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1、Document No: CHN-X130-426-PRO-008Revision: R0Document Title: Convero Work Instruction-Material ManagementAMEC ENGINEERING & CONSULTING (SHANGHAI) CO. LTD.Company Procedure Document TitleConvero Work InstructionMaterial ManagementDOCUMENT NOCHN-X130-426-PRO-008REV. R0R0Issue for reviewMeg W07 Sep 07S

2、F YuB ZhangIssue RevIssue or Revision DescriptionOrigin byDateCheck byDateApproved byDate目录|Content1. 物资接收|Material Receiving2. 物资发放|Material Issuing3. 物资返还|Material Return4. 仓库转移|Warehouse Transfer5. 动态分配|Dynamic Allocation1. Material Receiving|物资接收Material Receiving is used to acknowledge the arri

3、val and confirmation of materials on site. When materials are delivered, they can be received manually or by an upload directly from a Material Movement Ticket (MMT) or an Expediting Status Item (ESI). A Material Exception Record (MER) is created to identify and coordinate the resolution of any disc

4、repancies such as overages, shortages, damage or non-conformances. The C4125-Material Receiving Record (MRR) and the C4126-MRR/MER Items Maintenance forms may be populated and left at status 1-Open: Receipt Pending upon notification that the shipment has arrived on site. Once the materials and quant

5、ities have been confirmed as physically received and have been reconciled with the documentation, the status is changed to 3-Received which will update the inventory accordingly.材料收货功能用于通知材料已运抵现场并予以确认。材料在交货后,其收货过程可以通过手工方式进行,也可以由材料运输单(MMT)或催交状态项(ESI)直接上载。如有不一致的情况发生,如超量、短量、损坏或不符等,则创建一条材料异常记录(MER)对此进行确

6、认并协助予以解决。在得到运货已达现场的通知后,可填写C4125-材料收货记录(MRR)及C4126-MRR/MER分项表格,并将其状态标记为“1”-开放:等待收货。当材料实物及数量已确认收到并且与单证相符后,该状态变更为“3”-已接收,并据此对库存进行更新。Warehouse Locations - C4124仓库地点 C4124The Warehouse Locations form is used to develop and store the warehouse locations to which the materials will be allocated into invent

7、ory and from which the materials will be issued. The warehouse location code consists of four areas which combine to identify a specific warehouse location. This code is developed by using a schema matrix which is a predetermined template for establishing and validating codes. This form is accessed

8、from the menu by clicking on the folder Materials Management, Receiving and C4124-Warehouse Locations or by entering the form number C4124 manually in the menu box. It may also be accessed directly from the Receiving Item screen (C4126) by clicking on the Warehouse Loc on the navigation bar to the l

9、eft of the form.仓库地点表单用于生成并保存仓库的地理位置,材料将被分配至该地点并加入库存,并且也从该地点外发。仓库地点代码由四个区域构成,它们组合在一起可以确定某个具体的仓库地点。该地点代码通过一个模板生成,该模板是一个用于建立和验证代码的预制模板。通过点击菜单中的“材料管理”,“收货”及“仓库地点”等选项可以进入该表单,也可以在菜单框中手工输入该表单号码“C4124”。此外,还可以在接收分项的屏幕(C4126)中点击地点字段中的代码输入按钮,从而直接进入该表单。Project - Enter the project number. This may be input manu

10、ally or chosen using the List of Values by clicking on the LOV button or by pressing F9. 项目-输入该项目编号。可以手工输入该编号,也可以通过点击值列表按钮或按F9键从取值列表中选取该编号。 Warehouse Location - The warehouse location code consists of four areas which combine to identify a specific warehouse location. This code is developed by using

11、 a schema matrix which is a predetermined template for establishing and validating codes. By clicking on the code input button, the C1033-Schema Matrix Lookup is activated. 仓库地点-仓库地点代码由四个区域构成,它们组合在一起可以确定某个具体的仓库地点。该地点代码通过一个模板矩阵生成,该模板是一个用于建立和验证代码的预制模板。点击代码输入按钮即可激活C1033-模板矩阵查询表。The four areas which mak

12、e up the combined code for the location are displayed and the desired values may be input manually or chosen using the List of Values by clicking on the LOV button or by pressing F9. 组成该仓库地点代码的四个区域都显示在屏幕上,可以手工输入所需的值,或通过点击值列表按钮或按F9键从取值列表中选取该值。Once all the area values have been input, click on the Ret

13、urn from Code input button to return the code to the form.输入完全部的区域值后,点击代码返回输入按钮以将代码返回至表单。The Warehouse Location code may be input manually without using the Schema Matrix Lookup but it must adhere to the format of the template and must use valid area values.也可以不通过模板查寻表而以手工方式输入仓库地点代码,但前提是该代码必须符合该模板的格

14、式并且必须使用有效的区域值。Description - This field is used to enter a general designation describing the location.描述-该字段用于输入一个描述该地点的常用名称。Material Receiving Record (MRR) - C4125材料收货记录(MRR)-C4125The Material Receiving Record form is used in conjunction with the C4126-MRR/MER Item Maintenance form to identify all

15、materials received. The Material Receiving Record acts as a header for the material receipt and is used to specify the general information such as the receivers name, the receipt date, the order number, the ESI (Expediting Status Item) and MMT (Material Movement Ticket) numbers, packing slip and way

16、bill numbers. The MRR and the MRR/MER Items Maintenance forms may be populated and left at status 1-Open: Receipt Pending upon notification that the shipment has arrived on site. Once the materials and quantities have been confirmed as physically received and have been reconciled with the documentat

17、ion, the status is changed to 3-Received. This form is accessed from the menu by clicking on the folder Materials Management, Receiving and C4125-Material Receiving Record or by entering the form number C4125 manually in the menu box.该材料收货记录表单与C4126-MRR/MER分项表单结合在一起使用,用于确定所有已已接收的材料。材料收货记录通常可用作材料收据的标

18、头,并用于指定一些一般性的信息,如收货人的姓名、收货日期、订单编号、ESI(催交状态项)及MMT(材料运输单)编号、装箱单及运货单编号等。在得到运货已达现场的通知后,可填写MRR及MRR/MER分项表单,并将其状态标为“1”开放:等待收货。当材料实物及数量已确认收到并且与单证相符后,该状态变更为“3”-已接收。通过点击菜单中的“材料管理”,“收货”及“材料收货记录”等选项可以进入该表单,也可以在菜单框中手工输入该表单号码“C4125”。Material can be received manually or by using the P4135-Material Delivery Proces

19、s. 材料可以以手工方式收货,也可以使用P4135-物资运输程序。The Material Delivery Process automatically uploads all the material assigned to either an Expediting Status Item (ESI) or a Material Movement Ticket (MMT) into a Material Receiving Record. When utilizing the Material Delivery Process, this MRR header form is automat

20、ically created and populated for each purchase order being received. See Material Delivery Processing - P4135 below.物资运输程序可以自动地将所有分配至催交状态项或材料运输单的材料上载至材料收货记录中。当使用物资运输程序时,会自动为每一个正在接收的采购订单生成并填写该MRR表头表单。参见下文中的“材料交货处理-P4135”。MRR Number - This number is used to identify the Material Receiving Record. It m

21、ay consist of up to eight (8) characters and it must be unique. If utilizing the P4135-Material Delivery Process, an eight character sequential number beginning with G1 will be assigned when the MRR is created. This number may be modified if desired. MRR编号-该编号用于确定材料收货记录。它最多可由8个字符构成,并且必须具有唯一性。如果使用P41

22、35物资运输程序,则在创建MRR时会为其分配一个以“G1”开头的8个字符的序列编号。该编号可以根据需要进行修改。MRR Status - When creating an MRR, the status will always be 1 - Open: Receipt Pending. Once all the received items have been attached to the MRR header and verified as being physically on-site, the status must be changed to 3 - Received. If ut

23、ilizing the P4135-Material Delivery Process, this field will be automatically populated with an 1.MRR状态-在创建一个MRR时,它的状态将总为“1”-开放:等待收货。当所有已接收的物品都已附于MRR表头中且现场已对实物进行了核实后,它的状态就必须变更为“3”-已接收。如果使用P4135物资运输程序,则该字段将被自动填入一个“1”。Received - The current date will default into this field. It should be changed to re

24、flect the actual date of receipt before changing the status to 3 - Received.接收日期-缺省情况下,该字段填入的是当前的日期。在将状态变更为“3”-已接收之前,应对该日期加以修改,以反映实际的收货日期。Received By - This field must be populated using the List of Values (LOV) by clicking on the LOV button or pressing F9. Only the names of those people who have be

25、en assigned the responsibility as Material Handlers will appear in this field. In order for a persons name to appear in this field, they must be entered as an Entity Item in C4012, assigned to a Position on an approved PAA (C2002) and the Position must be assigned a responsibility of MHA on the C200

26、5 form.接收人-填写该字段时必须通过点击值列表按钮或按F9键来使用取值列表(LOV)。该字段中只能填写那些被委以材料管理员职责的人的名字。某个人的名字出现在该字段之前,他必须在C4012中作为一个实体项目进行了输入,并在经审批的PAA(C2002)中被分配了某个岗位,且该岗位必须已被授予了C2005表单中的“MHA”职责。Purchase Order-The purchase order number of the material received is to be entered in this field. The PO number may be entered manually

27、 or chosen by clicking on the LOV button or pressing F9. Only purchase orders which are approved (Status 3) will be valid in this field. If utilizing the P4135-Material Delivery Process, this field will be automatically populated with the PO number associated with the MMT or ESI.采购订单-该字段中应输入已已接收材料的采

28、购订单编号。该采购订单编号可以手工输入,也可以点击值列表按钮或按F9键选择输入。该字段中只有经核准的(状态为3)采购订单方为有效。如果使用P4135-物资运输程序,则该字段将自动填入与MMT或ESI相关联的该采购订单编号。Project - Choose by clicking on the LOV button or pressing F9 when multi-project POs are used. 项目-当运用多项目订单时,点击值列表按钮或按F9键进行选择。Order Description, PO Type and Description, Vendor Code and Name

29、 - These fields will default from the PO/Contracts form (C4001) when the PO number is entered. These fields are display only and are not. 订单描述、采购订单类型及描述、供货商代码和名字-输入了采购订单编号后,在缺省情况下,这些字段的内容将来自于该采购订单/合同表单(C4001)。这一字段仅供显示。ESI - This field identifies that the material received against the MRR was shipped

30、 as part of an Expediting Status Item (ESI) (C4060) and indicates the associated ESI number. If receiving material grouped under an ESI, do not create the MRR manually; use the P4135-Material Delivery Process to create it automatically.催交号-该字段用于确定对应于MRR的已接收材料已作为催交状态分项(ESI)(C4060)的一部分进行了装运,并标明了相关的ESI

31、编号。在接收作为一组归在某个ESI下的材料时,不要以手工方式建立MRR,而应使用P4135-物资运输程序自动创建。MMT - This field identifies that the material received against the MRR was shipped as part of a Material Movement Ticket (MMT) (C4075) and indicates the associated MMT number. If receiving material grouped under an MMT, do not create the MRR m

32、anually; use the P4135-Material Delivery Process to create it automatically.MMT编号-该字段用于确定对应于MRR的已接收材料已作为材料转移单(MMT)(C4075)的一部分进行了装运,并标明了相关的MMT编号。在接收作为一组归在某个MMT下的材料时,不要以手工方式建立MRR,而应使用P4135-物资运输程序自动创建。Inspector - This field must be populated using the List of Values (LOV) by clicking on the LOV button

33、or pressing F9. Only the names of those people who have been assigned the responsibility as Inspectors will appear in this field. In order for a persons name to appear in this field, they must be entered as an Entity Item in C4012, assigned to a Position on an approved PAA (C2002) and the Position m

34、ust be assigned a responsibility of INS on the C2005 form.检验员-该字段必须通过点击值列表按钮或按F9键来使用取值列表(LOV)进行填写。该字段中只能填写那些被委以检查员职责的人的名字。某个人的名字出现在该字段之前,他必须在C4012中作为一个实体项目进行了输入,并在经审批的PAA(C2002)中被分配了某个岗位,且该岗位必须已被授予了C2005表单中的“INS”职责。Carrier/Vessel, Waybill, Packing List - These fields should be entered manually with

35、the pertinent information.承运人/船名、运单、装箱单-这些字段应与相关的信息一起以手工方式输入。Ref. 1, Ref. 2 - These are reference fields that may be used to enter any other information which will help to identify the receipt. 参考1、参考2-这两个字段是参考字段,可用于输入任何其它有助于确认收货的信息。MRR Notes - Any information relevant to the MRR may be entered in t

36、his field.MRR注释-此字段中可输入任何与MRR相关的信息。Overhead Cost Rate This field is used to fill in the management cost rate for materials. The number filled in here is a percent and it will be used to calculate the materials receipt cost based on the PO unit rate.综合管理费率-这个字段用于填入材料的综合管理费率。这里填入的数字为百分比,它将用于根据合同单价计算材料

37、的接收单价。Other Adjusting Cost The number filled in here is a total amount of other cost for this delivery. It will be allocated across the MRR items based on each items PO value. And it will also be used to calculate the materials receipt cost.其他调整费用-此处填入的数字为本此运输中的其他费用总金额。这笔总金额会根据各MRR分项的合同价进行分摊,参与计算材料的

38、接收单价。Note: If the project is not controlling the materials receipt cost, then the above two field should be leave as default “0”.注意:如项目组不对材料的接收单价进行控制,那么以上两个字段应保持默认的“0”值。Once the above information has been entered, it must be saved. This is done by pressing F10 on the keyboard or clicking the commit

39、button. 在完成了上述信息的输入后,必须进行保存。可按键盘上的F10键或点出提交按钮来进行此项操作。Material Delivery Processing - P4135物资运输程序-P4135The Material Delivery Process is used to automatically upload the materials received from an Expediting Status Item (ESI) (C4060) or a Material Movement Ticket (MMT) (C4075) into a C4125-Material Rec

40、eiving Record (MRR). The running of this process automatically creates an MRR and the associated C4126-MRR/MER Item records for each purchase order contained within the ESI or MMT. This form is accessed from the menu by clicking on the folder Materials Management, Receiving and P4135-Material Delive

41、ry Processing or the form number P4135 may be entered manually in any menu box. 物资运输程序的作用在于自动地将所有由催交状态项(ESI)(C4060)或材料运输单(MMT)(C4075)接收的材料上载至材料收货记录(MMR)中。通过运行该处理功能,可以自动为ESI或MMT中的每一个采购订单创建一MRR记录及相关的C4125-MRR/MER分项记录。通过点击菜单中的“ 材料管理”,“收货”及“材料交货处理”等选项可以进入该表单,也可以在菜单框中手工输入该程序号码“P4135”。Is this an MMT Run?

42、- If the items to be received are assigned to a Material Movement Ticket (MMT), this parameter must be set to Y. If the items are assigned to an Expediting Status Item (ESI), enter N.是否为MMT运行方式?-如果欲接收的材料是根据材料运输单(MMT)信息生成的,则该参数必须设为“Y”。如果将欲接收的材料是根据催交状态项(ESI)的,则输入“N”。Enter the MMT or ESI depending on r

43、un - If the items to be received are assigned to a Material Movement Ticket (MMT), enter the MMT number in this parameter. (Note that only MMTs which have a status of FIT-Freight in Transit are valid for upload.) If the items are assigned to an Expediting Status Item (ESI), enter the ESI number.根据情况

44、输入运输单号或催交号-如果将欲接收的材料是根据材料运输单(MMT)信息的,则在该参数中输入运输单编号。(注意,只有那些状态标记为“FIT”-货物运输中的运输单才能有效上载)。如果材料是根据催交状态项(ESI)信息的,则输入该ESI编号。Purchase Order - If receiving material on an Expediting Status Item (ESI), enter the purchase order number to which the ESI is associated. Enter a zero in this parameter if receiving

45、 material from an MMT as the purchase order number is not applicable.采购订单-如果接收的是催交状态项(ESI)中的材料,则输入与该ESI相关联的采购订单编号。如果接收的材料来自MMT,则该参数设为零,因为采购订单编号在此不适用。MRR Date - Enter the date of the receipt of the material.接收日期-输入材料收到的日期。Received by - This parameter must be populated using the List of Values (LOV) b

46、y clicking on the LOV button or pressing F9. Only the names of those people who have been assigned the responsibility as Material Handlers will appear in this field. In order for a persons name to appear in this field, they must be entered as an Entity Item in C4012, assigned to a Position on an app

47、roved PAA (C2002) and the Position must be assigned a responsibility of MHA on the C2005 form.接收人-该参数必须通过点击值列表按钮或按F9键来使用取值列表(LOV)填写。该字段中只能填写那些被委以材料管理员职责的人的名字。某个人的名字出现在该字段之前,他必须在C4012中作为人员已经进行了输入,并在经审批的PAA(C2002)中被分配了某个岗位,且该岗位必须已被授予了C2005表单中的“MHA”职责。Project - Enter the project number. This may be inp

48、ut manually or chosen using the List of Values by clicking on the LOV button or pressing F9.工程项目-输入该项目编号。可以手工输入该编号,也可以通过点击值列表按钮或按F9键,从取值列表中选取该编号。Warehouse Location - This parameter is used to assign a default warehouse location to the received items. If there is more than one warehouse location applicable to the


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