1、GRE阅读难点如何解决 GRE reading经常选择一些内容比较困难的*来解决问题。这些*费时费力,下面就和大家分享GRE阅读难点如何解决,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。GRE阅读难点如何解决对于GRE考生来说,如何快速解决GRE语言中最耗时的阅读问题是一个必须解决的大问题。了解GRE阅读*的一般结构,有助于提高学生的理解能力和解决问题的速度。所以如果你想知道如何准备GRE阅读或者如何练习GRE阅读,你会失望的。现象解释的结构分析考点:顾名思义,就是分析和解释一些自然或社会现象。这类*一开始会描述一种“奇怪”的现象,说它奇怪是因为这种现象发生的频率相对较低,或者在日常生活中不易看到,或者
4、话中都会有一个主题句,即主题句。然后,接下来的讨论将围绕这个话题展开,在讨论的过程中,会不断抛出论点来证明结论的正确性。通过对论据的分析,考生可以准确判断作者的态度,为下面的练习做好准备。考生在平时的练习中一定要养成分析*的习惯,“军训千日”对提高考生的准确性非常有效。问题解答型结构剖析考点:问题解答类的*通常会以问句的形式开始,第一段会提出一个问题或者呈现一个难题,而问题通常是“设问”句。常见的标志词如:problem,difficulty, task, puzzle, challenge, question等词。紧接着会对这一问题进行解答或作出解释,*围绕这些问题展开讨论分析,并把作者的观
6、个或两个以上关于新观点的主题句,然后在下文中围绕这一观点进行详细论述和对比分析,并且在对比中会着重凸显作者的态度和观点。下面给大家举例说明一下。应对方法:同样,此类*在结构上也会呈现出总-分-总结构,第一段抛出观点之后在接下来的段落中进行针对性的分析,最后一段通常是对比分析后得出的结论汇总。所以在平时做GRE阅读的时候一定要养成分析*套路的习惯,这样在做题的时候就能做到心中有数,下笔有神。GRE阅读真题之OG2Last year, Mayor Stephens established a special law-enforcement task force with the avowed mi
7、ssion of eradicating corruption in city government. The mayors handpicked task force has now begun prosecuting a dozen city officials. Since all of these officials were appointed by Mayor Bixby, Mayor Stephens predecessor and longtime political foe, it is clear that those being prosecuted have been
8、targeted because of their political affiliations.1. Which of the following, if true, most weakens the editorials argument?A. Complaints of official corruption in city government have decreased since the anticorruption task force began operating.B. Former mayor Bixby did not publicly oppose Mayor Ste
9、phens establishment of the anticorruption task force.C. Almost all of the officials who have served in city government for any length of time are appointees of Mayor Bixby.D. All of the members of the anticorruption task force had other jobs in city government before the task force was formed.E. Dur
10、ing the last mayoral election campaign, thenMayor Bixby hotly disputed the current mayors claim that there was widespread corruption in city government.GRE阅读真题之OG2Among academics involved in the study of Northern Renaissance prints (reproducible graphic artworks), an orthodox position can be said to
11、 have emerged. This position regards Renaissance prints as passive representations of their timedocuments that reliably record contemporary events, opinions, and beliefsand therefore as an important means of accessing the popular contemporary consciousness. In contrast, pioneering studies such as th
12、ose by Scribner and Moxey take a strikingly different approach, according to which Northern Renaissance prints were purposeful, active, and important shaping forces in the communities that produced them. Scribner, for example, contends that religious and political prints of the German Reformation (c
13、a.15171555) functioned as popular propaganda: tools in a vigorous campaign aimed at altering peoples behavior, attitudes, and beliefs.For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and choose all that apply.1. The passage suggests that an adherent to the “orthodox position” (lin
14、e 3) would agree with which of the following statements?A. Northern Renaissance prints should be regarded as passive representations of their time.B. Northern Renaissance prints were part of a campaign aimed at altering contemporary thinking.C. Northern Renaissance prints provide reliable records of contemporary events, opinions, and beliefs.2. Replacement of the word “passive” (line 5) which of the following words results in the least change in meaning for the passage?A. disinterestedB. submissiveC. flaccidD. supineE. unreceptiveGRE阅读难点如何解决