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1、金融专业英语知识及词汇,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,2,Part 1: Interest rate purchasing-power 购买力 depreciation 折旧 rental fee: 租金 market rental fee 市场租金 real rental fee 实际租金 liquidity: 流动资金 credit: 贷款,信贷,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,3,IOU=I Owe You 借据 Stipulate 规定,确定 bond 债券 terms of the agreement 合约条款 periodic cash inter

2、est payments 定期现金支付利息 a firm commitment to pay 明确的支付承诺,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,4,Turn the following into Chinese:,rental feemarket raterental contractreal rental feemarket valuerental price,租赁金市场利率租赁合同实际租金市场价值租赁价格,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,5,inflationcompensatestipulaterepaymentcommitmentmonetary term

3、s,通货膨胀补偿规定偿还承诺,债务货币单位,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,6,Part 2: the Fractional Reserve,fractional reserve (部分准备金) 指银行只需保有其存款负债的某一比例作为准备的规定。这是中央银行为保护存款人的权利所要求的规定,以避免银行信用过度扩张,引起流动性不足,损害存款人的权益。reserve 准备金,储备金 指银行为预防万一而提存的准备基金。准备金分发行准备金和存款准备金。,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,7,Some banks may pay no interest or only a m

4、inimal rate of interest on deposits.,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,8,Banks may lend more money than they have on deposit, just as traders used to do when they issued more receipts for coins than they had in safekeeping.,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,9,Strictly enforced government regulations control how many of

5、 the deposited dollars must be held in reserve to support loans.,Loans made against this fractional reserve are a key factor in banking and current fractional reserve deposit money expansion activities.,fractional reserve deposit money expansion activities 部分准备金存款扩张业务,a,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,10,Le

6、ts assume the fractional reserve ratio is 12 percent.,Thus, when you deposit $1,000 in your local bank, it may immediately set aside $120 as a reserve. set aside: save or keep for 留出,拨出e.g. I set aside some money every month to buy a car.,fractional reserve ratio 部分准备金比率 西方国家的中央银行规定商业银行缴存准备金占自身吸收存款的

7、比率。其公式如下:准备金比率缴存法定准备金额存款余额100%,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,11,The bank deposits the reserve in the Federal Reserve Bank or branch that services your geographical area of the United States.,After setting aside the $120 reserve, your bank is free to loan out $880. Another bank customer comes to borrow the

8、 $880 and deposits the money with the bank.,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,12,Note that the money supply has increased by $880, as your $1,000 remains on deposit and the bank has lent 880 new dollars to another client.,After deducting 12 percent of $880 ($105.60) as a reserve, the bank loans out the remain

9、der or $774.40 to a third client.,money supply 货币供应量 指某一时期一国经济中流通的货币量。是各国中央银行(或国家银行)编制和公布的主要经济统计指标之一。货币供应量的现实水平是一国货币政策调节的对象;预测货币供应量的增长、变动情况,则是一国制定货币政策的依据。根据货币内涵的不同,货币供应量指标有M1、M2、M3、M4和M5之分。,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,13,Again the money supply rises. If this process continues to its limit, a total of $8

10、,333.33 circulates in the system.,After deducting your original $1,000 deposit, $7,333.33 of new money is being used in the community and represents a net increase in the money supply.,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,14,A simple way to calculate the maximum possible expansion with a 12 percent reserve requi

11、rement is to divide your original $1,000 by 0.12 (percentage of deposit to be set aside in reserve), which equals $8,333.33.,What happens if the Fed wishes to rein in the money supply by increasing reserve requirements?,reserve requirements 准备金要求量,法定存款准备金规定 在美国,银行法规定商业银行须将其部分存款另外保管,作为对存款的准备金。联邦储备委员会

12、董事会有权在法律规定的限度内提高或降低对成员银行准备金的要求。准备金条件起着控制贷款的作用(降低准备金要求,就可允许银行更多地借出款项;如提高要求,贷款额就会减少)。,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,15,Part 3: The Three Ms,The Federal Reserve System tracks three measures of the money supply and reports on them weekly. The three measures are conveniently labeled M1, M2, and M3.,2022/12/27,

13、Chen Jianhui,16,the three Ms 指M1, M2 , M3, 三种货币供应量。,M1是狭义的货币。在美国指商业银行以外的市面上流通的通货,商业银行中以支票存取的活期存款、可转让提单帐户、股份汇款帐户、自动转帐存款以及旅行支票之和。,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,17,M2是定义范围较宽的一些货币。在美国指M1加上不能以支票提取的储蓄存款、10万美元以下的定期存款、货币市场共同基金以及美国居民与银行在美国境外银行持有的过夜欧洲美元存款之和。,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,18,M3是定义更宽的货币。在美国指M2加上10万美元面值的定期存

14、款单(CDs)以及回买协议之和。,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,19,M1 is a narrowly defined measure of,money that includes currency, coins, and demand deposits (such as checking accounts) in commercial banks that are used primarily for transactions or as a medium of exchange.,demand deposit 活期存款checking accounts 支票帐户mediu

15、m of exchange 交换媒介,a,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,20,M2 is a broader measure of the money supply. In addition to the,items in M1, M2 includes the amounts collected in savings and small time deposits (certificates of deposit), including money market deposit accounts (MMDA), non-institutional money market

16、mutual funds (MMMF), and other short-term money market assets.,savings n. 储蓄time deposit 定期存款certificate of deposit 大额存单;存款证money market 货币市场 指一年或不足一年到期的短期借贷市场。money market deposit account货币市场存款帐户,简称MMDAmoney market mutual funds (MMMF) 货币市场共同基金 指美国的一种小额信托投资。,a,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,21,M2 is the mo

17、st often used reference to money supply.,M3 is an even broader definition of the money supply, as it includes all of the components of M1 and M2 plus a number of financial assets and instruments generally employed by large (jumbo) certificates of deposit.,M2 is the most often used reference to money

18、 supply. M2是衡量货币供应量最常用的参考值。financial assets 金融资产financial instruments n. 金融票据 jumbo certificates of deposit 大额存单,a,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,22,The Federal Reserve Board, known as the Fed, considers numerous factors when it defines the money supply. What ultimately matters is,how the public uses the v

19、arious forms of money.,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,23,Exercises,Turn the following into Chinese:1) money supply2) demand deposit3) medium of exchange4) time deposit,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,24,5) certificate of deposit6) financial innovations 7) monetary aggregate 8) checking accounts 9) Federal Reserve

20、Board 10) write checks,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,25,Part 4: Simple and Compound Interest,The fee for borrowing money is known as (I). The fee is based on three elements:,simple interest 单利 以本金计算利息的方法。本金获得的利息不再产生利息。.compound interest 复利 定期将利息加入本金,求得新的基数作为本金再计算利息,按这种方法得出的利息即为复利。,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,

21、26,Part 5: Bank Interest Rates,(A) Base Rate 基本利率 A banks base rate is an important interest rate for most borrowing customers. lt is to this rate that all small and most large overdrafts are linked.,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,27,(B) Deposit Rate 存款利率,The current rate of interest allowed on deposit acc

22、ounts is displayed in all bank branches. The rate is not directly linked to base rate, but changes will always follow the trend of base rate.,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,28,(C) Personal Loan Rates,The interest charged on personal loans is usually fixed for the period of the loan and the interest rate qu

23、oted is a flat rate although the lender is obliged by law to state in writing the annual percentage rate.APR= annual percentage rate 年利率,a flat rate 平利率 指一种不考虑时间长短的简单百分比利率。例如,本金为1000元,年利率为5%,则不管时间多长,利率都是50元,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,29,(D) House Purchase Loan Rates购置住房贷款利率,The rate charged by banks on

24、 loans for house purchase is one that varies with the general level of interest rates. However, the banks have made an attempt with this rate to try to avoid the frequent changes that their other major rates ( base rate and deposit rate ) are subject to.,银行对购房贷款收取的利率会随着利率总水平的变化而变化。然而,各家银行都试图使这一利率相对稳

25、定,避免如同其它利率(如基本利率和存款利率)那样频繁的变化。,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,30,Exercise,Turn the following into Chinese:1. base rate2. deposit account3. annual percentage rate4. house purchase loan5. money market,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,31,6. blue-chip rate7. agreed overdraft limit8. operating expenses9. financial integrity10. hire-purchase company,2022/12/27,Chen Jianhui,32,Homework:,1.Remember and recite these terms.2.Review the related financial knowledge.,


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