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1、2020托福口语低分原因分析 托福口语是很多国内托福考生的难点,因为大家在平时生活中用到口语的地方很少,所以口语相对来说是托福四个板块中最为难学的一块。下面就和大家分享托福口语低分原因分析,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧托福口语低分原因分析一.口语发音不好比如从小受教育条件所限,接触到的师资本身发音就不标准,一开始就学了错误的发音、语调,在后期漫长的学习过程中,每一次努力的练习,其实都在固化错误的发音,改起来更是难上加难。二.口语素材准备不充分独立题的现场15秒准备,对大部分同学而言,是很恐怖的大脑断片儿的前奏,所以,要保证现场高品质的输出,一定要在考前搭建自己的专属语料库,考场上的15秒准


3、完成,这些基本概念也都非常模糊;还有一个常见的掩耳盗铃的错误是,即便托福口语考试对每道题目的答题时间都进行了限制(45秒和60秒),很多同学在练习时,依旧不敢或不屑于开计时器,对于语速和时间的把控感很弱,这些错误的理念和练习方法只会让你高分越来越远。托福口语范文:允许学生使用计算器题目Do you agree or disagree with the statement that young students should be allowed to use calculators when they are taking a math test?Sample ResponseI think

4、that young students should not be allowed to use calculators on math tests because it is important to learn the concepts behind the math before advancing to time-saving tools.Young children are only just learning the relationship between numbers and the concepts of math equations. If kids just plug

5、numbers into a calculator, they may not understand, for example, that adding means putting different groups of numbers together.Good math skills help solve other problems, too. If students understand how to break an equation into a series of steps, they can apply a similar process of simplifying pro

6、blems in everyday situations.Young students are learning the relationship between numbers and the processes of solving problems. Therefore, they should be encouraged to develop those skills well before they use tools like calculators on tests.托福口语范文:家长是否要帮孩子解决困难题目Some parents prefer to help their ki

7、ds to solve the problems and troubles they meet, while some parents prefer to let their children deal with difficulties by themselves. Which one do you think is more reasonable and why?Sample ResponseI think that parents should let kids solve their own problems and troubles. Of course, there are som

8、e dangerous situations where a parent should help, but for the most part, children should be allowed to come up with their own solutions.First, parents need to remember that they will not always be there to help. Children will face many situations in the future on their own, so they need to become c

9、omfortable solving problems on their own.Second, children will remember how to do things better if they solve problems. Even if they make mistakes, the kids can learn what not to do. The process is important for understanding how to solve other troubles in the future.Therefore, I think that, when possible, parents should let kids learn to solve their own problems.2020托福口语低分原因分析


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