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1、,V0wes元音元音是一种有声音,赏音时用舌头和嘴昼皮口腔定彩,声带震动。同时乞流从咽腔和口腔不断流幽,不受阻,也没疒变羰窄,因而听不幽摩擦。元音分饼元音分A踞音时舌头在口腔中抬起的部丘不周,歟们把单元音分考前元音、中元和后元音单橐元音是有一个音囊构成的元音家元音是由丽个音囊构成的元音,元音20个据构成元音的音素的不同,我们把元音分为12个单元音和8个双元音12个单元音:蔚元音/i:/i/e/a/中元音e:eAa:后元音oo:uu48个双元音:eajoiulaulieeuabay buy boy boatout beersure,辅音分28个辅音玉要可以分为猜辅音( voiceless con

2、sonants)和独辅膏( voicedconsonants)。拨清辅音时声带不用振动,发独辅音时声带振动清辅音:ppe独辅音:bbuytI timed dime爆破音(6个)f fan咬舌音:0tmnK摩擦音(8个)fo thzr redh how破擦音(8个)tr control31 usually dr dropt chooses robotsd3 juice dzends其他辅音:鼻辅音:mn舌侧音:I半元音:wj,爆破音在相当时间內,乞流道完全阻塞,乞流(一般由亍肺部的动作)受压,秫后突烋攽犴阻蹇,茨岀煣破的声音英语中的添破音有六个,它们是:pbtdkglp: pie pig pis

3、sb: buy bay baset: time today tomorrowd: date day dimek: key came clockg: go game glass特何一湑音独化现豕清辅音ptk在S后面时要发成独辅音sport store skin,舌音乞流懣道中來阻寒,在阻寰处的迒或一这留下通道让乞流岀由过时发出的音英语中舌沈音只有一个,就是:earL舌尖搋在上齿祖部,再自鉥落下,发出似汉语“了”的音light let lip local lake lamprely boy let her aloneto tell a lie late at night did he leave?

4、little by little to live well to talk loudDakL舌尖搋在上齿报部,但不落下,乞流从舌这涌,声带靈动all bill kill feel hell pillBill had a billboard. bill also had a board billThe board bill bored BillSo Bill sold the billboard to pay his board billand the board bill no longer bored Bi,中国学生的发音难点th字母组合:和“th宇母組合祖应的一组清独辅音是6,它的同特点是

5、把舌尖含在上下齿之间。而汉语中几乎没有这樺的发音亦式,因此在茨音习噗上给中国学生带來了难度。el: think thought path thumboJ: other smooth bathe clotheThere are 3.333 features on that thrushs throatThey think that these things are better than those as the thicker thingsare better than thin things,舌音乞流懣道中來阻寒,在阻寰处的迒或一这留下通道让乞流岀由过时发出的音英语中舌沈音只有一个,就是:e

6、arL舌尖搋在上齿祖部,再自鉥落下,发出似汉语“了”的音light let lip local lake lamprely boy let her aloneto tell a lie late at night did he leave?little by little to live well to talk loudDakL舌尖搋在上齿报部,但不落下,乞流从舌这涌,声带靈动all bill kill feel hell pillBill had a billboard. bill also had a board billThe board bill bored BillSo Bill

7、sold the billboard to pay his board billand the board bill no longer bored Bi,字學亻在坷首的发音:因为发音习噘的不同,中国人在狠多嘖况下把它发为煚似汉语朗日,而在英语卬字學r是不会这祥笈膏的。小,圜,紧获”像吹旷的蹙觉rose road river red right rock1. Robert Rally rolled a round roll around the round road2. Reading bells ring rapidly and reeds rustle around rivers区分r1.

8、 rock lock6. wrong2. race lace7. correct collect3. red8. pirate4. road load9.ffly5. right light10. crown clown,字母rr在第一个词的词尾,而第二个词以元音开头例如: clear animosityR出现在元音后一美音卷舌RP GAworker/we: ka/ werker/father/ fa: oa/ faroer/farm/fa m / fa rm/tour /tue/tuer/poor /pue/pur/air /ee/eer/,元音区别A当字母r出现在单词的元音孚母爼合中时,北

9、美英谙会岀现独特的卷舌音Var/er/ /ir/sr/ /ur/or/Yard car far /ird dear r/cr, air /orf for more door flr/ar/ her earn bird/air/ fire liar buyer /aur/ hour flower tower poweJoir/ employer destroyerRead the following words, while paying to the pronunciationof the ra(1)/ars/chargemartdeartere(3)raIrpeardu口口Urbefore5)r!jurleafiretired higbuhourOwer powertowerdestroyer employer,


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