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1、1,Unit 6 The making of a surgeon,Pre-reading,Text-learning,After-reading,Exercises,2,Pre-reading,1. A doctors life,2. A successful surgeon,3. How to become a doctor,4. Three types of doctors,3,1. What do you think of a doctors life?It is busy, stable, clean exhausting, well-paid, respectable, respon

2、sible, etc.2. What makes a successful surgeon?Medical Knowledge, sense of duty, self-confidence, rich experience, etc.,Before reading,4,3. Do you know how many steps to become a real doctor in America?1) to attend 4 years of college to obtain a bachelors degree 2) followed by 4 years of medical scho

3、ol3) an intern in a hospital 4) a resident at a hospital5) selected to be a chief resident,5,4. Three Types of DoctorsGeneral Practitioners Specialists Researchers,back,6,Text-learning,1. First reading,3. Language points,2. Further Understanding,Questions and Answers,For Part I,For Part II,Questions

4、 and Answers,For Part III,Multiple Choice,7,First reading: 5-10 minutes to examine the title and go over the text as fastest as you can and then do exercise II Comprehension of the Text.,8,When he can say to himself ,“There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently, treat just as well as or

5、better than any other surgeon” then, and not until then is he indeed a surgeon.,Questions and Answers,How does a doctor recognize the point in time when he is finally a “surgeon”?,1. What question did Dr. Nolen ask himself as the year of his chief residency came to an end?,His answer was self-confid

6、ence.,2. What was his answer?,3. When can a doctor say to himself that he is indeed a surgeon?,Directions: Go through the first two paragraphs and answer the following questions.,9,Multiple Choices,1. When he first became a resident, Dr. Nolen had trouble going to sleep because _.,A) he was not conf

7、ident that he had made a right decisionB) he was nervous about what would happen to other doctorsC) he was waiting for the emergency callD) he was reviewing all the facts of a certain case,2. In the last month of his residency, sleeping was no longer a problem because _.,A) he has got used to the em

8、ergency callsB) he has learned to make no mistakesC) he has gained confidence in himselfD) he was sure that the decisions he had made were all sound ones,10,3. What can you infer from the sentence “I had sweated through my share of stab wounds of the belly, of punctured lungs, of compound fractures”

9、?,A) The author has done all kinds of surgical operations.B) The author was very busy every day.C) The author was nervous in dealing with these operations.D) The author found his work very exciting.,4. Now the author has learned to _.,A) take the sole responsibility for the mistake in judgmentB) avo

10、id making mistakes in judgmentC) anticipate the problem in advanceD) take it easy when he has made a mistake,5. According to Dr. Nolen a surgeon needs conceit to_.,A) answer the emergency callsB) bring him through times of doubt and uncertaintyC) perform a difficult operationD) live with his mistake

11、s in judgment,11,Questions and Answers,What does the author want to emphasize in the last part?,Conceit encourages a doctor in trying moments.,12,making: n.,只有艰苦的工作才能造就他。,1) the process of being made or coming into being,2) the qualities needed,He has the makings of a doctor.,Hard work will be the m

12、aking of him.,Einstein had in him the makings of a great scientist.,Language points,13,Collocation:,make believe,假装;假扮,make for,匆匆走向;扑向,make out,写出;辨认出;理解,make up,补充;捏造,编造;组成,make up for,补偿;弥补,14,Key sentences,1. 在我任住院主任医师的那一年快要结束的时候,我不止一次地问过自己这个问题。,15,conclude: vt.1) come to believe after considera

13、tion of known factsThe jury concluded that the man was not guilty.医生们经过讨论,认为病人太虚弱,不宜手术。Doctors concluded after the discussion that the patient was too weak to be operated on.2) come or bring to an end He concluded his speech by saying “thank you”.我们8点结束了会议。 We concluded the meeting at 8 oclock.,16,C

14、onclude的名词形式是conclusion。conclusion常与下面的动词、介词搭配,如:arrive at conclusion come to a conclusion 得出结论draw a conclusion reach a conclusionin conclusion 综上所述,总之jump to a conclusion 轻率地下结论,17,encounter: vt. meet unexpectedly, be faced with (something bad, especially a danger or difficulty)I encountered an ol

15、d friend of mine on my way home.他们在旅行中遇到许多困难。They encountered many difficulties during their trip.,18,CF: encounter & meet这两个动词都有“碰到、遇到”的意思。encounter 注重强调一种偶然和意外,还强调遭遇之意。meet是常用词,不如encounter正式。1. Many men were lost in the forest when they _ a lion.2. It was so kind of you to come all the way to _us.

16、3. They _ the enemy in border clashes.(冲突),encountered,meet,encountered,19,resolve: vt.1)解决两国的纠纷已经和平解决了。The dispute between the two countries has been resolved peacefully.2) decide or determine 他决心要成功。He resolved to succeed.,20,CF: resolve& solve这两个动词均含“解决”之意。resolve 主要指对问题或情况进行细微的分析或思索,以得出结论或找到解决途径

17、。例如:The Cabinet met to resolve the crisis.内阁开会以解决危机。solve 普通用词,含义广,指为有一定难度的问题找到满意的答复。例如:那位教师教他的学生解数学方程式。The teacher teaches his students to solve a mathematical equation.,21,handle: vt. deal with; treat or manage一位称职的老师应该知道如何管理学生。A qualified teacher should know how to handle students in class.我们俩都会骑

18、自行车了。We both can handle our bicycles.,22,CF: handle, manage, deal with & cope with 这些动词或短语都含有“处理,对付”之意。handle 从原义“手柄”,引申作“处理”解时,意思是管理和操纵。manage 指处理日常事务与工作,也可指经营管理。deal with 既可指处理具体事情,也可指 处理或解决具有抽象意义的问题。cope with 指成功地处理或对付更为重大, 更为严重的问题或事物。,23,CF: handle, manage, deal with & cope with 这些动词或短语都含有“处理,对付

19、”之意。Im sorry Im late. I had an urgent call to_. 2) Kerry has been asked to _ a new department. 3) Local authorities have to _ the problems of homelessness. 4) The police_ the traffic very efficiently.,deal with,manage,cope with,handle,24,anticipate: vt. see beforehandDont anticipate your income befo

20、re you finish the job.他期待着一个美丽的夜晚。He anticipates a beautiful evening.NB: anticipate 后面不可加不定式,可跟动名词和名词。例如:你预料会有麻烦吗?Do you anticipate meeting any trouble?,25,bother vt. trouble, (cause to) be worried 烦恼,担心 -I knew I ought to clean the car but I just couldnt be bothered. -Dont bother with the washing-u

21、p; leave it to me. n. trouble; something that gives trouble 烦恼;麻烦的事或人 -We found the address without any bother. -Sorry to be such a bother, but could you show me how the machine works?,26,#bother, disturb, trouble & annoy 这些动词均有“使人不安或烦恼”之意。bother 指使人烦恼,引起的紧张不安或感到不耐烦。例如:Im sorry to bother you, but co

22、uld you tell me the way to the station?对不起打扰一下, 请问去车站怎么走?disturb 较正式用词,多用被动态。指扰乱,使人不能平静或妨碍别人工作、思维或正常秩序,是程度较深的烦恼。例如:Before closing the door to his office, he told his secretary that he was not to be disturbed.在关上办公室门前,他告诉秘书不要打扰他。,27,trouble 指给人在行动上带来不便或在身心上造成痛苦。例如:She suffers memory lapses that troub

23、le her children. 她患上记忆力衰退症, 这让她的孩子很忧虑。annoy 强调因被迫忍受令人不快、讨厌的事而失去平静或耐心,多指一时的打扰或恼怒。例如:The sound of footsteps on the bare floor annoyed the downstairs neighbors.楼上地板传来的脚步声吵得楼下住户心烦。,28,treat, cure & heal 都有“ 治疗,诊治”的意思。treat vt.指为某人诊断治疗,强调治疗过程,不强调治疗结果。cure 指治愈,治好,使病人恢复健康。heal 尤指伤口痊愈,治愈。1. Which doctor is

24、_ her for her illness? 2. Doctor _ him of his disease. 3. The wound is not _ yet. 4. It is said that rest in bed may _ a cold. cure 5. I will take three months for the broken bone to _ up.,treating,cured,healed,cure,heal,29,inevitably (inevitable +ly) ad. certainly, surely 必然地 -Its work flow is irre

25、gular; inevitably, the factory has low efficiency. -Inevitably, the people at the meeting would come out with their own ideas.relax vt hold less tight (使) 松弛,放松 -Trained staff will look after your children, so that you can relax and enjoy yourself. -Relax! Im positive that the kids will be back any

26、minute.,30,conceited (conceit + ed) a. too proud, too confident 骄傲自满的,自负的 -Hes the most conceited and selfish person Ive ever met. -I know this sounds conceited, but I think my photos are really good.sound a. not wrong, sensible; in good condition, healthy 合理的,正当的;完好的,健全的 -Adam met every objection w

27、ith sound arguments. -I accepted the doctors sound advice on my health.,31,critical a. 1) (time or situation) extremely important 决定性的,关键性的-Finding out the cause of the flood is of critical importance. 2) very serious and dangerous 危急的 -He is now in critical condition and needs to be operated on imm

28、ediately. 3) finding fault 批评的 - Pat is always critical of her sons behavior in public.,32,Translation: E-C,2 就以我们几乎每晚都会碰到的急诊情况为例吧。,33,3 不止一次,在我躺了一个小时还睡不着之后,我会在凌晨两点钟从床上跳起来,穿好衣服,驾车去医院亲自探视病人。唯有这样我才能找到安心休息所需要的内心平静。4 我一旦经过深思熟虑作出某个决定,就不再去多想它了。,34,5 当我切开病人的腹部或胸腔时,我不再紧张得瑟瑟发抖了。6 甚至一年前-如果我不得不为一次判断上的失误负全责的话,我

29、是没法容忍自己的。,35,7 我之所以能够平静的接受这一事实,是因为我知道:热过我不能避免出差错,那末换了任何别的外科医生很可能也不能避免。8 你管这叫自负也好,叫自信也罢;不管你叫它什么,反正我是有了。,36,Key expressions:,draw to a close come to an end, end 结束 -As 1998 draws to a close, lets look at some of the major events of the year. -After the final examination, the term drew to its close.,37

30、,live with accept and endure (sth. unpleasant) 接受,忍受 -You must learn to live with the situation since youve lost your job. -The management had to live with the bad consequences of their unwise decision.我不能忍受噪音了。I cant live with the noise.,38,live for 为而生活live high 过奢侈生活live up to 遵守(诺言);不辜负(期望)live

31、with oneself 保持自尊心,39,dwell on / upon think, speak or write about sth. a great deal 老是想着;详述,长谈 -She couldnt help dwelling on memories of her mother. -He dwelt upon the difficulties we might encounter in our research.,40,be bound to do be certain to do; have the duty to do 一定;有义务做 -His new record is

32、very good; it is bound to be a hit (走红). -He is running so fast that hes bound to win the race.,41,in practice 1) (doctor, lawyer) at work (医生,律师) 行医,开业 -Is Doctor Jones still in practice here? -My elder brother is in practice as a lawyer. 2) actually 实际上 -In practice, parents have a great influence

33、 on their children. -In practice, the medicine is of little use to his disease.,42,in particular especially 尤其是,特别是 -We enjoyed visiting Britain and thought that Scotland in particular was very beautiful. -Is there anything in particular that you want to talk about?,43,butterflies in the stomach ver

34、y nervous 非常紧张 -He always gets butterflies in the stomach before an exam. -Whenever I have to make a speech I get butterflies in my stomach.,44,open up 1) cut open; open 给开刀;打开 -We shall open you up and remove the diseased bone. -The children were allowed to open up their Christmas presents after br

35、eakfast. 2) make possible, start 开放,开发,开始 -A move to Beijing would open up to you all sorts of interesting possibilities. -A new life was opening up before her after she came to college.,45,in advance beforehand, ahead of time 提前 -Sandwich is a kind of food you can easily prepare in advance. -I wish

36、 youd told me in advance that our flight would be put off.,46,sit on neglect to deal with, delay taking action 搁置,延迟,积压 -For weeks they did nothing about my case: they just sat on it. -They decided to sit on the bad news as long as possible.我们不应忽视那些急需我们帮助的人。We shouldnt sit on those people who need o

37、ur help urgently.I sent my complaints to the store manager just in time, but he had sit on it for a long time.,47,Collocation: sit down坐下sit for参加sit up熬夜sit in静坐示威sit in on列席,旁听,48,After-reading,1. Useful Expressions,2. Word matching,3. Summary writing,4. Talk about the pictures,5. Proverbs and quo

38、tations,49,1. 及时,2. 自信心,3. 即将结束,4. 不止一次,5. 做决定,6. 在某一特定的情况下,7. 不妥当的决定,8. 寻找内心的平静,in time,self-confidence,draw to a close,on more than one occasion,make a decision,in a particular situation,a poor decision,find the peace of mind,Useful Expressions,50,9. 深思熟虑的决定,10. 手术室,11. 经常遇到的问题,12. 开业,13. 提前,14. 容

39、忍,15. 说不定何时,16. 承担全部责任,a considered decision,the operating room,a constant problem,be in practice,in advance,at one time or another,take sole responsibility for,live with,51,17. 判断上的失误,18. 考验人的时刻,19. 为某人做手术,20. 生活中的一部分,a mistake in judgment,trying moments,operate on someone,be part of ones life,52,W

40、ord Matching,fear,meet,rest,solve,correct,see beforehand,manage,unavoidable,dread,encounter,relax,resolve,sound,anticipate,handle,inevitable,53,only,annoy, trouble,difficult,tolerate,come to an end,ahead of time,make mistakes,of surgery,sole,bother,trying,live with,draw to a close,in advance,err,sur

41、gical,escape,avoid,54,Summary Writing,Dr. Nolen believes that (自信是外科医生成功的关键) . When you can say to yourself (我完全有能力治疗所有的外科病人) “ ,” then,and not until then, you are indeed a surgeon. In the first few months of the year, he dreaded (听到急诊电话的铃声) . He often wondered that he had made a poor decision. Now

42、he is confident both in making decisions and in the operating room for he is sure that (以他的知识和经验,他可以应付遇到的所有的病例) Moreover, he is not afraid of making mistakes. He has learned to (承担判断上失误的全部责任) ,because mistakes are part of a surgeons life. He has got conceit to(帮他度过难熬的时刻),self-confidence is the key t

43、o the making of a surgeon,_,self-confidence is the key to the making of a surgeon,_,There is no surgical patient I cant treat competently,_,the ringing of the emergency calls,_,take sole responsibility for a mistake in judgment,_,encourage him in trying moments,_.,55,Talking About the Pictures,Self-

44、confidence is the Making of a Surgeon.,In the past,Now,Mistakes! No!,They are part of a surgeons life,56,Proverbs and Quotations,1. The secret of success is constancy to purpose.,成功的秘诀是目标坚定。,2. Hard and honest work is the surest way to success.,艰辛而诚实的工作是可靠的成功之路。,每个成功者的身后,都有许多不成功的岁月。,3. Behind every

45、successful man there are a lot of unsuccessful years.,57,1. Vocabulary activities,2. Enriching your word power,4. Structure,5. Cloze,6. Translation,3. Usage,Exercises,58,Vocabulary activities,1.live withresolveencountersoledrawing to a closeanticipateddwelt onsat onhad butterflies in his stomachconc

46、eited,59,2.1)open up2)relaxed3)emergency4)concluded5)live with6)at one time or another,60,7)particular8)surgery9)was sweating10)competently11)in advance12)in practice,61,Enriching your word power,absencesilencedistancepresenceconstancyefficiencyconfidence,62,competenceimportanceemergencyindependence

47、patiencefrequencypermanence evidence,63,1. efficiency2. emergency3. absence4. confidence5. frequency6. distance7. presence8. independence,64,21)have enriched2)had enjoyed3)ensured4)endeared5)enabled6)endanger7)enlarge8)have been embodied9)empower10)entitle,65,USAGE,1.I ll get you one2.I m thinking o

48、f getting a new one3.must buy some bigger ones4.The one at the front5.have eaten all the soft ones6.decided to catch a later one7.I want to borrow one8.the ones you had on yesterday,66,Structure,11)Once a good beginning is made2)Once you understand these rules3)Once he makes a promise4)Once put down

49、 in black and white5)once you get into the habit of smoking6)Once she began to write in English,67,2 1) I had a lot of trouble getting the car started this morning.2) You wont have much difficulty getting to know people in Italy.,68,Cloze,1.surgical2.confident3.dwell petent7.at one time or another8.

50、relax,69,Translation,1.As long as you keep trying, you will resolve this difficult problem sooner or later.2.We anticipate our plan will encounter resistance3.Jims friends said that the noise pollution in their city was very terrible, but they had to live with it.,70,4.At first Tom thought that with


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