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1、Unit 10Ive had this bike for three years.(这辆自行车我买了三年了。),Section APeriod Three,for +一段时间“多长时间了”,at first 起初;起先grow up 长大;成熟;成长 as for 至于;关于junior high school初级中学part with放弃、交出(尤指不舍得的东西)to be honest 说实在的 bread maker 面包机,Grammar Focus,Grammar focus,完成下列句子。,1. 那边那辆自行车你骑了多久了? _ have you had that bike ove

2、r there? 2. 我已经骑了三年了。 Ive had it _.,How long,for three years,3. 他的儿子拥有火车和轨道多久了?_ the train and railway set? 4. 他从四岁生日时就有了。 Hes owned it _ _.,since his fourth birthday,How long has his son owned,5. 你踢过足球吗? _ played football?6. 是的,当我小的时候踢过。但是现在已经有好一阵没有踢过了。 Yes, I did when I was little, but I _ for a w

3、hile now.,Have you ever,havent played,现在完成时用法(二),此用法需注意两点:,1)常与for, since引导的时间状语连用。,2)动词使用延续性动词。,since , for 的用法:,since: 自.以来1)since+时间点Hehasstayedheresince5oclock.2)since+ 时间段+ agoHehasstayedheresince5hoursago.3)since+ 从句(句子要用一般过去时态)ShehastaughtEnglishsincehecamehere. for: (长达)for+ 时间段He has kept t

4、he book for 2 weeks.,选用for和since填空:1.We havent seen each other _ a long time.2.His father has been in the factory _ 10 years ago.3.The film has been on _ 20 minutes.,for,since,for,巧记瞬间性动词的转换: 开始离去借来还, 出生入死买到家,,常见非延续性动词和延续性动词的转变,Jim is in Japan. He arrived there three days ago. _2. They are very hung

5、ry. Their last meal was ten hours ago. _,4a Rewrite the sentences using for or since.,Jim has been in Japan for three days.,They are very hungry because they havent had their meal for ten hours.,4a Rewrite the sentences using for or since.,3. I have a camera. I bought it in 2009. _4. I know Anna. I

6、first met her three years ago. _5. Linda is ill. She became ill on Monday. _,I have had a camera since 2009.,I have known Anna for three years .,Linda has been ill since Monday .,1. I _ (never be) to the water park before. I want to _ (go) next month before the weather gets too cold.2. They_(never o

7、wn) any pets, but they _ (always want) to have a dog.3. We_ (have) a piano since last November. We _ (buy) it from the Li family when they moved to the US last year.,4b Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.,have never been,go,have never owned,always want,have had,bought

8、,4b Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.,4. Cathy and Amy _ (not be) back to their hometown for two years. They _ (miss) their hometown a lot and hope to visit the place next year.5. This museum _ (be) here for over 20 years. It _ (be) one of the oldest buildings in th

9、is small town.,havent been,miss,has been,is,最古老的建筑物之一,巧记瞬间性动词的转换: 开始离去借来还, 出生入死买到家,,常见非延续性动词和延续性动词的转变,1. Whichs the most beautiful place you have ever _ ? A. went B. gone C. been2. My brother _ the army for nearly three years. A. has joined B. has taken part in C. has been in 3. Her father _ in 1990

10、 and her husband _ for more than five years. A. died; dead B. has died; dead C. died; has been dead,C,C,C,4. I have _ this nice watch for two years. A. had B. bought C. borrowed D. lend5. He _ his home for ten years A. has left B. left from C. has been away from D. was away from6. He hasnt _ Quanzhou ever since he left school. A. left B. been away C. been D. away,A,C,B,1.预习课文P.78;2.记P.73-P.74单词,明天听写;3.完成Unit10试卷的P.3的第二题和第三题。,2022/12/28,18,Homework,


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