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1、雅思写作入门需要哪几步 在备考雅思考试写作的过程中,只有掌握正确的练习方法,才能迅速提高自己。雅思写作如何入门?下面就和大家分享雅思写作入门需要哪几步,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作入门需要哪几步在备考雅思考试写作的过程中,只有掌握正确的练习方法,才能迅速提高自己。雅思写作如何入门?这里有一份备考雅思写作攻略希望可以解除同学们的疑惑。雅思写作入门基本步骤一,学习雅思基本的词汇和语法。这个时候学习者针对这门外语的基本用法根本没有掌握,所以只是处在学习语言的基础阶段。此时写作训练通常是没有的,即使有同样只是为练习词汇和语法服务。此练习通常而言内容都非常简单,强调的是学习人员所使用的词汇

2、和语法一定要正确。词汇作为基础,不可不背,但同样别死背。当通过狂背完词汇的基础上,要尽可能的到阅读中去巩固和体会。雅思考试写作入门基本步骤二,语言和内容并举。此时的学习者完全的掌握了该语言的一些基本的词汇和语法,能够使用这一语言表达自己的简单的思想。雅思写作入门基本步骤三,主要强调内容。雅思大作文模板:讲座授课是否有意义雅思大作文模板范文参考:Although lectures are normally used to teach students knowledge, there has been an argument that students no longer need to att

3、end lectures, due to the development of technology. Personally, I think that lectures deserve a place in the education system.Instead of attending lectures, people can depend on computers and the internet to improve learning outcomes. One benefit of using social networking websites is that they can

4、keep the pace of learning by themselves and manage to make the most of time and resources. This educational model is important especially for those people who have work commitments. They are likely to outperform in the related area easier.Another approach to replace lectures is to register for onlin

5、e courses, and this can help people pursue a higher educational qualifications. Online courses provide people with opportunities to gain access to knowledge without paying educational expenses. In this way, they are more likely to pursue a university degree, especially for those from disadvantaged b

6、ackgrounds.On the other hand, attending lectures plays an inevitably role in preparing people for their future career. It offers an environment where students are encouraged to communicate with each other and build up a network of contacts, which is beneficial to improving their interpersonal skills

7、. This can help them make a transition to the workplace.To summarise, I believe that attending lectures remains the most important way for students to acquire new knowledge and achieve good performance, although technology and the internet are likely to make learning more easily.雅思大作文模板:发展旅游会破坏文化传统吗

8、Some people think that cultural traditions will be destroyed when they are used as money-making machines aims at tourists, other people believe that it is the only way to save such conditions in the world today. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.雅思大作文模板范文参考:The thriving of tourism depends

9、 on the integrated force, among which cultural traditions are one of the selling points that has been hyped by many travel agencies and the relevant participants in the sector. Although it is argued by some advocates that cultural traditions can be well preserved by the money from tourism, I take it

10、 with a pinch of salt.One point that has to be made clear is that the diversity of cultural traditions will be undermined if they are utilized to cater for the fleeting need of travel industry. Only those cultural traditions which are popularly welcomed and accepted by the tourists will be given pri

11、ority and be well preserved, and it means that the other counterparts bearing the same cultural value will be put aside to some extent and gradually sink into oblivion. In this way, the cultural traditions whose economic value are not so obvious are likely to be less focused on and only a fraction o

12、f cultural traditions can survive in the increasingly commercialized society.Another point worth mentioning is that the original flavor of cultural tradition will be distorted. Once the cultural traditions are mingled with business, they are packed into more product than a pristine culture. To make

13、the cultural traditions more appealing and eye-catching to customers, some information which has nothing to do with the tradition will be faked to ass more glory and grandeur and the original taste of the culture will fade away.It is true, of course, the money from tourists pocket can provide the fi

14、nancial guarantee and support for the cultural traditions. More advertising can be placed on mass media to proliferate the cultural traditions, and the restoration and preservation of cultural traditions can be better ensured if there are more funding being poured into.To sum up, the essence of cultural traditions are somewhat irreconcilable with commercialization and cultural traditions should be more conserved instead of be tagged with price.


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