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1、,1.过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。,2.过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。,do my homework,I have done my homework.,my homework have finished,moved herein 2000,I still live here,I have lived here for 11years.,I have lived here since 2000/11 years ago.,past,now,构成have/has + 过去分词,现在完成时,2.过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。do my hom,现在完成时动词构成 have

2、/has+ v 过去分词(及物动词),助动词,否定,haventhasnt,疑问,Have you?Has he?,答语 Yes, 主语+have/has. No, 主语+havent/hasnt,反问句 hasnt./havent.?,助动词否定havent疑问Have you?答语,3.以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的 双写ed. 如:plan, stop, drop, fit(适合), prefer(更喜欢), travel,4.以辅音字母y,结尾,变y为ied try, study, carry, hurry, cry, worry,copy,1.+ed work, plant

3、,call2.e+d live, change, like, love, agree, save, hate, move, arrive, skate, hope, use,过去分词的构成,5.特殊:am/is/are-been, see-seen, do-done, go-gone, take-taken, give-given, know-known, speak-spoken write-written, sing-sung , forget-forgotten,6.不变: put-put , run-run, come-come,3.以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的 双写ed.

4、,1.写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词plant _ _ agree_ _plan _ _ stop _ _study_ _ carry_ _am/is _ _ are_ _see _ _ do _ _go _ _ give _ _take _ _ know _ _speak _ _ write _ _put _ _ run _ _come _ _ sing _ _forget _ _ become_ _,planted planted,planned planned,studied studied,was been,saw seen,went gone,took taken,spoke spo

5、ken,put put,came come,forgot forgotten,agreed agreed,stopped stopped,carried carried,were been,did done,gave given,knew known,wrote written,ran run,sang sung,became become,1.写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词 planted plan,标志词: already(肯定句) yet(否定句和疑问句 句末)never(否定句,ever just before(句末)so far, these days, since, for+ 时间

6、段,1.She has not seen this film . She has seen this film.2.I have combed my hair. Have you combed your hair .3.He has watched a video. He has not watched a video .,already - yet 已经 用于肯定句 用于否定句,疑问句,yet,already,already,yet,yet,already,标志词: already(肯定句) yet(否定句,1.Have you _ been to Beijing? 2.I have fin

7、ished my work_.3.Have you finished your work_?4.She has taught English _ 10 years.5.He has worked in the school _ three years ago.6.I have heard of the story _.,ever,already,yet,for,since,before,1.Have you _ been to Be,1.The Greens _(live) here for almost ten years.2.He _(work) in the factory since

8、1994.3.His parent _(teach) in this school since they came to the city.4.The child_(sleep)since two hours ago.,have lived,has worked,has taught,has slept,1.The Greens _(live),5 I _ (do) my homework already.6 He _(not finished) his homework yet.7 _you ever _ (be) to Haiwaii?8 We _ never _ (see) such a

9、n exciting match before.9 Mother _ just _(clean) the house. Please dont come in.10 They _(practice) this dialogue twice.,have done,has not finished,Have,been,have,seen,has,cleaned,have practiced,5 I _ (do) my homework,11 I _( not hear) from her yet.12 _they _(be) here recently? Yes, they have.13 I _

10、(be) busy recently.14 -_your father ever _ (travel) to New York? -No, never. 15 He _(not travel) by plane yet.,havent heard,Have been,have been,Has travelled,hasnt travelled,11 I _( not hear),have/has gone tohave/has been to have/has been in,have/has gone to:去了没回;have/has been to:去过已回; have/has been

11、 in:停 留一段。,have/has gone tohave/has been,练一练:,1. Where is your father ? He _ _ _ London.,2. How many times _ you _ _ Beijing? Never.,4. I cant find your mother. Oh, she _ _ _ the cinema.,5. I _ never _ _ France.,have been to,has gone to,have been to,has gone to,3 How long Peter the West Hill?,has,be

12、en in,练一练:1. Where is your father ?,注意点一:现在完成时与一般过去时的用法比较现在完成时不能和表示过去的时间状语连用。 如:yesterday, last night, two weeks ago, just now等 试比较:The plane has arrived . 飞机已经来了。(说明现在的情况:飞机在这儿)The plane arrived a quarter ago. 飞机是一刻中以前来的(强调动作发生的时间在过去),注意点一:,1. I have watched the game. When _ you _ it? A. have; watc

13、hed B. do; watch C. did ;watch D. will; watch,2-When you your old friend? -The day before yesterday.A will, visit B did ,visit C have ,visited,3. Excuse me, _ you seen the film yet? Yes, I _ it last night.A have, see B have, have seen C have, seen D have, saw,C,D,B,1. I have watched the game.2-,注意点二

14、、非延续性动词与现在完成时短暂性动词可以用于现在完成时,但不能与时间段连用。这些动词是:become, begin, buy, borrow, arrive, come, die, finish,go, join, leave, marry等。I have borrowed this book.I have borrowed this book for three days.(错)I have kept this book for three days.非延续性动词要转化成延续性动词才能和时间段连用。,注意点二、非延续性动词与现在完成时,She has bought the computer

15、for two years.,had,buy,have/has had,She has bought the computer,I have borrowed the dictionary since 3 days ago .,kept,borrow,have/has kept,I have borrowed the dictio,His dog has died for two years .,been dead,die,have/has been dead,His dog has died for two,How long have you come to the United State

16、s?,been in,come to,have/has been in,How long have you come to the,Ann has gone to China since three months ago.,been in,Ann has gone to China since th,I have got to Paris for one week .,been in,got to,have/has been in,I have got to Paris for one we,My brother has joined the army for five years.,been

17、 in,been a soldier,join,have/has been in,have/has been a soldier,My brother has joined the army,I have left Shanghai for 3 days.,been away from Shanghai,leave,have/has been away,I have left Shanghai for,The film has begun for 10 minutes.,been on,begin,have/has been on,The film has begun for 10 mi,Th

18、e concert has finished for half an hour.,been over,finish,have/has been over,The concert has finished f,1.I have borrowed the book for 2 weeks. ( )2.The film has begun for 5 minutes.( ),A B C,A B C,B kept,B been on,3. 这辆自行车我买了两年了。 Ive _ the bike _ two years.,4. He left Nanjing two years ago. He _ _

19、_ _ Nanjing for two years.,5. The monkey died last month. The monkey _ _ _ for a month.,6. A: Hong long _ you _ ( ) B: Two weeks. A.did,get ill B. have,fallen ill C. were,ill D. have,been ill,had for,has been away from,has been dead,D,1.I have borrowed the book for,The Past Perfect Tense过去完成时,过去完成时的

20、构成助动词 had + 过去分词,2. 过去完成时态的含义:主要是表示在过去某个时间,或是动作之前已经发生或完成的动作.也就是: 过去的过去.,(用于各种人称和数),The Past Perfect Tense过去完成时过去,6:30,9:00,now,By the time Jim _, his mom _,got up,had cleaned.,Last Sunday,6:309:00nowBy the time Jim _,6:50 9:00 now,By the time Jim _, his sister _,got up,had washed.,Last Sunday,6:50 9

21、:00 nowBy t,8:30,9:00,now,By the time Jim _, his grandma _,got up,had eaten.,Last Sunday,8:309:00nowBy the time Jim _,8:30,9:00,now,By the time Jim _, his dad _,got up,had gone,Last Sunday,8:309:00nowBy the time Jim _,(到时候,到之前)后接一般过去时的句子,主句用过去完成时。,6:006:106:256:407:10got updid,By the time she got ou

22、tside, the bus had already left.,她出去的时候,公共汽车已经开走了.,by the time 意思是 “到的时候”,相当于 when , 后接过去时的句子时, 主语的谓语动词用过去完成时态.,By the time she got outside, t,过去完成时态的时间标志用法:,过去完成时态的时间标志用法:, by (到为止) 过去时间 如:We had finished the article by last Monday. by the end of (到末为止) 过去时间 如:We had learned nine units by the end o

23、f last week. before 过去时间 如:They had gone to school before 5:00 this morning. before 从句(一般过去时) 如:The train had left before I got to the station. when / by the time 从句(一般过去时) 如:When / By the time I got home, she had already gone to bed., by (到为止) 过去时间 如:He to, By the end of last year, I had learned ab

24、out one thousand English words By the time he was twenty, he had won about ten medals When I got there, they had already left,到去年为止,我已经学了大约一千个英语单词。,在他二十岁的时候,他已经赢了大约十块奖牌。,当我到那的时候,他们已经离开了。, By the end of last year, I h,用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. By the end of last week, we _ (study) 9 units.2. We _(reach) the st

25、ation before ten oclock this morning.3. When I got there, he _(play) tennis for half an hour.4. He said he _never _(see) such an exciting film before.5. By the time she was five, she _(learn) ten English songs.6. When he came in, I _ just _(finish) my homework.7. Before I _(leave) home yesterday, I

26、_ (clean) the house.8. She told me that she _(read) the novel already.9. Mr. Li _ (teach) for ten years before he came here.10.By the time I got to the cinema, the film _(be) on for ten minutes.,had studied,had reached,had played,had seen,had learnt,had finished,left,had cleaned,had read,had taught,had been,用所给动词的适当形式填空:had studiedhad re,


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