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1、Unit 1 How tall are you?,Lets try & Lets talk,Part A,Learning goals,能听、说、认、读单词ask和sir。能在日常交际中询问别人某物在哪里,并能做出相应的回答,即能够灵活使用句型“Where is?”“Its+方位介词/介词短语.”。能完成“Let s try”部分的听力任务。能听、说、认、读句型:“Where is?”“I want to”“It s”“What a great museum!”。提高学生合作学习的能力。,Revision,Im not feeling well. Im ill. Where shall (应该

2、) I go?,I want to send a letter to my friend. Where shall I go?,I want to see a film. Where shall I go?,I want to buy a Chinese dictionary. Where shall I go?,I want to see a dinosaur show. Where shall I go?,Lets try,Where are they? In the museum. In the bookstore.2. Is Grandpa there? Yes, he is. No,

3、 he isnt.,Wu Yifan and Robin are looking at some robots. Listen and tick.,Lets talk,Where is the museum shop/post office?,Wu Yifan:Robin: Wu Yifan: Robin:,Robin, where is the museum shop? I want to buy a postcard.Its near the door.Thanks. Where is the post office?I want to send it today.I dont know.

4、 Ill ask. Excuse me, sir.,Man: Robin: Man: Robin:,Wow! A talking robot! What a great museum!Where is the post office?Its next to the museum.Thanks.,Wu Yifan:Robin: Wu Yifan: Robin:,Robin, where is the museum shop? I want to buy a postcard.Its near the door.Thanks. Where is the post office?I want to

5、send it today.I dont know. Ill ask. Excuse me, sir.,问,先生,Man: Robin: Man: Robin:,Wow! A talking robot! What a great museum! Where is the post office? Its next to the museum. Thanks.,多棒的一个博物馆啊!,课文解读,Check answers,Where is the museum shop?Its near the door.,Q,A,Where is the post office?Itsnext to the

6、museum.,A,Q,询问(建筑物)在哪里的句型课文呈现:Where is the post office? 邮局在哪里?,句型结构:Where is ?,例句:Where is the school?,Grammar,表达位置的句型课文呈现:Its near the door./ Its next to the museum.,near:在附近,next to:在旁边,near,next to,Talk about the places in your city/ town/village.,Is there a ?Where is it?,Its near/next to/ behind

7、,park library zoo post office school museum,zoo,park,post office,library,school,museum,bank,Role-play,zoo,park,post office,library,school,museum,bank,Is there a school?,Yes, it is.,Where is it?,Its behind the museum.,zoo,park,post office,library,school,museum,bank,Where is the library?,Its next to t

8、he school.,Exercise,一、根据汉语意思,补全句子。,Exercise,二、你会描述下列图片中所示地点的大体位置吗?(注意用next to/near来描述)。,Homework,What do you have learned from this class? Discuss it with your classmates.,Unit 1 How can I get there?,Lets learn & Make a map and talk,Part A,Learning goals,能听、说、读、写单词science museum、 post office、 bookst

9、ore、cinema、hospital。能够用where询问某个建筑的位置,并用方位介词来描述位置。能完成“Make a map and talk”部分的任务。培养学生在学习过程中合作学习的意识。,Lets learn,science 科学,museum 博物馆,ost office 邮局,bookstore 书店,cinema 电影院,hospital 医院,science museum,科学博物馆,cinema,电影院,post office,邮局,hospital,医院,bookstore,书店,New words,A puzzle,1. We can send a letter in

10、the _ .2. We can watch the films at the _.3. If we are sick, we should go to the_ .4. We can buy some books in the _ . 5. We can see a dinosaur show in the _ _ .,museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital,science,课 文,Example,Role-play,Where is the_?,Its next to the_.,There is a pet hospital in my

11、city.,Where is it ?,Its near the park.,Make a map and talk,pet hospital,park,pet hospital,park,There is a zoo in my city.,Where is it ?,Its next to the park.,zoo,Role-play,提问:Where is the ?,询问某个地方在哪里的句型及答语,回答:Its near/next to,Grammar,Where is the cinema?Its next to the bookstore.,Exercise,一、看图,根据首字母

12、提示写单词。,二、单项选择。,Homework,Do you know where the post office(or the science museum, the cinema, the hospital, the bookstore) in your city is? Ask and answer the questions with your classmates.,Unit 1 How can I get there?,Lets try & Lets talk,Part B,Learning goals,能读懂题目要求,学会听前预测要听的重点内容;能、说、认、读单词interest

13、ing、Italian、restaurant、pizza、street、get。能在日常交际中用英语询问“某地在哪儿”以及“回答某地的位置”,同时能够询问别人“怎样到达某地”并能回答“到达某地的指令”。能听、说、认、读句型“What a/ an+ adj+物体?”“I like”“Where is?”“Its+方位介词.”。,Warming-up,Turn _ at the _.,left,bookstore,Turn _ at the _.,right,hospital,go _ at the _.,straight,restaurant,turn left,turn right,go st

14、raight,Lets try,Wu Yifan is calling Mike. Listen and tick or cross.,( ) They want to go to the bookstore.2. ( ) The cinema is next to the bookstore.,Lets talk,How can Wu Yifan and Mike get to the restaurant?,Mike: Wu Yifan: Mike:Wu Yifan:,What an interesting film!Yes, but Im hungry now. I know a gre

15、at Italian restaurant.Yum! I like pizza! Where is the restaurant?Its next to the park on Dongfang Street.,How can we get there?Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital.Ok. Lets go!,Mike: Robin: Mike:,Check answers,How can Wu Yifan and Mike get to the restaurant?,Q,A,They can turn

16、left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital.,What an interesting film!Yes, but Im hungry now. I know a great Italian restaurant.Yum! I like pizza! Where is the restaurant?Its next to the park on Dongfang Street.,课文解读,意大利的,感叹句:多么有趣的电影!,Mike: Wu Yifan: Mike:Wu Yifan:,How can we get there?Tu

17、rn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital.Ok. Lets go!,Mike: Robin: Mike:,餐馆,大街;街道,比萨饼,“我们怎么到达那儿?”询问如何到达某地,restaurant,餐馆,New words,There is a restaurant on the street.,Example,联想记忆:hotel 宾馆,酒店We stayed at a hotel near the airport.,street,大街;街道,Example,He crossed the street and walked

18、 into the bank.对比记忆:road 道路,公路I drive the road along the road.,句型公式,What开头的感叹句句型:,What an interesting film!,What(a/an) +形容词+名词+主语+谓语!,What a fine day it is! 多么晴朗的一天啊!,How can +主语+ get(to) +地点?,How can we get to the cinema? 我们怎么到电影院?,询问某人如何到达某地的句型:,How can we get there?,Talk about a cinema or restaur

19、ant you like. How can you get there?,I like.,Turn left/right at,How can I get to the.?,Activity,cinema,bookstore,post office,school,park,restaurant,How can I get to the restaurant/post office?,I like a delicious Italian restaurant.,How can I get to the restaurant?,Turn left at the cinema and go stra

20、ight. Then turn right at the first crossing. Its on the left.,Role-play,Exercise,一、单项选择。,1. What _great library! A. an B. a _ is your Chinese teacher? He is near the door. A. Where B. Who3. Turn right _the school. A. in B. at,B,A,B,二、选出合适的句子补全对话。,Homework,How can you get to the museum from your home

21、. Try to describe it to your classmates.,Unit 1 How can I get there?,Lets learn & Be a tour guide,Part B,Learning goals,能听、说、读、写单词和词组“crossing”“turn left”“turn right”“go straight”。能听、说、认读单词“Italian”“restaurant”。能听、说、读、写句子“Where is the Italian restaurant?”“Turn right here?”“No, turn left.”。能灵活运用英语询问所

22、要知道的地方,并会发出指令来引导方向。,school,museum,library,go straight,How can I get to the school?,直走,Revision,go straight,直走,school,museum,library,How can I get to the library?,Revision,turn right,右转,turn right,右转,school,museum,library,turn left,How can I get to the museum?,左转,Revision,turn left,左转,Where is the po

23、liceman?,He is standing in the crossing.,crossing,十字路口,Where is the Italian restaurant? Turn right here?,No, turn left.,Lets learn,New words,turn left,turn right,go straight,crossing,十字路口,右转,左转,直走,Summary,1. 指路的句型:,Turn left/right (at +地点).,(在)左转/右转,一般用来指示方向。,到邮局向右转。,Turn right at the post office.,G

24、o straight and you can see the Palace Museum.,go straight (for +一段时间),直走你就能看到故宫博物院。,Go straight for five minutes. 直走五分钟。,2. “直走”的表达:,Be a tour guide,Now we are in front of Tiananmen.Go straight and you can see the Palace Museum.,Now we are in front of the Palace Museum. Turn left and you can see the

25、 Beihai park.,in front of,在的前面,表示一种位置关系,of后接名词、代词或人称代词的宾格。,The cinema is in front of the park.Our school is in the front of the lake.,Summary,in front of 表示在(范围外)的前面,in the front of 表示在(范围内)的前面,There is a tree _ the house.,There is a blackboard_ the classroom.,in front of,in the front of,Exercise,一、

26、你认识这些交通标志吗?看一看,填一填。,turn left,turn right,go straight,二、根据汉语意思,补全对话。,Homework,Try to describe the way from your home to the school. You can use the following phrases: turn left/right, go straight, at the first/second/ crossing, in front of, etc.,Unit 1 How can I get there?,Lets check & Lets wrap it u

27、p,Part B,Learning goals,学习本单元之后,能够听懂“Lets check”部分内容,并能完成听力练习,提高学生听力能力。能够自己归纳总结next to、beside、near等方位介词,并能灵活运用于句子中。培养学生听、说英语的兴趣,培养自主归纳英语知识的良好习惯。,A: Where is the cinema?B: Its near/next to.A: How can I get there?B: Turn.,Free talk,Lets check,Listen and tick the places you hear. Write the words under

28、the pictures.,school,post office,cinema,museum,bookstore,Listen again and answer.,1. Where does the boy want to go?,2. How can he get there from the post office?,He wants to go to the museum.,He can go straight ahead and turn right at the cinema.,Lets check,Lets wrap it up,Try to write more words.,n

29、ext to,near,beside,right,left,behind,in front of,Can you make sentences with these words?,next to,near,beside,right,left,behind,in front of,The bookstore is next to the hospital.,next to,near,beside,right,left,behind,in front of,Go straight and turn left.,Summary,Exercise,用合适的介词(短语)填空。,1. The panda

30、is the hat.,2. The boy is the house.,3. The panda is the hat.,in front of,next to,under,Homework,Make some sentences with these words: next to, near, beside, left, right, in front of, behind.,Unit 1 How can I get there?,Read and write,Part B,Learning goals,能听、说、认、读本课时的重点单词:GPS、gave、feature、follow、fa

31、r、tell。能够读懂“Read and write”部分的对话,熟练掌握几个常用句型:“Follow me, please!”“Is it far?”“My new GPS works!”并能将其运用于实际交流中。能根据短文,完成回答问题以及复述短文的练习题。学会复述故事内容,提高口语表达能力和书面表达能力。,Lead-in,Look at the pictures. Do you know what they are.,What are they used for?,map,stars,compass,GPS,地图,指南针,全球(卫星)定位系统,星星,What are they used

32、for?,They can help people find their way.,Youre in a car. Which of these can help you find a place?,GPS,GPS是Global Positioning System(全球定位系统)的简称,拥有行车导航功能。能够准确地帮助人们找到所要去的地方,便捷而实用。,Read and write,Wu Yifans grandpa gave Robin a new feature. He now has GPS. He can help the boys find the Italian restaura

33、nt.,Robin: Were in front of the cinema. Lets go straight and turn left at the bookstore. Follow me, please!,Mike: Is it far?Robin: No. Now we are behind the hospital. Lets turn right and then turn right again.,Mike: There is the restaurant!,Robin: My new GPS works!Wu Yifan: Yes! Ill tell Grandpa. Bu

34、t lets eat first. Im so hungry!,课文解读,Wu Yifans grandpa gave Robin a new feature.,吴一凡的爷爷赋予罗宾一个新特点。,give sb. sth. 给某人某物。,give sth. to sb. 给某人某物。,Amy gives Mike a book.,Amy gives a book to Mike.,He can help the boys find the Italian restaurant. 他可以帮助男孩们找到意大利餐馆。,help sb (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事。,Amy helps m

35、e find my ruler.,例:艾米帮我找到了我的尺子。,help sb with sth,help sb in doing sth,He helps me with my English.,He helps me in doing housework.,同义句,方位介词集锦,Read the text and answer the questions.,1. What is Robins new feature? He can find food. He can find the way.2. How many places did they pass by? Underline th

36、em in the text.3. Which word under the fourth picture means 奏效,起作用?,Two.,works,bookstore hospital,Wu Yifan and his friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant. They _ _ and_. They _and then turn right again.,go,turn left at the bookstore,turn right behind the hospital,Fill in the blanks.

37、 Then retell he story.,straight,Retell the story,Tips for pronunciation,用 表示升调,用 表示降调。,Tips for pronunciation,Tips for pronunciation,Listen, look and say.,or,Exercise,将下列对话补充完整。,A: Excuse me, is a cinema near here?B: Yes, there is.A: is it, please?B: Its the hospital.A: Is it ?B: No, it isnt.A: Than

38、k you,B: Youre welcome.,there,Where,near,far,Homework,Retell the story in dialogue with your partner.,Unit 1 How can I get there?,Story time,Part C,Learning goals,能够通过阅读趣味故事复习巩固本单元所学语言,并增加语言的输入;能够理解故事内容;能够正确地朗读故事;能够恰当运用故事中的语言,并能表演故事。,Story time,内容概括:佐姆看见一个小男孩在吃炸鱼和薯条,看起来很好吃。小男孩告诉他在伦敦眼附近能买到。于是佐姆向一位男士打

39、听伦敦眼在哪儿,男士告诉他伦敦眼挨着泰晤士河附近的电影博物馆。他又询问另一位男士泰晤士河离这儿远不远,男士告诉他不远,直走之后左转就到了。找到那家餐馆后,佐姆点了三大份和一小份的炸鱼和薯条,佐姆吃的胃都痛了,还惦记他的糖葫芦。济普很吃惊。,课文解读,美味的,可口的,动词,“看起来”,可数名词,“电影”,(副词)最后,终于,(形容词)大的,(可数名词)(某物的)一部分;(食物的)一份,(可数名词)胃,Role-play,Role-play the story in groups.,Exercise,一、根据图片提示,填入合适的单词或短语。,二、按要求完成下列各题。,1.,2.,3.,4.,Homework,Read the story again, and act it out with your classmates.,


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