,/,左边,10.opposite.,在,.,的对面,12. be sure,确信,I m,not sure.,我不知道。,

5、I m sure of it.,我确信。,13. Why not do sth,?,=Why dont you do sth,?为什么不做,?,why not go and have a look ? (,做同义替换,),14. an underground station,一个地铁站,地铁,subway / underground,15. take +,冠词(,a,、,the,)交通工具,to+,地点,= go to +,地点,by,交通工具,I often take the bus to the school = I often go to the school by bus.,16. T

6、hanks a lot. = Thanks very much.,回答谢谢:,youre welcome. (its) my pleasure. Not at all. Dont mention it.,17. (in) the middle / centre of (,在),.,的中心,The school is in the middle/ centre of the city.,学校在城市的中心。,18. above .,在,.,的上面,below,在,.,的下面,19. most of .,大部分的,Most,of,the,students,in,this,class,are,good

7、,at,mathematics.,20. on a clear day,在晴朗的一天,clear (adj.),清晰的,明白的,clearity,(,n.,)清晰明白,21. the best way to do sth,做某事最好的方式,The best way to learn English is to read more.,22. near=next to =close to,在,.,的附近,Get off the boat, go past the situation and walk along the street.,24. as,可以相当与,when,当,.,时,25. get

8、 off,下车、船,get on,上车、船,on / off,反义含义,26. Over = more than,超过,over 90 years old = more than 90 years old,27 go past=pass,路过、走过,pass,by,路过,People stop and watch the snow man pass by.,29. finish sth/doing sth,完成某事,/,做某事,They will finish the task in one hour. (,同义替换,),他们将会在一个小时之内完成作业。,30. need to do sth,

9、需要做某事,I need to go to the office.,我,需要去邮局。,31. between A and B,在,A,和,B,之间,,between,用在两者之间,between,用于两者之间;,among,用于三者之间,The difference between 6 and 3 is 3.,They walked among the crowds in Red Square.,32. learn about,了解,You learn about current events from reading newspapers.,你可以从报纸中学习到一些当前的实事。,33.,on



12、,形式,其同义短语为,across,from,例如:,There,is,a,big,library,opposite,school.,=,There,is,a,big,library,across,from,school.,2.,way,n.,路线,路,the,way,to,去,的路,;,on,the,way,to,在去,的路上。,例如:,She,said,hello,to,me,when,I,passed,her,on,the,way,to,my,office.,-Can you tell me the way _ home?,-,Sure. Go straight and turn lef

13、t.,A. /,B. for,C. to,D. on,3.,across,prep.,越过,across,是,“,越过,”,的意思,着重强调在物体的表面上穿过。常用于穿过马路和街道。,through,是,“,穿过,”,的意,思,着重强调从空间穿过。常用于穿过森林,门,人群等。,例如:,We,pushed,our,way,through,the,crowd.,They,used,axes,to,clear,a,path,through,the,forest.,拓展,:,cross,是动词,意为,“,穿过,”,。,例如:,Please,cross,the,street,quickly.,Go,ac




17、.,across,D.,pass,1. There is a big pear tree _ (,在,的前面,) my house.,2. Who was _ (,在,的后面,) you when you were waiting in a line?,3. Whats _(,在,的下面,)the desk?,4. The children are playing hide-and-seek. Lisa is hiding himself _ (,在,里,)the wardrobe.,(衣柜),5. The tallest boy in my class sits _ (,在,的隔壁,) me

18、.,6. They are standing _ the door. (,在,外面,),PART,TWO,grammar,PART three,practice,(,),1,.Go,the,forest,,,and,you,can,see,a,wooden,house,by,the,river.,A.,over,B.,across,C,.on,D.,through,(,),2.,The,boy,was,taller,than,Tina.,He,was,sitting,Tina.,So,Tina,couldnt,see,the,blackboard,at,all.,A.,behind,B.,in




22、cnic,a,clear,day.,A.,at,B.,for,C.,in,D.,on,( ) 11. -,is the nearest market? -,Its opposite my home.,A. When B. What,C. Where,D. Why,( ) 12. Here,some paintings of the famous painter.,A. have,B. has,C. are,D. is,( ) 13. -,Excuse me, where can I buy flowers?,-You can buy them in the,.,A. cinema,B. boo

23、kshop,C. flower store,D. hospital,( ) 14. I want to take the boat, but my sister preferred to take the train. We dont know,to get there.,A. when,B. where,C. how D. what,( ) 15. its time to go to bed. My parents asked me to,the TV and go to my bedroom.,A. turn right B. turn left,C. turn on,D. turn of

24、f,1.,欢迎来到这个小花园。,the,small,garden.,2.,我不知道要在哪里下车。,I,dont,know,where,to,.,3.,学英语的最好方式是读更多的书。,to,learn,English,is,to,read,more,books.,4.,他因他的历史小说而出名。,He,his,history,story.,5.,在超市右边有一个邮局。,There,is,a,post,office,the,supermarket.,6.,你最好乘公共汽车。,You,take,a,bus.,7.,Why,dont,you,ask,the,policeman,over,there?,(改为同义句),the,policeman,over,there?,8.,我们在一个晴朗的日子去野餐了。,We,went,to,have,a,picnic,.,9.,这条街的拐角处有一个书店。,There,is,a,bookstore,the,street.,10.,沿着这条路走,然后你会看到一个地铁站。,the,street,an,underground,station.,L O,G O,Thank you,


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