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1、Unit11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?,Section A1a-2c,教师:豆云晓,Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark,过去,1a-2d,=He used to be short, but now he is tall.他过去是矮的,但是现在他是高的,Step 1 Lead-in,whats he like?他长什么样子?/他什么性格?,He was short,He is tall.,shy,outgoing,He used to be shy , but now he is

2、outgoing他过去是内向的,但是他现在是外向的。,In the past 在过去,Now现在,Step 2 New words,humorous -humor (n.) 有幽默感的 silent -silence (n.) 沉默的keep silent /in silence helpful -help (n.v.) 有用的, 有帮助的 from time to time 有时=sometimes =at times score 得分.分数get good scores 取得好成绩=get good grades,1 play the piano 弹钢琴2 be interested in

3、 对感兴趣3 wear glasses 带眼镜4 on a swim team 在游泳队5 get good grades 取得好成绩6 what s he like ? 他什么样子?7 used to + 动词原形 过去常常8 on a swim team 在游泳队9 study hard 努力学习10 be afraid of 害怕,1a。Fill in the chart with words to describe people.,Step 3 Text,1a,tall高的,short 矮的,fat胖的,strong 强壮的,thin 瘦的,Appearance外貌 whats he

4、like?他长什么样子?,curly hair卷发,short hair短发,funny,shy/silent沉默的,outgoing,lazy懒的,outgoing外向的,funny/ humorous有趣的、幽默的,serious严肃的,Personality性格whats he like? 他什么性格?,helpful/ kind,1b Listen. Bob is seeing some friends for the first time in four years. What did his friends use to look like?,Mario used to be .

5、He used to wear .2. Amy used to be . She used to have .3. Tina used to have and hair.,short,glasses,tall,short hair,red,curly,1b,1c Look at the picture and make conversations.,A: Did XieTingfeng use to be short? B: Yes, he did. He used to be really short. A: Whats he like now?他现在长什么样子? B: Hes tall n

6、ow.,A: Did Tom used to be fat?B: Yes, he did. he used to be really fat .A: what is he like now?B: He is thin now.,Tom,2a Listen and check () the words you hear.,_ friendly _ outgoing _ serious_ humorous _ silent _ active_ brave _ quiet _ helpful,2b Listen again and complete the chart about how Paula

7、 has changed.,In the past,Now,quiet,outgoing,science,music class,piano,sports,soccer,swim,piano,2c 1 Paula used to be quiet. I know .she was always silent in class.2 I used to like music class,2c,Baby used to be ugly, but now she is beautifulBaby 过去是丑的, 但是现在她是美的。,ugly丑的,beautiful美丽的,in the past在过去 w

8、ear glasses戴眼镜,now现在,范冰冰,She used to wear (过去)glasses , but now she doesnt wear glasses .她过去戴眼镜,但是现在她不戴眼镜。,doesnt wear glasses不戴眼镜,He used to have brown hair,but now he has black hair.他过去有棕色头发,但是现在他有黑色头发,have brown hair,has black hair,难点提示1 如此的。这样的 so such(1)So +形容词/副词 such (a/an) + 形容词+名词 (2) 有many

9、 much ,few ,little时只能用so Ms.Zhou is _ beautiful . =Ms. Zhou is _a beautiful teacher. There are _many teachers in YingCai school拓展: such a beautiful teacher =so beautiful a teacher 2、since 自以来 现在完成时 since 过去时 It has been 2 years since we came to Yingcai.3 primary school 小学4 see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事

10、,so,such,so,2d,2d Read and answer the questions.,Three years.,1.How many years has passed since they last saw?2. Who are they talking about?3.Did Billy use to be shy?,Billy.,Yes , he did。,艾尔弗雷德:(举办)这次聚会的注意实在是太棒了!吉娜:我同意。从上次见到小学同学到现在已经三年了。艾尔弗雷德:看到大家的变化还挺有趣的。吉娜:比利变化好大呀!他过去曾经那么羞涩、安静。艾尔弗雷德:是啊,以前他和女生说话总是脸

11、红。吉娜:我以前看他每天在图书馆看书。艾尔弗雷德:那是因为他确实是个好学生,他学习刻苦,以考试就得高分。吉娜:他以前戴眼镜吗?艾尔弗雷德:戴啊,而且他以前很瘦。但现在看他,又高大有强壮。吉娜:现在他也很讨人喜欢,你瞧瞧他周围那些女生。,1. used to do sth过去(常常)做某事,我过去是一名学生。(现在不是了)刘老师过去有短发(现在不是了),I used to be a student.,Ms. Liu used to have short hair.,2一般疑问句:3否定句:,Step 4 summary,Did you use to be a student? Yes , I d

12、id / No, I didnt .,I didnt use to be a student.,4 对比区别: Ms .Liu used to have short hair, 过去(做) but now she is used to having long hair . 习惯于(做),In the past,now,1 fat2 short3 lazy4 like P.E have curly hairshy,1 thin2 tall3 helpful4 like musichave straight hair outgoing,I have changed a lot . I used t

13、o I am getting better and better. I feel very happy now.,Step 5 能力提升 writing 第一人称写作,. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My grandfather used to_ (walk)to work in the past. 2. Are you used to_ (get)up early to read English? 3. What do you think of your Chinese teacher? He is _ (humor).,walk,getting,humorous,Step 6 课堂检测 p

14、ractice,. 单项选择1. She used to_in a small house, but now she lives in a big apartment. A. lived B. lives C. live D. living2. He used to be tall, _? A. doesnt he B. didnt heC. does he D. did he3 This is _a big classroom.A so B such C very,. 句型转换1. She used to play the piano. (改为否定句) She _ _ _ play the

15、piano. 2. She used to be shy. (改为一般疑问句) _ she _ _ be shy?,to,use,Did,to,didnt,use,Thanks for listening,第二课时3a 4c,Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the darks,New words,background 背景interview 采访、面试Asian 亚洲人、亚洲的deal with 处理shyness 害羞dare 敢、胆敢dare to do-dare do敢于做某事crowd 人群、ton (n) 吨tons of 大量的private 私人的、私

16、立的personal 个人的guard 警卫、守卫require 要求require sb to do sth European 欧洲的British 英国的 African 非洲的 public 公开的 公共的 in public,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。My sister used to _ (be) a nurse. Im used to _ (wash) my face with cold water. My pen friend used to _ (speak) Japanese, but now he is used to _ (speak) Chinese.,be,wa

17、shing,speak,speaking,1 used to do sth 过去常常做某事I used to be shyDid you use to be shy?2 be used doing sth 习惯用做某事,1、19-year-old Asian pop star He is a three year old boy The boy is three years old 2、in front of 在(外部)前面 in the front of 在(内部)前面 I sit in the front of the classroom. A tree is in front of th

18、e classroom3. deal with处理;对付 what do you do with the old books? = How do you deal with the old books4. a number of 许多. the number of 总数 _of the teacher is 200. _ of them are women teachers5.not . anymore 不再=notany longer I didnt play computer anymore,The number of,A number of,7.not . anymore=not any

19、 longer 不再8.all the time 总是;一直 9 prepare to do sth 准备好做某事10.give up doing sth 放弃做某事11.fight on 继续奋斗/坚持fought12 require sb to do sth 要求某人做某事13 at least 至少14 give a speech 做演讲15 in public 在公共场所16、dare to do sth 敢做某事 17、appear to others 出现在其他人面前18、take up doing 开始从事 19.deal with 处理;对付20 hang out 闲逛21 a

20、 number of are 许多22 get tons of attention 得到太多的关注 23 make it 成功, 做到了,_ how Candys life has changed_ Candys advice to young people_ Candys background,2,3,1,3a,How old is Candy Wang? Why did she begin to sing?,Read again and answer the questions.,She is 19 years old.,She took up singing to deal with h

21、er shyness.,3. What does Candy think about being famous?4. What does she think you require to succeed?,There are many good things, but also bad things.,You require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.,从害羞女孩到流行歌星1为本月的青年世界杂志,我采访了 19 岁的亚裔歌星王坎迪。坎迪告诉我她一直害羞,于是想通过唱歌来挑战羞涩。随着她的情况逐步好转,她开始敢于在班级同学面前放声歌唱。现在

22、她不再那么腼腆了,而且热爱在众人面前演唱。2 我问坎迪她成名后的生活有什么不同。她解释说有许多好事,比如可以旅行,随时会结识新面孔。 “我以前在学校并不引人注目,但是现在,无论我走到哪里,都会被人关注。”然而,太多的关注也可以成为坏事。“我总是会担心自己在别人眼中的样子还有,我必须注意自己的言行。我不再拥有很多私人时间。现在与朋友外出几乎不可能,因为老有保镖守在我周围。3对于所有那些想要成名的年轻人,坎迪有什么话可说呢?“这个嘛”她慢慢道来,“你必须准备好舍弃一个普通人的生活,你永远无法想象,通往成功的路途是多么艰难。许多次我都想到放弃,但我奋力坚持下去了。我想成功,你确实需要不少才华和辛勤工

23、作,只有极少数人可以攀上成功之巅。”,She used to be shy, but now shes not shy _.She didnt use to _ in school, but now she gets lots of attention. She used to _ with friends, but it is impossible now. She didnt use to _ what she says or does, but she is now.,Read and complete the sentences about Candy.,anymore,popular

24、,worry about,3b,hang out,4a 2 My mom used to have curly hair. She didnt use to have straight hair.3Jerrry used to read books on European history . She didnt use to read books on African culture.4 Sandy used to teach British English. She didnt use to teach American English,My life has changed a lot.

25、When I was young I used to be a lazy boy, but now I am hard-working. In the morning I used to get up until 11 am, but now I get up early and do sports to keep healthy. Before I became a singer, I used to play computer games all day , but now I practice my songs a lot to be famous. In the past, I har

26、dly ever cared for other people, but now I raise money for charity慈善. I find Im happier than before.,until 11 amplayed cared for others,early sportspractices raises money for charity,How Ive changed!,第三课时Section B1a 2b,Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the darks,复习7.not . anymore 不再=no more8.all the tim

27、e 总是;一直9.get tons of attention 得到太多的关注 10.give up doing sth 放弃做某事11.fight on 继续奋斗/坚持fought12.a number of 许多. the number of 总数13 at least 至少14 give a speech 做演讲15 in public 在公共场所16、dare to do 敢做某事 17、appear to others 出现在其他人面前18、take up doing 开始从事 19.deal with 处理;对付20 hang out 闲逛,spider,insects,ant,ub

28、lic (n. a.) 公共、公开、公众 ant (n.)-aunt 蚂蚁-阿姨 insect 昆虫 seldom 很少,不常hardly influence 影响 absent 缺席 fail 不及格失败 examination 考试=exam boarding school 寄宿学校 in person 亲自 pride 自豪骄傲 exactly 确切地精确地 general 普遍的 introduction 介绍 introduce 动词 finally =at last =in the end 最后,1. no longer =not any longer不再 2. be absent

29、 from 缺席 He is absent from class3 on the football team 在足球队里 4 make friends with sb 和某人交朋友 5 even though 即使=even if6 have an influence on 影响 7 be proud o f =take pride in 以而骄傲8 make a decision=decide to do sth 决定 9 in person 亲自10 do well in =be good at 擅长,做得好11 advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事12 send sb

30、to 派某人去13 live alone 独自住 feel lonely 感到孤独的14.pay attention to. 注意/关注15 take care of=look after 照顾,照看16 He seldom comes here , does he? seldom hardly 几乎不, 罕见 否定词,I used to like P.E. class.,1a What things did you use to like to do when you were a child?,I used to like painting pictures.,I used to like

31、 music class.,I used to like ants and other insects.,used to do sth 过去常常做某事,我过去踢足球,1c Listen and check the sentences you hear.,I didnt use to like tests. We used to walk to school. 3. I used to hate P.E. class.4. I used to be on the soccer team.,1d Listen again. What do the girl and the boy say abou

32、t things in the past and now? Fill in the chart.,tests,play,tests,study,the school uniform,P.E class,whatever we like,love,Girl,Boy,A. Li Wens unhappiness began to influence his school work.B.They had a long talk and Li Wen understood that his parents.C. Li Wens changes.D.Li Wens background.,Para. 1

33、Para. 2Para. 3Para. 4,1 Read the passage silently and get the general idea of each paragraph.,快速读,C-D-A B-,2b Put the sentences into the correct places in the passage.,When Li Wen was a little boy,he always caused some problems.His parents left him behind and he felt very lonely and unhappy.He worke

34、d very hard and did well in school when his grandparents came to look after him.,F,T,F,seldom,1.Read the first paragraph, then finish the exercises. “T” or “F” .,仔细找,1.Why did Li Wen become less interested in studying? He is a lazy boy. B. He wants to play outside.C. He felt lonely . D. He doesnt li

35、ke to study. 2. Which of the following is not Li Wens difficulties in boarding school?A. He was not able to make friends quickly. B.He was shy. C. He studied harder.,2.Read the second paragraph and then choose the right answers.,他比过去学习更努力李文是来自农村的一个普通的 15 岁男生,他学习很努力,在学校表现很好,很难相信他以前在学校也面临许多困难。当他还是个小男孩

36、的时候,他很少惹麻烦,他同家人也总生活在一起。然而,几年前,情况发生了变化。他的父母到城市里去寻找工作,爷爷奶奶就过来照顾他。但是,她非常想念自己的父母,经常感到孤独和不开心。 李文的不开心开始影响他的学业。他变得对学 习不再有兴趣,有时候,他还会旷课,考试不及格。最后,李文的父母决定把它送到寄宿制学校。但是 李文很害羞,在学校里也不能很快教上朋友,他感 到那里的生活很困难。一天,他告诉老师,她想离 开学校。他的老师很担心他,给他的父母打了电话,他建议他们亲自与自己的儿子谈一谈。于是,于是 他的父母坐了 24 小时的火车来到了李文的学校。 他们进行了一次长谈。“那正是我所需要的,”他说道, “

37、现在我懂得了尽管他们很忙,他们一直都挂念着我。他们为我所有的好的表现感到自豪。” 从那以后,李文的父母与儿子的沟通比过去多了。现在李文也确实发生了变化:他变得更加外向,在学校教了一些好朋友;他甚至加入了学校的篮球队,还积极参与了许多其他的活动。“我比以前快乐多了,我也比过去学习更努力。我知道爸爸妈妈爱我,他们为我骄傲。”李文说,在孩子有需要的时候,爸爸妈妈随时给予帮助是十分重要的。,How I ve changed!My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to be short and shy, but now I am

38、taller and very outgoing . I used to play after school every day Now Im busy with my school work. I used to be afraid of writing in class ,but now I love writing all the time. The biggest change in my life was that I didnt fight with争吵 my parents. This is the most important change because I can unde

39、rstand my parents. I talked with them and they let me know I will live a better life if I work hard from now on . In order to study in the university, I must study hard and give up normal life in the past.,Dont let me influence your decision.Many students were absent this morning.There is a small bo

40、arding school in the little town. Youd better speak to him in person.,Make a sentence with each word or phrase.,influence absent boarding school in person,2d,2e The answers:,1. take care of / look after,2. hated 3 made a decision / decided,4. changed / influenced,5. take pride in / be proud of,One p

41、ossible version:Zhuanghuas life has changed a lot in the lastfew years. In the past, he used to have muchtime to play after school. He spent a lot of timeplaying games with his friends. When hefinished his homework, he often watched TVor chatted with his grandma. On Saturday, heoften went to concert

42、s with his father.,But now his school life has changed a lot. Heis very busy every day. He has to get upearly and stays in school all day. Because hehas to study hard. He hasnt any more timeto play games with his friends. He has to dohis homework and goes to bed late everynight. He hardly has any ti

43、me for concerts.He misses the old days very much.,3a 写作实践,内容提示:Talk with a partner about the changes that have happened to you. Write notes about how you have changed for these three things.,Appearance Personality Hobbies,3b,段落提示:,Try to write two paragraphs General introduction about the changes in

44、 your life.The most importang change and how it happened.,How I ve changed!My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I uesd to be short and shy, but now I am taller and very outgoing . I used to play after school every day Now Im busy with my school work. I used to be afraid of writing compos

45、ition in class ,but now I love writing all the time. The biggest change in my life was that I didnt fight with争吵 my parents. This is the most important change because I can understand my parents. I talked with them and they let me know I will live a better life if I work hard from now on . In order

46、to study in the university, I must study hard and give up normal life in the past.,silent require absent fail interview take pride in be proud of in person influence humorous seldom,The mother traveled for many hours to return home to talk to her child .He used to be a very quiet teenager. He remain

47、ed _ most of the time and _ talked to other people.If you are always _ from class, you will _ the examinations.The teacher _ helping his students win the English competition.,Self check 1,silent,seldom,absent,fail,in person,was proud of,6.Kates grandparents have had a great _ on her.7.That British t

48、eacher is very _. He always tells us interesting jokes.8.People are usually _ to give a general self-introduction in a job _.9.Tina played very well in the basketball game and her parents _ her.,silent require absent fail interview take pride in be proud of in person influence humorous seldom,influe

49、nce,humorous,required,interview,took pride in,What did you use to be when you were six? Complete the statements.,Self check 2,I used to wear purple glasses purple hats blue jeans blue pants red T-shirtswhite skirtsyellow dress,My hair used to be longshortstraightcurlyblackpinkbrownredshort, straight

50、 and blacklong, curly and yellow,1. influence v. 影响My dad influenced me to learn German. 我学德语是受爸爸的影响。We became the best of friends and he influenced me deeply. 我们成了最好的朋友, 他深深地影响了我。His writings have influenced the lives of millions. 他的作品影响了千百万人的一生。,Language points,知识链接,influence n. 影响 Van Gogh had a


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