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1、雅思写作主题如何确定 明确雅思写作主题是写作的第一步。下面就和大家分享雅思写作主题如何确定,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作主题如何确定雅思写作主题确定方法1、仔细审题,分析提示句,明确三方面问题写好*关键的前提是雅思写作切题。有的考生抱怨,自己感觉*内容丰富、语言生动流畅,得分却不高。其实,*跑题是分数偏低的主要原因。因此,审好题、审清 题在很大程度上关系到整篇*的成败,一定不能够掉以轻心。审题,不仅要仔细研究题目,同时要与给出的提示句结合着分析。先要明确*要写的内容,即*需要和主题围绕着来写,这是保证整篇*切题的关键;其次,确定*所需的主语人称,人称混乱是中国学生常犯的一个毛病,

2、而在审题阶段确定人称是避免*人称 混乱的有效途径;第三,注意*对动词的时态、语气有无特殊要求。雅思写作主题确定方法2、围绕提示句,构建*框架草拟提纲时,需要与提示句紧紧围绕,特别是提示句的关键词,尽量多地扩展提示句所提供的信息,从而基本构筑出*的框架。在扩展提示句时,要注意,能够原封不动地把提示句中的关键词抄下来,但一定别照搬提示句里的词组和句子,必须要变换意思一样的表达做替换,这是显示考生语言应用能力的重要一环。为了避免段 落内容跑题,要从提示句中的关键词出发,围绕关键词开拓思路,发挥联想,记录下所联想到的东西:可以是句子,也可以是词组;可以是英语,也可以是汉语。然后对所记录的内容进行筛选,

3、选择有代表性的内容草拟出*的提纲。雅思写作主题确定方法3、依据所拟提纲,写出全文主旨句及段落主题句全文主旨句(thesis statement)与整篇*的核心内容都包含,而段落主题句(topicsentence)则是统领段落中心内容的。段落主题句是为全文主旨句服务的。大部分考生对全文主旨句缺乏了解,更甚没有办法区分整篇*主旨句与段落主题句。雅思大作文模板:给员工多放假吧Task:Employers should give their staff at least a 4-week holiday a year to make employees better at their jobs. To

4、 what extend do you agree or disagree?雅思大作文模板范文参考:The lengths of annual holidays vary in different companies and different countries. Some people think that all employees are entitled to have at least 4 weeks of holidays every year. I believe that this practice would enhance the satisfaction of empl

5、oyees and promote the long-term development of the company.Most employees would welcome the four-week long vocation, which means they would have more time to travel and stay with their family members. It is common for people to suffer from high stress in their work and taking more time off is an eff

6、ective way to relieve this pressure. Those busy parents can take this vocation together with their children, which would increase their communication and enhance family cohesion. Some employees may take advantage of the holidays to attend training courses and improve their professional skills.From t

7、he perspective of the company, some people may argue that long vocation would increase the labor cost and affect the normal operation. However, once the employees welfare is improved, they are expected to have more motivation to serve the company better. The company may need to hire more people and

8、spend more money on human resources, but it will be rewarded in the long term if employees are happy with how they are treated in the company.To summarize, I believe that 4-week holidays would be popular with people in workplaces as this policy can improve the quality of their lives and motivate the

9、m to make more contribution to the company. Therefore, it is also beneficial for the companys long term development.雅思写作语法讲解:宾语从句1 Some people think that2 Some people believe that3 Some people do believe that4 Some people do strongly believe that5 Some people hold that6 Some people point out that7 S

10、ome people insisit that8 Some people maintain that9 Some peopel argue that10 Some people contend that11 Some people deem that12 Some peopel are convinced that13 Some people are fully convinced that14 Some people are firmly convinced that15 Some people take it for granted that16 We should admit that17 Nobody can deny that18 Some people agree that19 Some people conclude that20 Some people assert that雅思写作主题如何确定


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