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1、托福阅读备考需解决3大问题 托福阅读备考需解决3大问题, 词汇语法长难句都得练,今天给大家来托福阅读备考需解决3大问题,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读备考需解决3大问题 词汇语法长难句都得练托福阅读词汇问题如何解决?词汇问题是阅读中的十分普遍的,高中毕业生的词汇量在3500左右,但是托福考试要求的词汇量是8000-10000,这种差距有的时候会让考生望而却步,单词的积累和沉淀需要时间,但是正确的学习方法和习惯,往往事半功倍。首先,对于基础词汇,就是高中+大学四级词汇,大家一定要掌握得很牢靠,每个单词要像apple、book一样熟悉,先查漏补缺。任何学习过程都是循序


3、是欠缺训练把语法知识运用到长难句的理解中。托福阅读语法问题怎样应对?语法中比较难理解的其实就是定语从句、后置定语,在中文中,我们的定语无论多长都加个“的”然后放在名词前面;然而在英文中,定语的位置和形式变换很多,给我们设置了很多的阅读障碍。例如托福真题中的长难句“A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into thenineteenth century, including the introduction of pedals to sustain tone or tosoften it, the perfection of a

4、 metal frame and steel wire of the finestquality, finally produced an instrument capable of myriad tonal effects fromthe most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral fullness of sound, from aliquid, singing tone to a sharp, percussive brilliance、”其实就是一个简单句Improvements produced an instrument,然后加上了

5、后置定语、同位语的修饰成分而已:一系列技术进步(19世纪的,包括123种),产生了一个有好多音效的乐器,这些音效从某种声音1到某种声音2,从某种声音3到某种声音4。考生们在通过系统的语法学习后,再把它利用到分析和理解真题中的长难句,达到阅读中的任何长难句读一遍就能get到它的意思。总而言之,考生备考托福阅读如果缺乏头绪,那么从词汇语法和长难句这3个方向来进行备考就是很好的选择了,希望大家能够明确备考目的,早日取得托福阅读高分。托福阅读100个长难句精选汇总深度解析:in traditional architecture.托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:For example, in t

6、raditional architecture, stone or brick walls served a structural role, but in a steel-beam building the walls were essentially hung from the internal skeleton of steel beams, which meant that walls and corners no longer needed to be solid but could be opened up in unexpected ways.词汇讲解:beam /bi?m/ n

7、. 梁skeleton /sk?l?tn/ n. 骨骼,骨架结构划分:(For example), (in traditional architecture), stone or brick walls served a structural role, but (in a steel-beam building) the walls were essentially hung from the internal skeleton of steel beams, (which meant) (that walls and corners no longer needed to be solid

8、 but could be opened up in unexpected ways.)深度分析:这个句子的主干:stone or brick walls served a structural role, but the walls were essentially hung from the internal skeleton of steel beams修饰一:(For example) ,介词短语中文:例如修饰二:(in traditional architecture) ,介词短语中文:在传统建筑设计中修饰三:(in a steel-beam building) ,介词短语中文:在钢

9、梁的建筑中修饰四:(which meant) ,从句中文:意味着修饰五:(that walls and corners no longer needed to be solid but could be opened up in unexpected ways.) ,从句中文:墙和角落不再需要是实心的而是以一种意外的方式能够打开参考翻译:例如,在传统的建筑设计中,石头墙或砖墙起到了结构性作用,但在钢梁的建筑中,墙本质上是悬挂在钢梁的内在骨架上,这意味着墙和角落不再需要是实心的而是以一种意外的方式能够打开。托福阅读100个长难句精选汇总深度解析:Anaximander observing.托福阅

10、读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:Anaximander,observing the motions of the heavens around the polestar, was probably the first of the Greek philosophers to picture the sky as sphere completely surrounding Earth-an idea that, elaborated upon later, would prevail until the advent of the Scientific Revolution in the se

11、venteenth century.词汇讲解:polestarn. 北极星sphere /sf?/ n. 球体,球形;范围;社会阶层,社会地位elaborate/?l?b?ret/ v. 详尽解释或说明,详细制定prevail /pr?ve?l/ v. 流行,盛行advent /?dv?nt/ n. 来临,到来结构划分:Anaximander, (observing the motions of the heavens around the polestar), was probably the first of the Greek philosophers (to picture the s

12、ky as sphere completely surrounding Earth)-(an idea) (that, (elaborated upon later), would prevail until the advent of the Scientific Revolution in the seventeenth century).深度分析:这个句子的主干:Anaximander was probably the first of the Greek philosophers修饰一:(observing the motions of the heavens around the p

13、olestar) ,非谓语动词中文:观察围绕北极星运动的天体修饰二:(to picture the sky as sphere completely surrounding Earth) ,非谓语动词中文:把天空描绘成完全围绕地球的球体修饰三:(an idea) ,同位语中文:一个想法修饰四:(elaborated upon later) ,非谓语动词中文:后来被详细阐述修饰五:(that would prevail until the advent of the Scientific Revolution in the seventeenth century) ,从句,修饰idea中文:会流

14、行到17世纪科技革命的到来。参考翻译:Anaximander(一直观察围绕北极星运动的天体)可能是第一个希腊哲学家把天空描绘成完全围绕地球的球体这个想法(后来被详细阐述)会流行到17世纪科技革命的到来。托福阅读100个长难句精选汇总深度解析:Athenian aristocracy.托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:The strength of the Athenian aristocracy was further weakened during the rest of the century by the rise of a type of government known as

15、a tyranny, which is a form of interim rule by a popular strongman (not rule by a ruthless dictator as the modem use of the term suggests to us).词汇讲解:tyranny /t?r?ni/ n. 残暴,专横,专制interim /?nt?r?m/ adj. 临时的,暂时的ruthless /ru?l?s/ adj. 无怜悯心的,残忍的dictator /d?kte?t?/ n. 独裁者;霸道的人,爱发号施令者rule n. 统治,管理结构划分:The s

16、trength of the Athenian aristocracy was further weakened (during the rest of the century) (by the rise of a type of government) (known as a tyranny), (which is a form of interim rule by a popular strongman) (not rule (by a ruthless dictator) (as the modem use of the term suggests to us).深度分析:这个句子的主干

17、就是:The strength of the Athenian aristocracy was further weakened修饰一:(during the rest of the century) ,介词短语中文:在这个世纪剩余的时间里修饰二:(by the rise of a type ofgovernment),介词短语中文:一种类型政府的崛起修饰三:(known as a tyranny) ,非谓语动词中文:称之为专制修饰四:(which is a form of interim ruleby a popular strongman) ,从句中文:它是被一个铁腕人物暂时管理的一种形式修饰五:(by a ruthless dictator) ,介词短语中文:通过一个无情的独裁者修饰六:(as the modem use of the termsuggests to us),从句中文:正如现在使用这个词表明的那样参考翻译:在这个世纪剩余的时间里,雅典贵族的力量由于专制政府它是被一个铁腕人物暂时管理的一种形式(不是我们现在使用这个词表明的那样是由一个无情的独裁者统治)的兴起进一步削弱了。托福阅读备考需解决3大问题


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