1、Unit 9 This bird is bigger than the first one.,第2课时,Unit 9 This bird is bigger tha,Revision,Lets write,2,big _ _,bigger,biggest,smaller,smallest,longer,longest,shorter,shortest,taller,tallest,写出下列形容词的比较级最高级,tall_ _,short _ _,long _ _,small _ _,Revision Lets write2 big _,Revision,Lets look and say,3,
2、The first book is_.The second book is _ than the first one.The third book is _ _.,small,smaller,smallest,the,RevisionLets look and say3The,Practice,Guessing game,4,Whose hair is that?,Mingmings,Tims,Annes,Linglings,PracticeGuessing game4Whose ha,Practice,Lets say,5,Mingmings hair is short.,Tims hair
3、 is longer_Mingmings hair.,Linglings hair is _than Tims hair.,Annes hair is the_.,than,longer,longest,PracticeLets say5Mingmings h,Presentation,Groupwork,6,老师把全班分组,各小组成员间互相询问各自的外貌特征如身高、头发长短、腿的长短等等。如;Li Lis legs are longer than Wei Huas.,Ones is longer /shorter/taller/smaller/bigger than ones.,Presen
4、tationGroupwork6老师把全班分组,,Presentation,Read and choose,7,快速浏览短文,选择正确答案。What is the story about?A.The story is about six big birds.B. The story is about six small birds.C. The story is about three big birds and three small birds.,PresentationRead and choose7快速,Presentation,Read and find,8,Bob,Baker,Be
5、n,Jane,Judy,Julia,再次快速阅读短文,填空。Big birds:_ _ _Small birds:_ _,找出文中的比较级和最高级,louder,smaller,better,best,更好的,最好的,较小的,声音较大的的,PresentationRead and find8BobB,Presentation,Read and judge,9,仔细阅读短文,判断下列句子对错,1.Baker sang louder than Bob.2.Julia was smaller than Judy.3.The six birds couldnt sing very well.4.Jul
6、ias singing was better than Janes.5.People thought that the six singers in the forest were the best.,PresentationRead and judge9仔细阅,Presentation,Read and answer,10,再读短文,回答问题。,1.What did the birds decide to do?2.What did the people say?,Answers:1.The birds decide to sing together.2.They said , “They
7、are really the best singers in the forest.!”,PresentationRead and answer10再,Practice,Read and judge,11,Tick the correct sentences.1.Ben was bigger than Bob.2.Baker sang louder than Bob.3.Julia was smaller than Judy. 4.people thought that the six singers were the best in the forest.,PracticeRead and
8、judge11Tick t,A game,Yes or No,12,老师把全班学生分成2大组,要求全部站起来,然后老师开始快速说一些常识性的句子,两组分别同时出一名学生作答,答得慢或错误的坐下。最后站着学生多的一组获胜。如:You are a student.Yes or No?Tiger is bigger than mouse.Yes or No?,A gameYes or No12老师把全班学生分成2大组,,Homework,13,1.背写所学的形容词比较级和最高级。2.把D部分短文改写成课本剧,Homework131.背写所学的形容词比较级和最高级。,六年级英语Unit-9-This-bird-is-bigger-than-the-first-one(第2课时)教学课件,