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1、上课开始时间:10:00重要内容及时截屏,课下整理笔记。,疫情期间网络直播课,中考第一轮复习九年级Unit 2,上课开始时间:10:00疫情期间网络直播课中考第一轮复习,1、master some useful words , phrases and sentence patterns.2.To be able to give a personal reaction on the festivals using the sentence pattern:I loveI think/guess I really likeAt the same time ,try to use them free

2、ly in daily life.,learning aims,复习导入,明确目标,learning aims复习导入,明确目,1.mooncake2.lantern3.stranger4.relative5.put on6.pound7.folk8.goddess9.whoever10.steal11.lay12.lay out13.dessert,1.n. 月饼2.n. 灯笼3.n. 陌生人4.n. 亲属;亲戚5.增加(体重);发胖6.n. 磅(重量单位);7.adj. 民间的;民俗的8.n. 女神9.pron. 无论谁;不管什么人10.v. (stole, stolen)偷;窃取11.v

3、. (laid, laid)放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)12.摆开;布置13.n. (饭后)甜点;甜食,二、基础检测,玩转单词,1.mooncake1.n. 月饼二、基础检测 玩转单词,14. tradition15.admire16. haunted17. trick18.treat19. christmas20.novel21.dead22.business23.punish24. warn25.present26.warmth27.spread (spread,spread),14.n. 传统15.v. 欣赏;仰慕16.adj. 闹鬼的;有鬼魂出没的17.n. 花招;把戏18.n. 招

4、待;款待 19.n.圣诞节20. n.小说21.adj. 死的;失去生命的22. n.生意;商业23 v.惩罚24.v.警告;告诫25.n&adj. 现在的;现在26.n. 温暖;暖和27. v.传播,14. tradition14.n. 传统,词组盘点,1. 泼水节2. 中秋节3. 母亲节4. 父亲节5. 最终成为6. 去度假7.听起来像8. 与.相似9.彼此10. 已.的形状11.想起、认为12. 捉弄某人,1. Water Festival2. Mid-Autumn Festival3. Mothers Day4. Fathers Day5. end up as6. go to.for

5、vacation7. sound like8. be similar to9. each other/one another10. in the shape of 11. think of12. play a trick on sb,词组盘点1. 泼水节1. Water Festival,词组盘点,13.摆开、布置14. .的传统15.装扮16. 关心17. 提醒某人18. 分发19.处于困境中20. .的开端21.越来越受欢迎22.做.的时候23. 产生;生育,13. lay out 14. the tradition of15. dress up as 16. care about17.

6、remind sb of18. hand out=give out19. in need20. the beginning of 21. more and more popular 22. a time for doing =a time to do 23. give birth to,词组盘点13.摆开、布置13. lay out,核心用法探究,1. whoever pron. 无论谁;不管什么人(1)whoever 引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter whoI dont want to see them ,whoever they are.无论他们是谁,我都不想见。(2)whoev

7、er 引导名词性从句,意为.的那个人。eg:Whoever comes to China will be welcome.与 whoever 相类似的词还有:however 无论如何 whatever 无论什么whenever 无论何时 wherever 无论哪里whichever 无论哪个,中考链接:1. _ Zhang Lei talks about his life, he always expresses thanks to his wolunteer teacher.A. Whatever B. whenever C. however D. whatever 2. -Do you s

8、till remember our primary sacool teacher, miss Liu? -Yes, she always encouraged us and give us support _ we met difficulties. A. Wherever B. whoever C. however D. whenever,B,D,核心用法探究1. whoever pron. 无论谁;不管什,核心用法探究,2. steal v. 偷;窃取 stealstolestolen steal 的常用短语是steal sth from.意为 从.偷某物eg: A man _ _ _ (

9、试图偷窃)when I walked on the streets.辨析 steal 与robsteal 指暗中窃取别人的东西,宾语是物。rob 意为抢劫,宾语应为人、公司、银行等,而不是被抢的东西。rob 常用短语为rob sb of sth.,tried to steal,3. refuse v. 拒绝 反义词为accept.refuse sb/sth 拒绝某人、某物refuse to do sth 拒绝去做某事EXERCISE :Vivian refuses _ her children to the weekend training center for extra classes.A

10、. to send B. sending C. sent D. sends,A,核心用法探究2. steal v. 偷;窃取 steals,核心用法探究,4.,exercise :1. Mum asked me to _ for dinner.A. lay the table B. go to sleep C. keep a diary D. take a vacation2. After _(lay)the birthday cake down on the table,we clapped and sang for Tom.,A,laying,谚语:Lies have short legs

11、.谎言站不住脚。,核心用法探究4. 动词含义过去式过去分词现在分词lay放置、,核心用法探究,5. put on 增重;发胖后跟增长的具体重量或名词weight.put on 还有穿戴、上演、举办的意思。与put 构成的常见短语:put away 将.收起来 put off 推迟、拖延put down 放下、记下 put up 建造、张贴put out 扑灭、熄灭 put up with 容忍,exercise:1. 约翰自从戒烟以来体重已经增加了五公斤。 John _five kilos since he gave up smoking.2. -My mother cooks delicio

12、us food every day. Ive _ six pounds . -I think you should do more exercise.A. put away B. put off C. put on D. put up,has put on,C,核心用法探究5. put on 增重;发胖exercise:,核心用法探究,6. lay out 摆开、布置拓展:look out 当心 take out 取出 come out 出版 set out 出发 hand out 分发 leave out 省去;删掉 work out 算出 give out 分发;散发,7.,1. 他五年前

13、 死于一场车祸。He _(die) from a traffic accident five years ago.2. 他已经死了五年了。He _(die )for five years.,died,has been dead,核心用法探究6. lay out 摆开、布置7. deada,核心用法探究,8.business n. 商业、生意 不可数名词和business 构成的常用短语有: on business 出差 do business with 和.做生意 out of business 歇业、停业business是由形容词busy 变词尾的y为i后加ness 构成的名词。类似的词还有

14、:illillness happyhappiness goodgoodnesssadsadness kindkindness darkdarkness,9. punish v. 惩罚;处罚punish sb with/by 以. 而处罚某人punish sb for doing sth 因做.事而惩罚某人eg:1. 老师惩罚吉姆再做一遍家庭作业。 The teacher _Jim _ _ the homework again. 2. 他们的妈妈因为他们的无理而惩罚了他们。 Their mother _ them _ their rudeness.,punished by/with doing,

15、punished for,核心用法探究8.business n. 商业、生意 不可数,核心用法探究,10. dress up 装扮;乔装打扮dress up 和其他词的搭配:dress up as 装扮成. dress up in +服装名词/颜色 意为穿着.的衣服 dress up oneself 自己穿衣服,exercise:1. -Jenny, its cold outside._ your coat when you go out.A. put away B. take off C. put on D. put up2. As a teacher, I really feel worr

16、ied to see so many students _glasses.A. wearing B. dressing C. putting on D. being in,C,A,核心用法探究10. dress up 装扮;乔装打扮dres,核心用法探究,11. end up 最终成为;最终处于 后面常跟介词短语或动名词。end up with 意为以.结束。中考链接:1. Many April jokes may end up _(be)not very funny.2. -If you do that, you will _with an egg on your face. -But I

17、wont regret it.A. take up B. end up C. keep up D. catch up,being,B,12. remind v. 提醒与 remind 的常见搭配:remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事 remind sb to do sth 提醒某人去做某事 remind sb+从句 提醒某人.eg :-What do you think of the movie Fang Hua? - It is moving and it_ my grandma_ the life in the countryside.A. reminds; of B. lets

18、; down C. wakes; up,A,核心用法探究11. end up 最终成为;最终处于,We know him,We know he likes English.,主s,主s,谓v,谓v,宾o,宾o,宾语从句就是用一个句子来构成主句的宾语,简单句,复合句,语法点睛,宾语从句,We know him We know he li,语法点睛,1. that 引导的宾语从句。that引导的宾语从句由陈述句转化而来,that只起连接作用,不充当句子成分,一般情况下可省略。但是that做主语时不可省。例:I think that is a good idea.2. if 和whether 引导的

19、宾语从句。当宾语从句由一般疑问句转化而来时,用if或whether 引导,一般情况下可互换。eg:Im not sure if/whether he will come back tomorrow.但以下情况只能用whether.whether 后紧跟or not时eg:I dont know whether or not he will come.动词不定式前。eg:He doesnt know whether to leave or not.介词on/in /about 等后。4. 引导主语从句置于句首时.Whether he comes or not makes nodifference

20、. 5. whether 可引导表语从句和同位语从句,if不行。,语法点睛1. that 引导的宾语从句。,1. I dont know _ Ill be free tomorrow.2. I dont know _ or not Ill be free tomorrow.3. The question is _ this book is worth writing.,whether/if,whether,whether,II. 用if 或whether 填空。,1. I dont know _ I,语法点睛,3. 宾语从句的时态。主句为一般现在时,从句可以是任意时态。eg:I think t

21、hat he is a good teacher.主句为一般过去时,从句用相应的过去时态。eg:I knew that she liked mooncakes.当主句为一般过去时,如果宾语从句陈述的是客观真理、自然现象、谚语等,仍然用一般现在时。eg:Our teacher said that light travels faster than sound.4. 宾语从句的语序。宾语从句的语序都为陈述句语序。,语法点睛3. 宾语从句的时态。,I. 用正确的形式填空。1. The radio says it _cloudy tomorrow. (be)2. The headmaster hope

22、s everything _well. (go)3. Tom says that they _ (play) basketball at six oclock yesterday evening.4. I hear they _ (return) it already.5. He said that they _ members of the Party since 1948. (be)6. He asked what they _ at eight last night. (do,will be,goes,were playing,have returned,Exercise,had bee

23、n,were doing,I. 用正确的形式填空。will begoeswere pl,语法点睛,感叹句,1. 定义:感叹句是表示赞美、惊叹、喜悦等感情的句子。2. 两种形式:通常由what 和how 引导。what引导的感叹句:what+a/an+可数名词单数+主语+谓语 What a beautiful girl! what+adj+可数名词复数+主语+谓语 What interesting storybooks! what+adj+不可数名词+主语+谓语 What fresh air!how 引导的感叹句:How +adj/adv+主语+谓语+其他 How fine the weathe

24、r is ! How +adj+a /an+可数名词单数+主语+谓语+其他 How important a decision is! How +主语+谓语 How time flies!,语法点睛感叹句1. 定义:感叹句是表示赞美、惊叹、喜悦等感情,语法点睛,注意 what 引导的感叹句通常可以与how 引导的感叹句互换。eg:What a good boy he is !=How good a boy he is !口诀: 感叹句,并不难,what 与how 应在前。 形容词、副词跟how, what 后面名词连。 名词若是可数单,前面冠词a或an, 主语、谓语放后面,省略他们也常见。,EX

25、ERCISE :1. -My sister is planning to have a second child next year! -_ good idea it is!A. What B. What a C.How D. How a 2.- The temperature is only 10 degree today! -Yes. _ strange the weather is .A. What B. What a C.How D. How a,B,C,语法点睛注意 what 引导的感叹句通常可以与how 引导的,中考链接,.,1.词汇运用。1. Mr. Smith _(警告)his

26、 students not to stay out late every night.2. The boy didnt finish his homework, so his teacher _ (惩罚) him.3. _ Day is on December 25th every year.4. -Where is your father? -He is on _(商业).4. Tomorrow is my teachers birthday.I will buy a _(礼物) for her .5. Why is the boy _(lie) on the ground?6. To pr

27、otect elephants , we must save the trees and not buy things_(make) of ivory.7. The sun gives us light and _(warm).8Tina said she really _(admire) people who could work in such difficult conditions.,warns,punished,Christmas,business,present,lying,made,warmth,admired,中考链接 .1.词汇运用。warnspunishe,中考链接,二、翻

28、译句子。1. 我爸爸不同意我说的话。My father doesnt _ _ what I said.2. 他们在这座建筑物和花园之间栽了许多的树。They planted a lot of trees _ the building _ the garden.3. 这位妈妈只在乎她妈妈是否能得一等奖。The mother only _ _ _ her daughter can win first prize or not.4. 关于端午节你最喜欢什么?What do you _ _ _ the Dragon Boat Festival?5. 但是我认为四月是那儿一年中最热的一个月份。But I

29、 think that April is _ _ _ of the year there.,agree with,between and,cares about whether,like best about,the hottest month,中考链接 二、翻译句子。agree,1.-Look! Trees are green and flowers are everywhere. -_ beautiful place it is ! A. How a B. What C. What a2. You should learn to think while reading. Usually,

30、behind the lines_ the true meaning of the writer. A.lie B. lies C. have D. had3. What the woman says _ me _ my school days.A.helps; with B. puts; on C. reminds; of D. regards; as 4. The headmaster warns us _ the school rules , or well be punished.A.to break B. not to break C. breaking Ddont break5.

31、This isnt an important party. You neednt _ for it.A.look up B. dress up C. take up D. get up,中考链接,C,B,C,B,B,1.-Look! Trees are green and,中考链接,6. Music has become a bridge _ the East and the West.A.in B. at C. among D. between7. I hope my family can get together _New Years Day.A.on B. with C. in D. a

32、t8. We should share our happiness and sadness _ our best friend.A.of B. with C. for D. about,D,A,B,中考链接 6. Music has become,句型比拼,1. 我认为月饼很好吃。I _ _ mooncakes are delicious. 2. 比尔认为龙舟赛看起来没有那么有趣。Bill thinks that the races _ _ _ interesting to watch.3. 比尔想知道他们明年是否还可以吃到粽子。Bill _ _ they will have Zongzi n

33、ext year.4. 我想知道他是否和云南省傣族的泼水节相似。I wonder if _ _ _ the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province.5. 新年是清理或洗去不好事务的好时候。The new year is _ _ _ cleaningand washing away bad things.,think that,were not that,wonders whether,its similar to,a time for,句型比拼1. 我认为月饼很好吃。think thatw,句型比拼,6. 几个世纪以来,中国人一直

34、庆祝中秋节,品尝月饼。Chinese people _ _ _the Mid-autumn Festival for centuries.7. 他们把人们的祝愿带给他们爱着的和思念着的家人。They _peoples _ _the families they love and miss.8. 大部分人认为嫦娥奔月的故事 是最动人的。Most people think that the story of Change is _ _ _.9. 她变得很轻,飞向了月宫。 She became very light, and _ _ _ the moon.10.从这以后,人们开始了赏月的传统,并和家人

35、一起分享月饼。After this, people started the tradition of _ _ _ and sharing mooncakes with their families.,have been celebrating,carry wishes to,the most touching,flew up to,admiring the moon,句型比拼6. 几个世纪以来,中国人一直庆祝中秋节,品尝月饼。,句型比拼,11. 在这些东西之后,隐藏着圣诞节的真正含义:分享的重要性以及给我们周围的人爱和欢乐。But behind all these things lies th

36、e true meaning of Christmas:_ _ _sharing and giving love and joy to people around us.12.马利以前就和斯克鲁奇一样,因此他死后收到了惩罚。Marly_ _ _ just like Scrooge,so he _ _ after he died.13. 过去圣诞幽灵带她回到了他的童年。The Ghost of Christmas Past _ him _ _his childhood.14. 他决定改变他的人生,并承诺做一个更好的人。He _ _ change his life and _ _ _a better person.,the importance of,used to be was punished,takes back to,decides to promises to be,句型比拼11. 在这些东西之后,隐藏着圣诞节的真正含义:分享,1. 整理本节课笔记,默写本单元单词及3a和2b的重点句子,注明日期一并上交.2.完成新课程九上unit 第一和第四大题,然后用红笔订正打上传.3.背诵九上Unit3单词和短语.,Homework,1. 整理本节课笔记,默写本单元单词及3a和2b的重点句子,,


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