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1、,Unit9 SectionA 语境中学单词,refer prf:(r) v.更喜欢,例句,比较,涉及(refer)别人隐私的话题,我宁愿(prefer)不参加。,你喜欢牛奶还是咖啡?,译,Would you prefer milk or coffee?,用法,refer A to B 比起B来更喜欢A prefer to do sth. 更喜欢/宁愿做某事prefer doing A to doing B 和做B相比,更喜欢做A prefer to do A rather than (to) do B 宁愿做A,也不愿做B,词 源,这个单词出现在14世纪后期,意为“提升等级或财富”或“促进”

2、,源自古法语preferer。该词最初的含义是“(尤指教会中的)提升”,如今在preferment(晋升,优先权)一词中仍可见到;如今它的含义则包括“更喜欢”和“提出”。,refer prf:(r) v.更喜欢,refer tea 更喜欢喝茶,refer openly 公开提出,refer prf:(r) v.更喜欢,lyrics lrks n.(pl.)歌词,例句,联想,李锐可爸爸去哪儿主持人李锐可以“作词赋诗”。,他最擅长的是写抒情短诗。,译,He is at his best in short lyrics.,Australian strelin:strelin adj.澳大利亚(人)的

3、;n.澳大利亚人,例句,编码,Austra(看作 Australia,澳大利亚)+an(形容词和名词后缀,表示的,人)澳大利亚人。,他是澳大利亚人。,译,He is an Australian.,electronic lektrnklektr:nk adj.电子的;电子设备的,例句,编码,electron(电子)+ic(形容词后缀,表示的)电子设备的。,他喜欢电子音乐。,译,He likes electronic music.,suppose spz v.推断;料想,例句,比较,suppose+(that)从句表示“猜测;认为”,当主语为第一人称且从句是否定形式时,用法同 guess,thin

4、k,believe,应将否定前移至主句。be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事,我认为植树是非常重要的工作。,译,I suppose tree planting is very important work.,用法,猜想(suppose)她会反对(oppose)。,smooth smu: adj.平滑的;悦耳的,例句,比较,你的手套应该是皮制的,因为它们摸起来既柔软又光滑。,译,Your gloves should be made of leather, for they feel soft and smooth. 【2017江苏宿迁】,牙齿(tooth)表面很光滑(smoo

5、th)。,spare spe sper adj.空闲的;不用的 v.抽出;留出,例句,比较,没有多余的(spare)空间(space)。,我认为在空闲时间我们应该花尽可能多的时间去阅读。,译,I think we should spend as much time as we can reading in our spare time. 【2017黑龙江哈尔滨】,in ones spare time 在某人空闲的时间spare sb. to do sth. 腾出手做某事,用法,director drekt(r) darekt(r) n.导演;部门负责人,例句,编码,direct(指导)+or(

6、名词后缀,表示人)指导别人怎么演的人就是“导演”。,他当上了导演。,译,He became a director.,case kes n.情况;实情,例句,比较,关于路基(base)施工技术的案例(case)研究。,应该是先放松,然后再玩。,译,Its a case of relaxing, then playing.,词 源,该词最早出现于13世纪早期,它的意思是“降临在某人身上的事情”“事务”,它演变自古法语cas(事件,降临,处境)。在14世纪,该词出现了“例子”的意思。大约100年后,出现了“事情的真实状况”的意思。14世纪末期,法律上“案件”“案例”的意思出现,同期出现的,还有医学上

7、的“病例”的意思。,case kes n.情况;实情,recent case 最近情况,lose a case 败诉,discuss a case 讨论一个病情,case kes n.情况;实情,war w:(r) n.战争;战争状态,例句,比较,他们不可能打赢这场战争。,译,win/lose a war 战胜/战败fight in a war 参加战斗declare war (on sb.)(向某人)宣战 go to war (with sb.)(与某人)开战,They had no chance of winning the war.,用法,开车(car)远(far)离战争(war)之地。

8、,stick stk v.(stuckstk,stuck)粘贴;将刺入,用法,比较,他病了(sick)是因为被刺(stick)了一刀。,我能感觉到衬衫贴在了背上。,译,stick to坚持;固守 be stuck on迷恋于stick by忠于,信守 stick out把坚持到底;突出,显眼,例句,I could feel my shirt sticking to my back.,词 源,作为名词,该词在古英语中写作sticca(杆,棍),来源自原始日耳曼语stikon-(刺破,戳穿)。如今该词还有“体育运动中使用的球棍”(最初指台球杆)和“手动变速杆”“操纵杆”之意。作为动词,该词在古英语

9、中写作stician,后者意为“刺”“固定”或“刺激”,也有“保持嵌入”“保持固定”和“被紧固”之意。它由原始日耳曼语stik-(刺穿,刺破,尖锐)演化而来。,stick stk v.(stuckstk,stuck)粘贴;将刺入,stick fast 粘牢,stick stk v.(stuckstk,stuck)粘贴;将刺入,stick into 使刺入,long stick 长棍,down dan adj.悲哀;沮丧,例句,比较,山下(down)面就是城镇(town)。,去年你答应带我们的儿子去迪士尼乐园。别再让他失望了。,译,You promised to take our boy to

10、Disneyland last year. Dont let him down again. 【2018江苏无锡】,(1)_合成词(楼下;楼下的;在楼下)下楼(2) _停止运转;出故障(3) _砍倒;削减(4) _平静/镇定下来(5) _落下;摔倒(6) _撞倒(7) _躺下,down,downstairs; go downstairs,break down,cut down,calm down,fall down,knock down,lie down,put down,slow down,turn down,write down,let down,look down upon/on,go/

11、walk down the road,(1)turn down,let sb. down,lie down,cut down -Sally, its already10:00 p.m. Its time for you to go to bed. -OK, Dad. Ill_ the TV right now. After a long day, Tom on the bed and went to sleep_. You promised to take our boy to Disneyland last year. Dont_ again. In order to protect the

12、 environment, we shouldnt_ any trees.(2)_(写下)the important things, because it can remind you if you forget them.,turn down,lied down,let him down,Write down,cut down,(3)No matter how small your work seems to be, never_(轻视)it.(4)我们经常被告知面对危险时要冷静。We are often told_ in face of danger. (5)机器出了故障,工人们都停下去修

13、理机器。The machine _, so the workers stopped to fix it.(6)作为一名新司机,你一定要放慢速度以免发生意外。As a new driver, you have to _ avoid accident.,look down upon,calm down to,broke down,slow down,dialogue dalg dal:g n.(=dialog)对话;对白,例句,比较,给老板打(dial)电话前先想好对话(dialogue)内容。,这简直像是梦中的对话。,译,It was like dialogue in a dream.,endi

14、ng end n.结尾;结局,例句,编码,end(结束)+ing(名词后缀)结尾,那是个没有结局的故事。,译,Thats a story without an ending.,documentary dkjumentri d:kjumentri n.纪录片,例句,编码,我们看了一部纪录片。,译,We saw a documentary film.,document(文件、纪录)+ary(名词后缀)纪录片,drama dr:m n.戏;剧,例句,联想,他刚写了一个新剧本。,译,He has just produced a new drama.,抓猫老鼠抓猫可真是一“戏剧性”事件。,词 源,该词出

15、现在16世纪10年代,意为“戏剧”。该词源自希腊语drama,一开始指“事迹”或“行为”,尤其是一些伟大的事迹。后来这一希腊语进入后期拉丁语,该词则表示“戏剧”。17世纪60年代开始,它表示“戏剧艺术”。1992年,出现了drama queen的表达,这一短语的字面含义是“戏剧皇后”,后来也可引申为“情绪反复无常和行为反应过度的人”。,drama dr:m n.戏;剧,musical drama 音乐剧,a drama student 学习戏剧艺术的学生,drama dr:m n.戏;剧,lenty plenti pron.大量;众多,例句,比较,大海里有很多鱼。,译,(1)plenty常用于

16、肯定句中。(2)plenty of(充足,大量)既可修饰可数名词复数,也可修饰不可数名词,常用于肯定句中。in plenty 许多地;充裕地 plenty of 大量;充足,There are plenty of fish in the sea.,用法,二十(twenty)已经很多(plenty)了。,shut t v.(shut,shut)关闭;关上,例句,比较,据报道,一些商店将很快被关闭。,译,shut off 关闭;停止运转 shut the door 关上门shut away 隔绝 shut down 关闭(工厂、商店等) shut up 闭嘴,住口,It is reported t

17、hat some shops will be shut off soon.,用法,你再不闭嘴(shut)我就开枪(shot)啦。,shut,shutting,shut down,shut off,shut up,(1)-The government is trying to protect the environment now. - Yeah. It is reported that some factories will be _ soon. A. shut out B. shut down C. shut up(2)离开教室的时候记着关灯。Remember to_ the lights when you leave the classroom.,shut off,B,superhero su:p(r)hru n.超级英雄,例句,编码,你喜爱的超级英雄是谁?,译,Who is your favorite superhero?,super(超级的)+hero(英雄)奥特曼是一个“超级英雄”。,intelligent nteldnt adj.有才智的;聪明的,例句,编码,沉默寡言多智。,译,Quiet people are usually intelligent.,in(里面)+tell(告诉)+gent(绅士)在里面告诉绅士是“明智的”。,


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