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1、在雅思口语考试中考官都在写些什么呢 口语考试是雅思考试中最令人头疼的一部分,很多学生买了无数模板,考前大量背诵,但丝毫不起效果,下面就和大家分享在雅思口语考试中考官都在写些什么呢,希望能够帮助到大家,快来学习一下吧。在雅思口语考试中考官都在写些什么呢?在雅思口语考试过程中,你一定会发现考官不时地会在纸上写些什么,尤其是从口语考试第二部分开始,这种情况经常发生,那么他们究竟在写什么呢?(What are they Writing?)考生大猜想:A. 考官在写清单吗? Is it a Checklist?B. 考官在给我打分吗? Is it the Score?实际上,考官是在记录考试用时。在雅思

2、口语考试中,考官需要控制每一部分的答题时间。第一部分:考官需要控制在4-5分钟;第二部分:考生有一分钟做准备,两分钟进行答题;第三部分:需要控制在4-5分钟;考官会及时将时间记录下来以便于控制整个考试的节奏,你将遇到以下几种情况(So This Might Happening),场景重现(中文版):考官:好的,请用1-2分钟时间来回答下面问题,当时间结束时,我打断你,请不用担心。考生:答题中。考官是将时间记录下来,而与你的分数没有任何关系!希望同学们能够真正意识到雅思口语考试的目的是考察考生的语言表达能力,你怎样思考,你曾经有怎样的经历,你以怎样的方式表达出来,都是其主要的考察指向。有针对性地

3、准备,才更有机会考取理想的分数。雅思口语烧脑翻译-流行句式早知道1. 吓死本宝宝了。1)I wasnt born yesterday, but you scared me to death.( I wasnt born yesterday. 我已经不是小孩子了。)2)I am just a kid but I am watching a thriller.( thriller 惊悚片)2. 你们城里人真会玩。1)This isnt a real-life in the country!2)City folks have a real-life!3. 具有学习能力的人,必须敏感,对一切和自己专业

4、相关的事物有持续关注的热情。学习能力还包括给自己创造学习的机会,让别人给自己学习的机会。Individuals capable of learning are easily influenced and constantly interested in anything related to their profession. Moreover, the overall learning ability is to create and allow as many opportunities as possible for learning.4. 你现在过着多少人羡慕不来的生活。你所羡慕的人或

5、许也在羡慕你。标准版:Many admire you for the life you lead. The one you are admiring may be admiring you now.口语版:Theres a list of people you admire, but they admire you for what you got.销魂版:You think the grass is greener on their side of the fence. Little do you know they yours.5. 在不顺的时候,运用美国人的智慧,将复杂的事情简单化;在顺

6、利的时候,运用中国人的智慧,将简单的事情复杂化。标准版:When youre going through up times, follow Chinese wisdom to make things complex; during down times, borrow from the American tendency to make things simple.简版:If it goes well, simplify it like Americans; it doesnt, make it complicated as Chinese.6. 你完全不用刻意去想气质这件事。因为气质就是你自

7、己,你所经历,你所学,你所想的。它就在那里,你想也没有用。标准版:You dont need to dwell on your temperament. Because it mirrors the real-you, your experiences, your knowledge and your mindset, itll always be there. Dont give it a second thought.口语版:You dont have to care about charisma. Coz it makes who you are and what you are, wh

8、at you got and what you got in mind. Its there. Dont think about it!7. 不加选择的从众,是对人生不负责任。标准版1:It is hugely irresponsible to yourself to go with the flow without checking where it leads you.标准版2:If you swim with the tide, having little or no direction, you will never hold yourself accountable.(swim wi

9、th the tide 随波逐流;hold sb. accountable 对某人负责)口语版:If you follow the herd, it would get you nowhere.8. 只要你不是low到极点,总会有姑娘眼瞎嫁给你的。标准版:Every dog has its day. As long as you are not hopelessly low, there will always be a girl of questionable taste waiting for you around the corner.演绎版:Any man has the chance

10、 to sweep any woman off her feet only if he got the right broom. / unless he got no broom.(sweep sb. off ones feet 把某人扫倒,让某人倾心,倾倒;broom 扫帚 ,一语双关,也表方法,办法。)口语版:Theres always a girl who would meet you for a blind date only if youre good for something.(blind date 相亲)9. 自拍,希望在外貌上得到更多人的肯定。拍食物,希望让身边的人都知道自己

11、过得还不错。秀恩爱,生怕别人不知道缺爱的自己找到了归属。抒发情绪,等着那些熟悉或不熟悉的人送来一句安慰。When taking selfies, we are hopingthat more surfers like our appearance.(surfers 网民 ;like 点赞)While shooting food, we hope friends and peers will think we are leading ideal lives.(friends and peers 朋友和同龄人)While shouting from the rooftops about how i

12、n love we are, we fear that others dont appreciate that we,previously starving for love, finally found a home.(shout from the rooftops 站在屋顶喊,炫耀某事;fear 怕,生怕;starving for love 缺爱;find a home 找到了归宿)While pouring out our hearts, we are seeking expressions of sympathy from others that bring comfort.(pour

13、 out our hearts 倾诉心声;seek expressions of sympathy 寻求同情; bring comfort 送来安慰)10. 迷茫的原因有两个: 第一,搞不清长期目标和短期目标; 第二,太闲。There are two reasons for bewilderment: the confusion between long-term and short-term goals and / or an idle brain.(注:An idle brain is the devils workshop. 懒汉的脑子是魔鬼的工场。/ 游手好闲乃万恶之源。雅思口语题目详

14、解: an unusual buildingDescribe an unusual building youve visitedYou should say:where it iswhat it is used forwhat it looks likeand explain why you think it is unusual该怎么回答呢,其实建筑物一直是雅思口语的热门考题,建议大家看一些建筑的官网。不仅有亮点介绍(unusual),还有一些比较准确的英文描述,很实用的呢举个例子来说:广州塔(Canton Tower), 昵称小蛮腰(the slender waist),如果我们打开官网,

15、cantontower/ 里面的内容真够丰富。看来小蛮腰不仅造型独特,还是休闲娱乐(谈恋爱)的好去处话题考频:建筑物的话题一直是雅思口语话题的热门考题,有时考察的是历史建筑,有时考察的是现代建筑物,这个话题可以涵盖古今建筑,只要突出其“unusual/不同寻常”的特征即可相关考题:Describe a modern buildingDescribe a historic building话题解析:1.在回答这个问题的时候,为了能详细且准确地介绍该建筑物,最好能提前准备一些与建筑物相关的一些词语,比如说“外部”、“内部”、“柱子”、“面”等等,因此,我们可以登陆我们感兴趣的建筑物的英文介绍页面,


17、汇参考:1.电视塔:TV tower2.小蛮腰:slender waist3.观光:sightseeing4.地点:venue5.摩天轮:ferris wheel6.(小蛮腰的)椭圆形的面:ellipse7.外部:exterior8.内部:interior9.多功能的:multi-functional我们可以这么说:Here I would like to talk about the Canton Tower in Guangzhou, which is one of the local landmarks and famous for its unique design and archi

18、tecture. Ive been there for several times and I will recommend it to every visitor to this city.The Canton Tower is actually an astronomical and sightseeing tower designed by Dutch architects, located on Haixinsha Island, which was originally the venue for the 20XX Asian Games. It made its name and

19、be known of the whole Asia because of its unusual and special structure shown in the opening and closing ceremony of the Asian Games on TV. Locals give it a nickname as “the slender waist” because of its twisted structure. Its exterior form is generated by two ellipses, one at foundation level and t

20、he other one at top. These two ellipses are rotated relative to another, and the tightening caused by the rotation between the two ellipses forms a waist; so I think thats the reason why it has such a vivid local name.Ive visited the interior of the tower, which is pretty amazing as well. Inside, it

21、 is subdivided into different zones with various functions, including TV and radio transmission facilities, you know, as it is supposed to be, and observatory decks for you to admire the view of the whole city, the revolving restaurant, which I heard is pretty classy but I failed to try last time, h

22、orizontal ferris wheel, recommended as the best venue for proposal in the city, exhibition spaces, shops, and 4D cinemas etc. So you can say, it is a multi-functional place for our local people. And the most important thing is, you could enjoy wonderful landscape there! Therefore, I really think this unusual architecture is a good way for you to hang out with friends and appreciate the great beauty of the city.在雅思口语考试中考官都在写些什么呢


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