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1、闽教版四年级上册英语全册课件,1,Unit 1 Our Classroom Part A,Welcome back to school!,点此开始随机点名,Enjoy a song and dance with me,欣赏歌曲,做动作,被点到名字的同学可以和老师一起在讲台上互动,Warm up,点此播放视频,Nice to see you again.Nice to see you, too.,很高兴再次见到你/你们。,我也很高兴见到你/你们。,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,Lets learn,C

2、lass One, Grade Four,Im in Class One, Grade Four.,我在四年1班。,Lets learn,Magic fingers 老师出手指,同学们读出相应数字,classroom,our classroom,六(9)班,一(7)班,三(2)班,四(5)班,八(3)班,Class Two, Grade Three,Class Seven, Grade One,Class Five, Grade Four,Class Nine, Grade Six,Class Three, Grade Eight,Hello,classroom,see,our,class,s

3、ee,again,Nice to see you,grade,Nice to see you,see,grade,Hello,see,Game,Lets learn,Lets learn,以两人或四人为一组,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,Read in roles.(分角色读),Read after tape.(跟录音读),Read together.(齐读),Show reading,Act it out fluently Act it out with emotions有感情地表演Act it out fluently with movement有感情地带动作表演,Lets act,Le

4、ts learn the sounds,读单词,感受“ar”发音,1.你想表达很高兴再次见到对方,应该说:,Nice to see you again.,Summary,2.你想告诉别人你在四(2)班,你应该说:,Im in Class Two, Grade Four.,3.你想说它是一间好看的教室,你应该说:,Its a nice classroom.,1.背诵Part A(同桌互相检查),3. 预习Part B,2. 完成活页手册part A(听力除外),Homework,Unit 1 Our classroomPart B,Hello,classroom,see,our,class,se

5、e,again,Nice to see you,grade,Nice to see you,see,grade,Hello,see,Game,a chair,I like my chair.,同学们,一边轻拍自己的椅子,一边说:I like my chair.,Lets learn,a desk,I like my desk.,同学们,一边摸着自己的桌子,一边说:I like my desk.,Lets learn,Hello,Im your teacher.,a blackboard,Now look at the blackboard.,看黑板,边读和老师一起做“看黑板”的动作。,Lets

6、 learn,a tiger,读单词,和老师一起做老虎的动作。,Read after me 跟我读,Lets learn,a tiger ?,Meow. Its a cat.,It isnt a tiger.,Lets learn,It isnt=Its not 它不是,认真跟老师读句子,体会isnt的用法,分组读,点同学依次读。,Lets read,以两人或四人为一组,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,Read in roles.(分角色读),Read after tape.(跟录音读),Read together.(齐读),Show reading,Point and say,老师说英文,

7、同学们看向并指出老师说的物体,Act it out fluently Act it out with emotions有感情地表演Act it out fluently with movement有感情地带动作表演,Lets act,Lets write,Summary,1.你想表达你喜欢你的椅子,你应该说:,2.你想表达你喜欢你的课桌,你应该说:,3.你想让同学们看黑板,你应该说:,4.你想让同学们跟你读,你应该说:,5.你想告诉对方它是一只猫,它不是一只老虎,你应该说:,I like my chair.,I like my desk.,Look at the blackboard.,Rea

8、d after me.,Its a cat.It isnt a tiger.,Unit 1 our classroom Part C,Lets sing,like,English book,window,a tiger,a desk,father,a blackboard,teacher,a cat,a chair,ruler,my chair,Meow,Game,大声读出被框出的英文单词,并说出中文意思。,Learn to write,翻开课本,仿照四线三格中的写法,写出句子,再誊写一遍到英语本上。,Lets chant,点此播放音频,Learn to write,根据老师读出的每个人物所在

9、年级和班级,将下列横线补充完整。,Unit 2 Our School,Part B,Review,Shes my cousin.Shes from Taiwan,她是我的表妹。她来自台湾。,Which class are you in?Im in Class _, Grade_.,你在哪个班级?,This is our school,playground,computer room,library,Wow,so many books!,Homework,1.课文Part B,朗读5遍。2.完成活动手册 Part B.3.抄写并背诵单词playground, big, computer, roo

10、m, library,一个单词写4遍并背诵。,Goodbye,Unit 3 Numbers and Animals Part B,cow,horse,sheep,eleven,thirteen,seven,fifteen,eight,Quick Response,fourteen,three,five,one,two,six,ten,four,11,13,14,15,9,7,10,4,3,5,1,16,19,18,17,19,sixteen,twenty,nineteen,eighteen,seventeen,flying words,four,fourteen,three,thirteen,

11、fifteen,five,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,five,four,4,5,13,14,15,谁能帮我找找 我的好朋友在哪?,18,5,20,12,11,16,9,7,8,19,17,10,13,15,14,小朋友们大家一起来瞧瞧看看哪些数字宝宝回家了呢?,10+3=,5+9=,13-8=,8+4=,12+3=,8-4=,11-8=,three,twelve,five,fifteen,fourteen,four,快来看看数字宝宝变魔术咯,thirteen,A: How much is and ?B: Its .,14+2=12+7=16+3=15+5=13+4=,

12、14+2=16Fourteen and two is sixteen.12+7=19Twelve and seven is nineteen.16+3=1915+5=20,See you!,Thank you!,看图猜成语,一刀两断,one two,看图猜成语,三长两短,t h r e etwo,seveneight,看图猜成语,七上八下,eleven ( ) thirteen ( )fifteen ( ) seventeen ( ) nineteen ( ),Can you ?,用你聪明的脑袋想想括号应该填什么?,twelve,fourteen,sixteen,eighteen,twenty

13、,8,11,12,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,11,four,five,three,eight,ten,eleven,one,six,seven,nine,twelve,two,eight,twleve,eleven,three,nine,ten,six,seven,five,two,four,fourteen,Quick response,thirteen,one,fifteen,比一比,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,Un

14、it 4 Number and Time,Part A,Lets chant.,one two three four five,five four three two one,one two one, one two one;Lets run, lets run.six seven eight nine teneleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteensixteen seventeen eighteen nineteentwenty twenty nineteen twenty,Numbers,30thirty,40,fourty,fifty,50,51,f

15、ifty-one,Whats the time?,Its seven oclock.,7:00,clock,Whats the time?,Its two.,Its four ten.,Its three fifty-six.,Whats this?,A tortoise一只乌龟,It is a rabbit.它是一只兔子。,Run, run, run. Lets run.,Wake up! Wake up!,Whats the time?,Whats the time?,Oh, Im late.,Homework:,朗读并背诵本课句子。单词抄3遍。完成活动手册上的练习。,Goodbye,Un

16、it 4 Numbers and Time,Part B,Enjoy A Song,Play A Game,快速抢答,13,18,15,40,19,20,30,70,50,60,80,90,17,play a game,全班: Wolf, wolf. Whats the time? 老狼:Its ,Its three oclock.,Its six oclock.,Its nine oclock.,Its ten oclock.,非整点时间表达式:Its + 时 + 分.,Its .,nine,fifteen,Its .,nine,forty,Its .,two,thirty,Its .,ni

17、ne,thirty,How much is and ?,Its.,16+2=,16+3=,14+3=,15+5=,15+1=,17+3=,eighteen,seventeen,sixteen,twenty,twenty,nineteen,Unit4 Numbers and Tim Part A,Unit 4 Numbers and Time,Part B,13 + 18 =,thirty-one,31,18 + 26 =,forty-four,44,25 + 28 = ?,fifty-three,53,37+ 41 = ?,seventy-eight,78,30,thirty,40,forty

18、,50,?,fifty,比一比,找一找,总结:在整十的数字单词后加-,再加数字。,35,44,53,thirty-five,forty-four,fifty-three,Game,从固定数字区间里随意写出一个数字,猜猜老师抽的是哪张。,Listen and answer,Q1: Whats the time for the competition? (比赛什么时候开始的?)Its eight thirty.Q2:How much is sixteen and twenty?Thirty-six.Q3:How much is thirteen and forty?Its forty-three.

19、Q4: Who is the winner?(谁是冠军?)The rabbit.,听录音,找出字母组合 oo 的发音,book,foot,good,look,/u:/,读一读,good,look,foot,book,group work,2个人一个小组,小组协作,一问一答。,单词:,thirty-six forty-four fifty-three,句子:(加法表达),How much is sixteen and twenty?Thirty-six.,summary,1.听录音,熟读课文。2.完成活动手册 Unit 4 Part A,Homework,thank you,Unit 6 Mea

20、ls Part A,福清市小学英语闽教版第三册第六单元 PartA,执教:福清市海口丹萍小学 陈唯珊,Its time to have breakfast.,Whats the time?,apples,bananas,oranges,eggs,noodles,hamburger,I like it.,hamburgers,I like .,them,hot dogs,grapes,cakes,ice cream,rice,fish,New sentences:,Whats for breakfast? 早餐吃什么?,Whats for breakfast, Miss Chen ?,Guess

21、,Eggs and cakes.,Q: Now breakfast is ready. Whats for breakfast?,They have,and,.,Milk,bread,tomatoes,eggs,milk 牛奶,some milk,复数形式:milk,不可数名词,一些牛奶,bread 面包 /e/,不可数名词,some bread,复数形式:bread,一些面包,tomato 西红柿,复数形式:tomatoes,some tomatoes,可数名词,一些西红柿,名词的复数形式1.一般情况下,在后面直接加s或es。+s如:egg- grape- apple- banana-,+e

22、s如:,2.还有一些保持原形,如:,eggs,grapes,apples,bananas,tomato-tomatoes,fish,bread,milk,sheep,ice cream,,rice,可数名词,不可数名词,可数名词,不可数名词,banana,egg,tomato,cake,bread,ice cream,milk,你会分类吗?,Listen and answer.,Whats for breakfast?,Listen and answer.,Whats for breakfast?,Milk, bread,eggs and tomatoes.,Sing a song,Whats

23、 for breakfast? Whats for breakfast?Bread and milk. Bread and milk.Tomatoes and eggs.Tomatoes and eggs.I like them. I like them.,Whats for breakfast,Task1: Watch and Repeat,Task2: Role-play,选择食物:,老师将出示一些食物,请同学们选你想吃的健康食品。 老师边走全班边拍手提问:Whats for breakfast? 老师停下时,请同学来选择并说出食物。,Game:,They are good for you

24、!,它们对你有益哦!,Want to be healthy? Do please treat yourselfa nice breakfast. 要想身体好, 早餐要吃饱。,words:,milk, bread, tomato, them,sentence:,Whats for breakfast?,Summary,Homework,1.抄写单词4遍: milk, bread, tomato,them; 复习所学的食物单词,2.完成活动手册Unit 6 Part A3. 四人一组,完成调查任务,Investigation小调查,运用句型:,Whats for breakfast lunch?,

25、评价: Great. I like it . I like them.They are good for you.,Thank you!,Sing a song,点此播放视频,Christmas Day,When is Christmas?,Christmas Eve is on the of December.,Christmas Day is on the of December.,24th,25th,2020,Unit 7 Christmas,Part B,Merry Christmas!,Can you say something about Christmas?,时间:12月25日S

26、anta/Christmas FatherChristmas treeChristmas presentsChristmas cardemail,resent 礼物,What presents do you want?,Yes,we do.,Do you like your presents?,No,we dont.,Ask and answer:P53,Listen to the text,Q1: Do they like their presents? 他们喜欢他们的礼物吗?Q2:Where is the new email from? 新邮件来自哪里?Q3:What does the e

27、mail write? 新邮件写了什么?,Listen to the text,Q1: Do they like their presents? Yes,they do.Q2: Where is the new email from? It s from Yang Ming.Q3:What does the email write? Merry Christmas!,Homework:读P52课文三遍.背诵P53单词预习Unit 7 Part C。,Sing a song,A Merry Christmas,点此播放,Thank you!,Unit 8 The Spring Festival,

28、Part B,the Spring Festival,Christmas,春节,Spring Festival,Chinese New Year,=,(中国的新年),How do you spend the Spring Festival?,你是怎么度过春节的?,We make rice cakes.,We make dumplings.,We have a family dinner.,We sing and dance.,Do you have a family dinner?,Yes, we do.,No, we dont.,Do you watch TV after dinner?,Y

29、es, we do.,No, we dont.,晚饭后,We watch the Spring Festival Party on TV.,We go to see our friends.,And say Happy New Year to them.,看朋友,还有对他们说新年快乐。,We go to see our friends.,Learn the text,语音学习:th,father 爸爸mother 妈妈brother 兄弟,Homework:1.Spring Festival, Chinese, dumplings, watch, pocket money, fair抄写五遍。2.听磁带跟读3遍。3.用英语向朋友,家长说说你最喜欢的春节活动。,


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