1、ProfessionalSkillsDictionaryMarket ResearchAddendumCorporate HR Group - July 1999For use within Unilever onlyINTRODUCTIONThis addendum is intended to supplement the information in the Professional Skills Dictionary and the Marketing Skills AppendixThe Market Research Skill Areas should be read and u
2、sed in conjunction with the Marketing Skill Areas. The two sets of Skill Areas are shown together (pages 2 and 3) with definitions for each Skill Area and a bullet point list of the Skill Sub Areas.Subsequent pages of this addendum provide more detail on each of the Market Research Skill Areas. Each
3、 page is headed with the Skill Area and its definition. The Skill Sub Areas are then listed along with examples. These examples are illustrative; they do not cover all skills and are not meant to be limiting.PAGE 11MARKETING PROFESSIONAL SKILL AREAS 1CONSUMER UNDERSTANDINGThe development of a compel
4、ling vision of consumers?existing and future needs. Th桔e acquisition and development of a deep understanding of consumers, their behaviour and attitudes towards the brand, the category and the wider world. The achievement of a high level of competence in the interpretation and deployment of market r
5、esearch. Developing an Intimate Knowledge of Consumers Attitudes and Behaviours Assessing and Interpreting Market Research Initiating and Exploiting Fundamental Research on the Category Developing a Vision of the Future Being a Champion for the Consumer in the Business2MARKET CATEGORY STRATEGY DEVEL
6、OPMENTThe use of consumer understanding, the competitive dynamics and boundaries of the market, and Unilevers strengths and weaknesses to derive a clear strategy for the category that delivers profitable growth. Defining and Understanding the Market Category and Segments Analysing Competitor Intelli
7、gence Creating Long Term Strategies for each Market Category Constructing the Brand Strategy Formulating the Pricing Strategy3BRAND EQUITY MANAGEMENTThe championship of a brand. The identification and definition of the purpose and personality of a brand that the consumer finds both distinctive and a
8、ppealing. The development of new ideas that add value for the consumer together with the rigorous maintenance of the brand identity in all brand activities, to ensure the long term profitability of the Brand. Developing Brand Positioning Statement (BPS) Championing the Brand Defending and Developing
9、 Brand Identity and Positioning Monitoring and Managing the Performance of the Brand4LEADERSHIP OF BRAND INNOVATION The identification of gaps in consumer needs, translating into brand ideas and through Innovation Process Management (IPM) bringing them to fruition, jointly with other functional spec
10、ialists.n Finding and Anticipating the Consumer Need Gapn Appreciating Technological Possibilities n Aggregate Project Planningn Generating and Evaluating Ideas (formulations and packaging)n Launch Planning and Implementation 5BRAND COMMUNICATIONThe communication of the brand, its unique values and
11、benefits to the consumer and the guardianship of the brand identity and brand values, applying the principles of UPGA and Good Advertising Practice (GAP). Developing a Communication Plan Searching for Innovative Brand Communication Briefing the Agency Working with the Agency Developing and Judging t
12、he Communication Testing the Communication6MEDIA MANAGEMENTThe presentation of the brand communication in the most relevant and cost effective way. Understanding how Consumers Assimilate Media Controlling the Media Plan Evaluating and Optimising Media Spend Encouraging Innovative Media Activities Ma
13、naging the Public Image of the Brand7MARKETING OPERATIONSThe execution, with precision and speed, of all aspects of the marketing plan. Generating a Brand Activity Plan Developing Consumer Focused Promotions Tactical Consumer Pricing and Marketing Activities Maintaining, Implementing and Developing
14、Marketing Support Systems Providing Consumer Advice and Support8CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT INTERACTIONIn conjunction with Customer Development to integrate trade and consumer needs in order to define and support brand sales strategies and build the customer value of the brands. Assessing Consequences of Re
15、tailing Developments on Marketing Providing Input to the Trade Proposition Contributing to Category Management Participating in the Development of Customer or Channel Specific Marketing Strategies9LEVERAGING BEST MARKETING PRACTICE The benchmarking of global developments within relevant categories w
16、ith an open mind. Encouraging adoption and ensuring rapid implementation of best practice. Identifying and Analysing Best Practice Documenting and Communicating Best Practice Supporting Implementation Creating Networks and Learning9Market Research Skills ?July 1999 MARKETING PROFESSIONAL SKILL AREAS
17、 1STRATEGIC LEVERAGE OF MARKET RESEARCHThe design and development of programmes of continuous and ad-hoc market research to deliver the consumer and market understanding and insights needed to achieve profitable market growth and realise the objectives and strategies of the business. Determining Con
18、sumer and Market Understanding Needs Assessing Trends and Developments Consumer and Market Research Defining Programme Objectives and Research Mix Managing Internal and External Resources (Agencies) Integrating Consumer and Market Understanding Evaluating Market Research Performance2AD-HOC MARKET RE
19、SEARCHThe selection and application of ad hoc market research techniques to ensure all elements of the marketing mix are optimised to meet consumer needs. Translating Consumer Understanding Needs Assessment and Selection of Techniques Applying the Techniques Analysing the Research Communicating and
20、Using the Results3CONTINUOUS MARKET RESEARCHThe purchase, provision and interpretation of continuous research data to support and inform Marketing and Customer Management decisions and activities, based on comprehensive assessment of the sources of the data, the research techniques and analytical me
21、thods. Obtaining Optimum Data Mix Ensuring Data Accuracy Managing Agencies Building Data Structures Analysing Continuous Research Data Interpreting and Advising4CONSUMER AND MARKET MODELLING AND FORECASTING The development and maintenance of models of the total market, brands and individual elements
22、 of the marketing mix that inform decision-making and enable forecasting to meet consumer needs and business growth. Determining the Modeling Requirements and Limitations Assessing and Selecting Modeling Techniques Managing the Modeling Process Facilitating Trade and Category Management Supporting D
23、ecision Making and Developments5MANAGEMENT OF MARKET RESEARCH PROJECTSThe efficient management of the technical, financial and human resources to meet the agreed marketing and business needs on time and within budget. Developing the Project Brief Agreeing the Research Design Managing Project Executi
24、on Analysing and Interpreting Data Implementing FindingsMARKET RESEARCH PROFESSIONAL SKILL AREAS1 STRATEGIC LEVERAGE OF MARKET RESEARCHThe design and development of programmes of continuous and ad-hoc market research to deliver the consumer and market understanding and insights needed to achieve pro
25、fitable market growth and realise the objectives and strategies of the business.nDetermining Consumer and Market Understanding NeedsAnalysing market category strategies and brand plans to determine the consumer understanding needs of the target groupings; translating needs into market and consumer i
26、nformation requirements; recognising cross category needs; briefing suppliers/ agencies on business needs and information requirements; nAssessing Trends and Developments Consumer and Market ResearchReviewing methods and measures used for effectiveness and potential abuses; investigating the nature
27、and use of potential future data sources and measures and methods; identifying gaps in existing information; commissioning / developing methods to fill identified gaps; ensuring that action is taken based on trends that have been identified;nDefining Programme Objectives and Research MixTranslating
28、consumer and market information needs into objectives for continuous or ad hoc research programmes; balancing the use of external market research and direct consumer contact with other relevant techniques; determining the mix of sources and levels of data to meet programme objectives; working with U
29、nilever expert groups and key suppliers to provide suitable solutions; developing a programme of research for the year in terms of planned marketing activity and identified gaps in consumer understanding; nManaging Internal and External Resources (Agencies)Assessing capabilities (structure, people,
30、skills and competencies) against consumer understanding needs of the business; analysing gaps; taking corrective action; determining the type of agency relationship for each type of programme (single source vs. multiple, tactical or strategic, etc.); developing strategic partnerships with key agenci
31、es ; identifying ways in which current and potential data can be exploited to gain competitive advantage; recommending appropriate budgets;nIntegrating Consumer and Marketing UnderstandingCreating processes and procedures to integrate market and consumer research findings; ensuring consistent unders
32、tanding is developed in all categories; creating supporting systems for expert analysis and non-expert access to consumer and market data; stimulating communication of consumer and market information throughout the business, including findings and insights from individual projects; building database
33、 of consumer and market understanding and insights; ensuring agencies build learning across projects;nEvaluating Market Research PerformanceObtaining understanding and agreement on measures for consumer and market understanding; tracking performance against measure within and across categories; eval
34、uating agencies and key suppliers on service costs and expertise; reviewing project performance and value added to the business;MARKET RESEARCH PROFESSIONAL SKILL AREAS2AD-HOC MARKET RESEARCHThe selection and application of ad hoc market research techniques to ensure all elements of the marketing mi
35、x are optimised to meet consumer needs.nTranslating Consumer Understanding NeedsIdentifying gaps in understanding of the main determinants of consumer behaviour; assessing where qualitative research can be used to create understanding of why the consumers behave the way they do; translating brand ob
36、jectives into specific targets on attitudes, awareness and attributes; exploring secondary data and using market analyses to identify broad trends and future developments; developing test and evaluation schedules for each element of the mix for each stage in the Innovation Process;nAssessment and Se
37、lection of TechniquesSupplementing regular U and A studies with advanced techniques; identifying and defining market and consumer indicators of underlying brand performance and health (e.g. image ratings); establishing pre-tests of mix elements; selecting research techniques suited to mix element; a
38、ssessing the use of competitive benchmarking, sensory analysis and preference mapping for products; identifying and assessing uses and abuses of qualitative research in the development and evaluation of all elements of the marketing mix; applying Unilever MR Guidelines to all activities in the asses
39、sment and selection of techniques;nApplying the TechniquesCommissioning/ conducting wide range of quantitative research to identify key demand drivers; implementing a portfolio of brand performance measures covering purchasing, brand image and operational performance; constructing stimulus material
40、that elicits consumer participation and constructive input; applying the most appropriate technique to increase precision in the assessment of each element of the mix;nAnalysing the ResearchInvestigating links and trade-offs across adjacent product categories and/or countries; analysing brand health
41、; investigating and synthesising existing consumer and market data to identify opportunities; investigating and analysing competitor innovations; using animatic research to select /approve advertising ideas; comparing test results with established best practice from other markets; constructing and u
42、sing simulated test markets; interpreting and integrating the outputs from a range of qualitative techniques from simple groups to complex creativity sessions;nCommunicating and Using the ResultsExposing early trends and communicating their implications for the category; communicating the results fr
43、om brand health checks with recommendations on corrective actions; assessing and communicating results from packaging in-use tests; communicating insights into consumer motivation available from the use of qualitative techniques and their limitations;MARKET RESEARCH PROFESSIONAL SKILL AREAS3CONTINUO
44、US MARKET RESEARCHThe purchase, provision and interpretation of continuous research data to support and inform Marketing and Customer Management decisions and activities, based on comprehensive assessment of the sources of the data, the research techniques and analytical methods.nObtaining Optimum D
45、ata MixEnsuring the right mix of data sources are bought at competitive prices; recognising uses and limitations of data collection methods and measures available from retail audit data and retail scanning (coverage, pick-up and trendability); assessing data from consumer panels (purchase and consum
46、ption); investigating and piloting alternative and supplemental data sources and research methods (external data access, published data, ad brand tracking, etc.); building understanding of market structure and dynamics; nEnsuring Data AccuracyDetermining the accuracy required for the data applicatio
47、n; performing detailed data reconciliations; rigorously assessing pick-up and coverage; validating data and ensuring data is correct; communicating any major limitations of the data to users; answering queries on the data accuracy; nManaging AgenciesManaging our continuous suppliers; specifying and communicating requirements with agencies and other suppliers; establishing and maintaining part