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1、Unit 5 The Day Mother Cried,A mother and her son learn more from a moment of defeat than they ever could from a victory. Her example of never giving up gives him courage for the rest of his life.,New words,1.issue: n. a particular edition of a magazine or newspaper最新一期的翻译上有你的文章。The latest issue of T

2、ranslation contains an article written by u. CF: Issue & editionissue 指的是报纸、期刊等发行或刊物。常用的搭配有the latest issue(最新一期期刊) the back issue(过期期刊) at issue (在争论中, 不和)等。edition指的是出版或发行的版本。常用的搭配有 first edition(第一版), revised edition(修订版)等。,2. qualify: v. e.g. 这项训练将使你获得电脑操作员资格。 This training will qualify you as a

3、 computer operator. sb is qualified for sth. He is qualified for the postsb is qualified to do sth. Are you qualified to teach French? qualify sb. as sth. His training qualifies him as a lawyer.,3. respond: v. The government responded to pressure and dropped the proposal. 区别:respond, answer & reply

4、这三个动词均有“回答、答复”的意思。respond指对别人提出的要求、问题或某种刺激作出反应。 answer 主要指对于提出的问题、呼吁或请求等作出回答、答复或响应。reply 指较正式的回答。这种回答是经过思考和认真对待的。该词除后接直接引语或者that引导的宾语从句外,只用作不及物动词。,tension: n 该协定签定后,两国间的紧张局势应趋于缓和。 The tension between the two countries should be reduced when the agreement is signed.tension, stress, pressure & strain这

5、组名词都有“压力”的意思。Tension 指弹性物体伸长而引起的应力,也可指人的紧张情绪;还可指人与人, 团体,国家之间因关系不好而造成的紧张状态。,Stress 指由于困难的情况或精神上、肉体上的痛苦所带来的 “压力,忧虑”。Pressure 指某事物所产生的压力、影响力,可用于任何情况,从小的临时困难到大的连续发生的灾难。Strain 指对智力、体力、财力、能力等的严格要求,即 “负担,压力”,也可指人在某种压力下所产生的影响健康的“紧张状态”,ressure: n. Collocations: build up / increase (the) pressure增加压力bring / p

6、lace / put pressure on压迫某人,给某人施加压力,4. have sth. to oneself1) Would you like to have a table to yourself when you dine? 你吃饭时想一个人单独坐一张桌子吗?2) 孩子们都出去了,我就一个人独自占有整个房子了。 I had the entire house to myself when the children were out.,4. catch on: 1) begin to understand or realize sth. 学会 这个人很快就学会了电脑操作。 This m

7、an caught on to operating computer quickly.2) become popular or fashionable 开始流行 哪几首歌现在最流行? Which songs catch on well these days?Collocations:catch at 试图抓住;渴望获得 catch out 发现catch up 赶上,追上;跟上并理解catch up with 赶上,7.run out:1) 用完 他总是没等到发薪日就把钱用完了。 He is always running out of money before payday.2到期when d

8、oes the lease of the house run out?Collocations:run down 撞倒run into 遇到;达到;撞上run over 辗过,5.burst into: 1)move somewhere suddenly or quickly, especially into or out of a place他冲进教室,抓起书,又冲了出去。 He burst into the classroom, grabbed his books and bursted out again.2) suddenly begin to make a sound, especi

9、ally to start singing, crying, or laughing; Mary burst into tears at the news.,6.set ones mind to sth. / doing sth.: give all ones attention to doing sth.世上无难事,只怕有心人。Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.Collocations:set about 开始,着手set apart 使分离,使分开set back 推迟;耽误;阻碍set as

10、ide 留出,拨出(时间、金钱等),Chinese Mother,游子吟孟郊 慈母手中线 游子身上衣 临行密密缝 意恐迟迟归 谁言寸草心 报得三春晖,Warm-up,孟母三迁的故事,孟家临近坟地,孟子小的时候常跟邻居的孩子们在墓地玩耍,模仿丧事。孟母觉得这个环境对孩子成长不利,于是把家搬到邹国都城的西关。,新家摆脱了坟地和丧事的烦扰,但处于闹市之中,是各种各样人会聚的地方。孟母因担心孟子受到街头不良习气的影响而感到烦恼。,经过比较,孟母最后把家搬到一所学校旁边。这里人们揖让有礼,孟子从中可以受到良好修养的熏陶。,All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe t

11、o my angel mother.无论我现在怎么样,还是希望以后会怎么样,都应当归功于我天使一般的母亲。 -Abraham Lincoln,Inspiring quotations,1. To love our parents is the first law of nature.,爱父母是自然的首要法则。,3. All I am, or can be, I owe to my angel mother.,2. We never know the love of our parents for us till we have become parents.,养儿方知父母恩。,我之所有,我之所

12、能,都归功于我天使般的母亲。,A little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was fixing supper and handed her a piece of paper that he had been writing on. After his Mom dried her hands on an apron, she read it and this is what it said: 。 For cutting the grass: $5.00 For cleaning up my roo

13、m this week: $1.00 For going to the store for you: 50 cents Baby-sitting my little brother while you went shopping: 25 cents Taking out the garbage: $1.00 For getting a good report card: $5.00 For cleaning up and raking the yard: $2.00 Total owed: $14.75 Well, his mother looked at him standing there

14、, and the boy could see the memories flashing through her mind. She picked up the pen, turned over the paper hed written on, and this is :,A foreign story on mother-love,For the nine months I carried you while you were growing inside me: No charge For all the nights that Ive sat up with you, doctore

15、d and prayed for you: No charge For all the trying times and all the tears that youve caused through the years: No charge For all the nights that were filled with dread, and for the worries I knew were ahead: No charge For the toys, food, clothes and even wiping your nose: No charge. . Son, when you

16、 add it up, the cost of my love is: No charge. . When the boy finished reading what his mother had written, there were big tears in his eyes and he looked straight at his mother and said, “Mom, I sure do love you.”,1. What did the boy ask for from his mother? 2. What did the mother do to answer the

17、boy?3. What did the boy do after reading the answer?,Money for what he had done for her.,She turned over the paper and wrote her answer on it.,He was moved and there were big tears in his eyes.,Cultural Notes,American Women in the Working World In the United States, more than 50% of the women over 1

18、6 years old are now reported to be in the labor force, full or part time. Women hold more than 42% of all the jobs in the nation and their rushing into the job market continues at a rapid race.,Cultural Notes,Most women work because their families need the money .Others because they want to be equal

19、 with men. With more and more women going out to work, it is far more common for both parents to be working and for husbands to take a share in the household work.,The Cost of Attending Colleges in US1. Tuition fees for public elementary and secondary schools: free2. Proportion of students entering

20、college: half of them3. Two types of colleges: 1) public 2) private4. Average tuition fees for college and university a year: $12,000-14,000,The Cost of Attending Colleges in U.S.,5. Resources for tuition fees: 1) work during vacation 2) do part-time job during term time 3) apply for loan from the g

21、overnment6. Ways to pay back loans: 1) Students may take up 11 years to repay. 2) If the student becomes a teacher in public school, he/she only pays a portion of the loan. 3) If the student becomes a teacher in depressed areas, 15% of the loan will be wiped out each year.,1.Does your mother work? D

22、o you often help out a little at home? Why or why not?2.What did your parents do to help you get to college? And what will you do in the future to return their love for you?,Warm-up questions,3. Did you see your mother or father cry?,If you see your mother cry, what will you do?,wipe tears from moth

23、ers eyes;give comfort to motherkeep silent and stay with herhug her warmly give a hot towel to her give her a cup of tea and talk with her,When the author saw his mother crying, what did he do? What happened later?,Global Analysis,Answer the following questions: 1). What did the author plan to do wh

24、en he came home from school one winter day?2). Who did he see in the living room? What was she doing?3). Why was his mother in tears? 4). How did he try to relieve her from anxiety? 5).Why was his mother trying every possible means to save money?,Information Finding,Directions: Go through the text a

25、gain and pick out the jobs the authors mother has done.,an office job,a saleswoman,Chronology of the Story,The family moved to the town,Mother started to learn typing,Mother got a job at the radio station,Mother went to work for the first day,Mother had her trouble with her typing,Mother cried,Mothe

26、r took a new job selling dry goods,Mother got a better job,Mother had already been a journalist,I keep the old typewriter as the best memento,Text Structure,I was shocked at finding my mother crying because she would probably lose her new job.,I previously assumed my mother was a capable women.,I re

27、alized my mothers pressure and vulnerability as a human.,Part One (Para.16),Part Three (Paras.1821),Part Two (Paras.717),Text Structure,Part Four (Para.2224),I understood my mothers perseverence and its influence on me.,2. Global analysis,Part division,Main Ideas,Paras,Parts,1,1-6,2,7-17,3,18-21,Fou

28、nd Mother in tears on a dark winters day,Brought back my memory of the past,Realized Mums pressure and vulnerability,4,22-24,Learned perseverance and courage,2. Global analysis,About the family,Information,Members,Sister,Father,I,Likely to be three years my junior,Hard-working, housework,A reporter

29、with an old typewriter,Mother,Many jobs, courage, perseverance, love,More about Mother,2. Global analysis,Discussion,What is the authors different understanding of his mother before and after that afternoon?,a woman of strong character, hard-working, eager to learn new things, good at learning and a

30、ble to do anything,a woman under pressure, vulnerable, being likely to cry, be hurt and fail in life,BEFORE,AFTER,2. Global analysis,Discussion,Why did the author mention the old typewriter several times in this part?,It serves as a symbol of Mothers persistence in the face of setbacks and failures.

31、 It often reminds the author of his mothers courage to go on. It becomes a kind of stimulus for the author when he meets any difficulty or failure.,The author just began to understand his mother the day he found his mother cry. For the first time, he realized the pressures on his mother and that his mother was also a person like everybody, capable of fear and hurt and failure.,Main idea,He also learnt courage and persistence from the way his mother dealt with her failures, which encouraged him to go ahead whenever he was thinking of giving up in the face of difficulties of life.,Main idea,


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