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1、,建议2个课时完成,Unit 1 How can I get there?,PEP 六年级上册,建议2个课时完成Unit 1 How can I get,人教PEP六年级英语上册课件Unit-1,Lets try & Lets talk,课时 1,Lets try & Lets talk课时 1,Lets try,Lets tryWu Yifan and Robin ar,听前预测法,知识点 1,在听录音之前,快速浏览题干及选项,根据题干及选项的内容对听力材料的大意进行预测,从而把握听力材料的内容,做到心中有数,在听的过程中做到有的放矢,提高答题的正确率。,讲解来自点拨,听前预测法知识点 1

2、在听录音之前,快速浏览题干及选项,Lets try中第1题是问“他们在哪儿?”,根据题目中“吴一凡和罗宾在看机器人”可预测可能是“在博物馆里”,所以在听的时候,重点听材料中是否有“museum”。第2题问“爷爷在那儿吗?”,根据题目中“吴一凡和罗宾在看机器人”可预测“爷爷可能不在那儿”,所以在听的时候,重点听有关“Grandpa”的信息,验证预测是否正确。,Lets try中第1题是问“他们在哪儿?,Lets talk,Wu Yifan: Robin, where is the museum shop?I want to buy a postcard.Robin: Its near the d

3、oor.Wu Yifan: Thanks. Where is the post office? I want to send it today.Robin: I dont know. Ill ask. Excuse me, sir .Man: Wow! A talking robot! What a great museum!Robin: Where is the post office?Man: Its next to the museum.Robin: Thanks. Where is the museum shop/ post office?,Lets talkWu Yifan: Rob

4、in, whe,Lets talk,Talk about the places in your city/town/village.,park library zoo post officeschool museum,Is there a ?Where is it?Its near /next to /behind,Lets talkTalk about the place,.where is the museum shop? 博物馆的商店在哪儿?,知识点 2,用法及答语:该句用于问路,是一个由where引导的特殊疑问句。where是副词,意为“在哪里”,用来询问地点,通常位于句首。它的基本句

5、型是:问句:Where be地点名词?答语:Its/Theyre表示位置的介词(短语)地 点在口语中,只用表示地点的介词短语回答也可以。,讲解来自点拨,考向,.where is the museum shop?知识,讲解来自点拨,例句:Where is the park? 公园在哪儿? Its near the museum. 在博物馆附近。,典例,Where is,Where are,讲解来自点拨例句:Where is the park,I want to buy a postcard. 我想去买张明信片。,知识点 3,考向1,讲解来自点拨,want:意为“想要”,它后面可以直接跟名词,表示

6、“想要某物”。例句:I want an apple.我想要一个苹果。,考向2,want构成的固定短语:want to后面跟动词原形,表示“想要做某事”。 例句:They want to go to the zoo.他们想去动物园。,I want to buy a postcard. 知识点,讲解来自点拨,当主语是I,we,they或复数名词时,需用原形want;当主语是he,she,it 或单数名词时,需用第三人称单数形式wants。例句:He wants a red T-shirt.他想要一件红色T恤衫。 My father wants to play football. 我爸爸想去踢足球。

7、,易错点提示,讲解来自点拨当主语是I,we,they或复数名词时,需用,What a great museum! 多棒的一个博物馆呀!,知识点 4,Whata/an形容词可数名词单数!例句:What an interesting book! 多有趣的一本书啊!,考向1,讲解来自点拨,这是由what引导的感叹句的省略句,其完整形式应为“What a great museum it is!”。感叹句的常用句型为:,What a great museum! 知识点 4What,考向2,讲解来自点拨,What形容词可数名词复数或不可数名词!例句:What nice flowers! 多好看的花呀!Wh

8、at delicious bread! 多好吃的面包呀!,考向2讲解来自点拨What形容词可数名词复数或不可数,讲解来自点拨,How形容词/副词!例句:How great! 多棒啊! How fast! 多快呀!有时感叹句也可以由一个单词或词组构成。 例句:Good idea! 好主意! Wonderful! 太精彩了! Thank goodness! 谢天谢地!,拓展,讲解来自点拨How形容词/副词!拓展,同桌两人结对练习对话。Is there a? Where is it?Its near/next to/behind ,同桌两人结对练习对话。,一、单项选择。 1. I want _ fo

9、otball.A. to play B. play C. playing2. Look! This is a _doll.A. sing B. singing C. sings,A,B,点拨:,doll是名词,所以需要用动词sing的ing形式作定语来修饰doll,说明它的特征。,习题来自点拨,一、单项选择。AB点拨:doll是名词,所以需要用动词sin,3. _ good girl! A. What B. What a C. What an,B,点拨:,此句为感叹句,句型为:Whata/an形容词可数名词单数!,习题来自点拨,3. _ good girl! B点拨:此句为,二、根据汉语补全句

10、子。1. 我们想要去看机器人。We _ _ _ at the robots.2. 多干净的水呀!_ clean water!,want to look,What,习题来自点拨,二、根据汉语补全句子。want to,三、擦车比赛:方位介词选一选。A. onB. inC. behind D. next to E. in front of F. under,习题来自点拨,3,A,B,C,D,F,E,三、擦车比赛:方位介词选一选。习题来自点拨3ABCDFE,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦!,重点词汇:science, museum, bookstore,

11、cinema 重点句式: Where is the post office? Its next to the museum.,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,熟记本节课所学的四会句型、短语和单词, 必须会听、说、读、写。将Lets talk的对话朗读流利。,熟记本节课所学的四会句型、短语和单词,,听力原文,返回,Wu Yifan and Robin are looking at some robots. Listen and tick.Wu Yifan: These robots are so cool! I love this museum!Robin: Me too! Do

12、nt forget to buy some gifts for Grandpa.Wu Yifan: I know. But I really need to go to the bathroom. Where is it?Robin: Its on the second floor. Wu Yifan: OK, thanks.,听力原文返回Wu Yifan and Robin are l,Thank you!,Thank you!,Unit 1 How can I get there?,PEP 六年级上册,Unit 1 How can I get there?PE,Lets try & Let

13、s talk,课时 1,Lets try & Lets talk课时 1,一、判断下列图片和句子是(T)否(F)相符。() 1. This is a museum. () 2. I want to buy a postcard. () 3. Its a robot. () 4. There is a post office.,习题源于典中点,F,F,T,T,一、判断下列图片和句子是(T)否(F)相符。习题源于典中点,二、将下列图片中的动物或者物体与它所属的位置连线。,习题源于典中点,二、将下列图片中的动物或者物体与它所属的位置连线。习题源于,习题源于典中点,三、单项选择() 1. _a gre

14、at museum!A. WhatB. WhereC. How () 2. I want _ to the park this weekend. goB. goesC. to go() 3. The hospital is next_the museum. A. toB. atC. on,A,C,点拨:,want to do sth. 想要做某事, 为固定搭配。,A,点拨:,next to在旁边。,习题源于典中点三、单项选择AC点拨:want to do,习题源于典中点,() 4. _is the post office?Its over there. A. WhatB. WhereC. Ho

15、w() 5. Is there a park near here? _A. Yes, it is.B. No, there is.C. Yes, there is.,B,C,点拨:,根据答句可知问句问的是地点, 提问地点用where。,习题源于典中点() 4. _is t,习题源于典中点,四、情景交际。从方框中选出正确的答语。() 1. Wheres the library?() 2. Is your sister there?() 3. Is there a park near your school?() 4. Where are they?,D,B,A,A. No, she isnt.

16、B. Its near the museum. C. They are in the library. D. No, there isnt.,C,习题源于典中点四、情景交际。从方框中选出正确的答语。DB,习题源于典中点,五、连词成句。1. Where, the, school, is (?)_2. the, Its, next, museum, to (.)_3. buy, want, a, I, to, postcard (.)_,Where is the school?,Its next to the museum.,I want to buy a postcard.,习题源于典中点五、连

17、词成句。Where is the s,Thank you!,Thank you!,Unit 1 How can I get there?,PEP 六年级上册,建议2个课时完成,Unit 1 How can I get there?,Lets learn & Make a map and talk,课时 2,Lets learn & Make a map and t,Lets learn,Lets learn,有关地点的单词四会,知识点 1,science museum 科学博物馆science/sans/ n科学例句: We like science. 我们喜欢科学。,讲解来自点拨,短语:sc

18、ience and technology 科学技术,考向,有关地点的单词四会知识点 1science museum,讲解来自点拨,词形变化:scientist 科学家,拓展,典例,根据图片写单词。We have art and _ lessons today.,science,讲解来自点拨词形变化:scientist 科学家拓展典例,讲解来自点拨,考向,短语:a museum of modern art 现代艺术博物馆,museum /mjuzim/ n. 博物馆例句:This is a new museum.这是一个新博物馆。,讲解来自点拨考向短语:a museum of moder,讲解来

19、自点拨,se挑着u(油),两个m守两头。,魔法记忆:,典例,根据首字母提示写单词。There is a big m in my city. I can watch many old things there.,useum,讲解来自点拨se挑着u(油),两个m守两头。魔法记忆:典,讲解来自点拨,ost office/pstfs/n. 邮局例句:Where is the post office? 邮局在哪儿?,拓展,联想记忆:postman邮递员 postbox邮箱postcard 明信片,讲解来自点拨post office/pstf,讲解来自点拨,典例,选择与句子相符的图片。()There is

20、 a new post office in my city.,A,B,C,B,讲解来自点拨典例选择与句子相符的图片。ABCB,讲解来自点拨,bookstore /bkst(r)/ n书店例句:I want to go to the bookstore.我想去书店。,考向,拓展,shoe store 鞋店 clothes store 服装店,同义词: bookshop 书店,讲解来自点拨bookstore /bkst(r),讲解来自点拨,把一个已经认识的单词和另外一个或几个字母或单词合成一个生词来记忆的方法。如: book(书)store(商店)bookstore(书店) school(学校)b

21、ag(包)schoolbag(书包) bed(床)room(房间)bedroom (卧室) class(班级)room(房间)classroom (教室) post(邮寄)man(男人)postman(邮递员) post(邮寄)box(盒子)postbox(邮箱),加法记忆法:,讲解来自点拨把一个已经认识的单词和另外一个或几个字母或单,讲解来自点拨,典例,选一选。I want to buy a book. I should go to the _.A. museumB. Library C. bookstore,C,讲解来自点拨典例选一选。C,cinema /snm/ n电影院例句:There

22、 is a cinema near the park.公园附近有一个电影院。,讲解来自点拨,拓展,短语:go to the cinema 去看电影联想记忆:film/movie 电影,cinema /snm/ n电影院讲解来自点拨,hospital /hsptl/ n医院例句:She works in a hospital.她在一家医院工作。,讲解来自点拨,拓展,短语:pet hospital 宠物医院联想记忆:doctor 医生 nurse 护士,hospital /hsptl/ n医院讲解来自点,讲解来自点拨,辨析记忆法:,讲解来自点拨辨析记忆法:,同桌两人结对练习对话。A: Where

23、is the science museum?B: Its next to the post office.A: Where is the bookstore?B: Its behind the cinema.,同桌两人结对练习对话。,Make a map and talk,Make a map and talk,eg: A: There is a pet hospital in my city.B: Where is it?A: Its near the park.,看下面的自制地图,运用句型:“Where is?” “Its+方位介词(短语)”。,eg: A: There is a pet

24、hospital,一、根据句意写单词。1. I like films. So I often go to the _.2. My sister is a nurse. She works in a _.,cinema,hospital,点拨:,nurse 护士在医院工作,故应填hospital。,习题来自点拨一、根据句意写单词。cinemahospit,二、阅读短文,在横线上写出相应地点。 Look! This is a map of my city. The park is next to the science museum. The post office is behind the c

25、inema. The cinema is round(圆形的) and large(大的)And the hospital is in front of the park. Look at the new bookstore. Its near our school. A._ B._ C._ D._,science museum,post office,park,bookstore,二、阅读短文,在横线上写出相应地点。science muse,本节课我们学习了science museum, bookstore, cinema, hospital等有关地点的词汇,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同

26、学们进行灵活交流哦!,本节课我们学习了science museum,1 熟记本节课所学的单词,必须达到会听、说、读、写。,1 熟记本节课所学的单词,必须达到会听、说、读、写。,Thank you!,Thank you!,Unit 1 How can I get there?,PEP 六年级上册,Unit 1 How can I get there?PE,课时 2,Lets learn & Make a map and talk,课时 2Lets learn & Make a map a,一、火眼金睛选不同。() 1. A. hospital B. museum C. robot() 2. A.

27、 send B. zoo C. park() 3. A. what B. wow C. where() 4. A. buy B. postcard C. ask() 5. A. great B. near C. behind,习题源于典中点,C,A,B,B,A,一、火眼金睛选不同。习题源于典中点CABBA,二、根据图片写单词或词组。1. _2. _3. _ 4. _5. _,习题源于典中点,hospital,bookstore,post office,cinema,science museum,二、根据图片写单词或词组。习题源于典中点hospital,习题源于典中点,三、选择合适的句子补全对话

28、。A:1. _, is there a post office?B:Yes, there is. 2. _A:Is it far?B:3. _You can go there on foot. A:Thank you. B:4. _ A. No, it isnt. B. Excuse me C. Youre welcome. D. Its next to the cinema.,B,D,A,C,习题源于典中点三、选择合适的句子补全对话。BDAC,习题源于典中点,四、阅读理解。,习题源于典中点四、阅读理解。,习题源于典中点,(一)根据图片,选择正确的答案。() 1. Where is the p

29、et hospital?A. Its behind the park. B. Its in front of the post office. C. Its next to the bank. () 2. Is there a science museum in the city?Yes, there is. B. No, there isnt. C. We dont know.,C,A,习题源于典中点(一)根据图片,选择正确的答案。CA,习题源于典中点,(二)根据图片填空,每空一词。3. The school is behind the _. 4. The library is _ _the

30、 bookstore.,park,next to,习题源于典中点(二)根据图片填空,每空一词。parkne,Thank you!,Thank you!,建议3个课时完成,Unit 1 How can I get there?,PEP 六年级上册,建议3个课时完成Unit 1 How can I get,人教PEP六年级英语上册课件Unit-1,Lets try & Lets talk,课时 1,Lets try & Lets talk课时 1,Lets try,Lets try,Lets talk,Mike: What an interesting film!Wu Yifan: Yes, bu

31、t Im hungry now. I know a great Italian restaurant.Mike: Yum! I like pizza! Where is the restaurant. Wu Yifan: Its next to the park on Dongfang street.Mike: How can we get there?Robin: Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital.Mike: Ok, Lets go. How can Wu Yifan and Mike get to the

32、 restaurant?,Lets talkMike: What an intere,Lets talk,Talk about a cinema or restaurant you like. How can you get there?,How can I get to the?,Turn left/right at,I like,Lets talk Talk about a cinem,interesting /ntrst / adj.有趣的,知识点 1,The story is interesting.这个故事很有趣。,讲解来自点拨,加法记忆法:,interest(兴趣)inginter

33、esting(有趣的),拓展,词形变化: interest n. 兴趣易混词:interested adj.感兴趣的,例句:,interesting /ntrst / ad,讲解来自点拨,interesting与interested的区别:interesting是“主动”形容词, 用来形容物或人本身很有趣;而interested是“被动”形容词, 表示“对感兴趣”。例句:The panda is interesting.这只熊猫很有趣。Amy is interested in the storybook.艾米对这本故事书感兴趣。,拓展,讲解来自点拨interesting与interested,

34、My pen pal is an Italian boy.我的笔友是一个意大利男孩。,讲解来自点拨,考向,词形变化:Italy n意大利,例句:,Italian /tlin/ adj.意大利的知识点,讲解来自点拨,拓展,Italian还可作名词, 意为“意大利人”。英语中对应的国家名和人:China, 中国Chinese, 中国人 America, 美国American, 美国人Australia, 澳大利亚Australian, 澳大利亚人 Canada, 加拿大Canadian, 加拿大人,讲解来自点拨拓展Italian还可作名词, 意为“意大利,知识点 3,考向1,How can we

35、get there? 我们怎么到那儿?,用法:该句是一个由how引导的特殊疑问句, 用于问路。how意为“怎样”, 用来询问做事情的方式, 位于句首, 引导特殊疑问句。,讲解来自点拨,考向2,can是情态动词, 意为“能;能够”, 后跟动词原形。,知识点 3考向1How can we get there?,get to地点名词/get地点副词, 表示“到达某地”。常用句型是:How can I/we get (to).? 我/我们怎么到?,例句:How can I get to the bookstore? 我怎样能到书店?You can go by the No.14 bus.你可以乘坐14

36、路公共汽车。,讲解来自点拨,考向3,get to地点名词/get地点副词, 表示“到达某地”,例句:How can we get there? 我们怎么到那儿?Turn right at the school.到学校右转。,易错点提示,get后面跟here/there/home等副词时, to要省略。,讲解来自点拨,例句:How can we get there? 易错点g,讲解来自点拨,拓展,除了上面的句型, 问路还可以用下面的句型哟!(1) Where is地点名词? (在哪里?) 例句:Where is the hospital? 医院在哪儿?(2) Which is the way t

37、o地点名词? (哪条路是去的?) 例句:Which is the way to the hospital? 哪条路是去医院的?,讲解来自点拨拓展除了上面的句型, 问路还可以用下面的句型,讲解来自点拨,(3) Can you tell me the way to地点名词? (你能告诉我去的路吗?)例句:Can you tell me the way to the hospital? 你能告诉我去医院的路吗?,拓展,讲解来自点拨(3) Can you tell me th,Turn left at the bookstore. 到书店左转。,知识点 4,turn /tn/ v. 意为“转弯”, 表

38、示改变方向。例句:Turn around, please!请转圈!,讲解来自点拨,拓展,考向1,turn作为名词, 意思是“转弯, 机会”。例句:Its your turn now.现在轮到你了,Turn left at the bookstore. 知识,left /left / n. & adv.意为“左”。对应词:right(右) 短语:on the left/right 在左边/右边,表示“在某地向左转/向右转”的句型:Turn left/right at地点例句:Turn left at the cinema. 在电影院向左转。Turn right at the post offic

39、e.在邮局向右转。,讲解来自点拨,考向2,考向3,left /left / n. & adv.意为“左”。表示,同桌两人之间讨论自己喜欢的饭店或者电影院并询问对方怎样到那儿。,A: I am hungry now. I know a great restaurant. Do you want to go?B: Where is the restaurant? A: Its next to the hospital.B: How can we get there?A: Turn left at the cinema. Then ,同桌两人之间讨论自己喜欢的饭店或者电影院并询问对方怎样到那儿,一、

40、单项选择。1. I have _ doll.a interesting B. an interesting C. an interested2. My cousin comes from _. He is _.A. Italian; Italy B. Italy; Italian C. Italian; Italian,B,B,点拨:,修饰物一般用形容词interesting。,习题来自点拨,一、单项选择。BB点拨:修饰物一般用形容词interesti,3. _ can we get to the zoo?What B. Where C. How4. Can you _ me? A. help

41、 B. Helping C. to help,C,点拨:,can为情态动词,后面接动词原形,故选A。,习题来自点拨,A,3. _ can we get to the,5. The zoo is far. How can we _ there? We can go by bus.get B. getting C. get to6. Turn right _ the school. A. at B. of C. on,A,习题来自点拨,A,点拨:,there为副词,get后接副词时,要省略to,故选A。,5. The zoo is far. How can we,二、同义句表达。Where is

42、the cinema?_ _ I get to the cinema?_ _ the way to the cinema?,How can,Which is,习题来自点拨,二、同义句表达。How canWhich,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦!,重点词汇:interesting, Italian, left, get重点短语:turn left, turn right重点句式: How can we get there? Turn left at the bookstore.,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,熟记本节课所学的四会句

43、型、短语和单词, 必须会听、说、读、写。将Lets talk的对话朗读流利。,熟记本节课所学的四会句型、短语和单词,,听力原文,Wu Yifan: Hi, Mike. Lets go to the cinema.Mike: Sure. How can I get there?Wu Yifan: Go to Main Street. Turn left at the bookstore. The cinema is next to the bookstore. See you soon.Mike: OK. Bye.,听力原文Wu Yifan: Hi, Mike. Lets,Thank you!,

44、Thank you!,Unit 1 How can I get there?,PEP 六年级上册,Unit 1 How can I get there?PE,Lets try & Lets talk,课时 1,Lets try & Lets talk课时 1,一、读一读,选一选并填写在相应的横线上。1. Turn left _ the hospital. 2. How _ I get to the library?3. What _interesting book!4. My home is _ my school. 5. Where is _ museum?,习题源于典中点,at,can,a

45、n,near,the,一、读一读,选一选并填写在相应的横线上。习题源于典中点a,习题源于典中点,二、单项选择() 1. Im hungry now. Lets go to a _. A. hospital B. restaurant C. post office () 2. Turn right _ the cinema. A. on B. at C. of() 3. How can we _ there?A. get to B. come C. get,B,B,点拨:,前一句句意:我现在饿了。故应该是要去饭馆。,C,习题源于典中点二、单项选择BB点拨:前一句句意:我现在饿,习题源于典中点,(

46、) 4. I know _ Italian restaurant. A. a B. an C. /() 5. _ beautiful flowers!A. What a B. What C. How,B,B,点拨:,Italian是以元音音素开头的单词,故前面用冠词an。,习题源于典中点() 4. I know _,习题源于典中点,三、根据图片选择正确的句子。() 1. A. The cinema is next to the hospital. B. The park is next to the hospital. () 2. A. Turn right at the school. B.

47、 Turn left at the school. () 3. A. Turn left at the restaurant. B. Turn right at the bookstore.,A,B,B,习题源于典中点三、根据图片选择正确的句子。ABB,习题源于典中点,四、下面是Mike和Amy的聊天记录。请你按16的顺序排序,使其成为一段完整的对话。( ) How can we get there?( ) Yes, but Im hungry now. I know a great Italian restaurant. ( ) Its next to the museum on Hongx

48、in Street. ( ) Yum! I like pizza! Where is the restaurant?( 1 ) What an interesting film!( ) Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital.,4,5,2,3,6,习题源于典中点四、下面是Mike和Amy的聊天记录。请你,Thank you!,Thank you!,Unit 1 How can I get there?,PEP 六年级上册,建议3个课时完成,Unit 1 How can I get there?,Lets learn

49、 & Be a tour guide,课时 2,Lets learn & Be a tour guide课,Lets learn,Lets learn,Now Im standing at the crossing.我现在站在十字路口。,讲解来自点拨,考向,短语:at the first crossing在第一个十字路口。,加法记忆法:,cross(横穿;横过)ingcrossing(十字路口),例句:,crossing /krs / n. 十字路口知识,讲解来自点拨,典例,根据图片写单词。There is a boy at the _.,crossing,词形变化:cross v横过, 横穿

50、across prep. 横穿;横过,拓展,讲解来自点拨典例根据图片写单词。crossing词形变化,straight /stret/ adv.笔直地,知识点 2,Go straight along the road.沿着公路直走。,讲解来自点拨,拓展,考向,短语:go/walk straight 直走,一词多义:straight还可作形容词, 意为“直的”。,例句:,straight /stret/ adv.笔直地知识点 2,Be a tour guide,Beihai Park,Palace Museum,Tiananmen,Youre here.,Chen Jie is trying t


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